TWO Full of Goodness j ANYOX CONCERT "SALADA TP E A. He" is pure delicious wholesome. AsK your g'rocer for a pacKag'e. BlacK. Green or Mixed Blends. The Daily News I'MNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, J.imiicd. Third Avenue. , II. P. PULI.EX, Managing Kdilor. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 1.00 By mail to all parts of I he British Empire arid the United Slates, in advance, per year ".. $0.00 To a oilier countries, in advance, per year . $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION . .-. . . Wednesday. Mar. 25, 192:.. Group Government Comes To Stay. However much we may deplore it, group government seems to have come lo slay. The tendency secnis to lie Inward greater independence in politics instead of toward greater cohesion of look's simple enough on Ihe face of il but does not work out in praflice. If the Burns. Company is pulling up the cash for the building and the city is granting; no privileges in Jhe. wnv of 'ri....... 1... u,viM iw upri.ue uiu rciraip irom trying lo gel so nelhing GREAT SUCCESS1,, Children's Fantasy Hut" Ljncjer Direction of Mrs. F. Nl. Kelly ANYOX, Mar. 25. A very successful concert was heltl in He-creation Hall on Friday eveninj.. under Hj auspices of Die Ladies Aid of"ljie fnjoii Church, the liest of Anyox talent lakinjr part. The "Wishing Hut," a children's fantasy, and which made such a liil in January, when it was a pari of tin- parent-Teachers' concert, was repealed hy reipiesl. and diin icated Hi former re ception. Those lakinpr part in Hie "Wishiinr Hut" wej-e: Pixies. Helen Simpson. JJean Monro. Bessie Barclay and Jean Tamp-fcin: Pahily, Hose Cane; Tommy, her brother, Stewart Barclay; Lillle Old Wish Man. Jack Bar-rlay; Candy Slick Wishes, Don. McAllister, Karle (iray, Ilnnahl (ray, John (iillis, Hoy Scolt an(d l -rank .Mikili; Uiocolafe (.ream Wishes, Dorothy Dodd. Drn tirifrpr, Allies Kruzicks and llazep Dwyer; 'jewel Wishes, Rubies Kathleen Kve, Dorothy Waterman: Emeralds, Tess fior-don, Audrey McMillan; Topaz, Vera Ke, llallie Younjr; Sapphire, Pal. O'Neill, Hose Chim-iloski; Amethyst, Constance liul- the big parties, Exceptions In this will occur, especially as Icher, Marjory Cloke; Conscience, strung1 leaders of Ihe .Mussolini lype. arise but that will be, more Jean McDonald; Foolish Wi-h. or less, of a freak. Witty independence of thought rinist come nHonald Herrin; Inprralilude, desire for independence of action. Members will unite on a (Frances Kelley; Bail Temper great cause but will demand freedom of action on matters of less1 importance. , The world is finding it difficult To adjust itself to changing coiii'litfpiis. As the younger people grow up after a public school ciu aibm where all .-jre on, an equably, they will be more as-.M-riive.4 of their rights as individuals and Ibis will show itself in public. life. . Rights Of Farmers To Kill Own Stock. . An effort was made by the cilv council to secure for farm-ers'of-the interior the right to kill thejr own slock in the Burns abattoir, which is to be built. The idea was commendable. It woiihj be a good thing loo if such a right could have been secured. At the same lime we nittsl agree with Alderman Larson when he said it was desirable in a case like this to lie fair. It free site or Tree water; or light or power or taxation,' does nolldoeh: duel and en-corn, Mis seem clear why we should expect lo gel privileges from IhejEdna Davis and V.. Blundell. Mr. - company.- 'Blundell also san a solo and 4 J he main objection is lhat a jobber niay also be a small farmer -mid. claim all the, rights of being aide to kill at the es-lahlishnieiil, eyeit lt(M)gi he is n eimjielior in busmoss who would use the privilege to undersell. If Ihe fcily expects lo get privileges it must give sonielhiuir in re.lini. 'e have been asking for ,lijs abattoir for some time I'M nii Herrin; Jealousy, Florence Kelley; Dutch fiirls, Jean Holier!