"AGE SIX Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found roasonablo In every Instance. WE rtEPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, (docks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. CUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist j Ladies' Hume Journal Patterns, each 27 inch Jap Silk :io inch Messnline. lleg. $2.50 :HS inch Duchess Satin. Heg. LIQUOR FIRM WILL DO EXPORT BUSINESS Bonded Warehouses to be Established In Four Provinces VANCOUVER, .Ian. 13. The firm of Joseph Kennedy Limited lias just been reorganized to take. Annual Stock -taking STARTS TUESDAY, JANUARY 13th. Our aim is lo reduce our slock as auieli as possible be fore t lie end of the month. To this end we offer great reductions in all lines. You caiuiol go wrong. All merchaiH disc fully guaranteed. No greater inducement ever offered. See list Iieiow. (iingliain House Dresses, each $1.25 Ladies' Flannelette downs $1.25 Uhildreus lTaiuielellc Oowiis ...... .. $1.00 Ladies' Mourners, Pink and While . EOc Ladies' Fleece Lined Mourner., Orcy anil While . Children's Cotton Mourners, .'5 pairs for All Whilewear, 20,iler cent discount. Kleclric Curling lions, each HOSIERY. Penman'- Cashmere Hose, Mack or Cream. l.l5 Silk Moot Hose, Orey, Ilrown, Sand,. per pair . . . Heather Hose, odd lines, value to l.ti.", per pair Clove Silk lloso. lteg., value .27. Per pair ... Finest pure Silk Hose. Reg. $;t.."0. Per pair . . . Hoys' Heavy Hil Hose. 7Va lo St, IJ pairs for' 5.50 , . , (ieorgelte Crepes, value lo $2.75 ... . Morroc.ain Crepes, pure Silk. Heg. $'i.25 Crepe Stanley, pure Silk. Iteg. $2.25 .... Knglish Prtiadelolh, all colors. Dec. $1.50 Aeroplane Silk, (1 inch Linen Table Cloth Sets, one doz. .Napkins. , etc. 20", Doz. Ladies' Voile Waists, clearing at each . . Georgette and Crepe tie Chine AVuiln at 33 1-3', All Coats, Sulla, DresH-s at 23'.; Ladies' and Children's Winter Underwear, al 20' YARNS Coif Yarn, S halls Tor Shetland Flow, 2 for J Silverllnss Silk it ml Wool Yarn, 3 balls for . . . Monarch Dove, per hall ami match. Heg. .$17.00, for Linen Table Covers, 2 by 2', 4. Heg. ,j,V.)5, for Table Cloths, Vi by IVi, Heg. :i.5(), for ... Tabic Damask, 70 inch. lleg. $1.50, for Flannelette Pnj'ama Clolb, ttiliu. Heg. (10c, for While and Striped Flaiinelelles, 27 in., 5 yard While Terry Toweling, 2't in., reg. 55c, for . . . Hrown Turkish Toweling, 5 yards fur 72 in. Sheeting, per yard ........ : Heaily-mado Sheets, 80 and 00, Heg, $5.00, ror Pillow Klips, per pair ... Check Tea Toweling, per yard . Halli Mats. Sale Price, each GINGHAMS, Anderson s :(lin. Lnglish Ginghams. Heg. (15c, 27in. Ginghams, 5 yards for Prints, Light and Dark, 5 yards for Cretonnes, values lo 75c. 2 yards for Sateens, yards for ... : He for . 95c $1.00 $1.50 iilar . 75c . . 50c . . 95c $2.85 S2.E0 $1 .00 . . 10c CORSETS All (iiissard Corsets, values :;.IM lo $10.50 ut 20, Discount 5i inch Dross Flannels, Orange, .lade, Hose, Henna, Mauve, Value to $2.50. Per yard All Dress Goods', Serges, Coatings, Suiting $1 .75 Discount. . . $1.00 Discount Discount Discount $1.00 . . 25c $1.00 . . 25c SILK DEPARTMENT Tubular Underwear, Tricoletle, rcg. $1.50 . 95 Pongee, Natural Color, 112 inch C0c" 50c $1.75 . . . . $2.75 . . $1 .7! . . $3.25 . . $1.75 ... 95c ... 95c Cloth to . $14.50 . . S4.25 . . $2.45 95c . . . 45c for $1 .00 . 40c $1.00 . 50c $2.90 . 75c . 10c $2.45 45c . . $1 .00 $1 .00 $1 .00 $1 .00 BLANKETS, FLANNELETTE SHEETS, RUGS, ETC., AT SPECIAL SALE PRICES H, S. Wallace Co. ROOMS TO LET IN WALLACE BLOCK 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. DOES EVERY MEAL CAUSE YOU DISTRESS? IF IT DOES ! YOU SHOULD TAKE BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS over the liquor business develop-'. ... ,, ... Kidriii-. Heaver iiariwr, oil by Mr. Kennedy in Uritish write: "I was troubled with my Columbia ami having secured I -t.unarli rnr mhiio time, ,and everytlilinr i . i '..i...., i i ,...,,. 1 1 ute si'iincil to distress me. 1 tiled many aini.iL- i iii.a. .1 .u ,,,,......, .......i..,,,,.. but vltlu.ut any le- t lie export business. HOllU.'il Hms. finally 1 was advised to try H.H.U.. warehouses will bo established ami after having; taken several boltles I in IteilUli I'nlimihin. Alberta. 1 i:uinlelel.v relieved ut my trouble each of which large slocks will he carried.. Already it has doubled its warehouse space in Vancouver, where the head office is located and where Mr. Kennedy resides. ENGINEERS DISCUSS UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF VICTORIA. Jan. 13. District engineers of lite public works department are discussing plans anil investigating conditions with a view to relief work where necessary in different parts of I ran now eat anything; I wish, i to h.b.h." TERRACE NOTES T. Hrewer oT msiiiess visitor veek. thanks BurUiiik 111. mkI itinera puts the tlumarli Into peiTert thane by pmiiiollnir proper t(gtl(in; anil during the past 4 years It has been on the market has made reputation, mtuim! to none, for relieving- all stomai'h troubles. Put up only by The T. I. United, Toronto,. Out. Mllburn Co. I lie province. In cities and nvu nicipalities the government is eonsiilcriug the possibility of co-operating. Power boat Prosperity, CapL Ilrindle, arrived at 1 1.30 litis morning form Salt Chuck Mine, Ketchikan, bringing 571 sacks 30 Ions) of palladium coiieen-' rales for Iraiissliipment Last ver tbo (Janaiflan .National Railways lo Irvington smeller, New Jersey. Thv Prosperity will re urn north laic Ibis afternoon. Mrs. Wilson of Alice Arm is v. passenger going llirouuh lo an- eouver on tin; Canlena which 'A -. port Ibis afternoon. Father Cbarliez returned on he CaTdena Ibis afternoon from tewarl. Smilhcrs was a to Terrace last There has been quile an epidemic of sickness recenlly but a umber who have been confined ft tin' house are out again. The Rebckahs of Mountain iev Lodge held their installa-oit Stiff ollicers Wednesday nihl. hey were as follows: Noble (Irauil, Mrs. A. 0. Fowler. Vice r.yiiil Mkss M. Dobb. .Recording Sec.--Mrs. .1. P. Kg- ucsnaw. Financial M-c. Miss I. O. Urieg. Treasurer Mrs. V. Wall. Warden Mrs. A. .1. Kirkably. j Conductor Mrs. W. F.. Smith.' Chaplain Mrs. F. C. Itishop. I Right supporter of Noble f irand Mrs. II. II. Swain. Loft suoporler of .Wilde Grand! Mrs. (iiMi. Powers, Right suppoiier of Vice (irand Mrs. K. T. Kenney. Left. Ht'pporler of Vice (irand Mis R. Donald. Inner guard Miss Donald. Outer guard !. Kirkably. Organist Mrs. Clover. The Oddfellows installed the "iillowing ollicers Monday irigbt 'Harry King. V.(i. J. McLaren, Fin. -Sec. F.I wood Hrooks. Iter. Sec ,lim Smith. Treasurer llerl Kenney. Warden Hilly Walt. Conductor I. Frank. Chaplain--A. C. Folwer. 0. Ci.-S. Kirkably. 1. (i. F. C. Itishop.. Advert:. J .n tin- Dailv News ! REMOVE YOUR FAT and BE HAPPY By the dally use of I Waynes Reducing Soap You can ipiickly reduce to a slender figure without Drugs. I'.xeicise, Diet or llaths. lleduce where you wish rins Itust Abdomen Hips Thighs- Legs Ankles Any-place. A Simple, Healthful Melhoil, AHSOLUTKLY IIAUMLF.SS. Now is tlio time In begin Deducing Wcijtht, let your lieallh Improve, become younger in appearance, more cheerful, vivaciously active and efficient SLIIPIUSINO D FAULTS QUICK. LY OHTAINA11LF. Money Re funded if Not Satisfied. , Wayne Laboratories Dept. S68. 