January 13, 1925. T&e Great Bee! Economy -Because OXO is gooc food tastily seasoned. 0X0 Cubes are economical for they are full of the easily digested, body-building nutriment of the best lean beef. Because they are not only good in themselves, but they make other foods yield more nourishment. They add variety to your cooking and enable you to convert left-overs into tasty dishes. Bcause they are so convenient-ready in a moment. T,ni of 4' it. :t 15c to 30c Candy S 'wv OXO N Ice Soap Send four 0X0 Cube :, iff-k i.iMte (rm ry kind of Itotifa. wrapper! to OXO M .. tiireekiHi'jiof vegrlables. iJir!t.8-Lmom I iiniiiftli I mntn ! ,r.i,v. wurpofhiUKi. .-, i : r. aoxidibe. Street; Montreal, for . --iv. .m th ri, and tl it for Tommy Tomklns !,. ni-iive thi-oxocnim in a Fainting Book for , a- .a.' (ihthtchwipaiiri children Jour "n. ; i a Itw uiuulrs,audinrc. Built for the Typist-Preferred by the Typist for ten minutes on the new Quiet 12 WRITE Remington, and you will find n Tcsponsivc-r ,ii flexibility, a wonderful correlation between 1 lvtvdna machine, which, heretofore, have i (TrTyn foVir- imagination. ' i a is tl.e result of what we call "Natural ," one. of the uuny remarkable improve-in :nr in th New Quier 12 REMINGTON , . numsnoium if wuS jnr the flfk .. .'hot; vhURutini on y-tur p.irt REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY McKae Bros., Ltd. pecia DftOKEN SCOTCH NUT SCOTCH HUMBUGS ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ORANGE AND LEMON SLICES It, 50c per $5.95 lb Call fop your Calendar and Tides and Guides for 1925. ORMES LTD. THE PIONEER DRU3GISTS ThiruVaija Sixth Phones S2 and 200 j Prlnco Rupert, B.C. JUST TO HAND GrWi"luGSiet'ca.f Oxfords Judy, ar Wflti'd. Fieiicli Toe. Sixes :l to 7 '-j . Spe i d priee ScmUBfbgue Oxfords, Mussel tlali', ti'imlyi'iir Well, I'rench Ti.1iie :t to 7'i. An ideal shoe for jiresenl wear. Intp7.00. Family Shoe Store Phone 3D7 j Local and Personal j It.C. Undertakers. IMiono 41. llayners. Undertakers, Phone 35 1 Sec. bank page, Wallace's Sale. 10 You'lPlike our xal! Consum ers Coal Co. I'lione 7. tf Ni;k Murcliie. Was a passenger fur Houston on last night' tram. Mrs. Oaggtt returned from Auyox on the Gatdepa this Mix. Mlsie McCoy i pausing through on the Uardeua this af- Cardena fur Xanaiiut on a boli lay trip. The final iiiccUutr of this ur poliCf roiiimisiiion wilt M In-Ill tliU afternoon in the ily council cliamber. Mrs. Moxley had charge of the uiuxical jnoifiuin at Hie lea and call! of home cooking of I he Iiom- pital auxiliary on Saturday. An nppliealinn by M. Obtincinn for (Canadian citizentihip was ap proved by Judge Young in (hp County Court yealertjay after noon. .lohn Nelson liaK gone from here to Swanmm Bay toN become engineer on the forestry launch Knilirce replueing W. Syken who wan called eal recently. C P It. Mleatner t'rinresn Man Citpt. C C.' Saiuley, northbound tritin Vancouver W) Alaka. wa in ooi'l frnni 3.:ui to 5.30 yex li-nlny wftcrnoon. The vessel had about forty paiti)nge:rti s goin? Ilimuuii and a single one ueoark- 'd here. Mr. and Mri. Caul l-?gert of At 1 in, following h trip to Cali fornia, have arrived in Vanfan vep ami taken juri their renijleue' in - ifcwraiKmn- apaijinieui 1ieif liU& jiSltirfinniii fbf if rul weekt" before i-etiirnttg 1ti lUeir iiouip tn me noriii. . V. J. Alder, a former retMrt of I'rinee RupVrf and a proiicrljf owner here, i Ike candidate for reeve of I be recently formed ltaieuiyei-A' AsKot'ialiou in. Oak linv. a uburli of Victoria. Hi iioitiinution wui' Kinnnwhat in flit' i'm-'ii of n onilcst at I lie old :nuiiH-ipal council. .'lock of the follow'nq lumber, etc, to clear at bargain price before end of month. Dimension