-sou. May Jlarclay. and Xan Dunn: Dutch Boys, Joan Whelan. Kdn a Herrin and Kathleen Kve. Tlie "Wishiiifr Hut" was directed by Mrs. F. ,M. .Kelley, assisted by Mrs. S. Herrin at Ihe piano. Other numbers on Ihe program were: Several selections by Ihe Elks' Orchestra; readings hy B. Brown; solo ami encore, J. Mitchell; dance and encore, "La Fantana," Vera Kve, Toresa (onion and Patricia O'Neill; solo and encore, Miss Kdna Davies; dance, "Highland Schottische."' Fflirehce Kelley ' and Kdna tier-' riri: solo and encore. H. W. Mu'r was encored. to know who is responsible for.lhq deal wilh P. Burns, Company, .ee,, PRINCE GEORGE Perry. M.L.A.. has re- nml now we arc getliiig it we can hardlv diclale the terms un-Jtunied from a trip hv Victoria less: we arCprepared lo pay for the right. "'O's Ilia! tin' people on tin ; The city lias the right to stop the company erecting thejt"a1 '",v" al ,as' "wakeifed It abatloir here. Also the -company has the right to slay awaji anil l"!0 ruI1 iUorlance of the Peac nil its nioiley elsewheTe. 1( ye are to make jirogress we miisl j't,v,'r 'ransporlation problem. Ur. have the name or be,ing readv to treat' capital fairly when il ii ' stronffl' opjiosed to the BruU " proposeil to,'inyesl here. ' . . jeul-olT route. If the city wishes to give Utf farmers some privileges, ill . , , , , .shojihi lo so.-ipid the action would .e most commendable. Al!,, Heginahl J.ihson, fur farmer of one time a little shed was built where farmers might come and! T , , ,,'k(' ,!'s,ricl' resident sell their produce in Ihe city hut it Was pot a success. It niight;r , f"''. f,f,,,,'n have been n.nssible to lmve mn.le . lni .uu H.,. !J'a",l 'elurneil soldier, coinmilte.l Criticize Measures ' " Novindividpals. j; . In mentioning this maller;mi'mbers (if the council must not Ihiiik lhat there is n I liiiic iiersonal in it. We do m.i ii-.ntx.i. room in the Prince ing poiassium cyannie. lie sul-vived Jiy a widow al Chie Lake. - TJiC lax rale of the city iPriiice (ieprge fjir (his year ba sel at fifly mills on Jh" I .r.i "T!, " .H"" ",?V.,,,t.,1,.fr.e:c- .We re '.s.- ihasi, r a i, per cent reductinn i ii Vrr V l" ! p 'n"v""'I. .1" "-mall plnctMin assesnenl. Unless there is a inw .f 1U " : I'" i'f.'r "P '.Y.. UM:"?5 1 w "W a Prsouail H21. percenlage, off lax collec- d: emen.1 entering 11' Wtf.'kiiowihlhg .M . munic al pany K,y except what came out at Ihe meeting of life council ktnVTOi WlWV yZr. ly, lint -what we wish to stress is thai it is undesirable for a ' 1.. 1 11. . ... .... : il l , r . . ri vmr. ' lr'ltl "nrass a concern ! The log scale in Prince flenrtre ii... i.iiiiiK in mi someming nere. Vye want iudjislric v .in 10 inem ine only thing o do is to frv to treat mi-m i-u. .mukl u auracuve or 1 hem n rump apij dislrict for the month of Feb iieet in gnu bonuses hut we - ran at nuy rale make it pleasant "o fur is 7,'y 1,508 feel as cm Inn 1 l.i.hi I I f m 1 j 1 IcrownI I BRAND I I OKCN7 fsf I bWp J I One of the greatest of all I nrat J I I En ergy.Producinj: Foods! ISKVlrtl I ; Ddicioui fat tht lahle and for cooking. I ruary totalled a,SI5,fiH3 feet. The liilal for the district this year pared with lK,085,ri88 feet for Hi' first Iwo months last year. -4 A Lulheran Church Ladies'. Ah has been organized here with the following otllcexs: President, Mrs.. O. Frerichs; vice-presjdenl. Mrs. . (). Andrews; seftrelary treasurer. .Mrs. Kuring. A bylaw giving Ihe Canadian Naliotijiil Kail way a fixed assessment for a period of five years was passed by Ihe properly owners here liisl week'. A very small poll was recorded. J. Kjng fionloti of fiiscnme, smi of "Halrth Connor" prear(iei) in Knox Presbyterian Chtireh here on Sunday evening last. STEWART The firsl shipment of Hie season from the Silverado mine win made hist week when Hiirly sucks 01 iiiyn graiie ore were sent south on 1'ie steamer Amur. A large contract has been le' to Iloylc Pros, for diamond drill 1 THE nATT.Y JfEWS ..v. r " tvi ? "T'j 'ins n tli -iirnjierty of tli(,'.VH jnonal i-jlver Mines l.til. formerly. (Known us i no liu-li injne. I'lto Slerliifir Siifi--I.enil .Mine .Id.. Willi ln'Ml' uf Stewart I jaiKl oaiiiliilizaliou: t(f .SO".-.!"!1.1!, "Wishing lias iteen incoroorated li handle scleral iiioiieitios. on .mmiiiioi. lliver in wliii-ii lit'orgi' Jli'u?fry and ii. i'. .Miii'i'c iuv iiueresteii, BURNS LAKE Followiiifr the fire las week, Ihe Hutiil; llank: is'doiiiyr Ii.lslness in buddy's haH ami the posi-oflice U: Jnund temporary quarter. In Dan McDouall's hiiildins. William -McKonna has been appidtiled pomnl fkeeper for- ttf" village of luis Lake. Forest Han?er K. T. Calver', who left here hist uij-'hl Tor his new stnliiin at. 