337 Rlunn St.. Chteano.1 EMEESS- ill 50c FOR 3 CAKES Send Cud n Montr Order. if Service where it is allracling a good deal of attention. C. I.. Dimock has been np- poinleh district engineer for the Jeparlineiit of public works Willi headquarters al Milliners. i A daughter was born In Mr. and Mrs. Kennel li hchcrk al Hums Lake on January i " ", Miss Mary Slayner lias left for lliuellon where she lias accepted a position. A. F. tJurtls is liere from (Juesuel vislllng bis daughter, Mrs. .1. Yool. Mrs. W. l.llur was ImoibIi 9 en s Wear Universal here last nighl from I mlagel for medical ifl trillion. She was; scalded in McOidligalt's camp; where she was cooking. j LAND ACT. Notlci of Intention to Apply to Purchit l.nd In Ski'i'tiu I. mid PlAlrii'l, ir I'rlni'i. Itiipi'ii lici'iii'iliiiir IMslilcl, mill ituati' .ii'iiliimtrly fine nmi uuv ImlT Hilli'K Wi'l nr snlviis Station, mi Sulvu l.linnl, ski'i'im Illvrr. Tiiko Notice llml Itutlitir Lnmsnii, or t 111 Cnrlftoii St., Iiui'iuliv, ni'i'iipnlliiii Uifwr, IiiIihkIh In upt'ly rur tipinilsliiii In iiinlm-c tin- rulluw mtr ilHsn MumI I.hkU; CiiiiiiniMirliiif at a l"il Ilnnti'(l ut Him xiMitliwcft riirnci' nr l.nt 4oa, Salm Inhuiiii tlii'tifi. wiiitlcventptly. niiiiixl-nmli.lv Him vuriU: tiii'iii'H liollliM'li'l'lv. uiiniliiiHlfly HIMi yuriU; tlicnre mnillii'ily, xnti yai'(i in iiuini "i iMaKiinMMi(, ruin, prlsli'itr all Hint "llliiii of Salvii Islanil went nr l.nt 48l3 anil I'lintalnlnir 3U0 ni'ii'S, tmiie or le. THOMAS MILLS Alri'til rnr IttnoLP L.MtSSOX. NOTICE OP CANCELLATION OF RESERVE .NOTICE Is- IIF.riKBY OIVEM, Hint the ronnrvo invcrliiK Lot. ftUSO to 6H5, In-elusive. Itanrn &. Const bl-trlct, U can-relleil, OEM. n. NAD F.N, prinity Minister of l.nmls, DiMinrlitiPnt nr LamU, Vlrtnria, M.C Nuvt-iubcr tVlb. tttii. Dep ' Qfy workmanship in every pair Ira in turn S that mean DUSlUeS for our artmen Western King - Union Made - Strong 7 oz. Denim Ji. J Overalls Blue and Striped, sizes 34 to 44 Smocks To match above Unionalls $i-95 f i Watch This Space PURE LOGANBERRY JAM 4 lb. Tin - - 55c Limit 2 tins lo each customer. 500 LBS. BROWN SUGAR, 7 lbs. for 50c Limit liibs. in each customer. ' I 10 DOZ. TINS LIBBY'S ASPARAGUS TIPS (Tiny (irecu). Heg. 50e. Special . ... 5C0 LBS. BROKEN ORANGE PEKOE TEA in hulk. Special in :i Hi. package, only Limit 0 lbs. lo each customer. ding Co. S3, i MK. $ps gap Only quantity buying enables this store to sell this well II p OVerallSf bmOCllS known brand of overalls at these remarkably low prices. Finest materials and Unionalls $2-95 For our January Clearance Sale. Prices that will shatter all bargain records CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FROM 9 A.M. TILL 12 NOON ONLY FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY MALKIN'S BEST MARMALADE 4 lb. Tins - 55c Limit 2 lo each customer. SUNLIGHT SOAP bar to rarlou Special, 20c carton Limit 10 cartons l each customer. CANADA CORN STARCH 1 Hi. package 3 for - - 25c Limit (1 to eai li ens lomcr " -. 3 for $1.10 . . . . $1.55 Satisfaction BURNS JAKE An invent ion prefeclcd by Day Statiyer of Francois Lake for use with aulomobiles in snow is be ing denioiisti'aled in ICdmonlon WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, 7 and 9 p.m. "UNGUARDED"W0MEN" A reproiluclioii. td Ibe lirilliiiul Halunluy Fveiiing Pn"1 serial for the screen. The story nr n girl ndrin, who need ed a man lo love her ami save her from herself. The lale of a mtiderii jazz-wild maid ami a man's tiilseirishuess. Are girls of today "unguarded" when cut urr from htime restraint? Is Ihe jazz-girl of today able In take care of herself? Does she need a caveman husband to tame her? All these and many oilier vital ipiesliou urt. answered in this magnificent plmlo-pluy. Lovely dresses, sellings nmi scenery. Superb east. Richard Dix, Behe Daniels, Walter McGrall, Frank Losee, Joe King, Mary Astor ami uumcroiis others. 'FAST 3TEPPERS SERIES" No. 5 BILLY SULLIVAN IN "GET-AWAY DAY" INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c