nl hI The Daily News ' IMUNCR RUPERT - HRITISII COMLMIHA Published Every Afternoon, except, Sunday, the. Prince Huporl Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. R PULLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Cily Delivery, liy mail or carrier, per month .$1.00 Ity mail to all jinrls of the British Kmiiire and Hie United Stales, in advance,, per year $0.00 To alt oilier countries, in advance, per year , , . . $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Old Kentucky famed as the world's finest Bourbon whiskey. Aged to Perfection. A time honored friend of youra OTTLED IN BONO UNDEB FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SUKXVIUOa 98 86 All advertising should lie in The Daily News Office lip fore 'i p.m. on lay preceding publication. All advertising received stihieci to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILT EDITION Cl&lijD Tuesday, January 13, 1925. This Is A District Of Opportunities. Canada is a land of opportunities hut it is prolialde there is no part of Canada in wliicJi opportunities are more nnnierois than in northwestern and central Hritisli Columbia. Possibly mining opportunities are the most numerous because mining is just in its Infancy here and yet a number? of mines have heen in active operation - while downs of filters are only awaiting transportation or the arrival of sufficient capital to change them from prospect to shipping mines. For the miiiing'man, who "knows anything about the game, tin' field is an extensive one and full of possibilities. To Hie man with ' who would invest there is , also plenty of scope but he must choose wisely and on the advice if an expert. Should Be Number nr Mm ua. .Lumbering is Jinother fruitful field fnjj the person looking for opportunities. There is in Prince Ithpert a large mill that has just changed bands and will W in full operation soon. There is room, however, or a number of smaller mills which might utilize t lie assembly dock for the shipnu'iil of the produrJ by water and also ship such as the market demands by rail. The ideal place for a lumber mill is where rail and water meet. In time there will be juilp mills, box factories, shingle mills, Jani-iualed wood mills and .other factories jil or, near Prince, Rupert, as well as lumber mills. Logging contracts may be secured in the Prince Jluperl District to cut for local ami outside mills. Also "contracts may be secured for gelling out poles ;md lies. Here are opportunities or the right men. Fishing Greatest Industry. Of District. Fishing is the greatest industry of the Prince Rupert district. The Skeena Diver is the best salmon river in British Columbia by long odds mid some small streams are holding thejr own well. Deep sea fishing shows no 'diminution in (he supply, nlllumgfl vessels have to go further or their catches -Uian for-, meriy. There are greal opportunities in connection with Ihe cod and herring fisheries while clams Juid crabs may be canned with profit. , Opportunities For Big Enterprise. Thus who ur looking for big enterprise will find lliern in the manufacture of jiulp paper or Die installation of power pro-, jects. There are a unrulier of points in the north where pulp' plants might be profitably operated .and it is lo be .-xpecled that several paper mills will yet be established on this coast.. The amount of pulp limber j immense and has as yet scarcely been touched. The demand for newsprint is steadily' increasing lu Hie neighborhood ol Prince Rupert (here will have to be a power plant. of some magnitude soon. Tbe cily will need a great deal of electric jMiwrr and any industrial establishments will soon consume all that can be produced at any one plant. There are splendid power possibilities fu Ihe-Kestall River and at other points wh-ere lh"c power may be generated. Other Plants Wttl j r .1 I r do neeueu ouun. Oilier industrial undertakings will ojierale in the ncigh-borliood soou. When a grain ejcvalor is built lhe next stt p will be to establish a flour mill here. Drick making plants will be needed. A cmeller will be required to handle lhe ore . or the district, the iron