'Port Clements, O.C.L, is succeeded by T. (I. Martin -or Sinilliers. Mrs. Cal-Vert will Jeave In join her husband shortly 'ami Mrs. Marli.i and family will 4ie here from Sinilbers in the course of.aweek ' or so. Mrs. Allan AVI 1 son is into town from Savory. he would be bar. Monday's Gate Well I should say il ifftll It lifted olT 1lie lid "Of Peter Black's posl down the sjroet; II threw down life lUilary moving The Man in the Moon .UY.S: BKCAt'SK mixer il is a person is a good no reason lo think a success at lendin;; NOW that bar tendinpr js to h" a real, profession once more. doubtless protests will afain lie made apafnsl the name. Some such name as barrister, lli knights of Ihe bpllle and glass consider would he more aniiro- priale. SUI'POSK yon intJiduco your best jirl to another man and he runs otr with he, besl thing is lo lei her go. Serves him right I Ten Years Ago I In Pfinre Rupert onic ign Ami hrnke windows &l?h! or nine And is talked abojil hy every-jojie you yYfiV ' ' XO mailer hov low the acting minister of finance keens the (axes people are sure to say he does nothing hul Hohb them. SHKD a lear for Isabel She hoiighl a car and drove it well.. Bnl careless got then drove who knows where March 25, 1915. It. II. Williams, former iiihvoi of begin, -i, and .1. W. Brown. brother of Ihe lieutenant-gover nor of Saskatchewan, are visit ing Hie city having arrived from the south on Hie ;Prinee .(lenrge yesterday afternoon. -Tlipy will proceed hasl froin jiere by train. MiUBukpviiHi oflJl'ltnce Hu- ... I- T . . . pen is very iineresied m news despatches teii,, nC the aclivl- A NEW FLAVOR The double richness of St. Charles, as compared with ordinary milk, gives a new and dejicious flavor not only to cakes but to all recipes and dishes that call for milk. Write for free Redoe Boole. T, C. It-I ST.CM.Le$ Vancouver, i Yes and now they know what you should know that there is a new, superbly delicious bar of milk chocolate. Name please? Just look at the picture Sc 10c A luncheon was held yesterday afternoon aboard the sleamnr. Prince (icttrge in honor of 1 Ii : Board's fisheries roiuiiMltee, which was so active in bavingt cbncessioiiH leeenlly granted. D.1 ". Slewarl presided and (i., W.i Nickerson, eliairuian of the fish-! .Ties t - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lee, was Hie prim-i :al speaker. Ianderhoof The Inilding of a grain eleva- 'or here is being advocated and it has been decided to write He Xorlh Star drain Co. urging them lo look in the possibility. J. K. I.eary, a lie maker, wiis found -dead in his cabin in Ihr Marl en Lake district last week. WATER NOTICE. USE AND ITORIOE TAk'K 'iTi:r thai Mffen TlinbT i: l.lmliwl, iKnie alctri- i 'u ricifn-liulldlur, Vinniutrr. B.C., will apply for it llrcnci' in tikn and up Mm rulm t-n I st mwiiuI. anil In lore UN. arre fwl it wntrr mil nt sifam known a Aln lllver, hlrti fldws vnilhrrly and drain into Mh4-ii 1 11 lit. atuiul our and nut hair mil' eailfrly from Hiirkli'y Day, .:.. Tlx1 lirp (laiii will br loratcd al ih oiuif t ut Am Lake nr at a ik.Idi t. low lh Mid outlri, tn t drti'milnnl if itr aurvfy have lvn made. Tlx ''aiacllv of lie rfwrvolr t Iw creali-t i alxnu 75M. arre-frrl. and II will riKd abnii: 3.SIIQ arrc of IJnil. Thf watrr will Ik diverted from llii lrfm at a lnl atHini IIk- hicatlon of Ihr Hnrar 'Inn. uainHy. the nutlr: ut Ain l.kc, and will In- uord For power and ItidiKtrlal rmnmira uniiii iih- iani iie'rriix'ii a.i un M4 or on un, 444. Thi notlc un riil on thi around tin llic 91 ih dar tT Felirmry. ISil. A ropy of III no Ire and an appll-' utlnii iiiirmiant ilirrelo and to ttie Ualpfl .-t, lil." wlll !) fiM in th orriri" nf' Mm Water lltfnrdr al I'rlncp llupeit. iiIiJm-iIchi to th arpllratlun may )mi flli-d with ttii Mid Water ftrrorder or nun nil' i,iHiiHr(nrr ni wail'r itiirni I'arKaiiient Ituildlniro. VlrK.rla, B.C., miiiiui inirij- ua ariir me nrai appear ance. r lhl nntnv in a lorai pewtiiaprr. Th ! of thft firm publication pr llila nnirt m niomiay, mann . IJ5 VASSI;TT Uiail'TT Tiunrli ftk t CO.. LTD.. , , . Applliant. 