Order of Two Million IN' Feet Airplane Spruce for Vickers of London Local Mill Commences Making Deliveries to Ocean Dock for Re-shipment by Water Route BOX FA CTORY RUNNING SOON Sinppi k nl IiiiiiIiit from flie rrcenllv opened Prince lliipcil T .Mffi at Weill (.me has rniiiineincd, onijuuiiccd J. A. n ;! V di I'uver, piesiucui oi uie concern, mis morning, up lu iw.i nullum reel of iiiriliine spruce is lo lie delivered inimeiH- en N it K' i-n in London, Kuglund, mid (lit: first I wo carloads !, ir't ii mmiI from Hie mill lo I In lumber. dork. It will lie. In :j (Iir ! i nlii Hie full hvo million reel is on limid mid u U ijrlil" will le lirouglil hern lo load il or it may be lii J in i in V iiii' iiiiver on roasting bouts. ' -- - " - : The res I of the high grade RC MAN WILL I :1 in w April Si. A. 15. Nil government Loudon, will be il represent Itlilisll i at Wembley. i ondeistood. in l lie qucsHou of ""'ill'' information he-I' '!ic at Wembley was liv ii letter from 11. wai t lo the chamber a which be stated that hIuIim. i,f 1 1 1 u Onna-a liivisimi last year i" mil or the Portland ; u aiea. GRAND FORKS DOUKHOBORS ! Manifesto to Two Prom'crs Asks 'or an Investigations or Troubles "l"MUV ,iri 2. ,,llk. issued a statement '"Hi' AH " I'" lier Oliver and , .- .imp isiiiih 11,1 imiMi.iiii,,,.,,! r a com-"'"'" ( " "iV' sliale Ihe Doiik--'"""de at (irand Forks. ""V 'III, In I I 11 IV I III I I ...ll,..i J . " H till " .1111.1 ""'"i u mm. .,r i5o n who il,.' warehouses, alb-ninsr "'il Mi mm i. ... I.IH(I o m jfnous were Milisry iM. (.ailll r,. "lOiti-ed mi l(.ni j fj,.s. FORMER CROWN PRINCE GERMANY EXONERATED Abslyod of Responsibility for -"inn and Plundering Twns and for I'ill'Zli; r. . April SI, Former "W i.m,. ... . . .vm,. ' " mis iireii Lux.. V Uli r'"' ''""" "Hog-Mi lo , J' "''mi connuilini by him diir- ln'i'ii il. i '"'' i'rocriMlliiK hud 1'gailis.l I, mi f.illtiwli.ir ''lill'ites .... "'l' (In. "i"' be was i'espniislbie 1111 tt 1 ! t 1 i,f ,.1U,, "mi piuiiiierin:Jt "US, li, i,,0' rl'"Mbillly for "'"'us ordered-by bis I lumber is In be shipped by rail lo Ihe lulled Slates ami oilier i markets and Ihe low snide' will PA HPA HIPTIini PlJi1"' iirauiifartiired into boxes. Mr. GO TO WEMBLEY! sfctBLX. ? ids way here and il is expected 0n of Canadian Representatives. In have this part of the plant in I. tast Year Had Never Heard of Portland Canal VA.V il VI u oncratlou within three or four weeks. The mill is culling about 75,-noil feel per day at this time and is gradually winking up hy steps to its full rapacity nf 125,-000 feel. About ninety men are now employed. Further deliveries ;ire belli? arranged ror. The. t ti jr Cape Scotl is now on her way from Alice Arm with a boom. Some logs will be obtained from the Pacific Mills at Ocean Falls and Hie Massed l.imhcr (.n. at iuick- ley Hay. There will lie further deliveries from Hie helly camps on .uoresny isianu in .hum;. CONSTITUTION ASHORE SOUTH OFDIGBY ID. American Halibut Vessel Hit Rock During the Night Pachena Has Qono to Rescue Ihe American halibut schooner i in i i 1 1 1 1 ii . Cant. I'.krom, after leaUiiii here last uiffhl foV Ho banks, went ashore on a ledse lo Ihe south of Digby Island duriii Ihe nbhl. The steamer Cardeua, arriving' in port before noon, re ported the vessel high anil nry with Ihe Canadian goverumeni steamer Malaspina standing by