iw January 13. 1025. TEE DAILT NEWS CASH AND CARRY Eye-Witness of Trouble at Mellakatla in 1882 Blames fcw w-r SALE i Late Bishop Ridley for it Itfy1' but what N? . i ..r it...... iiiiirknbiy imv prices. if n 1 y.Sif Halting I-""'"''' 0 I j, ... i Magic flaking Powder, Urnwn Means. 1 tin- w',jP Ilealls,. pel' 111. I ., ! Ilu i Il'lM'l I r.l 4 I " . 85c .V.-Y $1.60 . 25c . . 7c .' 25c All our prices ' arc r- i i .... i. dncoil, l.nilir in iiiiii i ih aniiiii'l iimi'r ! E CONOMT STORE 417 Filth Ave. West. I Mm S3 This is a thoughtful age sn.l mm' or us approach Hie New Year ill a serious matinc. We arc. going In do (ho )st we can lo im-lirnvff llie comfort (if our liom' folks ami will ailil In personal efficiency lliul u w;:ll may lie a holler plari" fur our having lived in jl We soil hardware llial will nial:e this a heller jdaer for you ami your. Kaien Hardware Co. - i (Hy U. JlarriMin ; llcfiire 1 ranic In llritili Columbia fur a few mouths I was rural' al SI. Tlimuas', .Stepney, London. intended In go mil lo Cali-iilla under Hie auspices if I lie Clnircli Missionary So-ciely. In fact, 1 had my passive hooked oil (lie O. Liner Khhirailn. and had also provided all my wardrolie. Before the limi' of my departure, however, J had a serious illness and, on my recovery, the Medical Hoard refused In ajlow me lo proceed! lo my destination ami ordered me to the Xorlh Pacific coasl ; until I fully regained my health ami strength. After several presentations fiMn friends iiii - 1 Kllglaild, my wife an.l I left ..asscd by dial villa ire. Tins l.n Liverpool in l,e S.S. Alaska, he- hrratigrd In .In ir 1 cnul.l secure longintr In tin I'nion Line. audla "M,erial perm" for him In .In "V"m.iau ariixen in icinria Ml. 1 1 saw the cnlleclor of Nnveuiilier 21. 1882. Icuslnins, the late Mr. HainJey, When we arrived we found jand M. Very kindly granted me llial the only sleiimer then ruii-ij I lie necessary papers "-" i.iug up the northern roasl was, Ridey vs. Duncan i lie iFiier. uo'ii owneo ny uie WIW, iiuiimiii nay company, this ves set was I lien .in her UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Balllnir tr-'in I'rlnrn Hiiprrl. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8wnon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tuatday, 6 P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alort Bay, nd Sar.ton Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. 'or ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, 8unday, S P.M. for ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naai Rlor Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. Ml 2nd liinui. J. BirniUy. Aiant. ?rlnc Rupert, IX. CAPS lo dear from Balance of Winter Overcoats AT COST. Only a rew tefl. STEVE KING Phone Green 85. $1 .25 fo 52.00 Mr. n ilays in making III!" I ( ill lielween Vii'lni i i mi. I wlnler'M MHIakalla. II,.; present .lay .(.ir..-r. as iiii" company iuy tpnin,..- ,,.., .,l ll. li'in jit " ru" ,ulrmlJ ,l,,!;il.i.ly-six hours. V arrived f.ne wealher irouHli - of each f, Uret, r r,mr .lays' before year. TJ.i heit.R ll.e.fae we ,:,iri,,Ms. 0n o,.r arrival we were e.iinnelled Jo uthy "in Vic- , i ..n t...n .- Y : . . iifiiuu u iii iiiuwii" in a xit'ai ilor.u mill) v.e could gl, a chanr slRB. of M(.jemeiil. They were jii. go norlh-on .nmo other vessel. !llvjj,H, in, ,SV), , j(s A,(0it ,e rtlNynl at Ifie old Douglas ,.jRl ,,,,,, rPll)ain(,, fa,.liril, i minis'', which ai (ii.ii nine was i., i, ,,.. ii.,. - ... ..ii, . ii 1 1 1 ii. 1 1 i hi; .III' Ill's I UUUUI!I OIIIISR city. t- . ( t i !Tree weeK8 m.rr our arrival ;, HiH,(,., iiwl,,v UMlup iir Niclona, the lal Mr. Saunders , m.n-v i.i- -n .v n.,.i Mr. an.l conlenled under iMincan's jiirisdicliii. Tackled Wrong Man ' ilM I 1 I ill IMI ORMES LIMITED Ume.pial slri Ihe bishnp