Lumber, plankton, shlplap, Drop Siding, double dressed finish V Joint, flooring, dorjrs, windows and veneer, oak and cedar boat lumber, etc. Shockley Planing Mills. If v .1. II. Hlake. mer linn teal iur .ireior for fliB ttrovinblal for-e-lry ilepuilmenl. i returning to lii headquiirlerH in Ntdtoriu on the Canli'iia lonight. Mr. Ithtki' ha been here for swernl day in connection 'with Hie coo-sirni'tioii of the new 60 fuu! cruiser al I lie dry dock for lht dfai'lliieul mid is well sulitified with the iirngivM of the work. Tlic ki'cl has lien) laid and I he project is wi'll niiiliT way. Extraordinaiy Special ONE WEEK ONLY Our Main MarKel als.i J"ar-. tiler's Market vill Sell . 1 lb. Great West Coffoe 1 4 lb. tin Plum Jam, Purs Value W 1 .55 for . . $1.00 You can purchase these any way you wan I. On your regular order or cash ovel I he counter. B.C. Butchers &Groct-rsLtd Third Avenue Phone 45-574 or Blue 428. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE TIMEE HEART WAS WEAK NERVES ALL GONE Mm. J. II. llalUriiberk, 114 WeilaiHl Avenue, 81. CallWrlUfH. (MH., wrlle: I Waa Kim fXi-hmiim; It left me will) M heart, ana in)' nerves were all tone. I aurferwl everytlmiir; couldn't aleep, or endure nay exlH iiHin. and wben left alutie I felt as If I euulrt sri-iam, 1 took duty ffil. orten railing and bruising- myself, Hi mnilier read abml four MiHMiru'a Heart anil .Vin- 1'illa, aijtt nmiRDI ii a vol. but luuinir taken so many different kind f im-hcme II just Menied thy I did not have any confident's to any w vu. i hm w or n. ff. Pllla, and felt so minh better 1 con tinued with thctn until I Had used rive Duxes, and Iter I laid taken tliein I, did tint 'need any avor. 1 eamwit praise, or recommend. Mllborn" Heart and Nerve Pltli too lilfhly after all they havp done for me.' ' 1-ut up only by The T. Nilburo Co., fi'iiiKin bound fjjom Alice Arm to Kiwiied, Toronto, out. Vancouver. Leonard Dale of lie forestry ifllct- is leaving tonight on lu Wallace' bale. See back page. . - I 'JO W'oihun of .Mooelicail l.ogion Whil driv6 arid dance luniplil at 8 pu. .. IUnirii Hflel SI. uillu I his aflernouti on the Cardena for victoria on iwihiibssu ilt. ' and v.M'e. -I. ilremo re turned lo K'ptchikan on (he I'rin- Cei Wary $Mxr$ky afternoon. I.. A. HinlqtWe-pn of Mr. anil ft ' rt-ALla- 1 1 rajr. j, u. nmnm, Mnmu .venu i sailing tbi-s fli'rn(ort on tin '.uaidena for Victoria. Mm. It. . AtCreceh. Waldiion ApartftenUt, vrill receive on Thumilay front 3 to 6 p.m. and the third Tburaday thereafter. " Union Htoainar rrdiMia, Uapt. A; K. Itickaoti, nfrive.i fit 1.45 thin afternoon, ."from Stewart. nyox and Atnw Ann and will .ail at 5 o!ock for Vancouver r.d wayporlf. Vacsengers who will lake pannage from here for the jtoulh on tli vesnel will tit-elude I.. A. Hiuton, Giorge It uric, Sr., ami .lanren U. Hlake for Vic toria; I.. K. Scott, K. W. Craw-fonl and l.wmarifcllaie for Van- couvor. v F. VCriiwJord of the Van- ffAlH, oh norqaPM tills after tioon after Ituviiigpliii a couple of days i the iy insii!mg the local, mnresis , ojj-iiSj: company. Mr.''ewW'fo!-. i'pIffiAed with buain; htTetftJijJil , condili-in.. genweaji' anit'tfjfhal. if any-lliingi' this e'iiy is enjoyiui grejilcr prositerily. IJian, Vancou ver from the slandpoint of tin average ciliej'i. CARD OF THANKS .lohn Howell, mid small daughter, wist to express their sincere thanks and 'appreciation t i. the many , friends for the sympathy and lieuuliful floral 1ri-!m: es exl elided to them ilurinif their sail bereavemenl In the los of a loving wife and mother. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. .Insenh I'roul tl I'remier annouiiet' I he eugnirA-nielil of'llieii' daughlVr, Mildred Alice I'roul. tu Samuel Mclnlyre Mmniiiiy of the Premier mine engineering siart". 