PAGE FOUR WINTER COATS at cost "Demers" Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 SERVICE NOT SERVITUDE Has it ever occurred to you lliat Hie multitude of "Household Helps" offered for snle are of themselves lifeless atul incapable of service unless controlled and direcled by the already overburdened housewife. Laundry service alone is alive, vital, imposing no new obligations, and asking nothing hut your friendly disposition, to change servitude into service. May we call? Phone 8 .'.'j.tfut?iii..?r PHONE 8 3s BOX392 PRINCE RUPERT I DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Pep Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. JUST ARRIVED Children's, Growing Girls' and Misses' SHOES At Lowest Prices MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Hslgerson Block, PRIKOE RUPERT, B. O. Orrice Hours, 9 U 8. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointment. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant.1 A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CS. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. BRINGING UP FATHER WELL - THER.E1 CNLv OE WAN PER ME. TO rNO OOT HER- -; ME OUT ..-ft " WHITE BEARS ARE NUMEROUS Joe McPhee. Customs. Officer at Butedale says they are Good Size on Princess Royal Thai the while hears known is t'rstis Kormodci are quite eninnum on princes noyai island and Dial some of llii-m are larger than is I he general impression is Hie in forma I ion given by .loe .Mel'bce, customs ollleer al lluledale, who is in the eily, ami wlio is reluruiug lo the cannery I his nfleruoou. It was near lluledale thai belook hoar, now in eanlivilv at ie - i' - - loria was caught, 'i'he one laken was one or several seen al lliai Hip lime and Indians and hunters have al various limes seen lh bears. After being caught il wan kepi for some lime al the can nery before being senl lo Vic toria. and The specimens, which firsl al- Iraeloil the notice or scientists, were taken on tirihijie isiauu, adjoining Princess Itnyal. They Ibe wcm qYscribed by Frank Kermode, curator -of the provincial mu 27 seum al Victoria and Dr. llorna-day of I be museum of natural the hislory in New York decided Ibal it was a new and distinct species. I' our specimens are mounted in the provincial museum al Victoria and one young one is in captivity al neacon mil Park, 'Victoria' Hie one thai was caught near lluledale. The 'while bear is no relation whatever lo the big polar bear II is smaller lhau (he ordinary black bear ami is said lo Ik a species Ibal . is gradually dying out and is found only al certain of (lie islands and al cerfain favored places on Ibe mainland, II is of a creamy while, color. DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND INSTAL OFFICERS FOR THE COMING SEASON Tlie installation of ollirers by Daughters of Fngland for the ensuing year look place in the IKflon Hall on Friday night when Mrs. .loe 1 1 owe was re elected president. Mrs. (ieorge Leek ,pasl president, was in charge oT inslallailoiv ceremonies. The ollicers elected were: President ( re-elecfedi Mrs. .loe Howe, Vice-Pros. Mrs. Waller Shaw. Secretary Mrs. S. A. Swanson. Treasurer-- Mrs. V. Hmeelon. Firsl (iuard Mrs. McLean. Second guard Mrs.G rim wood Third guard Mrs. (ieo. Hill. Fourth iniard - Mrs. W. Good- sall. Inner guard Mrs. Yates. (tiller g uti nl- -Mrs. Ilrewerlon. Al the conclusion of Hie installation ceremonies delightful refreshment were served. MCMEEKIN EXPLAINS RECENT SUGGESTION Thomas MeMeekin who urgedl Ibe Hoard of Trade lo put some younger men on Hie Council of Ibe Hoard of Trade at its recent itneoling explains lo- the Daily News that Hie expression be used was "bunch" and mil "gang" inl connection with the men who hadl I been chosen year after year fori the position. He says be con- sideiVd it boiler there should he some new men on. Hie council of Hie (loanl and ill doing so, he meant lo cast no reflection on those who had done the work in the past. Advertise