deposits must be developed and teel yorks established. Wood working establishments will be necessnry and almost every Kind of factory could operate at this terminal, point;," ; " , lu coui)nercitd IjfeMissibly (lie' greatesj need sunn will' be' a wholesale , 'hardware 'house. A( .orHspnl iha ;.. ..Jt.... Mjiner. Mjuver. winej- I wi.nunercial iiuacrUkillgs miist be investigated by those reqiiirijig Ibem but in a growing cily'siich as this a here"' are always opportunities am) they nre well worth looking into; Named for the state and truly great J OldKcntucKy Bourbon Whiskey This advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Doard or by the Government of Urilish Columbia. the FIRE REPORT EXCELLENT ONE Chief IVlacdonald Complimented! on Showlnn Made by his I Shows In Department During Year VERY LITTLE LOSS Need of Keeping Brigade State of Efficleny in City Showing thai pi'0ierty In tlie value of a.'l-.'O.OOll had been in-volved bu( Ilia! Hie 'loss from 'ire during lhe year IViL'i bad been bul l,:ili7.12 all but ifu'7 of which bad been .covered y in-siir.iHce. I'ire Chief' D. II. Mac-donald submitted bis Ihirleciifh annual report lo lhe cily council last night. During the year 111 alarms bad been responded lo, (1.000 feel of hose had been laid. .'Oil gallons of chemicals and Win fee of bidder had been used. In. speeMons made., by the department bad tola fled HUH. notices 'lad been given lo 17.1 persons, and several buildings regarded as fire hazards bad been removed, fhe apparatus al Hie end of the year was lhe same as al the first with the exception of Jbe Ileo speed wagon which bad replaced the lord li'uek and which was giving goori service. The chief referred lo the faithful service that had been given by his stair during Hie year and emphasized the necessity of maintaining the department's ellieiency in view of the general frame construction of buildings in lhe cily. The chief also ex pressed lus lliauks lo. Ihe cily council, police department, press and public generally for assistance ami courtesy. I'lie report also showed that Ihe cxpeiulilurcs . for lhe department during fhe year had totalled ir,H5?.y including salaries at 1 2,1121. in moving that Hie report be filed, Aid. Maedonald expressed the opinion that it was one that Hit chief and his men might well reel proud of. II was indent a tribute to a brigade, which he regarded as being second lo none oilier in Hie province. Tbe report of Ihe chief for Hie month of December showed Dial I here hail been fiv calls with no loss, .expenses totalling lil including 1 ,077 salaries. The report 'recommended Ihe lav ing of six inch water" mains on Kighlli ond Fifth Avenues West. Mayor Newton and Aid. Casev suggested that Seventh Avenue Wrs! and .Ninth Avenue should ilsu have belter protection. j In the Letter Box STEAMER NEEDED Jilor Daily .News. v Allow jne a little space in yo"" valuable paper in regard to Ihe halibut industry, it ludng lo till opening season when aU Hie liH'l will In;, going out. A pointed Out, few years .ago, the time :be halibut boat Xol- land was lo with all her crew, e bad md a vessel "here to seud, out to look for her. . 'eejng;' Ipnl 1'rjiic'e .Jlujierl ,is one of Ihe laixesl, ; -i; i: fun largest fish producing city ou, Hie Pacific coast, I 1hlnkv II is nearly lime thai Prince Jluperl should 'haw Hie bead oilier of Hie fishery department here instead of it being in Vancouver Surely we are entllled, from the revenue' we produce, bi have oi oT the large fishery pal nil vessels here for life saving mid Use lyscue of properly during lb-' winter instead of'havbig lliein lie in Virloriu, where Ihey ue them foiy yacht or excursion boats. AVben they sent to Victoria for the pat rid boat to look for Hie Xollad they had to hire a pilot lo take them to lh west coast. They might be all right for deep water bul what we waul is not . iin charge with local know'et'ge We liave Xislierinon here with I knowledge of the coast .iinong jibe finest navigators in .t world mid there is no need lo send lo the old country br Ibeiu. They are looking for joh. Of course we will always have shipwrecks in n filling e.un- nninily, but it is proleclion of lite and property we wanty I be breaking adrin or the brtre lliiigamon in Hecate Slra'ls an illustration. We bad no vessel to send lo assist her nr lo save hr crew. Kvcnlually wo fuun I tut: daily -0 ? Every calking I ' aVJCTROLA J I :. Mliybuyamb- 3 ititutr you I hoptW doai J well. Genuine I VICTBOLAS I I coit no more f I Look fur Hie trude muif. f J the s!.S. Newinglnn, lhe local lighthouse lender. Now I .maintain, and any ran-Ileal man will agree with ,iu. thai the Xcwinglon is no sea vessel to seiw nut to Ilecale trails in a gale of wind. Perhaps she is all right taking stores to lighthouses Ibis side of lli'j straits, but even then she mul avoid being caught in a gale. I was on her in (Jueen Chariot to the lirsl lime the- ioernme(,l got her bul she was made Morse liy putting more houses on her deck making her lop heavy. The Malaspina they say :s a good boat. She wan. here about six weeks ngrf, Ifome Made Bread is qood (or ihe Kiddies Give the children all the fresh, home-made bread ihey can cat. Nothing makes them thrive to welt. ROYAL YEAST V.CAKES sx lhe Standard pF Mjtalihjfor more man SO years f'iiillllilllli- ill j! Victrola Victrola No. No. 2IJ-S 2IJ-S I jj Mahogany Mahogany or or Valnut Valnut Complete with albums an j radio panel, SI50.C0 ! Joseph Jledouin, a resident of 'this district for jnaiiy years, died last week al the age ol siviv- . ighl years. j NEW HAZELTON V. C. .Washburn has lefi lla.rllon for Hnlilail Lake where he will bi iif charge of the telegraph slalioif. Henry Cook has returned from a business trip fo Calgary. I Mrs. C. j successful jdicills in last Week. Mr. and teriaincil II. Sawle underwoid a ojieratiim or ippen-lb; llazellou Hospital bridge Thursday MacKny ami A. prize wlniuxs Mrs. S. .1. Winsby en-several friends at nighl last. Mm. A. Connou were Capl. Lionel binday, examiner of inasterK ami males, arrived from Vancouver on ibe Princess Mary yesterday afternoon. Iby here on ullicial business, t, -ti V I ' itii'rf.ii'Jftpupry 13. trr-; ' rr -.' ; : -Will accommodate ' radio of home comtruction or of your own ; 'dwlce ' ' . .;.' . The new model' Victrola This handsome new model Victrola combines with it all the usual exclusive Victrola features, and in addition, is provided with compartments for the installation of radio receiving sets. Removable panels on the left side and back make this easy and convenient. You can install a radio set of your own make or choice of those on the market. Before you buy a talking machine sec and hear this new Victrola at the storeof any dealer in "His Master's Voice" Victor products. It'is an instrument of outstanding value. Ur. Stork will take up Ihe mater al Ottawa with the. iniiiisier r fisheries in regard to having he head ollice shifed to I'linc' lujierl from Vancouver. I touli lot ice when in Vancouver, im-y lave miilc a large slalT on lie uiyroll. This would be (piile .m issel lu the, ineri'lianls of Piiiic.j .ttlperl. HOItKHT 1IANNA, I'lsln'i'iiiau. ifANDERHOOF - The folbiwing executive of Hie Vaudcrhoof Jloarcl M Trade win 1 :iiope.o)ir,'5JV. fl'e-elecled last week at , the ar-ijiuid nieeling: ('resident, Dr. y. jjloss Slone vice-jiresiibMil, K. A. j-Milrlicll; secrnlary - treasurer,! V'ugt fgson; jlireclors, J. W. J'aler'soVi hmt Itii'tJ. MatHiews. 1 llalph K. Iturger has releiin lliere from Maselt where !i. .:'Sssucialed Willi U. 'I'. Cabrera the udniiig' busiicss. Victor TUfting Machine Company i C lii1il.ljinilJ "His Maste rola Canadian -National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating C. T. P. 20,000Ton Floating' Dry Dock Englnuers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blaeksmlths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F TRX a mr T0.MCUV GRANTS Best Procurable In ai hMJt-UMRtl (THE ORICINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HICHLAND MALT,n1, D,ll.OM"lv1). Tho original label look for it and insist on (it the GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." I Ins Advertisement is not published & dinplnyl bv the Mir Co-urol W oar,l I by the OovcrnSt of Unlish Columbia,