Ihe Prince Ituperl llathouse lug Pachena went out lo salvage Ihe distressed vessel Willi llu: e.vi.eclalion of getting il off at the llinill hiL-li tide and bringing il here. I he Malasiiiua got the Consll iiillmi i i rr ttii roeks and returned In unit with her Ibis afternoon I n 1111 ri will be lakeu on Ihe dry dock ror inspection and pos sllily repairs. WAR CONTROVERSY IN THE COMMONS OTTAWA, April SI . Kclun of war controversies raii if.i...oLdi llnv House of (.ominous Miimbiv when ill the budgcl de i Me. Arcbanibaiill, Liberal ,.i.;...,..i Mini "Ihe blunders ami mnladinlnislrallon" or the Con ..r'vniki. war Rovernnieiit ba ...i.i,..i in U):i.5G0.o5t to the 1 1 ii I i 1 1 ii : 1 1 debt. Conservallves sharply crillcin ed AiebHinbaull's fiK"ics. ; ! ilGHT MILLION DOLLARS GONE Pupils of Schools Told of Loss to Community from Forest Fires In connection wills the "Save the Fores!' campaign wlitcli is in progress Ibis week, lectures are' icing given in (he public schools y olllcials or the Forest Hruiudi. fhls morning P. S. Ilonney, dis trict , foresler, addressed the upils id King F.dward llisli Seliool on Ihe proiecuon oi uie forests from fire and yesterday he addressed Ihe pupils or Seal oe school. , This aNcrnooii inn Thursday morning I. A. l.larKe. assisiaui listricl roreslA-, will address Ihej pupils or Hordeu Street school and, during Hie latter part of the week, Mr. Ilonney will speak at Hoolh Memorial and Aniiuncia- ion schools. It is the inlenlioii of the de partment lo personally iddres all Hie 70 schools in, Ibis ilislncl which are aHended by soiiie"S5(iO pupils. One id tto interesting slntc- incnls made in the course id the addresses is to Ihe elfect thai" during Ihe past leu years there have been Ct.KOO rorest Tires in Hie province which have burned over 1.00(1,1111(1 acres oi lauu aim destroyed 8.000.000 wurlb rd forests. The land involved, it is pointed out, would equal a tract iq length from here to Vancouver and Trout IS to It miles wide.,: Passengers booked lo sail on the Cardeua this afterution fpr Vancouver include James Spier:. II. Cbainpeloria, J. L. .Melnlosh and llishop Do Penenr. i. x itfh fs : fern lo boycott Hie Prince 'as the natives of India did." BOATSINKS CREf DROWN Atlantic Disaster in Sinking of Jap Steamer Ralfuku Maru NEW YORK, April 21. Tho White Star Line reported at noon today that the steamship Homeric had wirelessed that the Japanese steamer Ralfuku Maru had gone down 110 miles southwest of Sable Island and. that tho Homeric was tanding by taking members of the crew off life boats. Tho wireless stated that 48 of the crow of sixty had lost their lives. The Ralfuku Maru loaded wheat at Philadelphia. ACTIVE STOCKS Quotations from Vancouver Stock Exchange Given Day by Day VA.NCOl VKIt, April 21. The following H.C. stocks are those which are active; on Hie market just now: Hid. Asked llaellon (lotd Co balt, Surf liilel Term Hum L. A I., (ilacier Premier Iiin.w '! .00 Vj .01 .07 .07 .sr. .tr. .20 ,21 2..'t5 2.55 i.no i.Oj TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, A-A..I with newly laid dancing rt HlUUIdlllL' I floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime parties. Stmd Royal Hotl, 3rd For ratis, apply In Ho.ston SU PRINCE RUPERT .nd 6th St. yV ,,. lrill, Third Ave. - - - "J WTT VIDECK, Pf 'tit,. "l 1 ,'!:-, ,'t Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. vl), XV NO. ' I'lMXUti IILT'KIIT, 11.