was sent oul by Ihe i., f Church Missionary Society, and (his society had paid Mr. Duncan "(his salary; consequently Dr. Iltidley when lie was appointed jjltisliop of New Caledonia iniag-jiiiei that he was head over all. and Dial all must obey his orders or resign, lie tackled the wrong man when lie began lo, give his orders to Mr. Duncan and lo Ihe Indians thai he had rescued from heallienism. In niy opinion the bishop was very arrogant, as he jresiiiied on his arrival to'die-tale to Mr. Duncan what he should do' in regard In Ihe people that he (Mr. Duncan had been Hying lo .civilize for hvenl,y years, ami Willi whose social Phone 20 Capable if heing comniunicanls. Mr. J)ui;cau dem.urred ai. said llial. I hey were mil sufficiently instructed in the rituals of the church to receive this sacred ordinance, and Hie conse.pience. was the Ju'cakiug up of the finest ImLian village in Itrilish Cnluin-Iia. I'lic departure of Mr. J u n -can unit his Ju.lian followiM-s In Alaska was a severe blow to I lie aiillo. lilies if Ihe Clmii'li Missionary ociVly an.t-a heavy loss lo Ihe inerehanls of Victoria I from wJintli they purchased all I heir supplier. The bishop, .however, thought otherwise, and in an address he lina.le at .Mellrkatla on Ihe occa- in III ... the IIII' 4,.,,., .i-i. , ii..... s ion of three a.lilresses an.l les "'i' ' ' 1111,11'iiihi Uiii'ili lljriii,- , . !au.l the halanw threw in ll.eirl""1 ' "Hl? ,,n '"--"' I'resenuM n nun i ly i ne ricigy aim lauy, saiil ."'.fhat you wern ahoul lo intended to xend hi auxiliary :j)UJI(Mi ,j.ins a show me oine mark or your con- sleam schooner Holphinis far fjn,. jsni j ianka 'ntul llier'e 1 ri,,'m''' 1 ,iai1 n(a'1'' aware, as Ihe Skeena lllver. My wire andf,,,,,,,),,,, ,ho fin(H, ,ow con:l'"t I liad "l Hie slightest hint I secure.! our t.lli m her, h4 ,.oie, entirely hy Indians that yyn AV''r' p"i,1r H''1 before shn left I w taken sild-i.,,,., anvw.Hr ..Hlier ! address of vour esteem an.l af- I. 'lily ill with fyphnid fever. a Kovere ajtaeh of, Canada o,- the Uniied Slat tin my recovery America. i no .vmenean sieanier ituum wa 1 ,,w a Ut ITEWART iiid ANroX WednoUy. 11.00 p.m. II. PRWCE JOHN Jc: si IT. :il fur Vmii-.mvrr n I. In nary It. i. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUTERT WKOAY, WEDNESOAV, SATURDAY, i.WI p in. fur I'rlnrt" i.'..rP. EDMONTON. winNieca, jiii jjMiiiitK Ka-rn . inailn, l nllo.1 shim. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LIMES. City Tlckil Olllca, 62S Third Af Prlnct Puprl. Phon 2 CO. ,,c irriioii. .much as I aiui; inese He named the place orj4',,s,,'V ,'"'y as,"0,l!!ni? !""''l'ared lo Ihe unity of fc.-ling tu-le New Mellakalla. m Hie ielona harbor prepara- Prom Christmas 1882 lo th 'and pirii winc-Ji promple. lory lo making her mid-wlnler !,..i ,.f ium n. ii, r ii,!pving of them. It seems like trip fo Wronvpll. Cnplain f'.ar-1,,,,.,., srnpfr an, ani.nosiivJ l,,!lIii,,fr a v,",on "f ""1'ossibili iiiii whs mi" niiisirr. I aw I'Mlilniii and asked him if would l.,n, ns at Mellakalla a lie j(W My opinion is lhal llie!"r 1:111,1 t"','M tm?M 0111 11 Ildshop was cHllrMy in" the Wi-wig.!1'1".11" i" "ol V"'' "T WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE I.I. PRINCE RUPERT iU trtm Crini" Iliipor FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, CATTLE, imrriiH rtmli" m.iiiI i':h Irlilnv V.im a.m. I Mr. Diuican had imiupW' i ltlili:illn lllLielllrtl fl'illll 'sim.u,,., ,.ivi.e. .....I l.:.,.!11"' Ihe '! ami I wa present in most of 1h"c;,i,"liv -wleji ration of Uiiiu.pli hallle f.ebl. On tins pou.l eedinns helween Ihe Kvo fhee' ' l'ln llo'll-f. l nr iiu- ,,. (dresscri are full of reference lo nil inii ft''P aim "! iiamiui painful' coiiiiici. for this I should not i, .. iknimiuiiil' ii.. mul even ' i"( Ml' U ii iii i.