'I'he wedding will lake place early in February. : r- . WIRELESS REPOUT 8 a.m. Mliiltt' ISI.ANH. Pari cloudy, calm; haroineler. 20.0 Ij Upmper-alure, 2; sea niooih; Jtfr a.m. I'rinee John leh , fiutnsni'wsi for skidcpile. , DlAl)' THHK I'Ol.YT.- Uloudy ealm; barotiieler, 2SI.7I; ' leiuper- u I u re, :;' ; sea smooth. HULL MAItlltill. r- Cloudy si rung- souf heaxf wind; liaromel-er. 20.03 ; leiiiperaiure, 10; light swell; ti.R0 p.m. spoke sleaincr ICanadian Obseiter,- aHJ' miles I ri'tmi Ocean Falls,' iioUiol for (Sealtle; 0:r5 p.m. spoke learner (Mogul, ;iKK miles from Tacoma. Isoullibound; 0 :-'(-li.ni'spokc lug i.ap M'oii aiiram. I'liio laiami norl lihound. Noon ! liKIIIY -1.SI.AM. Overcast. icalm; liaronicier, 20,01; leiuper-,'nture, 31; .sea ,smoofl'; steamer (t'.arilena due in l.ui p.in. soulli-t In i ii ii I . I IlKAl) THKK I'Ul.N'T-r-lilolld.V. jealm; haroiiieler. 20.7 (t; leniper-jature, ;)0; sea siiioolh; VI noon (-passed in I'rinee Joliii norlli- I llt'l.l. II Mint lt .jf-- Hainiii!. jslrong sontiii'asi wind; baromol--r. 20.5K; ieinper,iitt:e,'.' U); sea r0U?"- ,' :' TS$fi!fLLED ZAtVI-BUK unequai ldfor cuts. chapped ( hinds, cbioil.ui.s, culd- soren. burtw. sca'il. etc., to c'irck bleeii i.. infljmniatn'ii and pxin, ami brinv swift clean healing? Also for eczema, poisenrd s-iies. ulcer- , t il, bail legs. Of pure hrrlial .irnin, Zam-Buk it inh"He!v snjieri.ii M artificial ointments criTnivrti A for'-rlfi(jging fa's nrl i.ruile ijr't-s. DValers evervwiiirre sell .am Hill, iOc box. 3 for M.'JS. Slocktakiiii Yl.' Hosenslein. keeper, arrived in the noilh on the afternoon. l'rcd .Slorlt, M.l' returned on the llardena Ibis afternoon after viKifin bis. cini-tilueiUM in Stewarf, Anyox ami Alice Arm. 1,. F. GliHioiiion, mauaper of Uie Oranby SI ore, is a passenper goin? tbrUfrh to Vancouver from Anym on the (Janlena this l'incipal John Miller of Hoh-erlwoti I'rrs1iyieria1i College, Kd-mpnton. will come to I'rinee to lake services on the oc casino of Uie opening of the new Presbyterian t'.hurch here or January 25. Principal , Miller. who is a nole, clergyman, is an old friend of P,e 111-. II. It. lirant. Ihe local naslor. GOOD WAY TO - INCRE ASE BUSINESS Many advert isinar messages Tail to nitrite!, al (out Ion because ihey are either unattractive or ire loo stereotyped. This is the oinninn of one of our busiest and most successful !'iisiiie.s firms' Albert & Mc-f'affery. Ltd. They have .succeeded iii inleresling many new customers in Ihe story of Ihe 'anions Xanaimo - Wellington eon I and since the coal i I self lies up to its reputation these customers are coming buck daily for more. Nanaimo. Wellington coal is the premier fuel for Ihe '"ireplace, range and furnace. More heat less ash no rock or clinkers, i You should try Namiimo-Wellington as soon as your present supply gels low. Heller still, if you order some now you can test 11 mil with the coal von arc now using. Niinaimo - Wellington stands supreme when a compar-alie lest is imule. To secure a supply phone Al, liert iv. McCaffery Ltd.. who arc sole agents here. Their nhonr umbers are I i ami rGi. If HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert I.. II. Lindsay. Vancouver; S. 'I'llara. Ireland; W. II. Slinson, Pacific. ANNOUNCEMENTS l.O.li.F. Children's Fancy fires? Hall. February 0. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. notice n iikiikiiy oivkn tii.it the reerve rnviilnr l.nl 4135, Caolar Ills-trlcl, li caiirelleil, n. n. N.vnrN, nepnlv Minister of Lamia. I.aiut r'p:trtti, nt, Victoria, fi.c.. inth niw"Milie 4091 Dr. Mattel's Female Fills Hv ataiitrd f.atur thou.anda eawilait half century, eorrectina cau. ouiiumr up " trn'thnlnir orgn, rvli.vlnir UKLAYEI), ami PAINKuL MKNSTKUATION. NER-VOUSNKSS. I1ACKACHR DIZZINESS, etc. nndan?mudruir. Soldonlyin Staledllinra-Covrr Tl N UOX with our aiirnatur. Ururm.U vrwhre, or dirrrt lr mail, t'lain parkan i 00 takatrlxctrf Rir C. , tl E. Fraal SU Taniata, Caa. tirtilir aiailfi tn.nl. T is IVOLD BUT f I'M Z aV M7 . ' M JW A m L Jf W IP kl tiJ IB u,saJn Anything GET IT AT! Bah Mr. Henry C. Davis, a widely-travelled railway engineer, now of South 17th St., Kansas City, U.S.A., writes that he has found nothing in any quarter of the giobe that compares vith Zam-Buk for healing. He says : " As a first-aid I have used Zam-Buk in innumerable instances for cuts, wounds, bruises and similar injuries sustained in my engineering work. A REAL ANTISEPTIC HEALER. T otcn trir1 ' 1 rii Q 1 1 L ( rr pnthar m rsr sti V.1 ak i iSjk atOW ill.U 4.4 ft-k lil i-J U la. IIS O ICilklLI WMtftUllAWK WUfti lit W this country -skin poisoning by poison ivy. Disfigurinp iP sores aopeared on the hands, and other parts of the body after being in cv.tact with the poisonous plant. Zam-Buk speedily cooled the affected surfaces, drew the poison right out, and healed my skin perfectly. " Another time, whilst travelling, I suffered from a virulent outbreak of eczema, contracted through careless use of a public towel. I had medical advice and .ried in addit on, many special remedies without finding the hoped-for relief. Zim-fiulr treatment took -away all the pain and b.:-n' irritwtion. .ir.d quickly puri::;d and healed the deep tr ub.esome seres. It made my akin quite well." ZAtt-I3X Ftta 4 P?!ST-M!n.-Ttw PrrpH'-tors eT ki wsnerfal iierbai icl r after vi ecsdsr W,Plt BOX. Snd recit-fc! ts i y Zara- s ' .. h-jatr.t 3J Toroste. Sale. Vallaces.'WWBafln:i&KaK3 10! Jlyder store-; the city from! Cardi'im thi' i January CLEARANCE ! SALE i SUGAR 1c A LD. SUGAR 1c A LB. ATTENTION LADIES! With every $5.00 Cash Purchase during our January Clearance Sale you are entitled to 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 1c a Lb. The limit is 5 Lbs. to every customer. Act promptly and secure 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 5c. Remember that the Sugar offer is over and above the sals Bargain Prices THE FOLLOWING IS BUT A FEW ITEMS OF OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE SPECIAL PRICES. LOOK THEM OVER. Ladies' lluliliers, medium heel only, for 50c 27t Pairs of Ladies' Shoes for $2.00 L'." Pairs of Ladies' Slippers, Pumps and Oxfords, assorted sizes, for '. $3.50 15'J Discount tin all Ladies' and (Jliildren's Shoes ami House Slippers. Men's lluliliers. Meg. 1.S."). Sale Price $1.50 Men's Overalls. Meg. 2.75. Sale Price $1.85 Men's Flannelelle Working Shirts. Meg. $:i.iMi. Sale $1.85 Hoys' .Monarch Sweaters. Sires up fo ;!(. Sale Price $1.50 Monarch Wool, floss and dove, 1 oz. halls, four for $1.00 Monarch Wool, down, 2 oz. balls,':) balls for $1.00 Infants' All Wool lllaek Cashmere Penman's Hosiery. pairs Tor $1.00 (Jliildren's Heavy Mib I'ottoii blockings, all sizes, :t pairs for . . . $1.00 ti balls of Grtichet (JolUiti; all shades, ror $1.00 ." yards of (Irey (lotion, :)0 inches wide, for $1.00 1 yards or y,hiU Flajiuelelle for $1.00 Kverylhing in our si ore is reduced, genuine bargains in every department p the store. JABOUR BROTHERS LTD. Corner Third and Seventh. Phone 645 Helgerson Clock. Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST (iel ii; Kslim.ih' mi your llcntal Work CROWNS, PLATES, BRIDGEWORK I'oeouililioiinlly (iiiai'auteed. I do all my own work. This means PERSONAL SERVICE TO EVERYONE PHONE 586 HIGH CLASS -GROCERS REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS