25 TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. 11 v (deuce of the ., at man was sailor Kellogg in London follovv- Hial. Morris was Ihe man whojlug the appointment .of Mr. Kel-'hrpvv Ihe bodies of .Ihe murder-' lopg as secretary of slate in tdioeii n citii in til. place of Mr. Hughes. Ti'llrcd. PUBLIC MEETING A J'ulilic .Meeting will lie held in Hit? Empress Theatre on TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 at 8.15 p.m. To discuss civic eleclion mailers. All candidates will be given a bearing, Heals reserved for ladies. S. M. Newton, Candidate for Mayor 8be overiiiplit ami now must starve unless they are fed by Ihe Cily or civen reinmieralive employment. The cily will provide for the married nyii on work provided for in the recent bvlaws, but the siuple men must shift for themselves. II is Ihinipiil that in most eases they have no reason lo be destitute ami many could pel work 'on relief provided by Ihe provincial poverumeiit al Point drey. ? Alderman (iarbult would like authority to kei'p uuemployivl from driflinu into Ihe city but. failing thai, his innHo is not to maki' il loo allrarlive for them here. INDIAN LIQUOR CASE DISCUSSED Milton Gonales Appearing In Court of Appeal at YICTOItIA, Jan. 1 3---The Court of Appeal has heard arpiimeul askiup for the tpiashing of Ihe leclsion of Judpe Young, tlis- missiiip lbe eouviclion of Wil liam j. Cooper of Moricelown, who it was provi'd soKl litpior lo France Alfred, an Indian, bill who was proceeded against tin ier the (ioM'Tiiinenl l.upior Act W. I. Carler, depuly attorney general is appearing for Ihe rown ami Milton (ionales for Hie ilitfemlaul resjiondi'iil. The main contention was as lo whether the Indian Ael, being a federal measure, overrode Ihe provincial act or whether either mil! applied. If Ihe latter is cor rect Ihe decision of Ihe county court judge will be upset. If il is shown Ibal Ihe prosecution should have been broupht under Hit! Indian Act and could liol be brought apainst an Indian under Hie provincial ael. then (be case remains dismissed. KING TUT'S TOMB WILL BE FURTHER EXPLORED BY CARTER LONDON. Jan. III. Carler, i.'illirr. i Kgypliolopisl. . pi iiiii'k isi, Howard i mi iv ported lo have reached an agree incut wilh (he Kgypllan :gydlaii govern uienl lo govern- resuine oiieratious in .11 in. ,1... ... ..i.. .... 1 1 riniiirci tun won iiir r.iiiiraioMi of Ihe tomb of King Tulunkha- iii, ii. The 1 special seel Ion of last Saliirday's Vancouver Provlni-e contains a bioprapliical sketch or Pal Daly, "discoverer oT Ihe world famous Premier mine." lie is described as "miner and Hroadvvny Sheik." HOCKEY SCORES Vancouver 3 Saskalcon Calgary 8, llegiua PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper iWSiw 'he Lew of Hi' m wisi or American ibmaiines, the V-l, ,1 , . . . . .... ' mis tot a ipcioai C oi i lit! Iicnu ol it swim w li.'i e. ie iiudeisiii tljfiidiioiiphl is now in New York, beimr made Beady lor its I rial trip lo Portsmouth. Vancouver Mill Manager Sued for Removing by Force Nursegirl Who had been Dismissed and Paid LEGLESS MEN ARE CHARGED WITH ROBBERY! YANCOIVKH, Jan. 13. Wil liam Hell, a legless man and F.rnesl Sanders, minus the left leg, are held by the police charged wilh breaking and en-lerinp and receiving stolen' goods respectively in eonneclion wilh ie robbery of a local drug store. SUB. AGROUND IS IN DANGER Ran on Outor Bar of Orleans Harbor and Seas Raking Her CHATHAM, Jan. 13. I niled Stales submarine S-IU ran aground today on the outer bar or Orleans Harbor. She sent a message Idling her position, which is dangerous due lo heavy seas. She has a list tit 3d de- pices and Ilit- vessel is rolling in Ihe mud while heavy seas raked over her. RED CROSS SOCIETY TO BRING ESKIMOS TO UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. The 1 1 i'i I Cross sociely has appro priated Ihe sum of 1 0(10 to bring Ihe eleven Kskimo sur vlvors of Ihe Wells-Wrangell ex pnlilion from Vladivostok to Seattle. 