-td ii al MttJIakalla. He v i .n -now allude In the deficit of those I" Wil" nu who lornieriy icrronser over .eeued. Ihe Indians frfim .JJnl,,"i1 7"iiwe-t ery ,cw ii . nun mni tin. in iiiia na hcalhciiUli .lislriels and from the va.'"!' inn.. r n. ,.....ii,.. h""'' of Hie struggle .',.,.1 for more ll.n Iwe.ilv win11 ll,l,r . - V I I It before the bishop's arrival "V , .l.uin l.w iilinnil In tnwlill in llien. laiohilloB The gen- 11,0 ne -lo The nevvspiuiers with l exception wenv unspair-They 'e the doctrines of ChrM.anily., vUupej-aln. Only had hy Iheir own ernlea-!"' .liti-.pt. mclud- vors ererled a n.a?niricenl ,'"' ehurch. school house aed several '-'" ""' '""''J r induslrial buildings, incll. tin? a i "". k,,ov)' "" fl,'J"il1 s,a'" !! "'" " ""WW will very fine cannery. When Itishopl "or grn efu lly relain the pleas-were lli.lley arived on .he scene ll.ey ' r sympalhy in a fair stale of prosperity '';oollccl...ns n"PM ass.s ance ' " I can derinilely prove that all . . . .........i .... i ,in many an hour of peril. I was HII-. Iltllll'.. .UK i . , iiiii iii ii ii ii Mini nine church men councelle.l me to give up Ihe Irtiggle, Ihough history I'onvince.l I hem that Hindi more formidable obstacles lo human progress had again and again been overcome by a determined faith in the ullimale triumph or truth. Now there Is peace, unity an.l concord, Tor which on behalf u Ihe church which I here reoresent. even 'more lliau my own. ami yours, I humbly thank Almighty (mil. Free-For-AII I hull now quote .a short nc- counl front my diary In regard to these troublesome limes. On Wednesday. December 27, I8H2. as Ihe bishop and Mrs. Ilidley walked in front or Mrs. Harrison and myself on our way home from a feast in Ihe house or a position and condilion he was ofl,,, ninuP(1 ,s w0 oa.P(, an men iiii uie coast ai nun iiiui" the most inllmali Imaiulaiued that as the Indians jlid received liaiiiism .llu-y were 1 - - - SPECIAL CARPET WEEK WILTON AND AXMINSTER CARPET SQUARES AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES fSW; - WILTON SQUARES Size 27" x ".I" Price 511.00 Sire :nr x mi" prlco $17-00 Size 0 II. in. s II Prl,ce 547.00 Size l fl. x 1 II ff ce 554.00 Size I) 11. x ID fl. " i Pr,ce 574.00 Size 27" x :'i" . . . size ;h" x i:r . . . Size A fl. ! in. x 7 fl Size 0 ft. t in. si) II. Size II ft. x I) ft. Size I) ft. x .10 ft. '1 j" AXMINSTER SQUARES (I in. Price $5.00 Prioo $9.00 Price $23.00 Price $32.00 Price $37.00 Price $45.00 All Linoleum Rugs at 15 por cont DIscounL Scotch Inlaid Linoleum $2.00 square yard. Canadian Print Llnoloum 05o square yard GEO. D. T1TE 3rd Iftvenue. The Quality Home Furnisher ii... ..oH.i.iii r I tin nlm 1'nh vn ri! I The bishop )nnjpil, of mon WPro sllf. tioned I here. As we approached ... - i i Ill SPED 8 Pure and Wiiolesorao l 'p! Zhe QueAiiy Whisky of Canada ' ml j Ii Since 1859 - j K I under Dominion Government itlA5ffl 9 A Suporytslon Mm itijML . ' -VV .,j?f1jl f t his atlvertisemenl i not pnlil.shp.1 or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Govern ment of Ilrilisli Columbia. .ida ward l.n try and slrike the bishop a second lime. The bishop repelled his blow ami struck him with a well directed aim, which sent him reeling against the, prison. I was struck on the chest an.l hack several times, also. kicked, but did my -best lo pay litem back in Iheir own coin, i-'our men about this time surrounded the bishop and acted as a Jmdy guard, hut even, then some of the Indians continued to' push Iheir legs through and kick 4 lie bishop. The jail at that time was situated about one hundred feet in front of the mission house, and as we neared thai building, l.egaic went up the steps, turned the key in Ihe lock, and lilicralol the two lrisoners whom the bishop had imprisoned that iHiirnin