"AUB SIX A COMPLETE NEW STOCK NOVELTY EARRINGS, BEADS, BRACELETS And the Latest Pins For SiriiiK ami Summer Wear at allraclive inice-i. SAVE YOUR EYES Our Optician lias had over 25 years' experience testing: eyes any" fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist CREPE M ALTA A finely woven crepe, suitable for street, aflernooii frocks, or ganneuls for intimate wear. Humes in While, Sand, Tan, Sky, Iteseda, Itelio, Harding, CoraL Forty inches wide. Per yard 60c West of England Store Phono 753. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Iin9urpa4d Third Avenue. THE RINK . Will Do Open For SKATING Saturday, April 18. Aflernoons - - 2 to i Ku'iiinjfs - - - H In 10 Oood music Imih sessions. Comjielent instructors lo leach beginners. Phone Blaok 449. A Modern Dental Service , At a Moderate Fee Dr. H. L. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 BURGLAR FELL THREE STOREYS Only Fow Bruises Resulted From Smashing Through Roof Below WI.NNII'IXi, April 21 John Smlnski. :in .'illi'ued liurslar. :i Harvester building. The care-laker beard a noise and putting his head through the fanlight lit received a Idow from above. Jle notified the police who were nuickly on the scene and who pushed their way through tin skylight driving the man before them and keeping just out of I he way of his swinging iron bar. At last he balanced himclf on the edge ami dislodged from there falling lo the roof of a shed three slorcys below. Advertise in the ):ii!v News IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill tin- Matter of I he Administration Art. anil In the .Matter of the KsUle uf Evali! I.tljcqiii!, lieeeaseil, nuptlalc T.UK Mil H i: that liv order of III Honor K. Mel). Vounir. maclp tin. ilav or Match, A.ti. lllij, I i aiHilnted Ail mlulstrator or the estate of Kvi-ld l.llieniiisl. deceased, and all narlles liavftir claims arrain! the ald estate are lii-rt hy required to furi'Mi same, pmpcely verinen lo.ine mi or Imforc I lie nth ilat, of April, A.ti. 1i5. and all parties In delited lo the estate are required to pay me amount ui ineir iiiiit'DMMiiiefS 10 lln forthwith. .NOHMAN A. WATT, ortlelal Administrator, I'rlnre ltiiert, B.C.. haled the ymh dav or Marrli. (.-. llntert, H.t; . on all thoM Hirllons waterrront hlork 0, plan 9:i. htIIoii t Prince ltnM-rl. Province or llntlsh Odiin: Ma. of I lie appurtenant rnreslmre and tie water lot in front thereor, rontaliilinr li all an area of I tej-IOUth acres, more oi less: A.Mi TAkK MITK K that aHer the ei plrailon of our month fioni the date ot the first piililicallon of this Notice Thoiiia-Trotler will under wciloii 7 of the naie Act apdy to I he Minister or Pliiill Works- al his orrire in the t'ltv ot Oliaw ror ai'proval of the said tile and plans him' ror leave to construct Hie wild wharf air pier. Iialed at Prince llunert. n.C. this 61' day of April, iva. THOMAS TIIOTIKII. Hy William, .Mansoii k Oonzale his . Solicitors. MB NOTICE. l T1IK MATTKM or an application rm the Issue or a rresh rertiricale of till' ror Lois nineteen (IV) and Iwenly (So. Hlork thirty-two 1S). Section rive (Si tlly of Prince liuxr, Map OSS. Sallsractorv proor of the destruction of the Cerurirate or ill lo eoverlnir th ahove lands liavinfr been rnriiislied to Oil office It Is my lulention to Issue, arte the expiration or thirty (30) day, mm me nrst piiiuiraiion lienor, a iiuptlrat' t:ertiricate or Title eoverlnr the said laud In the name of PKTI'.P, .M. CiSSinV am THANK CASSIIiY. which Certlflcale o title I dated the fllh Autrust, 1013, aii iiiimhered iSitl, II. r. MACI.i:oti. Iteirisirnr or lilies, l.aud lleilslry orrice, I'rlnci: llupcrt, ll.C. Marrh 7th. Hi ' v" IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III the Matter or the Administration Act: ami lu the Malter ir the Kstate or Kdwy llli k-Taveuer Hyde, lieceased. Intestate. TAkK