In the Daily Nuws. vi i r 1 c '?. bv lur-i FfTuRt Si!ivici. Inc Crrt Britain right! tciftveJ. I ' ' , N TO AK -1 i ELKS LEADERS IN BASKETBALL Annexed an Easy Victory from Colts Last. Night Intermediate League Evened Up Again Defeating liie Colls in last night's game by a score of 15 to i'f, Hie Klks obtained a pretty light grip tin Senior League basketball leadership. The lodge-men now have six victories lo their credit, the Sons jif Canada four, and the Colls two. As Hie score would indicate, Hie Klks an easy victory from Hulas! olts night. (ieorge .Mitchell referred and loams lined up as follows: Klk--W. Lainhie, Kddio Smith. Mike Iliuii'iiieb, A. Phillips ami Dave Ilalfour. Colls W. Mitchell, D. Friz-zell, Ralph Smilli, F,. Zellerniari 11. llarlletl. , Intermediate League The Intermediate . Leaglio game was the closest nialcli of evening, the Colts emerging winners over the Grolln by 30 to after an exciting and evenly played contest. Their win puis Colls back on even fooling with the tobacconists in firs place. A. Mitchell refereed and II, e PEPS CoUar weatW tpon"'finclt ottt. mmj irvH ry(au wu vat vi vuwi vaad Mffltcted colds simply in-'i rite bronchial trouble. Peps.; ward off cold and dull danger.' They invigorate, strengthtn and". PROTECT the'r entire breathing system. When dissolved in the mouth, 'Peps tablet give off power--fijil medicinal fumes. These penetrate, into the innermost aiir'passages. Sore, inflamed membrane Spf the i THROAT and bronchial is comforted a'nid healed by the Peps... medicine ; hard phlegm is'-cut and ex pelled, the breathing difficulty, throat irrittitibp and troublesome cough" are quickly and thoroughlyended. A few Peps every day will keep the throat i&CHEST in' such fine fighting trim that jou need never fear weather dangers.' Take Peps for coughs, cVjld,chilli, la grippe, hoarseness, and sore throat ; fdr bronchitis, or. other chest trouble. i . . , !, Tk-.M tMulM wbUl -MiapftralUI! V fr tiJm nd fficCT, t lbt'Dw '. REDUCED Price, 2Sc. B6iK: DAT! MPI TUP. PATW JTEWS fftl . WHAT! M i SJ line-ups were as follows: Colls -,-Ualpli Smith, Chester Clapp, W.. Wralball, Douglas I'li.zell, (j. Shenlou and A. Phillips. (initio D. Ciiricb, (i. Hill, V. Meagher, W. (iray and W. Cavalier. , Ladies' League 'I'he Maple Leafs ran true lo form in I lie Ladies' League and .inuexeil another victory from Hit's by a score of :.' 1 lo I .'I. Tilt auadiaii girls were full value or I heir win. (ieorge .Mitchell referred an., lie line-ups were: xMaple Leafs--M. (irabain, I.. .owe, M. Harvey, .1. Calderoue. Al. Casey, A. Stephens and Laura I'riz.ell. Cil'sWilla Dyer, C. Harvey, l.eoiia Parker, M. Lonx, A. Mm- 'isou, Caroline .Mitchell and Mar- lone Lancaster. League standings lo ilale are as follows: W. I.. Pis. Klks (5 o 12 Sons of Canada .... i i - 8 Colls i Intermediate Leanue trollo , . (1 : 12 Colts . . (5 : 12 Ilegiment .....v... . 0 I 0 Ladles' League Maple Loafs .... I 10 (iil's . Junior League Tiny Tims .... :oits . CRIBBAGE LEAGUE SCHEDULE OF GAMES Series Opened Last Night and Next Games Will be Week Later I'he Cribbage Lcauue played 'he opening games last night I .villi the following results: (i.W.V.A. heal Moose, 15-12-L.O.L. beat Drydiick, 17-10. Klks boat Sons of Canada, 14- 13. ' St. Andrew's heal Ilegiment, Hi-II., Following is Hie schedule of uanies for Ibe re(sl of I lie season ! lie -next set being played on .Monday next: January ' 111 Moose ,s. L.O.L. Di'ydoek vs. S.O.G. Klks vs. SI. Andrew's. G.W.V.A. .ye. 2(i J..(),IT; ;vjs.; JUksi, y ;v .W'P-M-:Vr-;fi2,M,".''-. -i I'-.. St. A'l.rlrewH vs. .V.'..V Grotto vs. Mikose. Drydock byf. February Klks vs. Giiillo. I02inl vs. Drydock. (i.W.V.A. vs. L.O.L. Moose vs. Sons. of Canada. I SI. An'ilrow's-rbye. (irollo vs. G,W.V.A.-Drydock vs. Moose. ' L.O.L. vs. SI. Andrew's.-102nd vs. Klks. S.O.C.