DD 'Jill 1 on Ori -the dinal SALMON 1 , WW jqO AdJreit AK TIME is here I-mi of n llolitluy or Pic- King Picliire.- 5HALL WE MINE IT Mil Hie liiml we it LOOK! Krett MacLarrn a.-. Cheetc Co. Limited. Montr! i "CtieeM and Wsri to Serve It" Tlieri'" h Kodak for ccr pur-c ami every purpose. 'Amateur Finishing Prompt attention and careful work that will bring out the best that your negative will produce Tin1 slory lolil hy piiiurt' leaves illiquid. US FOREST 5HALL WE CROP IT AND CONSERVE OUR FOREST CAPITAL STABILIZE INDUSTRY INCREASE REVENUES REDUCE TAXES ENSURE FUTURE PROSPERITY- . or AND DEPLETE OUR FOREST CAPITAL UNDERMINE INDUSTRY DECREASE REVENUES INCREASE TAXES MENACE FUTURE PROSPERITY National. Interest and National Security DEMAND Hie Treatment of Our Forest Resources as a Crop THE OBSTACLE - .,m., u . FIRE THE CAUSE of fire is . CARELESSNESS THE CURE or:" ir Aroused Public Opinion Wo must all play our part HON. CHARLES STEWART Minister of the Interior TROLLERS ,;" "iitidiipg i( Nvill pay Mm lo in-p-l nuv line of !' Wt have a new lim- ol Salmon Hooks, wives, Cuttyhunk and Goar of all kinds. An u ' u,rh will find ei'v IhiiiK y rt'ipiin'--"ncnorsy Rope. Chain. Marina Harflwnro of all kinds. Hull "III CODnnn U.l.i. . I M --pi'vj. minis, isanoy aiovtis ami l iciimis. Hoi, i.. .... . . . .i Pvri. r- ' , v, .v .vnir "j me nave you jjoi ." rcnoriro Extinguisher yet? We sell llietu. iQii -.ec us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. no second Avo. 'Near Post Office) The; "ART CLOTHING" man is here Come in and get your measure hone Ueen look! Fit guaranteed 85 nT17C ITIMlO Third Avenue ! Local and Personal Clean uj! I ".Supieina. ' li.C. JJndertakers. Phone 41. You'll like our .soall Coal Co. Phone 7. If II. C. I'rascr, inspectors of si-hools, ! n fur Hazellon on laid ii i-hl train. Mi. Unity Wellwnod of Ocean J alls is visiting in Vancouver vvilh Mi-ses M. and W. Black-. AcihiuiiIm to April 17 tolalliii y,jc; wen jiasspd for iiayinenl al last night's en unci I meeting. I.adysuiiili - Wellington, "the best," also "Peerless," "smoku-le." Prince Hunert Coal Co. tf Two new oars al your .service, lay and night. ModnraUs charee. Phone lied ill I. C. V. Syiiiets. If Casey Transfer ha removed In the Joe Drawn '1'nxi sIhikI IMione 3(ia for iifoniit and elll- i i'or 'J'acLhufi - fone ,'aix-tseii-a"tu." Hob Arthur, t!, .1. I.. Chriittio left lasi niKlit i for Hiiiithern oil bniiie. ! for (-loaning funiilurc, "Ku-j liii'iua" in Supreme. At all good! -lures. j What you have bsen waiting! for another Gyro Hoedown, onl May Day. tf ient service. If A bylaw pruvkliiig fur (lie lem jMirary lomWinj from the bank of 30.niid was tuloptecl finally by I lie city couiteil lal nifflil. The weililhip look place Hisl Monday in New Westminster of Miss I rhneet. Iv Stpttli MM' AY. Harry Way, II.A.Sc. of (Hfflan Kails, ... . .. A leinler from How A McXuIly for Hie nupply of iiiiIh-and bolls lo the ctty wn" aemdwl by I be I'tinril lant uiefbl on jreenuneu dalion of the board of wurke. A lea and sale of bonie cooking will be held on Wedwwlay, April 2.' from :i lo 0 at I be borne of Mrs. S. Iloujinu. mat? Ninlb Ae. ami Iaeou Street, in aid -of tin llidley Home Har.nar. Get your Hocdown tickets from any Gyro. 75c. each. Regular dance program Interspersed w'th novelty stunts. Cider, hot-dogs, doughnuts, milk, apples, papcorn and a durncd good time for everybody. SS 1M. .1. I. (ialloway. formerly mining engineer al IIiiki'I- I on and now provincial mineral- o,rit, addressed the H.C. Chamber of Mines in Yuneouver Inst Friday night on "The Mineral Wealth of Itiilish Columbia." Local improvement bylaws providing for tin nmllress grad-r ing Seventh Axpnue Hast hfclweon Hays Cov Avenue and Donald Street and Seventji Avenue West from Taylor i?lrcol east were given find readings by Ibe city council Insl uigbl. It, i'.. NY. Loll, well known lion1 as general agenl of Ibe rolnnltn-liou and development depart ment of Hie Canadian National Hallways, has been appointed representative in charge of the western region of I lie department vvilh headiuarlers in Kdmoulon. - ANNOUNCEMENTS .e4 r 4- Catholic Slicing Sale, afternoon of April :'!, Melropolo ILdl followed by social evening. Tennis Club Hall,, Friday, April I llidley Home Sale, Thursday, i May 7. 'f As one of your aaiiy aozen shine up with- 2ml ShoePolish Keeps you and you f shoes fit THE DAILI NEWS mi WW y-r-iiiwi Be Well And Happy -and 0'J hava Nature's createet eilt. Nmure'a Rented TU)T.M.l vegetabla laxative, tonee is organ slid iclmct Constipation, Biliouincta, sick Headaches. ron-.wins that visor and good ao necaaaorv to beinff well and hppy tc U,,J for Ovr Cat a 26c trfjfr 30 Yman Box. i.i . Chips off the Old Block hf? JUNIORS LittlN? The nmi N? In one-third doaea, candy-coated. For children and adults. mm Sold By Your Druuiit mm ORMES LIMITED Doil l foi'ptet SI. lieni-fte" Day. HohIoii Hall. Thuisilay. Salvation Army annual self denial aHenl. May S lo 10.. (4. C. AlaeKny, iMnlriet engineer for the provincial department of public Workti, 'rel tuned from Anyox on the Oardena this V. K. Walkeit manager of Ar-i iinilalc Cannery, i arrived from Ibe Naas Hiver lids morning and is registered lit Oie Prince llu-perl Hotel. , Corporal (I. L. Hall. K.C.M.P. is leaving Ibis wwdi for Ttdkwa wltei-e be will resume command of Hie delafibinent after bavins: spent Ibe past year and a half in the city. (tilherl Camptieill is cliief en--'ineec nl Hie Prinrc Hupert Spruce Mill. lib bold a similar position some years ago when Ibe mill was operated by the Kmeisini interesln.' Union sleainer Cardenn, (Inpl. A. K. Iticksou, returned al 11.30 Ibid inorniuK froid Stewart. Any ox and Alice Anrt and will sail at S n'eloek I Ids" afternoon for Vancouver and wu'ypbrls. Tea and fish-pond shower a the home of Mrs. John Hanson Kitplish Hill on Thursday after noon. April 2., for the Ridley Ifoiire Haxaar, under (be auspices of the hulhehoi Church Ladies' Aid. i3 TIm' cily council lasl niglil accepted a report from the Jlnanee 'ommiflce recommending that advertisements be inserled in the f inancial I'nul and the Monetary Times tdforing city debentures for sale. Peter I flack, dr.. relumed on Ibe Cardenn Ibis morning a'lei having spent the week in AHe Arm with Holb fiordon. Pete plan to spend the summer holidays al Alice Arid tloiug soni' prospecting. J. I.. Main, eoirtraBlor, bus taken over L. 11. ShookleyV stoiik of double dressed lumber, sash ami .doors. Also Uicj agency for J. l'yfe Smith Lid. hardwoods, For bamlsawing alul planiiiir, jobbing and repairing, phone Blue 208. If On recommi'iiilation of (be hoard of works. I ho oily council Intd night gave permission lo the Gym Cluli In desiwitnto Ihe club's playground in Mi-Glymnut I'ark "Hyro Playground Xo. I" providing any signs hearing such cog Hitmen liaye the oMIclal jiiame of the park abo displayed thereon. liiaimuraling Ibe new Id-week ly service, C.N. 11. steamer Prince (I purge," Cnpl. Harry .N'edden, will arrive from Ibe synTHTa! 1 0 ::t0 tomorrow morning, proceeding at 10 in the evening loAnynx The Prince ilupcrt, CapL( 1). Donald, will arrive from the , foulh at I0:3tt Saturday mnrnitig and will leave thai night for Slewarl. HOTEL ARRIVALS , Prince Rupert John NY. Allen, J. L. .Melnlosh and J. K. Merryfiehl, Vancouver: Mrs. It. Hubert i and Jl. Chaiu-petoria, NYiunipcg; Mrs. M. If alli-well, 'Terrace; Joseph ' Hayes, Alice Ann. Central T. Spring, Vancouver: T. 0. Hrgelsliul anil Klura I.udvdtsen, Norway; F. Duttjan and J. Hayes. H ere an 1 TM d 1 here "'Canada has a fine record of musical and artistic students who work under the auspices of the Royal College of Music," says Sir Hugh Allen, director of the London institution, who is making; a tour of Canada in the interests of the College. Canada exported 143,592,500 pounds of woodpulp during February, of which 133,891,000 went to the United States and to Great Britain, none. Our newsprint exports had a monetary value, in the same month of about seven and a half million dollars. Two hundred and sixty thousand acres of land in central and northern Alberta will be settled by the British Land Settlement Corporation, it is announced. They are located north of Edmonton and from north of Vermilion to Wabuman, west of Edmonton. , Approximately 750,000 tourists, apart from delegates to conventions, visited Montreal last year by railway, steamer and automobile, according to an estimate compiled by the Montreal Tourist and Convention Bureau. It is anticipated that the influx for the current year will be even greater. , Geraldine Farrar, famous prima donna, who gave a recital of Carmen In Ottawa and Montreal recently, had a run in with the U.S. Customs aCthe border on her return to the United States. It was claimed that champagne and fine wines were found stored in the piano of her sumptuous private car, but the great singer says it was only near-beer. England's great military spectacle, the Aldershot Military, Searchlight and Torchlight Tattoo, which is held annually in aid of the Aldershot Command Charities, is being presented this year from the 16th to the 20th of June and will, as usual, be contemporaneous with Ascot Week. The special feature is to be a Pageant of Battle which will recall some of the famous engagements