9 VAL:OL'iKn, Jun. !:. In the siiiViiiIj court ye.s1erdayK' wus iliscloscd an urtioii wjiich promises interesliirg tleveinp-meuls. Tin- plainlirr js Mi, Lily llalpli ami she claims 1 0,0(10 tfiiniages to compcnsalt! for alleged injuries received when she asserts W. V. Jianbiiry, niaunger of the llanbnry Tjnitn'r I'ro-ducts Limit t-il, caught hold of her feet and pulled her feet fore most along the floor down lairs and out into Hie .street. Mr. llanbnry .in defence stated that tie 'dismissed for good cause plaintiff, who acted as nursemaid, paid her wages tine and ii-ipiested her lo leave. She re-; ! - - lused lo leave and he gently! laid hands on her and removed her from J he premise, using no more force Uian was necessary. flic trial has been' adjourned mil il February 11. NEW ENGINEER IS COMING TOMORROW G. C. McKay Will Arrive on Steamer Prince Rupert to Take Over Duties as Public Works Chief (i. C. McKay, who comes here from Ihe Caribou district as district engineer for the provincial department of public works, succeeding Major It. M. Taylor, who is Irausferrcil to Kamloopt, will arrive here tomorrow on the steamer Prince Rupert. Together wilh Major Taylor, who will also come in tomorrow, lie has been allending a eonrerence of engineers in Victoria. Mr. McKay is a married man with a family.- Major Taylor will sail for the south lo lake over. his new duties next Tuesday nluhl, his family acconiianyiiiK him. FUNERAL TODAY The Late Mrs. Rowell Laid Rest This Morning, Father McGrath Officiating to The ri al or the lale Mrs. Mary Howell, who died in thej Prince Rupcrf Oenrral llospitalj on Mimiay, iook place inn morning. Al nine o'clock, wilh' a large assemblage present, re-ipilem high mass was relcbraled in the embolic Church by l'ather P. J. McCralh. The choir, with Charles Halaguo al Ihe organ, idso parlieipated in the service and Fal her McOralh spoke words of eulogy for defeased. After Ihe service, the cortege proceeded lo I'alrview Ccindery where inlermeul look place. 'The pallbearers were Lawrence Lawler, A. D. Oillles. K. Saboitrin, Jack Olllis, James Neville and Vincent Meiuher. 'There were numerous floral tribujes, including pieces from Mr. and Mrs. A. Mncdouald, Mr. ami Mrs. Oeorge Fortr. and Miss halherine Jones. Advertise in the Daily News. BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wedding parties. For rats, apply to Boston Grill, Third Ave. Phone 457. er : ljfh,JVolj . : v" XV M huii T- PHINUE Ill'1'EHT, U.C., TIF.SUAV, JAM AUY 13, 15)25, v..t.rd.. erection, i.so9. u..t s.i... u. " PRICE FIVE GENTS. . r -. J'r.aJ ITALIAN PREMIER IS STILL ON AGGRESSIVE SUIT BROUGHT BY NURSE GIRL AGAINST MILL MANAGER FOR DAMAGES War Declared on Free Masonry and all Such (lis- ('i'K 111 Orders by Mussolini HOMK, Jan. ;t. Although Hie eagerly awaited session of h; mber of deputies proved ilisiiiioinling lo sensation i.li; sillitlg was impnrlnul in Hint il again revealed in1' Mussolini in the role of aggressor. .Mn-olini presented n bill designed lo deal a ilealli blow lo in: i-oiiry in llaly. II provides that all seerel societies and iiit sl lilu Willi II ie poliee copies of Ibeir constitutions iTgnlulions and I lit names of their officers and members Tli' politic surprised and anesled :t:i Conuniiuisls who were Ifiiii g a red flag and decorating il wjlh Hie liainnier and ELECTION NOT LIKELY SOON Speech of Premier Disposes of Sugflcstlon of Short Session I I