-vbyo.. Ift G.W.V.A. vs. S.O.C. Moose vs. 102nd. -SI. Amlrew's vs. Grollo. Klks vs. Drydock. L.O.L. bye. L'3 -S.O.C. vs. St. Andrew's. ' Klks vs. Moose. , (irollo vs. L.O.L. Drydock vs. (I.W.V.A. 102ml bye. March 2 SI. Andrew's vs. Drydock. L.O.L. vs. i()2nd. G.W.V.A. vs. Klks. (irollo vs. S.O.C. Moose bye. )Mnose vs. ft. Andrew's. Drydock vs.'Grollo. 02ii. vs. G.W.V.A. S.O.C. vs. L.OX. Klks -bye. Hruce Lil I lo. skipper of the Francois Lake ferry, will irlurnifar only local games have been lo the Interior on tomorrow's Iraki after having spent n couple of days la the city. Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ROYAL CANADIAN NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE HKCIllilTS WANTKD. Sea experience not necessary, lleg-ulai" Naval instructor being appointed. For full particulars apply Naval Heaibuarlers, Hays Huildiug, near Totem Pole; on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7 to it p.m. WANTED THIIID Class Fugiueer desires position. Itesl leferonces. Work guaranleed. fj. .1. Senk-bill, Smitliers, ll.C. 13 YOlINll Lady, business capabil ities, wishes lo represent local firm. Phone lied 7(111. 12 WANTKD. 'Girl for dining room work, apply Central llidel. FOR SALE FOIl SALK OR HF.NT. Mrs. Harry Lipselt's residence -13 5 Fourth Avenue. Apply, Lip-sell, Cunningham, Second Ave. and Mcltriile. If FOIl SALK. Four Light Suss-x Pullets f from Kngland, also four Hullercup pullets. Apply W. M1. Stephen, P.O. Ilox 37.r. FOrt SALF..- -Grey Wicker llaby Carriage. Phone lied :iO(i. - TO RENT FOR Fl H.T. Furnished House keeping suite, (10 Sixth Ave. Kasl. Phone Mine 278. If t'0'1 HUNT. Modern house, five rooms and bath. Apply .Munro Hros. If FOR illKNT. Singer Sewing Machines. Phone Blue 389. tf LOST LOST. -- Ladies' Gold Wrisf Walch. Monogram on hack. Reward. Finder return lo Daily News olliee. If BOARD AND ROOM HOARD nnd Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Ofllce, 830 Second Aven. Phono 137. If HOARD AND ROOM. Homo com- inodcralc. Phone fprts.'Tevnis &w 737; tf j Sport Chat The second half of the billiard season will open tonight with the second division match hclwcii Hie Callies and Canadian Fish ('old Storage Co. These are tin, two cellar loams in Hie league respectively. The two teams may change places in the stand ing bill there is no chance for either to catch up on the Veter ans' who are in fourth plan Ibe next second division gapie will be on Thursday night In Iween the llilliard Parlor, first place, and Grotto, third place. The npcuin; second half game of Ibe first division will be tomor row night between llilliard Par lor, first place, and (irollo, cel lar Inler-lown hockey games are already being arranged in Ibe interior. Smitliers will play games al Prince George on Sun day and Monday next and a team from Aleza Lake will play at Prince George on Ibe SumUy following.. They are having a very successful hockey season al Prince George Ibis winter I111T so played, the chief features heimr pialcbes between South Fort (Ieorge and Prince Gcorgu " ft. 'm ADVANCE. No Advertisement ACCOUNTANCY HOOKS written up - Halance sheets, financial statements and income tax returns prepared by expert accountants. Rales reasonable. Write P.O. Jinx 835. If CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EY0LPS0N Graduate of t!ie National College of Chiropractic. Chicago, No. 1 Stephen's Block Hours: 10 lo 12: 2 lo 5; 7 to 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. P'jpne llluo 85. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust1 Prompt Service and Comfort Day or NU'.t Stand: 30SS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Acrrss from 3mnnss Hotel DRY WOOD CKDAR, II KM LOCK OR .FIR Cut and split In any size. $6.50 per Load A. ISAACSON, Seal Gove Woodyard. Phone Hlack Mil. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Huy. Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Goods. QtO. PAPADOPULIS. 