MITICi; that hy order or III Honor K. Mrll, Vounir made the liilh da or Alirll. A. II. IViZ. I was iiih, luted All mlnlstralor of the estate or Kdwy lllik- lavener iiyuc, nei'eiineii, ami an iinie-havluir cliliin airalnsl the said estate an hercliy reunlred lo rnrnlsli same, nco perly vrrlried to me on or he Tore the If. Ill day or May. A.ti. IlK:;, and all ji.irlles inneiiieii 10 me csiaie are reiureii u pay tlx aiuoiint or their liidelilednes t me rorlhwltli. SOHMA.X A. WATT, orflrlal Administrator, Prince Unpen, lx. Hilled he Kill day or April, 1 0 r . THOSE ABOUT TO BE MARRIED Health Certificates Urged bj Woll Known Physician at Toronto CO-OPERATION NEEDED from' 1 -VI''. ! 21. --'-My ')-a resident or this city, jumped lliree storey rooAwlien chased ' iullau l''') - That the uestion hy the police ami is now in the "f ,,C!im' exa.i.fnalion Tor llio.. hospital hut will, lotl.iuj? inore111'0)!1 lo ,",aiT" n 'l';t'l - severe than a tlharges of warehoust and I lie ft have been ni'-ain-U him. Sodoski seemed to ! slnnls for the movies few bruises.1 ,f 1 l,turK" "o" "' a.l.lres on .Mar- breaking 1 1 rii Titi'i.! nam- iinu iiisrasc Kien priori: ;!lie Toronto Social Hygiene (Uub be doiii"'"' ,s,,,p,',,nln,, House is of wide-He bad "l"'1''"' national and inleriuilioual "'"."V" Mas ...een snown oy a a running fight with the police on the roofs of the International, ' . t,',"J"- "' .' ' V i lion. of. Ibis paper which have ionic from dislanl points in both Canada and the Uniled Slales. i'he opinion expressed by this medical authority was that if we were as careful of our htiiuai slock as we are oT our 'own llw slock most df Hit problems deal, villi, in his address would lend lo disappear. "I would not withhold marriage' from any man," he said "who had submitted lo -thorough treatment and ye! couldn't pre sent a blood scientifically pure if he would undertake to folio, my inslrticlions implicitly, x Only Few Decent "I'nforluiialely decent milt 'Icliheralely seeking advice con- siilule a small majority, 'lln man of. humanity moves on n i Miine indiscriminate ruMiioP. neither guiding itself nor In'iir, guided, liven public opinion is .if lillle avail unless it become .ilalizcd in re.-l raining legisla ive actions, for laws arc oftei designed for lhoo thai can't or won't think for thcmselvs-fiir I heir own good and for the advantages of I lie body politics I have- repeatedly seen splendid NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT,, l;iilh" aimiii IllullKCll iiiiMnn IlltO SOI vjii." fOW birr lone rulDTCD tie THOMAS THOTIKH, or tin City I'rlnre HiiihtI. In the I'rovlm-e or UrilMi Columbia, IIKIILUY lilVKS MiTICK that hi-has Under Seetlon of the said Art lie ilted with the Minister or puldle 'ork at Ottawa, and In the oHier or Hie Ills lili t lieiclslrar of the Land IteKlstry tils trlrt of Prince llunert. at ITIine Itnnert B.C., a description or the site and plan i or a unarr ami pier proHisen lo lie tune In tlw Prince lliicrl llarhor, Priii" ' i worse worse than man ileal dealh n Ihrouglt inrougii lie iiisuided inlerfereiicp of dull-headed people, bo(li lay and professional. "Let us now review the vasll .uipoiiaul ipieslior. of eoiupnl-sory health eerlifieales for mar i-iio-'es. This cerlificale would lafuially elubrace all deli-rent disorders, .such as Itiherculosis, drug-addiction, mental inslaliil-ly or a family history nf iii-sanily or epilepsy, etc., as well NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SMITH Kits ( i U VI :i I N M I INT . 1IUILU1NO. SKALLP Tt.MiLlts; endorsed "lend.r or suiuners tiovei'iiio-iit ttuiidiny," will .ie lireivi-(l Ity the iKiiouraljii tin. Umlsler or Pillule Works up to li o'-kh-k noon or triday, (he 1st day o May, IliVi, ror lh eietlloii of a ov. ci-ninriit liulldiiiK at Smiiliers, in III- imiuei-a i-.iectorai in.-irici. Plans, sK'clficallohs, roiilract. and onus or tender may lie seen on and after the 13th iljy or April, IVii, ami rtirlher inrormatioii olilalned at ne lie-arlment of I'nliilc Woiks, Parllamcni iluildiiiRS, and at I lie follow InK ofrhes: The Ooveruiueiit Atrenls at Vancouver anil smithcr. Copies or plans, specifications, etc, can he ohlained from the liepartment on paMnent of a detsislt of ten didlars (sil, which will he refunded mi reliiru of the olins. etc.. in losxl ciHidlllon, Karli tender must lie ureompauled hy an accepted hank cIhmiiic a charlc.cd hank T l.annita, made p.iyiitile lo the lloiloiirahle the Mlnlsler or t'litille Works, ror I he sum of i.tr.d, which shall he forfelled If the party tenderlnir decline lu enter Into con Had when called upon to lo no. Tlie ciieune or tin successful eu ilerer will Im- ohlained as security for the due and faithful lierfonnaiice or lie work iinlll the siitisraclory eompletloit of the eoulract. Tenders will not he considered tin'c Willi th urinal slirn.ilure or the tenderer made out on the forms supplied, slirncil ami eiieieeu in tue euveiopis riirnisueii. The lowe t or any lender not neees sarily accepted, I. Pllll.il. hipuly Minister and Puhlle Works Lnifineer. ieiartiieut of pulillr Works. IMll' ine-nl 'lliilhlluirs, virioria, n.t:. ' SPECIAL - SALE Until the End or this Month Cash Bargains in Every Department BEDROOM, DINING ROOM AND LIVING ROOM FURNITURE At Cash Discounts of 25 per cent , CROCKERY, DRAPERIES AND CARPETS at Special Prlcos 10 per cent off all our Community Silverware H S 3rd Avenue. Walnut Bedroom Suite - $204.50 Watch our Window for Bargains. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20 the daily news Tuesilav Apr I tS2j DOES EVERY MEAL CAUSE YOU DISTRESS? IF IT DOES YOU SHOULD TAKE BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Mr. M. 1'. Lid rlil ire, llnwr llarltor. ,YH., wrllosi--'i wa irmiblcd with no U.ni t li for si Wio lime, ,aul oprj llillijc laic M- niecl lo elisors mi'. I tried nuny ilirreient iiicilicliK'n. I. ul without any re suits, finally I u a1lM(1 to try li.li.li.. unil Hfler hut lug- taken rrral bullies I w foinplelely relieved of my Imulilr. I ran mm tat amtlilnr I wWi, thanks. In U.li.U." IHinJui k IIkhnI liuierst uts Hie sIoiimi Ii liu rrfeeli thai; Uy pronmlliif irei-ingestion; unit dnrliiir tin- pat 1". year- it lias liwn mi tiic market liar mailt a refutation, n-roml in imnp, ror reiieviii all Moinaoli truiitiles. fill up (inly hy The Limited. Toronto, out T. Mllhurn to.. as veuerciil disease, and furious ly enough, were it not for the inclusion of venereal disc-as.' complsory health eerliricali- foi marriage might easily he aeeep!-ed by the , eoinnuinily and our law-makers. Ilolh. -however, c bel at compelling young and usually innocent women lo stiiuuii lu the indignity of a Ihoroiig'i cxamiuulion. Each Havo Certificate "Hill the M.-ile detiiaml thai each of Ihe coulrarliug narlies should furnish the issuer of marriage licenses with a simple slalemeul signed by a physician in good standing, to Ihe elTect Ifial be bad inleroaled and e.-ainiueil Ihe applioaul, ami thai so far as pruclivily to hereditary disorder or aii iisling iiifeeliotts disease, and "general heallli. he or she, is entitled lo marry; or perhaps Ihe physician might sfnle, I hat he knows of no barrier oT heallli or heredity lo th" ;iroposci union of so ami so. What could be accomplished? .N'olhitiK, lillle, or much, dcjieud-ing entirely upon the earnest cooperation of the medical profession. "Hut will llicy co-operate? Undoubtedly ! For surely lay people realize that the medical profession a a rub is com-posejl almost exclusively of men of a high moral slnndaril. who. by their Irahiing. their practice ami their Iriidilion, are uniled in Iheir desirH jind determination to prevent disease hy every available means. What lias been ilnm-in conl rolling- smnllpox, malaria. typhoid fever, and so on. sliim)' (o lite credit or (he medical pro fessiou, ami is mi absolul uafanlee of good faith. They are reaily and willing lo cooperate in any feasible plan to assisl in control -mid if possible in the eradication of disease. I.el (he legislature and Hie people but give iheni the WIRELESS REPORT Tuesday, April 21, 8 a.m. liKillY. Main; liahl S.K. wind; bar. li'.U'iS; letup, ill; sea sinoolli; 8 p.m. simke lledwood, Ketchikan for Siuaw llarhor; 0 p.nr. spoke leirersoii bound from Craig lo I'clerburough; 8 p.m. West Kealtt Wi miles frtmi San I'raneiseo; H o.ni. W'esl Hrowa .'II 17 miles from .North Head; 8 p.m. West .lesstip 2HH) :'miles from North Head; 8 p.m. Star of Shetland in I'rancisiyi for Karluk; I 'J p. pi. .sanln Cecilia mint Mtkuliii lp Seal He: 8. p.m. S.S. Hell t on from Honolulu for llalboa; 8 i w p.m. Ileal lanl, .Monl. from t-kohaina for Vancouver 7(i;i miles from Vancouver; 8 p.m. steamer Makiki, from jililo for San Fran cisco i.ti renin ,sau ! fiiueisco: 8 p.m. West Ivan lo Hong Kong from San Franc i sen; H p.m. West Noinenttim from Seattle for Yokohama H'.)i miles from Columbia JUver; 8 ji.nf. Admiral F.van from l.alouidie for Vahle.; 8 p.m. Admiral lerry Conlova for Skag-way; Apex Kelcliikan for Aua- cories; o ji.i. Mnr til Alaska from San Francisco for C.Iiigink' 8 p.m. sleitliler Yukon froini Wrangell fori .luneaii, 8 p.m. lle-doiiilo from Nauaimo lo Kelcliikan Kill injhfs from Kelcliikan. Mi l. I. IIAIUHilt.- -Itain, calm; bar. ".i.,'H; le'nii, 57; sea sinoolli; 7. Ml p.m. Ciiuiosuu al. Pino Island south bound,; 8 p.m. Amur from Auyox lo Tacouia iinl miles from Tacoini, , Noon DKlilY. Itltln; light S.K. wind,! baV. ay.iiU; leiup. 13; Sea sinoolli I p.m. spoke Princess Mary due heiy a I 7 p.m. llC'l.l, HAItlinit. Hai aim; bar. iil.nO; lenlp. Ul. light swell; U a.m. Lorne' iibeiim l.owls Point bound for Drainey Inlelr 8:ir a. in. l'rincf iCharles lefl Hose Harbor northbound. RRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada " TO END OF DECEMBER, 1023. llt's protliiccil Minerals as follows: Placer (ioltl, $7i,,.i(iL,L,i);; i, i, oinci, Tw..,w,1,wlr,i, m4ui, .poo, i.vc, will ; Utinper, SI7!Mlili .li v ii"i 1 1 s 1 1; 1 1 ti 1 1 v in i s .Minerals, ip t, ii a,ii.u : uoai find Hoke ), i,.0 Slonc, Ilrick, Ceiiiuii' i'J';i show an etc., gUlVU&.iiin, nukiiiij' its Mineral n 'Irtioi ill: ,,,, lu till u, Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304 320 The Mining Laws or this Province ure mure liberal and the rc i,m,.r u any oilier 'Proviiieu in lltu lioiiiinion, or anj eoiony in Hits ltrilih Knip 1 Mineral localious ure graulotl lo ilisctivercrs for iininiiml fta's. Ahsolulo Tilles ure ohlained by tluvclupiiig- sin It noM.riios, ihe naroiiteed by Crown Grunts. 11 b l-'iill information logelher wilh Mining lieporls a tl Majis, niav be obi ' inri 1 m' addressing l THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia, TUG AND TRANSFER BARGE HIT DIGBY ID. THIS MORNING CP. It. lug (Jiialictini, Capl. Verge, and transfer barge No. i, Capl. CHI, went ashore Mils morning al .'1.15 on the shoal olf Higby Island between Frederick ami Phillips Points. Willi Ho, rising tide later in the morning ' the vessel floaled off and proceeded hen lo discharge the cargo of ot fosoleiMiiiiber for Ihe1 elevator foundations with which Ihe barge is laden. J.ille IT any damage was done and the lug came in under ils own steam. ! An adverse Mtt of I lie lide is, said lo have been responsible fur the stranding j7 thu (Jiialietim. The liig sustained (he loss of Iwo propeller blades and a bob was punched in Ihe luu-.-e. An examination will hi made here and perltHps repairs. 'I he lltishby hi;.' M.'1'..'l rendered such assistance as was necessary lo Ihe (Jualieuiu. ' SYNOPSIS OF :. LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vaeant, unrencrvH, urvyrij t'rvwn larvl tnny le ire-f inttl by Crlilnh ulijl over U yer of k. anI by iilivnn on dcclunnif Intention li bwoinp IlrltUh nbjccti, rundl Uoniil ui.on renlilence, occjpitlun. JiJ lnuruv nit nl for agricultural lurposps. Full Inforirutlon cuncrrnlnir roicu .tl ns rcRxnllni; pro-tmi'tiun Klvt-n in llulletln No. 1, Lnl Scrlea. "How tit Pre-empl Ianil,M coplrs of trlilclt can be obtained fre of rlmrK ty adilrenoliiR the Iemrtment of U'lmtH. Victoria, H.C., or to any Oov irnment Atent HocoriU will lie granted eoi'erinit only la nil miltiililo for HKrlcullurul purnoseii. and which 1 nut timber-land, i.e.. currying over K.ooo iMutrd feet ikt aero weitt of the Coait HaiiK and J.UOU feci r acre eaet of that J Lints. Apiillcntlone for ure-nmitJons arc to be aililrcHHwl trj the Land Com inlnsloniT of the Innd llecorillnc 1)1-vUlon, In which the land unfilled for In siluHtcd, nnd ore made en tirlnled forma, copies of which can be obtained from the Iviind Commissioner. I'ro-fmptlons mupt be occuled fur five ycura and Imnroveinenta tnadi to value of J 10 -r acre, Includlnn clearlns ond cultlvutlnic at leaat five ucrea, before a Crown Urant cm b rec"lvvl. For moro detailed Information aee the liulletln "I low in l're-empt l.aud." PURCHA8E. Apt'llcntlona nre received for tiur-chaise of vucant and unreaerved Crown landa, not belnu tlmberlaml, for aKrlciiltniat luirponeii; mlnlnmm price for flrst-clam (arable) land U IS per acre, and aecond-claaa (Krai-Ins) land I2.S0 ier acre. Further Information reifardlnu tiurchaae or leaae of Cruwr, landa la Riven In Bulletin No. 10, (jiind Herlea, "l'urchaae and Ijeaae of Crown lind." Mill, factory, or Jnduilrlal altea oa timber land, not exceeding 40 acrea, may be purchased or leaned, the condition Including payment of atumpaice. HOMESITE LEASES Unaurveyed area, not eiceedlng it acrea, may be leaied an homealtea, conditional upon a dwtlllne being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and Im-N movement conditions are fulfilled and land baa been surveyed, LEASES For grazing and industrial pur poses areas not excsedlng 140 acre may be leased by on person or a company. GRAZING m Under the Grazing Act the Province 1 divided Into grazing district and the range administered under a Grazing Commissioner. Annual grazing permits ure Issued baaed on numbers ranged, priority being given to established owners. Btock-ownsr may form Mediations for rang management. Free, or partly free, permits are arallable for settlers, os pipers and travellers, up to ten head. WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY al 7 and 3 .Rin-Tin-Tin, The Wonder leg in -- "The Lighthouse hy the Sea" Tilt uiicoii(uei .iblc !iii nf mm . ( .slo ol Ihe sea. t.i.e i ri. it,, in. e , j simple hcnrl' and mii-i n.pnln'i- linn t-sca as a bm-Kgrouii'l. Slup. innii-riiniiing Iho atiullcl .rnl . pi u, i . ,-"llusler" (.oilier Jr.. Louise Kaz -iid.i. M II las (ienard, Uliaries ,n. M., . - i , . THE "TELEPHONE GIRL" SERIES Mo. 3. ALUflTI VAUGN IN "MONEY TO BURNS." INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c Canadian National Railway 4 Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Pi"" makers, Founders, Woodworkers, E'c- ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is e.iiiptctl lo handle al kind ' MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SF LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED lo building next dour lu I'nzzell HiiMirf Mi'T from Hit LiiiVi'fss lloiei Wo carry a full line .re f!Ifi ARf? TORArrOS- FRUITS, CANU1W SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jamos Zarclll ProprifUf I I t OUR $ SALE J U S5S T It Is continues until Wednesday, April 22 a Money Saving Don't Miss It! Event Jabour Bros. Lti 7tn 3rd Ave. Phono 645.