for stealing a drum, lie then lotiehed his ha! with two of his fingers and said, "you see who is master now." When Ihe; body of Indian surrounded us l thought it was their intention to! ilrtve us down In Ihe beach where they evidently had a canoe ready without paddles or oars audi compel js lo gel inlo.il and thus send us a.li'ifl. During the whole; iof Ihe disturbance llusen kepl j shoaling "that's In do Hie way I Ihe nisiiop, meaning evi.irnu- lo say that is the way or Hie bishop always righting. i Gun Boat Arrives On account of these troubles an American gun .lumt was jilaced al the disposal of ti' Canadian government., as there was no Itrilish gun boat at that time in Ksipiimall Harbor. This vessel arrived al Mellakalla-on January 17. 1 883. and Dr. Vowell, with Mr. Anderson were the two one or mem came inruni a no ( j,,,.. tlm, w,,,.0 S(.nt ,, 0 placed his hand before the onouiries concerning the bishop's eyes which he pushed ,is,I.1,.,.(J) IIU1 , ,,t, away Willi his liea.i. .niei i.eg-!,, ffpni(M.S- Tlifir penalties air ii.en came aim pui m m ' rn vpr, ,,nieiil: llnson and tils hands on Ihe nisimp s siiouiu-, , .. WPn finpd ,,, ;t0ar ers. The bishop pushe.l I him 1.,;., ,, silkn (linl, ),Ping II, o ..in. side, ami as he attemp ed )(rrplllpi. vv;il rill0ll lw(.nly. to reach the mission hcutse the ll(Kal,s whole crowd t:ol round us an.I: '" prevented us from moving a step, although they allowed 'the ladles un.innlesl.ed lo ,pans on. This they did and Mrs. .Harrison called for reinforcements from Ihe mission hoiife as she imagined Ihey were going to kill the bishop. An Indian named Jhuon struck Ihe bishop n blow on his l.,tT.W.Uwkl. Mm CATARRH of tll BLADDER bcrrani iT ficuxtrtoft'OHntrtfciti (Kdilor's Note This is the ! twelfth of a erfes or articles by i Mr. Harrison. The thirteenth, j telling or his arrival al Massed from Mellakatla in 182, will up. Ipivir .in an early issue J i CANNERY CLOSED chest and then ran among Ihe . .-.., r ,i, r,.PA,,i ., crowd. Immediately another In- faV0.,llp W).al)M. eo.ulil ion., Iliol uian nameo .iiha .inn came inr- , ,..... ..i Ki.nl Pvn Ii I 1 .1 III HIMlll 1 ... ..... ...... Itemporar.'rily closed down jlluihling oT n modern salmon i cannery al the site will ciuii-Imence an soon as wealhr per- mitft. AV. J. Je.tle.rson, Ihe inunii-g.r hlnles. Ailvei'lise In the Dally News upert Fish" Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties in season. Smoked Fish Our well, known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddie "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotlans. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockcye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. "Old Eng ish" BREAKFAST SUITES Jus! the i-ight size for Aparlnicnt Dining Ilooms China (Jaliinel niaile in old-fnsliioned .kitchen cupboard style Hul l'et has one long linen drawer and one deep drawer wilh removable "silver" tray: also two side cupboards. .Square (ialc-leg Table moiinled mi rasters and equipped wilh two secret drawers, l'our "Wiiulsi r" how hark Uhairs in each suile. 7 pieces, $145.00 Barrie's Home' Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phone 123 iL CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service Sailingsfrom PrinceRupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway January 12, 26; February 9, 23 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27 S.1. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For B'ltedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Own Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Rlvr, and Van-aouvor, every Saturda), 11 a.m. ' Agency for all Steamship Lln- Kull information Irom W. C. ORCHARD, General Agtnt Cvrnr of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupurt, B.tV