839 Third Ave. Pboie 648. AUCTIONEERS IT will nay you to consult us when you desire lo tell or purchase furniture, or any arliclo. PRINCK RUPKRT KX-CIIANGK, Auctioneers. DRESSMAKING MRS. HAMILTON, experienced dressmaker, Federal block. Dressmaking, alteralions, suit and coats. Firsl. class work. Reasonable prices. Phone Hlack 416. U LAND ACT Notlc of Intention to Apply to Lu Land In I'lliirc Unpen land Plslrlrt, rorillnit Plstrlrl of ITInrn IUiimtI. liirt ll- t it lianianl C.nv, 'rlnn noytl I.IHIIU, 11.1.. Taki Nnllrn that S(.tnprllli Cunnprv Company l.lmlti'il, of Vmiroiivrr, B.C., In- irnus 10 apniy ror nrHiiiMion tn tram th rollowlnr ilMrrllMMl lan(U: i:ornminr'.nr al the hfarl rf llarnarl Covp, I'rlncpM luiyal I'lanrt; llipni-n i-al rivn &) ihaln; Uipiii'i north forty (401 rhalns; thence wt tfn (10) I'halna, more rr lend, to low water mark; tlienen aontii iloiir low water mark tn point of rnnimenrement, and rnm.ilnlnfr firiern (IS) aerM, more or M. soMFnvit.i.F. rANNrny COMI-AMY IIMITI-n Namn or Appllrant. . w. 1. Jrreron, Airi-m. naled pereniWr I7lh. 1084. MINERAL ACT. HAWK MINERAL CLAIM Situate In Urn skeena Miniiiar plvl.lon of tlie nanite II, r.oam Imniri. wiii-re loeatert, South of lull Creek, Kllsum-kalnm take, and iitjolnlne Ihe V.'lililler on the t:at end of It. Lawrul holder. W. TreMon and II. WIIhoii; No-or imiw. rree Mtnera' Certlfleate, Trenton tl7nQt':. I Take Noiiro that we,. W. Treaton. F M r, o. n7ntl)C, nnd David Wllunn FMC. 'n, n7n04C. Intend at the end or 'id'xty days from the dale herror to apply to the Mlnlnr lleeorder for a Certirieaie of 1m. proveriienu for the purpooe of ohtalnlnr a Crown Orant or ihe nimve elalm and furthermore take tti,(?n tint ArtUm under see. KT, of the Mineral Art mnM tin rom-rpeneed lierore the Imiianee of aijoh rertl-flrnle or Improvement, tiated till Itnih (nv nf Nov 1994 W. F TIIFSTON. and MWIO wit run. oner p T Vennv. re'nt LAND ACT Nolle nf Intantlon to Apnlv to Laiaa Land l.lniid. 1 .ami ni.eirt lieeordmr li.ire of l-rlnee tu.nert, ll.C.. n, .Monte h"n W. nnd In YeMnlmn Hay. on Umber limit Take' Notlre thit Fvrene II, Rlmnaon Vanarer. liilen.U to apply foe peripi.,inn foMo'ln rn,menein at a pn. pl.miert nlerl on t 11.. "rtn nf Venlalmn nn n... flnv ...AT. " elialn! Ihenee en.l in ehn n. .1 rhalnas Ihenee wei in ..i,.i. ...j ".!.' El'nF.NE II RIMpvon Dated Dcnember IOtli,N(TVnf "llcanl Ti;edny. January I $. By George McManu, L. j' 1 I- r i Taken for Less than BOc M. M. STEPHENS Solicit n Your 'SUj, ,ir: for ALDERMAN s 1925 4 4 ALD. J ARTHUR SMITH for re-election I'.' , Your support and v solicited 4 4 ,7 i) f 4 ALD. R. F. PERRY Solicits a I'wuevut) your coilfideiii'ii polls on Thur-day.. " - 4 -in 4 4. A . A ; . ( ALD. FRANK E.. CLAPP for r-eleclion 19: Solicils Your Vole on Thursday 4 A 4. A 4. A A 4 ALD. 8. P. McMORDIE 4 for e-olecHon l' : A coiiliiiualioi) of y 1:1s. 4 confidence is respi fully soliciled, A A A A A A A A 4 A A 4 GEORGE W.KERR Hcspectfully Sfjjjcils your Vole for ALDERMAN 1925" AAA A J-" ' - t e 4 ROBERT MCCARTHY for 4 , POLICE COMMISSIONER 4 1925, Your vole respectfully Solicited A A A A A A.A.A A A A A A A A A t i TK Vote for HARRY ROCHESTER - ' for SCHOOL TRUSTEE 1925. Your support solicited, MOnTOAQE.SALC. .TAKE Mitick tlinl Under and ly '"''!;' r tlie power nlnmi'it Id in ' "". 0jl4, and imicln ImluVn nhi' W'si-.d' ' I uli'len, Limned, nnd tint. Itoyill ' t anada I will id h r Tur .salo at P ""'I mi Tuesday, the rftlh day it Jfi ary, 10 r. , at Hie li.gir of'ir.J"; "'"h "k ! the nrtertuicin, at the ,lrUII4e r I" '1',., Mekay, LleveiUh Aveimef Wcfuro Im""1 ILL., all llm Konda, fliJtnl.V-.CIl"'' . ' recta ami tieiHonal proiiertv, dnital" 1 ' the said Chatlel Mm Ue. iflnd tielur1', eonleiiH or ihe Wciodeofk halrloa, I.I" I1;'' jiinplele, nw a trolnir'i'Wioerii, Uirli'jlM' III rly-rive (U) dairy rnv. heirera. luunena, Kuril Iritrk. oleain li : "'n'"i, leeci, iii,ukhi uii VV'V !!m"i- rrHllr'd In the ' 'iniry. nnn a 411 iiiiiiiimiii 1 rim- I i"v. .TO! plr. n.c tn: "wary, lvyn, r.VIT1" Tor flintier pnrtlctilar nid' rondli Ai "l,,l5, "I'e'V WllllaiiH, Mannoil .", tilef, Solicliura, I'lliice Ituperi, B.C. "