Jan. I II. Hit! Premier .Mackenzie K; a , T innlo last night Is re i : ; "iilical f iicjcii (nj ills, i tin- report that tic. g v : t I (1 1 1 H II shilrl si's. ii- II (in.,- with a general i Hie early siiiiuucr. inn outline of sessional - apparent thai railway it. s will Im the iloiniii- . ili'iuaiitliiiK long cnii- ' I' . iiiu' r's hint thai Hie - "I' Mi may have gone a ' fin- in reducing taxation Ii: ' ' Hie slionlil be given to liini-'es to work tin I I In i r ' .i r"iiinle, as significant. germantraTns 111 . - - Wore than Twenty Lives Lost In Accidont on Qorlln-Cologne Line "Mil. IN", .Ian. 13. More than "Cdit oT lives are known lo i" iM'cn lost when the llerlin-on,K1u. cvpress erasbeil iiilo a fouling (ruin, at llerne Imlay. I'ln--. cars were eoinplelely I iitu .died, killing or injuring many persons. Twenly-inii' mnIics wrc removed from the lIl'lll'IK EXTRADITION GRANTED IN BERYL G. MURDER CASE AGAINST MORRIS SKATTLK. Jan. 1 3.--The t.-x-''"ailillob of Charles Munis, WJI II I c.I hy IIh; llrilish Columbia I'tillcp as a suspect in (lie iniir-of Cnpl. (illlis anil bis son 'hiring Hie lii-Jiickinx of Hi" gas 'oat lieryl (I. was gi 'iled Imlay. I CITY COUNCIL HAS i I ITS FINAL MEETING Work of Year was Wound up at Session Last Night Last-In? Less than 15 Minutes The 11131 cily council wound up its business for Hie year al u session last via Id which laslcd less than 1.1 minutes.. Then) was a full atlpiitfance wiili I he exception of Aid. Collarl who w.i indisposed. City Treasurer Malhesoii, ttu? called upon In keep Hie minutes in, the absence of Cily Clerk H. I'. Jones. also illilisiosei. Iliisiiicss consisted of the receiving of reports from the fire chief for the month of December and Ihe year 15)21, passage ol accounts totalling 2, 875.57 for I be week ending .laniiary in ami filing of Hie report of '.he superintendent of utilities on capital' exienililure involved in Ihe lipid ami telephone tlcparl incuts during the past year. The only feature lo relieve the ilrabncss of routine business was Hie passage of a vole of I hank" jusi before adjournment, on mill inn of Aid. Clnpp and seconded by Aid. Casey, lo Aid. I'erry in rceoguil ion of the lime and i-T-forls he had devoled lo his ilulies during Iho past year as chairman of the Hoard of Works. LASCELLES COMING TO CANADA SOON I.ONMO.V Jan. I'l. So successful was Ihe receiil visit of Ihe Prince oT Wales lo Canada Dial Princess .Mary and her husband, Viscount l.ascelles. have virtually decided lo make a trip to Canada tiexl year. It is reported anlliorilalively that Hie I rip will be informal in every way. HOUGHTON FOLLOWS KELLOGG TO LONDON WASHINGTON, Jan. CI, -Alou.o Ibiiigblon, ambassador In (ierinany. is lo succeed Anibas UNEMPLOYED NOTWANTED Problem of Looking After 2,500' Out-of-Works Looks Big" to Vancouver Special lo Daily News YANCOIVKH, Jan. 13 Van couver will not make Ihiups very eoniforlable for oul-of-wnrks. She dues not waul them. Alder man J. A. (iarbull, chairman of Hie police and relief connnillee. has something like 3.5M men on his hands, bill most of llicm are siuple ami many have blown into I own wilh a wad, spent it almost Log Settlings for Year 1924 i Exceeds the Previous Year Including Piles and Poles In spile of the rat i thai n number oT Hie mills were closed (during lliu later mouths or the ear, the log scaling for the year jusi closed have been almost as high as for Hie previous year. For tlii.' year ending December ;tl the total, as recorded by the local forestry departrnc'nl, was 7 l,r!l2,.)l):i board feet as i against 1 8:t,387,!)D i feel for the previous year. In addition there was a targe cut ol poles, piles ami railway tie . Hie aggregate or which exeeetled last year's by many million board reel and brouphl the total produclioi, fori ' - - 'J31 well over Unit 'refolded in l!33. Scaling figures were as follows: Douglas Fir I,8(2,?01 lleil Cedar . . 