(1, TUESDAY, APHJL 21, 12S. VuUrday'i ClrcuUtlon 1533 8trtl 411. PRICK FIVE QENTS. X FACTORY MACHINERY ON WAY HERE 0L1TICAL UNREST AMONG BLACKS OF SOUTH AFRICA ENDS IN A RIOT A design of Ihe liltrary of Hie new Hebrew I'liiversity in Halfour. II is situated on Mount Wiopus. Overlooking Clliblren of Israel first PROVINCIAL POLICE WILL HAVE CHARGE OF CITY OF DUNCAN i YIIJTOIUA.! :xH SIT. iMincau cily is doing away with lis police force and uflcr the end of .tune will be policed by Ihe provincial force. This was decided upon al a iiieeling of the Duncan cily council al which Colonel Me.Mul-lin and Ins pec lor I'arsons were present. Palestine, is shown, which was opened receuHy by Karl Jerusalem. From Ihe silo can be seen the spot where Ihe entered the Promised Land Riots Among Natives of South . Africa Result of Activities of Bolshevik Communist Agitators HLOK.Ml'OXTKIN, WoiiIIi Africa, April 21. Four natives were killed and a number Wounded when Ihe police fired into .i.Oiid riolei here. The Irooble originated in an alleiiiil of a! Kiiropeau nonstable and a uulive policeman to eize a ipiantily of Kuffir beer. U"iel was restored after Till id Hie ringleaders had been arrested. LONDON, April 21. A special Capclinvn despatch reports the Hloenifoiilein despalch a symptomatic of "alarming ami increasing restlessness among the WoiiIIi African natives in-riameil by Kaffir agitators and, - - bolshevik und communist influences." One feature of the present unrest is uid to be a movement lo boycott the Prince of Wales on his arrival, thousands of hand FISH PRICES From Yes terday with Average Nearly Ten Cents ' Halibut sales at Hie Fish Ex change this morning totalled lOH.noo pounds, loo.ooo pound t being from American vessels ami ; 08,000 pounds from Canadians, i Prices were about the salno as yesterday. Arrivals and sales' were us follows: , American Sitka, 50.0(10 lbs., al 0.7e ami 1c. lo the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Mariner, SS.ooo lbs., al lie and to. lo Hie Allin l isberies. Leviathan. SH.ono II... at tOc ind le. lo the Pacific l isberies Co. Canadian Prosperity A., 28,000 lbs., at 1 i ! 8.1c and .'!('. to Ihe Month Fish- cries i.aiiailiau i.o. Pair of Jacks, Cl.noo lbs., al tl.t'n: and :tc; Nuba. r,r00 lis., at Si.ije and He: and Maoruerile. 7 SCO lbs., at y.7c and ye, to tin I'aiiadiau Fish A Cold Storage Margalice. 7,200 lbs., al. 0.5o and :'. and Minnie ., 7. (Win lbs., at U.Co and ;Jc, lo the lloyul Fish o. GREAT METROPOLITAN LONDON, April 21. 1. O. Haird's Itrisl won the (treat 'Met ropolitan stakes handicap Ver a 2Va mile course al r.psoin. today Crewe came, second wlh Hinlilah and Imprudetice a dead litij, lot' Hiird. .. ' lllshop ,A. U. De Pencjer will sail by tlie Cardeua Ihffi;' ufler- rioon on bis return lo Vuncoii VI . .s ABOUT SAME:. bills having b''cn distributed! " among the natives ungiug them! Very Llttlo Change i i ' 1 ELEVATOR WORK . TO BE RUSHED According to word received here a determined effort is (o lie made by the Depart men I of Trade and Commerce lo have Ihe terminal pruin olcvalor here completed in lime lo 'bundle this fall's intve-inent of grain, 't here will be a clause-in the superstructure eoiiDacJ, which is lo be let next monlh, providing for a daily penally of i300 if hie job is not completed by a certain dale jn the fall. Tin- dale is said lo lie November 1. JASPER PARK COSTS MORE THAN MILLION Canada's National Parks Wero Subject of Questions Jn House of Commons OTTAWA, April 21. Canmbrs national parks in the west wertj tho subjecl oT nobie questions in Ibf House, last week. It was tided Ihat the Jasper Park cost lo construct $1,2:17,058 unit al ministration to December 111 1021, cos :5l.'.l8a. A reveniH' of $80,407 tout I n derived from Ihe park in Ihe same period. FIFTEEN INNINGS IN BASEBALL MATCH Cold Weather Prevents Sevral of Yesterday's Games Being Played The baseball game yesterday between Cleveland went rirteen innings be Tore Cleveland won the' score being 5 lo al Ho close. Woino oLlhc games iu.llie circuit wl're pitjilponed yesterday owing lo the cold weather. Scores were: American Cleveland 5, Detroit I. ' Chicago II. SI. Louis to. National St. Louis 2. Chicago I. Pittsburg 5, Cincinnati 2. NANTON UNCHANGED TOItONTO, April 21. The Icondillon or Sir, Augustus .Nan 'on. who Is ill here, is unoliiing- WAR CHEAPENS Ottawa Jud?n Expresses Novel Theory in Sentencing Youths to Jail OTTAWA, April 21. - "The wai cheapened human life. If there was ail) way of establishing a eomparisoii, I would say that human life today is not regarded as being; S5 per cent as valuablo as il was before. Consequently jwhen the valuu. of human life decreases, properly cheapens. People are bound lo gel pleasure and, if they cannot get il by lawful means, they will gel it Thus tier hired Judge .Conslan-lineau in Ihe County Court yesterday afternoon in sentencing I wo youths !o imprisonment a year on charges oT assault and robbery. v OLD IDEAS IN THIS PROVINCE Dr. Putman of the Education Commission Tells About Visit to B.C. OTTAWA, April 21. - After (ravelling y,50 miles in flrilisb Columbia, visiting 250 school and spending ten days with the normal school and holding 21 "7 oiiferences with various organi zations, Dr. J. 11. Putman, senior inspector of schools at Ottawa" has relumed. He has been con-s ducting surveys in ltlilish Ci'i- umbia with Dr. Weir of Ihe fue-n ully of, Hie University of Jlrilih lolumbia. the report is lo ime ii-eenled lo (he (ioveniineiil Hrilish Columbia. lu discussing l!) hivcsliga--. lions he lias been making, lr.- Putinau said there are still a number id people in Hrilish Coif umbia who retain the obi idea- thai ' individual parents should pay Tor Ihe i each ill? of their own children. He said the -whole system id education Jn H.tl. waw complicated by Hie varyinfT inelhpds palilies. or luxation in iminiui- RIFLE VOLLEY s s 3 KILLED BULGAR Man Said to bo Hoad of Cony spiracy for Bortibing Cathc- r dral is Shot SOFIA. April 21. -Captain Vuukoff. alleged to have been bead id the conspiracy rol- th); bombing oT the Calheilral here Thursday, wits killed by the police this moiTliug. Mieu cor nered by orriOefs und Called upon lo surrender he replied by opening rite and throwing bombs, lie was felled by a return volley. FOUR YEAR SENTENCE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Port Esslngton Natlvo 3oy Ploads Guilty Before Judge Young on Theft Charge Alex. Danes. It-year old Por F.sslngton native, pleaded guilty before Judge Ynpinf yesterday iiflerpoou to a charge or sleaU iup a S50 hill froiii a Japanese. He was sentenced lo four yearn in imhiotrial scbnnl.