I) lone emers "House of Quality." and - r' .. i mo; THE DAILTlintWS For ANOTHER GYRO (MARKETING OF HOEDOWN DANCE; DAIRY PRODUCTS 7.50 Up 1 Oi-llM- iringHat (St. 11 Box 327, Phone 27 L. Blain Contractor rt for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. ardwoods V ixlnies. II i iiimmik, : .in iihj;. t i Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Blue 268 Canadian wdrv ry Cleaners p ' V 'ii!y power i pressing " - I III' ritv Sop- 'i .Inuiii ship mi. v ptiono call 6th e. W. Phone 8 DRY tirch Wood rR SMALL HEATERS, 60c pep Sack WeTransfer ; 13 8uond Averfuet. H0. NhjhiorD.y M.PIenny DENTIST change Block pHone 109 rriREri 1 K"i!i ,re- , ,() ' longer pays "'' "Ui 'ires. BUv ,Y NEW ONE. Wo ' lllivp , I.. "' in in ,i uxawi .a " f.. ' from to nn . S feR Ltd. ueaiers I Great Preparations are Belna;Dr. i Made for Affair Which Will ' Take Place on May Day The fiyro Club's hnoilown dance 'liinl fall proved such a success ami was such a popular a trail' I hnl the Hub has decided to ifap.. iiiitilUjfM- similar function on May i- for I he playground fiinil. (ivml preparations arc being made for the event ami there will he many novel nl itntl 10 cnleiittin Ihe large crowd Dial 11 i expected will attend. ''i regular dance program will bo inliM-sperei with country dances, ill ; i ! i fMllllllllin UilllCCS. SWlgs. HI1T- prisos ami apide eider. There twill die booths al which hoi logs,' milk, doughnuts, cider. ;ip!-". ice i-Tonin, etc. will ho sold. Tin1 committee in charge consist of .Morris Pringlo i chair man;, Scnrgo II. Till!, i Sidney j Ha7.oll-.loues, Hoy Nichols, Itoug. i Slork. SI an Tayliir ami Ilolaiiil ! Harlow. The following nili-roiiiiiiit t(. have lii'i'ii appointed. Orchestra arrangements I long. Stork. Cashier- s. K. Campbell. 1 loorkooper- Leo Waiigh. Hnl Dogs -iMiiyi l ilo, J'rank Pearson. Fred llcntting. . Ice Cream 1'. K. Robertson, lp. Tail. HalTles K. A. Maim, Ureer. Cider Charlie Mills W. Nelson. I'rc-li Milk and Houghnuls !TI Adverttsd .n Ibe Mailv News Joe j J.l ! i H.I MeKwen. Hill Cruieksluink. Apples - M. M. "MLaehlnn. Alex. Hunter. Ailveri ismg manager - Siil Haze' I -Jones. WATER CONNECTION FOR COW BAY PLANTS Aid. Terry recommended to the city council last night that n temporary three inch jiihiii b laid from I ourlb Avenue 111 to Hie r..X.lt. projierly line in orib'i lo (rive waler ioinerHon for "P. Hums Oi., ,vl. ami oilier enn- ceiii Ihal are planning o es- tatdish ivlanli nl w Hay. Ibix was recomtnendi"d in view of tin' fad that il would be impossible to tivc the nerni.tnent six inch main from Fourlh Avenue and Jrecn -SI reel -tinlfl grading -on Fniirl.li Avenue was completed. There wn some discussion as to whether Hie connection would be satisfactory lo Ihe applicants. T! alter was sent on to the utilities oinmiliee for furl tier invesi igal ion. CROSS-WORD PUZZLES ARE IN EVERY JOURNAL i:ery journal i running crossword nurr.les these days. They uiv to be noticed in Journals u far nptirt as the t'.N.Il. Mitgimne and the War V.vy They have Lnul yvf appealed Jn, the Hoard of Trade Jmoklei. but oiinuiuiess in the fliuxU edition" ihtip ..:wJll -Mto winie Micro. ' Sirme 'tif fie' nnrstlott yml "see aro dinicull nnd .Mien nhiio of I liein are rvy easy, such as a five-letter word denoting "The iiir of life." You guess im mediately il i bread! Hut member nl your grocers lo F.lerlrie Hread" and Mien ael the best repay you It 5 HEART WAS WEAK NERVES ALL GONE MM. J, It. llallinlii'iK, 1 1 7 ,i Wetlaml Avpniii. St. Cntlinrlni'". out., wrlu-s: I win In n M ospliMtloiii It li'flhin wit" wk li.'iirt. anil mjf Jmtv " ..in 1 mirfrwl evfrytlilnit; coul.Iu'l ! li.ep, nr ciidiuf any i-xrltomoiit. al wlii'ii left aliiii I relt us If I wild aorMin. 1 uk Oluy H'eli". "'" tmn "'' l.riiUlint injwtr. My ni'Ulmr ma.l .ilioiit your Mllliuiir llfiirl ami N'-rvi1 I'lll. ami Imilirltt Ilie a l.Jt. 'U l'vU' lK,' s,k many ilirrerenl hlnrts f im-iUcUie II Juki u-kiiwri .Hut .1 did nut liavo any rnnrKli'iirn In any nf Ihcm, t tncK n 1" f " N. I'llM. and felt ao niiirh Im'IKt ! rin-( tinned Willi thorn until I liafl ii"'" ",r Iswex, and aflrr I .luid UikM tlwm I did nut nenil any morn. I cannot t'raln. nr; liTdii.incnd, Mlllninr Hoarl Plll.t ton liirlily aricr all tlwy livn dm Tnr rue." Put np only liy Tim T. MlUinrn Co., Llmlud, Torouto, Out, Wrlnch and Department of Agriculture at Victoria Wrestling with Problem While I he Provincial (lovern-ment would like to see a hulk supply depot in prince Uuperl Ihal would handle all the dairy product of he interior. Hon. K. 1). Harrow, minister ()f agHetil- lure, points oul that .there are ulready iMiree milk busin esses catering lo the needs of Prince Ituporl and il is not the policy or the Provincial doveniiiieiil' In enter into competition with existing mnrcriiK. If the (iovern-nieiil undertook any project for handling the products of Hie jn-lerior al Prince Rupert, il would he necessaijy firs! to arrange with the r.ien already in the business here. Dr. Wrineh. member for Skeena, met the minister of agriculture ami ihe Allnrne fteneriI. who is also the member for Oniincea, and Imiclher .tliey dis-cussed the Whole tiuestion and Ibe minister of usrirulliin will visit the liflerior in ifie early uiuiner Ami lalk it over with Hie farmers on the ground with Ihe object of providing relief. In the meantime the lioveninienl will urrungn for the creamery al A'anderhoof to be coulinued under riiivei'iimeui suiiervisiou so as in lake care or Ibe dairy produce of I lie farmers along Ultra il way. CATHOLIC SALE SUCCESSFUL Sum of $400 Raised as Result of Event Last Night The spring sale held yesterday afternoon in Ihe Mclropolc Hall by the ladies of Hie Catholic Church was a ni(s successful affair. Something in the neigh horhood of 100 nvas realized. In charge il the fancy vork lind plain sewing tables were SUrs. Harold McHwen ami Mrs James Mc.Nully assislod by Mrs Charles Halagno ami Mrs. It. W LMnrrixxey. The rattles wen- con ducted by Mrs. A. I), (iillies. Mi. J. C. 4!avigau and Mrs. Kenning, Sr. bad charge of the home cooking tables nnd presiding al the lea room were Mrs. .1. K. Meagher and Mrs. Wilfrid firal- Jon, nssisteil by young ladies of Ihe parish. Mrs. K. F. Classey was cashier. The proceedings came lo a close with a hocial evening. Pri winners at cards were: whist ladies' firsl, Mrs. Fred Hiffoii: ladies' oonsolalion, Mrs. (). Johnson: men's firsl, 'Hugh McClin-ehy; men's iMinsolnliou. h. Long. Hridgi' Ladies' first, Mrs. Men; I-'rizell ; consolalion, Mrs. Fritz; men's first, Fred Mllbnly. llalfles were as Tollows: ?S..r)0 fold piece won by Miss Moya ltailX, I'.iilli low. i (i il'iifalci! by 31rs. II. F. (Massey,' won f "Miss Margaret Tannock. Halcl.er, vim bylMr1ir'-WHllimi Millar. Tea cloth and servicllei,' donated by Mrs. M. P. McCafrery and worked by Mrs. Hubert .Ward, won by H. V, fMassey. Moll, donaled by Mrs. .1. C fiavignn. won by Mrs. Hubert Ward. OLD CHURCH HALL SOLD BY BOARD Offer of J. W. McKlnley, Which Was Highest, Accepted Last Night by Presbyterian Managers The board of nianagors of Hie Presbyterian 'Mhureh decided lal. nichl lo accepl the olTer of J. W. Mt'Kinley for Ihe purchase of Ibe old ('Unroll ball. His hid wan the highest. The ulruclure in lo be removed within a fortnight and Hie lumber 41 is ninderslooiU will ho used by Mr. MeKtnloy for biilliung purposes. J In the Letter Box SAVE THE 'FORESTS Yicloria, April 7, 1025. Dear Kir The week of April il) to 25 ha Don't worry about the mud, John-it can't hurt this Congoleum Rug!" A cheerful, spotless kitchen the pride of ever woman's heart! And a Qold-Stal Congoleum Rug makes it such a pleasant, "homey place. Then, too, Congoleum is so easy to clean. Mud and dirt tracked in from outdoors can be wiped off the smooth, waterproof surface in a moment Patterns for Every Room These easy-to-clean rugs come in a variety of attractive designs that offer appropriate rugs for . any room in the house living-room, dining-room, bedroom and kitchen. Congoleum Art-Rugs are easy to lay too, for they never require fastening of any kind. Unroll them and in a very short time they lie flat, without a -wrinkle never turn up at the edges. And with all their beauty, durability and labor-saving features, have the famous Gold Seal Guarantee of "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back." Congoleum Art -Rugs are very inexpensive. Be sure to see them at your dealer's. They are the biggest value in floor-covering in all the Dominion. foNGOLEUM deleterious influence 'on the forest industries of Miiv Dninjnion, threaleihs the very foundations of one of the main pillars of our economic exislence. U is .one of, the gravest of our national problems. hi the memory of many 'now living the foresl wealth (il .litis nonunion was considered ho vast as to place -any suggestion of its exhaustion oulide the realms of practical possibility. Today in many localities 'these forests have disappeared, and fire sol by careless and vandal bauds has been Ibe principal factor in I heir removal. Ituring Hie past ten years, l.'t.HuH forest .fires have occur red in Hrilish Mnlumjiia-au urea oi ncariy tour million acres uas been fire swepl. properly destruction has exceeded seven and one quarter uilllious of tiol lars, and Ihn loll continues. Nearly li .per ceul of these fires have been .caused byhuinan npinic.ies and were Iherc.fure x'ti-' I i rely prevenlalile. 'l'hn only .enemy lo .forest conservation ami .renewal is the band of (he man who starts a foresl Jire, and il is truly ironi cal that Ihe art is dictated oitly in rare rases hy an nnli-eonsor-valion niind---tnoro often, in fact almost Invariably liy a careless or an apatlietio mentality. GOLD-SEAL 4rt-Rugs Made in Canada by Canadians for Canadians been proclaimed ".ave Ihe Foret Public education js Hie only Week." Murinig this period the' dependable rural io agency. The people of Hie Mominioti nf Cnn-ada are- requested tn'i give Hie tilnutst Miougbt to lio fttiest fire problem suggests a patriotic ob-ligation which sbuld .present an irresistible appeal to jail public service organi.aUons. Tbe'foresl fire menace with 'Miff Mlty-'we1 ft open it on your jio- operalion ? Faithfully yours. T. I). PATTl'LLO. CLAIM MADE SUNDAY ! IS COMMERCIALIZED Delegation In Victoria Tries to Stop Sales of Candy and Cigarettes' ' VICTORIA, April 21. Vicloria is having her annual attempt to slop the sale on Sundays of randies, cigarell.es and oilier small luxuries. No objertion is taken to ice cream ami unit as foods hut the vendor of Ihose nr- Mcles should stoji al that, (lit Lord s Day Alliance- thinks. 1 hey have laid their views before Ibe police commission claiming Popular Rug Sizes Popular Prices 9x3 ft.$5.25 9x 7Ht.$12.00 9x12 ft. $ 1 9.00 9x4Ht. 7.50 9x 9 ft. 14.00 9 x 134ft 21.35 9x6 ft. 9.75 9x10!. ft. 16.50 9x15 ft 23.70 GohJStal Congoleum Hall .Runner, $1.00 sq. yd. Write us for folder, "Modern Rugs for .Modern Homes, which illustrates the many beautiful rug patterns in fulbcolor. Gold-Seal Congoleum Hall Runner Your choice of two bright floral designs with border, which will add .a touch of color to your halls or 'wherever you can use a runner. Made in rolls 36 inches wide, of the same easily cleaned, durable material as the rugs. Look for the Gold Seal Above is shown the iron-clad guarantee that stands back of all Gold-Seal Congoleum products. Be sure to look for it pasted on the face of the goods. It means exactly what it says: "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Aloney Back." r A CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED 1270 St. Patrick Street. Montreal. Quebec "r tl,f imnil vuriMvr ir loi otow, Mini uueli sales teniled lo eoin- ' 11,11 M, " s.ius ii inn ii in iom-imme (n.(vki Unw. v,Mn nitrli-l: mercialize Sunday. Southbound from Alaska to Vancouver. C. P. R. sleamer Princess Mary, Capl. 0. C. Sain-Icy, is ilue in port this evening. PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Prlnc Rupart Elactoral Dlatrlct. Mactanil Elactoral Dlatrlct. MITII.M la Iwn'liv irlun Unit 1 uliatl. on Miinday. tlie Iflli day or May. Ifli. at Ihe Ixnir or III m'rliH'k In tlie rui'mom, it .lite Dill it lliiui. Crime lUiiHTt. Iw.ld a ultlln of ttn -Oewrt nr HrvMnn for the nriiie of revlslnir th llsm of vntr Tnr tl wild F.lfctoral nisirli-iH, and or liiarin: and nrtrrtiiinlntr any and all objections to ibe retention ot aay Dime on tbe laid r list, nr tn tiw rrnMrittlon a a viht or Any ni'illi'ii for ri'irlsiriitiuir-, ntl fur IIh- (iIImt uii'hsi wl fiiilli In tlie 'Tre. vlnrlitl I IwIIihih Art." DaliMl at I'rlncf HuKrl, ll.C, Ihk Mil day of April. 10SS. In r-rlnre nnprt Land tilitrit-t: PUtrli-t or rrini-e iiiiimti. TAkK NOTICK that I. Mcrlll Has '.BiHav. ur Vanrniivcr. K.i: orrujiallun iiIiihiii brokfr, (ntfiid tn apely 'for f nnNsli,n in IkiitIkup tlu rolluwlMif ik'tri'ibml landn:- - i.iiiiiinoncinit at a ih inainxi nine imniv iiurtli U Hum; uicnro Ku. rliaiiiK; llifiirt. nitnili to cixim .Hiw in an I f?alprly dlrffllmi hi uilnt -ttt -rime iiH'iici'im-nl; i-nnuhilnir 40 urraa, more or. Iwa; MKIIIl.L HES I1IUSAY. Aniiliuiiil. Pati'd April 3rd. 1 0 y r. . NOTICE. TAKE NOTICK mat tlx partnership, lin-twren Aloandcr Jauiew il'riKtliomnie and Alma A'li'torla KUIwr. tn ronnectlfHi 1th the iiieiatiiii of the Savoy Hotel, I'rlwe Uiit, ll.C , I illasidvHd by ttm'ii'Ot an or th' nth ituy r April. 1tt?5. All ar i-oimu rerelvable will lie paid tn and all aerutliiU pu.vubte will h paid, by Alen-anrter Jaiiien I'rndhnnune. who ronllnne tlie hii'lnest-. Hated at Prim e nnpert. n.C . thU th day ot April, A.u. tsh. A. rRl'CHOMME. "The Hoover" For llio month of April you can buy this famous cleaner and attachment for the small first payment of only $1.50 and have Ihe balance, spread-over the next fifteen mouths. Let us clean a rug for you. M HIM AN A. WATT. j llilslrar r 'ViiIkM Tif 'llin I'rliiPP Unpen and Markeiulp FJci'tural; Phstrlcts. - y i i i i i. . . i i i LAND ACT Kaien Hardware Co. fMwIn Klniy lurnuin, Ancnt LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone it. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and -Furniture Moving. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRIKCE RUPERT, B. C Office Hours, U t. Phone N. Open Evenings Only Tt Special Appointment.