tin mxntukut RICHLST IN FINrST HIGHLAND MALT BottUJ nJ uiiM.'J by WUlUm Cr.nl Soni Umili Cimhiidick nixl UalnnwCknliMt DulilUrm. Dull. lawniCluiow, S.lUnl. This ndvertiscment is not Licpiur Control Hoard Uritisb tinay imzile inv muli'i's. lo the worst. The longer vwlr1 liHiglil iiear homo, lite riemy I ,. , , . . , lliemselves as a team if joined ,,,, , , units. units. When When one one does does one one Hi ttibifr. Inc. the join eanses Hie others to act in accordance. When a player sees himself as just one of a series of eleven crosses joined together on a hlackhoard hy a chalk line, he iiegins lo percpive, that iletinilc plans to dual svHH defUille siUialious are possMih'. Amatevir teams mighl stittiy ldackhoanl tactics hi flhe drk evenings when ball practic is impossible. Many tilings can he explained in this way the olf- side rdle, Hie " " formatiim fir swwo in kickniE from the truer. -i . .. . , ; When light pprtnits tmll prac lice is likely lo aditcve ihe n.uick est results. .. My .point ' is that hiacKtinarn nractice is "some- tliing lo do' and is likely lo achieve fine' results in IheliamN a cwmpelent instructor. I have known many excellent schemes lo fail because the participants in them did no! fuily understand what was explainei! them. The captain gave the instruction in Ihe train win 1li dressing room. Friday evening and 'a blackboard is lielter than Saturday Aflemnon and a drens- jug room dialogue. Science In Games llritain has taken her games loo unscientifically in the past. She is leaguing her lesson now. I'rench girl who was brought up In see a lawn tennis eourt as liriAW. fir TlllllllllllW.il Al1ll'lPU " ' be-gah . :i it, and ' ........ morn ITI3I-ITI .........it., 1 nimierous other people have add ed IhiHiries 1o our haidia.nrd prhctical 11101 hods, and sliowiv Jipw well theory fuiil pracltc.e can be inade 1ii jpiomhlne, Toil neivl,.inoriv'; jhan.s.Uil!tiv. Y((U 1(l( (,(finr, kll(iwi(ll!?(. r the team's Indies by every member of it, so that the players reform without being told . immediately the line is broken by the We (THE ORICMAL) published or displayed by the or by the fiiivernment of Columbia. TtTPN'.tT.V NTma SV 1 d 111 'HI I Ob 19.5 fc Intc T ii r Scwvice. Inc . ttritfew rigk TC-rvlJ in line, hut uinst rover each oilier otitf iip and one down art' very good. N Itiit holh men must know Hie reason why Ihev adopt this formation, ur they will throw away the strategic, oppor-i luuiHe ijiajtil Ami Hiey must appivecial.O that uick action' is neeilid in fooltiall, and therefore the man on wlioe wiufe Ih attack is devel-J oping mus lie the one lo run up, giving liix (MHMiKuiinn time to nioV Irutit across I lie fiithl to cover him. W-hen a lick 'ss up he ohould follow hi oMi halves in Hi tit tack should Jiff tide turn ami his own team swe-p forward again. How far behind Hie halves shiMihl kei'pY Here is another post ,. ... . , , , , iMoh Hial nan he e.plniiHnl iy i . . . . knowledge of Ihe fundamenhds of the garm A plnyn must avoid running towards his own goal with the liall. Therefore the tiack keeps behind the attack of his own inMi in such a way I hat if an piiMHt rters. he' an secur tlie hall by running! forward to nwet it, and not by chasing after it Imvanls his own goal. ' y lien a player especially a back runs 'lHrirds his own goal! with Ihe lmlL lip finds himself liarrassed by the mHittoeiils to' such an exlenl thai he may he compelled lo choose between 1H- linir lliem have it or running the TaN;dowi fortlwem. ou