of the British Army. Nearly 100,000 patrons attended last year. To enable French-Canadian students to become acquainted with NVestern Canada, the Universite dc Montreal has organized a 2S-day trip to the coast from Montreal next July. They will pass through Winnipeg, Regina, Moose Jaw, Calgary Edmonton, Banff, Vancouver and Victoria, with stop-overs at Lake Louise, Field, Glacier, the Fraser Canyon and other beauty spots of the Canadian Rockies, Student tours, operated by the Canadian Pacific in conjunction with McGill University, are to be extended this summer to include students from the British Isles. Heretofore, these tours have been restricted to scholars in other parts of Canada and in the United States. As Montreal is regarded as an ideal centre for the study of the French language, it is anticipated that the new project will attract many visitors to the Canadian metropolis. The body of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, President of Southern China lay in state in a wonderful blue-tiled old Temple near the "Altar of Heaven," during the long drawn out ceremonies at Peking attendant upon his interment. Through the courtesy of the government the bier was viewed by a large party of Canadians and Americans touring the world on the Canadian Pacific S.S. "Empress of France." They were also Invited to attend the final burial rites which, with a wealth of colorful Chinese ceremony took place later in the Western hills. The cily council last niglil gave Adair Carss Chapter 1. 0. ,1 .!'.. permission to hold a tag day on April 2T, I he proceeds lo go Inwards the chaplcrV work of beautifying soldier' plots in Fairview Ceme.lcry. Application for permission was niado in n letter from the secretary of the chapter, Mrs. Doris li. Teug. There has been a movement lalely through the eily uf Scan dinavians coming direct from! the Old Country .bound for AUs-j ka. There was a parly last week! which went to Ketchikan and yesterday there arrived three more persons from Norway who will go ' Juneau on the next dual. They are slaying at the Central Hulel. The most of the iuiinigran's will enter the halibut fisheries. 'S.MUob&TV tnt W Taha-lpaich la Sam CATARRH tt the BLADDER Sacoutnl Ech Conillle (Minvi Dcararame mu v j BtrnxmBfeounUratU ) 11 ! PAGE THREI MILLBANK" R canadianJ pacific; xiLwyV uper Fish Frosh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties in season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddie "Thistle Brand" P4ova Scotians. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Sholl Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prlr-e Rupert. B.C. Coast Steamship and Train Service Effective April 22nd S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE sail Truiii Prince IIUMrl for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE mid liilel'lnc(lial Mill- edvll ....FRIDAY and MONDAY 9 00 A.M. For Aft VOX Wedned)r 10 P.M. For STEWART Saturday 10 P.M. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, S.IIO p.tii. Trr Prill' OeorKe, EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, ill poliilo l.alrii 1-aiiacla, llnlltrt Slates. " AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Xlty Tlckit Of flea, 628 Third Aa Prlnca Rupert. Phon 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS MARY. For Ketchikan, Wrangall, Juneau and Sktgwsy April 6, 17, 27. For Vancouver, Victoria nd Seattle April 10. 21. S.S. PRIKCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swamon Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver every Saturday 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamehlp Llnee. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMbHIP COMPANY OF t.C, LTD. SailltiRe from Prioce llutwt. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swaneon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tueeday, B P.m. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swaneon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART, 8unday, S P.M. For ANYOX. PORT SIMPSON and Nam River Cannerlee, Friday A.M. 123 2nd Avenue. J. Barneley, Agent. Prlno Rupert, B.O Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarlne Prince Rupert." TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones 687 530 Black 735 Gr. 601 Another Portland Canal opportunity The first Treasury Issue uf lio I'orler-Maliu. Mining Co., Ltd., is now of fered Hie public ut 25c per share; This is Hie only oilier shipping mine besides the Premier in Hie Portland Cauul District. Ore shipped hint year more than paid development work. For full iuformaion apply H. W. M. BOLSTON & CO. Stewart. Stockbrokers. Victoria. 2