30,'J55,2Cu 'Coast Spruce HS.fil'J.USU Hi-flock i t.'v'K(i,73D HaliM ... t(i,8'jy,'J23 Juckpine ... HO.Klt Cypress . . 12.U8U Inlerior spruce .. .. 3,tj'.i,05(i lliiel 3112 Cottonwood 1,378,581 Total for lirt Poles Mineal feel i Fir Piles Hemlock Piles ,. Cedar Piles Cord wood (cords i .. .Shingle holts Jctthls'T Fir lies Spruce Ties Hewlock 'Ties .. ... Pine 'Ties Fence Posts (L. ft.; . .Mine Props .. .. l.'ulpvvooil (cords . . 'The sea lings for December were Ihe total being . 17 1, V.t 2.1)5)3 Hie 1,505) .5)1 1 3,020 W.tot 5t)l),',)5 1 . 8,1)82 '" 315) .17,81 S 1C,1'8 57,(531 1,02 1,5)35) 31,870 20.150 1,013 month of nol very heavy, 20,283,152 board feel of all varielies. In addition Ihere was about a tpiarler of a million feet or poles and some piles ami ties. DELAY SUGGESTED IN I APPEAL OF DRBOAK Appeal Judges Object to Setting Case Over to next Sess'on of Court At the silling of Ihe Appeal Court it was suggested by Counsel for pi-. Hoak, under sentence of imprisonment for manslaughter and al present on bap", dial a postponement' of the appeal to llu- . next silling of Ihe court might be asked. llolh Chit-r Justice Mai-doiiald ami Mr. Justice Marl in s,talci! I luil they woud nol allow any postpone im-nl except lo place Ihe case al Ihe fool of llu- list. 'The former said il was nol in the interests of justice thai I hurt; should be long delays from the trial (o Hie appeal. 'The appeal must be gol ready as soon as possible. W. .1. Taylor, K.C., is appearing for Dr. Hoak. CHIEF FORESTER COMING P. .. Caw-rhill, chief fon ler for the province, will arrive in Ihe cily from Victoria on Hie Prince Rupeil tomorrow afternoon. II is expeclt-il .Mr. Caver-hill will spend several days in the city and district on ilepart-mi-nlnl business, EQUAL FREIGHT RATES COMING Prewler Mackenzie King Says It' Will be Before Parliament ' at Session TOIIONTO, Jan. 13. -Premie t Mackeiuie King, speaking herd iasl niglil, indicated that Ihe big Misuiess before parliament al the coming session .would be transportation problems, particularly as they affect freight rales, and that I lie tariff will bo left alone. He said there must be etftinlity or-frtTsfit'rfltw lathe Dominion as fur as the. gov-cAnm-iil or govern men I agencies could make (hem. Regarding immigration, Mr. King said 300,000 people had been brought lo Canada within Ihe last three years. The talk of the exodus to llu- lulled Stales was as exaggerated as it was unpatriotic. SHOOTING TOOK PLACE IN INDIA Wealthy Merchant Killed and British Officer Wounded at . Bombay a ROM HAY, Jan. 13- A shooting affray in a fashionable residential ipiarler of llonibay resulted in the death of Abdul Kadir Dawla, a wealthy nn-rcliant, and the st-rious injury to Lirulenanf Seaga'nl, an englishman named" Mallhews, and a woman. Dawla, accompanied by llife woman, and .Mallhews were motoring when, they met another party in a car who began shooting. Four Hrilish officers rushed lo Ihe resent; and captured one as-j. sailanl. 'The others escaped. 'The reported shooting Is attributed lo the I'alhan menace which is causing serious EDMONTON LUMBER MILL IS DAMAGED LOSS QUARTER MILLION F.D.MONTON. Jan. 13. Fire damaged Hie Hayward Lumber plant yesterday to Ihe ' -xlenl of $210,000. all or winch is covered hy insurance. : . rn . A PUBLIC MEETING Will be held in (lie Empress Theatre on WEDNESDAY, JAN. 14 at 8.15 p.m. He. Civic Affairs All candidates will tie given u hearing. Seats Reserved for Ladies. Theo. Colhrt, Candidate for Mayor