find i very dillicull to turn when you want lo if you allow yourself to start running i lie ball towards your own goal it Sport Chat Fifty four weshrn breeders. including III in Keuluck.n. and Ihie in Halluiruia, have nomin ated three-year old thorough lirisls for lb)1 fifty-first renewal f the rOJI(lO KiM.liickv Derbv li he run at (Jfijuchill Diwiis near Louisville on May The Fasl, including Virginia, has :t:t nom inations and Florida, two. The race has also attracted Canadian horsemen again. Hie Canadian coll, Cai'Mclus, having been made eligible. Ninety-five individual owners or stables have made nomination jiraclically all Ihe large breeder in -Hie Hnilei Stales being represented in Ihe tilt) nominee, . ' Hsptrjijly .Jrotii;. thp.'ifeaUile.lic frjn'lertiy i,Vr lire TjWn Will "con. gral illations and besl wishes he forlhcotniiig for Harry Itreen and Miss Alice Kendall who wer married last week in Seattle. A I ways a great enthusiast for clean sport, llarrv has been secretary of the Haseball and Basketball Associations and also look an active interest in lacrosse. His close connection, with Ihe Sons of Canada organization has given him further opportqnily lo de vole bis i-ITnrls hi -J he elicournge nient of athletics. Players and faii alike will hope thai his new respnnsibitil ies will 'slill leave him Home time lo spend in Hi local sporl world. the old time sport or man fishing' has been renewed at Italh. England, a human "fish having recently' been landed al one of the I tat h swimming tanks in I mimilc 'and .15 seconds by Dr. Charles lleffg, n well known angler of Hie district. The "f" was All.erl Canning, a Hath swimming master. A ten-fool rod was used, Ihe line being al-tiiobed lo Ihe head of the swimmer by means of a helmet and swivel. Dr. Hegg, I hen played his "calrh" nhlit he landed him exhxusod and, In doing so, beat, bis own record of eighteen years ngo by exactly one minute. On that occasion also Canning acted a.- the "fish." Wanted For Sale For.Rent J I f-lS DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c tVANTCP SMAI.I. FLAT Wauled nuhlei n i lirnisliel preferred. Particular hi ilUix 218, Iaily News Oltlce. .i:t TYP1AVIHTIMJ (esk wanle.l. Ile-ply o Itox 214 Daily News otoco. U2 FOR SALE I'OH SALK Homplelfily ecpiipped pleasure ltoal. ;t(l J II, 15 h.p. HerlliH for four pisrsous. New and in first class condition. A bargain Tor ipiick sale. Apply Itox 212 Daily News OIBee. I'OH SALK. Mv brwsMng herth; best Itm1 IttNnle Inland nd Apply lajc 245 IMily News of- Jficc, or plHitte Htack 33H. H fJASHOAT for New, ; feel long. 5-7 tiorse pm-r engine. Apply Garetakr, Yacht Clnlb ' tt FOR SAMi Auto-knitting macti- inc. in god condition. Montgomery's ftore. HOUSES FOR SALE SIX rooms and bath. Two lots (iood location :i300 Five rooms and bath. Sec- lion 5 - 2.ooo.nu Double corner with good house Section 5 I2.I5O.O0 Hood small house. Section 1 .000.0(1 Terms may be arranged. McCaffrey X Gibbous, l.liL TO RENT COMFORTAHI-K hed-MHinrriMmi to rent in nrivale home. Suit able for I wo gcnlU-li.en. lbiMie HI ue a.lft. FOR IlKNT.-Vriiree roomed fur- uished collage. 8() Summit Ave. Phone Hlack 23. FURNISUKD Housekeeping Suih for rout. 410 Sixth Avcnno. Hast. Phone Hlue 278. tl 10 HUNT. Suite, five rooms ball, and range. Apply li. P Tinker. Tel. 57. tf FOR HKiNT.- -Furnished house six rooms. Phone ('Iroeii' 0S, jF()R. (lll-Vr Glapp . -ftparjjrtojit ' Vv'c.slcnliavor liros. tf APARTMF.NT for rent in Meeker illock. Phone Red C07. U5 BOARD HOARD. The Inlander, 83d Second Avenue. Phone 1.17. HOARD AND ROOM, or board only. Phone Red 707. LOST LOST. Lady's gold bracelet waleh. Finder please return lo Daily News olllc.e. KNITTED GOODS SWF.ATF.RS and all kinds of ktiilccd goods made to order Phone Hlack :!I5. tf MONUMENTS P. LeClalre Sub. P.O. No. t. Prince Rupert. ll.C. Agent for Granite, Marble and Stone Monuments and Headstones. WOMEN'S EXCHANGE IF you have any plain sewing or fancy work you wish to ills pose of, we will sell it for you Articles In Ibis department not luniled lo one dollar. ThO Dollar Store. Red 324. Advertise 1u the Dally News. BOATS AND LAUNCHES PIHllFS (IF F.ASTIIIIPK 4-CVCt.K Marine Engines --II.P. wilboiH clutch $186.00 i-II.P. I cylinder Ml) 2fl.00 C-II.P. I cylinder in 450.80 8-11. P. t cylinder IID Tr.0.00 8-11. P. 2 cylinder MD U.O.tH) lll-II.P. 4 cylinder I.D '.7r..n0 All Ih above elcept Ihe fu-l include IV Famous Jnw Reverse (iear, ami full electrical and propeiler etftiiimwnl. The bel that nftMiey ran buy. F.anthope tro., 174? iorfria St. W. Vancouver, ll.C. Always at your nervice. STENOGRAPHER J'uldic Slwiqgrapher E. M. EARL OfBoe: Dollar Store, Third Ave. Phone: Red 34. SHEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere at Anytime. Five pas senger I lodge Sedan Comfort and Courhoty. Hales: 50c for I or 2 pasnemrers. 25c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Itahy ' al your sor vice day or night. Comfort Safety-Courtesy. If it' a water trip call Laurie I-uohly. Phones 570 or 131. TAXI 592 l'HH DKPKNDAHIiK TAXI. D and Night service. Gomforl and Courtesy is my motUi PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: Richmond Roortis. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Oust Prompt Service and Comfor Day or Nln' t Stand: 3088 BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Llock, Across from Smnr'ss Hoti FURNITURE VK handle the FAWCHrt guaranleed copper bearing Stool Ranges and all grades of high grade furniture we ex change. PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Auctioneers FURNITURE. New and Seoondhand Furnl ure Store, We Huy. Sell and Kx change New and Secondhand floods. G ItO. PAPADUPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Pbone 040. COLUMBIA RECORDS NFW Process Columbia Records no scratching. Finest reproductions of lalesl Fox Trnls, Songs and Inslrument.nl music by world famed ai'Usls. Call in and hoar thcuu PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue NORTHERN TRANSFER Cull for llaggage and Kxpross Xorlhern Transfer. Day Phono Red 243. Nighl phono (Ireen 307. W. H. MONTGOMERY, JR. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 Tuesday, April 21 High 0: 1 a a.m. 20.3 fl. J2:30 p.m. H-7 ' Low 0:1 1 n.m. 3.7 ' t8:fil p.m. 1.0 ' Wednesday, April 22 High' ...... 0:V.) a.m. 20.8 13:21 p.m. 'tt.7 ' Low. 7:10 a.m. t'.8 1 10:L"8 p.m. 4 3 ' PAGE rOUH FAMOUS AUTHOR BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManm VOLO VOO UKC A. ftOOM 7 r GET OOT OP I WIW I wuz -p ( WITH TH WlHDOWt EXPECTED HERE DAJ5L.US' OLVbT LET W J THAT BED OR. AT THE NORTH POLE -J J "T THE DHb ARE ILL TWtOW fOO WHERE ME- bLECP A LITTLE WHILE lOHcE.Ci. OUT THE. bv: wonter? LOtsq: Charles G. D. Roberts Will Likely I " ? rXSS V. window: Lecture In City in Near Future WIipii J. G. Hrady was in lite hi." south attending tin 'IVarhers Convention lit' met Charles (5. D Huberts, Hip famous. Canadian author, who is al present lour ihg the wosL As a result an of-fort is being unfile In arrange for Air. Huberts. In visit Prince Jlnpert ami lecture here. Headers nf Mr. Hnherls' bnnfc.i ami poems would all like hi meet him if ilio opportunity nITored Mr. Ilnberls has published primal many hoofcs including iionks of animal stories, partic ularly of Hie animals ami it in If of -Now Hrunswiek. He neve writes a boolt hut lie introduces some jialuro-Jheme as n sideline and all his stories create sym-patj.y with the wild creatures lie has now attained sueh a position in the world of literature I lull penjitfc are beginning do write hooks about hini, one of them being "Huberts anil the In-lluenres of his l ime," hy Professor .lames (lappon of Queen's University. r; Mr. Huberts has written "A .Pisler of Kvangeline, I'he Forge in the Forest," "The Heart that Knows," a "History of Canada," and such animal stories as "'Hie. 'are Heart of the Ancient Wood," "Kindred of Hie Wild," "Waleti-f crs of the Trails," "Red Fox," ."The House in the Water, die Hunters of Uie Silences." Huberts' hooks of poems in-iclude t "The Honk of the Hose," is '' York Nocturnes," "Lauph- iin Sally," "Hallads," "The Hook of Ihe Native," and sovral books of sonnets and earlieT poemj. of 'His first hook "Orion and other ; Poems," apnared as far hack as 1880. , Mr. Roberta lfas been a fellow of the Hoyal Soeiely of Canada. He is an ex-president of Up? II at ihurlon Society, and a member of the Author' Club. Loni jnn '. England. CITY IN POSITION I TO BORROW POWER EXTENSION MONEY )' The finance commiltee reporl-ied lo Ihe cily council last nigh!. of lhat, under the Municipal Act, I li city had power lo burrow such money as would he required I o proceed with any recommenda-, ..lions for extension of Hie hydroelectric system as proposed hy A. G. It. Yuill, the expert who recently maile an investigation. The fi- nance committee is furl tier lo report on the possibilil ies of sale of such dehenl.ure.s. GOVERNMENT BUILDING be 1 SMITHERS TO BE BUILT Tenders are tieing called for Ihe erect ion of a new (invc.ru-inenl building at Sinilhers, all tenders to be in Ihe hands of Ihe. minister of 'public worJs by Mjiy. 1. REGIMENT WON FINE TROPHY Beat Naval Reserve In Shoot at Miniature Range Carrying off Heilbroncr Cup The Regiment won the lle.il-hrrnier Oup at the miniature ranges last, night defeating l ho local Royal Canadian Naval Vd- unleer Reserve by 5 4!) point 8 out of a possible 500. fieorgn Hell, a young man who shot for the navy, made Ihe highest individual score and carried off Ihe silver spoon, his score out Hif a -possible 100 ie-J ring nr.. ' The scores were as follows: First' B.C. Regiment I G. McKpnwn 1)1 W. Hrnps, ft I k It, Wilson , 01 II. Floyd ,.H8 Mnrlliiier Lamb 1 Naval Reserve (lenrgo Hell or. fleorgo Howe.' 88 J. F. IUIchle, jr. ....... 81 V.. 'lhuisoii 82 (1. l'Idgar ... .". .... 80 Adverllse In the Daily News. HOW TO PLAY FOOTBALL Deep Defence" is explained teaching football on a blackboard (By 'Andy" Itucnl, Manager of Fulliatn (Iluli.) (Ufprlnlid rrnni ir("ii""'k llwalit") lteen (lofciieo is a ierni Hial Hriefly, i'l nietius ilelVinliiif,' yourself iir iiv eiHiiiiies1 finmtr. You donT wail for llii'in lo altaek yon; lh jimve is lor you io ulvaiiff, valfh I hem on I lie iiiarelt, riiul flglil-lhu hallle in llnr territory. This nwne givs yon Ihe flilvnnlage of figliling nil the way liark to hnmu if the worst comes retrtwl. Hie more chance you have to rally ami coiiiiler-altap'k.' Whereas if Hie pitched oallle is in the Citadel hefnre you can; turn round, You see how this move has! Jiwni Uikhm lo fine afccounl In! modern fooltiall. The "one hack' jrnrm,M i. hnt another name for "deep defence." The other hark; up in the field defendkjSi deep. Halves Play Forward Many 4ams haws sueh a lack appreciation of this fdmln- menlal taotic that they allow t lie halves to play hack, instead xif sending 4hcju up to support thft forwards. Defence -starts hefore nndfield. It hegins the motnenl the opponlnts start lo run ihef,","i'l-. ' art of covering ball hall down. down. The The liaeks liaeks gel gel as us fa-," fjfj1'"1 'her for tmcks. ami Hie ne up as they can, fp tackle Ihcm atl"r of the earliest oossllile mouienl ainl,''" to liarrass tlieui all Hie way. You may consider1 Hits a re- freal support eil by olTensivr tactics. ' . The second phase in the defensive' hat tip begins when the line sweeps down as far as the of hack who is playing in advsiiiae ' his companion. Here a dis tinct efl'orl is heing made In bring Hie attack to a standstill. With Ihe added ?lrenglh of lo .sturdy fortress Jif a hack this effort should lie rewarded. 'Hi hall Is passed tul to Ihe for- )vnrds for a coyjiler offensive, Hul if one back and Ihe halves fail lo bold the. assault .lliere is Mill the reserve s- lhc .second hack. ,i. ' .- lie comes in fresh and shoidd able lo stem lhe.(ide wliile Ihe A (halves get down io help him and i.:.. ,.i . I. ..I.;... I l.. .r. ' 'Ill cover liiin. , Finally,-if the I '" ...it 1 1 waches the. mouth of the goal, there is always a custodian privileged 10 use a new weapon', his hands. I am sure if jduycrs saw. the game in mis. ,aigiH,r,uiHj.CJin ; pi regaining as a u.e.ee o. e.ev. n men agaius) eleven, piay wmimi become a bd more scientific. Blackboard Tuition You can leach football with a blackboard in fact, that is b'ing;altaek or the defence. done in several clubs. The ob- As an example, two backs who joe I is to make players see know that they musl never plav A Nit TO.NICHr P"TRY RANT'S est Procura Pure Scotch Whisky Articlej Fbjad.4; MAIL SCBIDUU For the Eait Mollll.iV urday- from th East Mnd:r. - Frida- r To Vancouver-Tuesday - Ma. I -. ,i Satunl . Friday v C.P.H i Prom Vneouir Sundav-WediM'- I hur-il :.p.h i To Anyox, Alice Arr Su and Premier Wednr- i ! -Sumla - From Anyox, Alice am 1 and Premier Tuesday - Friday To Port Slmp6on nd Uu Points Thiiril-n .,,1 . Or.r-1 . 5lmnnn ui riWMI w w...-r- River Points-Sal in I i To Alaka Points April ' 1 From Alaska Po.nU- Ai.ril I" mi--.l.ii l.lanll h TO Veen vnariuim Vnnl H From Queen Cturfcta J Points April BOX COUECTIOS. 1 ura.iam A A isn iV I ' Ul Ave - -lh Aw t I ' Ave 1 ' St. 1111. AVf. iVSI:i''"'lr ' Ave I Hit Ave. A l. nradl. " Oth Ave. H IM '-"B Mi Ave. ,it), Ave. & llw Clrcb' K Rih Ave. TSthAve. & V '' S lrn (ins I ;' " Pruv. ''"V i art (i;T.P. Wh.irt 2nd Ave. & -'"' s' 3rd Ave. & r l n Sl trd Ave WATER NOTICE- DIVERSION ND ' " TAKE V 1 1 '," lrk,tat ,' , " i ui" , nouver, n 1 i take - v nnrlli'""" 11 lUrlMMir ai-" ' n I own'-"' " limit IIHIUlll ' t;(jwtr(l i"1 liliHl rt'"'1 ''" . , , nunilifr it'1 TliU iioln v 1 , , Hie fn' , , i tttl -llH" ' uii'i'M " ',; l fllHl i" "' , . rrr iwrdrtr. rrn. ( III III I'l"1' Hi' MHl Wil''' 1 ,, ..; I ' tin-r "' . i imiMinr v , fliitlm in ' , , ' . i tiic rirsi I"1' ;; IN Pn33AX IN THE III (he Ml"" no III Iin- oil Till' ii.J... l. M' l nnnisiniii" i Jl.iirm f "1 , , ,. iMIrtlrH' i" , i. r. P.l l " , , ami ," .,: I.'lll1', , I. ,Mi""1;' Suiniml " " wllh. ,Mil ' luted ttic