4 J. V. Srhoonover, AkmiI. WATER NOTICE. USE AND tTsnier TURK NoticI-: mat tin- Canadian t.iim-her Yard, Limited, wlmw ii,li-i-ss la t Standard Hank lllda., Vain ver. Il.i , will apply nn- a llcnire tn take and iim f.M nihil- feel ier nerond and In More fid. inn arre reel of water out i,t n, Skim-dale, and Aln Ijikex. ami Aln Hlver. hlch flow a ontherly and dralin Intn Maxell Inlet, through Indian lli'rrve ,o. (1 The tnraR-'-d.ini VIII tie: located at r near tin-iintlel of Aln Lake. Tlie capacity or the reservoir to lie rreated l atiniit ..ip.iiiki acre reet. and It will Hood alriut (In n iletiiiiilnedi arrea of land. The water will t itivertiHt rroni the Hi en iii at a point u or near the ktonnre dnin, and wlil Ik iimhI for IndiMtrlal Power piirHie iip.m Ihe '.ion iiriTii.ii at fin (,r mti lan itesrne No i. Thl notice w Mi.ted on the ground on he till day or March. Iit, , unpy of thja notice and an application nimiuni Ihrreto and to the "Walee .ei mu- will 1m riled In pie orrice or tlie Water iiri-nriirx a) i-rince niipert. Ohjectlon to the app lcil(.n may he riled Willi the Mid Waler fiernrdee or with the Cnrnptroller v'L.U.1"r.. '!""" , l'iaient linlldlnaa. l-ti.rla. (i.e.. within thirty l.iv artcr the rirM appearance (r llila notice hi a local newfiaiMr. The rtie or ihe rirt PhMr.llon .ft th ltotlre, Is Starch. 13 CASAt'tAN I.L'MPrn YltHlSl. Limited. ''r'PlK'ant. r. tc r c r,f ai.erelaer LAND ACT. rr,nre I"""" ZJ' TAKE MriTICE that rieorne Little, or Terrace r . occupation hiinherinan. and ! "'"'y. 'f Terrace, n.c. ocin pat Inn umlierinan. Intend to applv ror H"nriiMlnn in pnrcliao the rollowliit de wrlhed lan,1. ror Industrial i ie- CoimiH'lliltir at a ru.ti ,.l. .. or sale) river thence milowint ahrire n I luXVn, f,"'nt ""mnenmne eonlalnlnr IS nccen nmre nr lei "'-?''r'B I.ITTLF. and ci.Aip.ic i, m ninorv. Dated thu tth dij- of JinuiryTm"1' WhN.h,), M.i.,-!, o- J - - - - r Thousands have ha Had What? Theii Eisfst Taste Yes? Yes2 90 HOC it JM5 ties in Hie Kastern wjr theatre or Hie Itussian lortes He touKh" for Hussia in the war with Japau and was one of seventeen mri who survived from a group .f SHU who would rather fight than run whei: a certain charge was made by the Japs i "Rupert Fish" Fresh FrozenAll varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddie "Thistle Grand" Nova Scotlans. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skecna Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prinrc Rupert, B.C. WINTER Steamship Service 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT ail from I'rllw Unpen FOR VANCOUKIK, 'VICTO SEATTLE, uiii'riiii'diatK polnn each t oday B.uU a in. For STEWART and ANrOX THE t.S. "PRINCE JOHN" laataa PRINCE RUPERT VANCOUVER, la QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. AQENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlekat Offlta, 52S Third Ana, Prlnca Ruptrt. CANADIAN! iPAciricj W-itm via). "V" ' f ASSENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT WINNIPEQ, all Milnt it forloliUr " MONOAV, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY. S.uo p.m'. for I'flDii" 0'' -tr IDoaiw hai'in uiuna, Ln'i siaiei. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skagway- . March 6, 1ft w For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-r-March, 10, 20, 3b S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE . For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean pan , Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Rlyer, and Vancouvi every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines Full information from - W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY 01 B.C., l' Salliiirs from Prima hype-M fM. 'oe VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alarl Bar, Tud' 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Atari Bay, and Swanaon Ba, Salgr, For ArirOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, I .M For ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naai Rlar Cannarlaa, ' FrIJar (ft I2S 2nd Avanua. J, Baenalai, P'"" "" Telcgraphlo Addresst "Bushmarlne Prfnce Rupert." TUG Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. BOATS Nighl phon esr