"'ln-i.:n pact? roun , mmn-v "res z. MADE RECORD BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM; I - - 1 fp r"- If - , fl I V CweHKVELNT WXRTEo'.'I'lJf'WHV RE IN HANDLING Mt I VVEN t TO i ,u luy - E NT MOTHER nwtAMymvi , ,u.t9 UndVmiisttm U L,ATC.i2 A1 P'Eifj With mo i SALMON HERE . i i 'x I i I i .-.-w.,, i i vtKir- ki ill i I- i ii iiiix v I 'r - - Jlrffin tsTCK xoO'vf J . V" ' ' ,VJ -' ' we hkvjp just r 1 fi fcSTtN - Pacific Stevedoring Company Does Rapid Work from Power Boat Belllngham Whal is r'innli'( as nrclly much of a nii(in on lis coas lias rcponlly hoi'ii niaili1 liy- I In1 l'arilii; Slnyrdnrjnsr Co. horn ii) the ui1i(ilii lf Alaska.", salmon filing Ihv . innlofslnn llcllinnli.ui al Hie ocean dock. At Iiili IU20 cases has hecn taken ulT Ihc vessel from one halrh in out liour ami pi lei J in Hie shod whet il will await shi'iinenl. r.as over the Canadian National Hallway. The average watt over I. Kill eases to Hie hour from Hie. one halrh. During Hie nasi Inn day,' lip Itellinsham has hrnnxhl appro.v imalely ;r!,IMifl cases of salmon here in four trips, f.asj nigl( she arrived with H.OflO cases which wil finish ii the. shin-menls thai are lo ho iiai! hen in (he nieanlipie as the 11)21 pak has now heen prelly well cleanei up. This salmon has chine from Kelchikan where il was as semhled. FISH HELD UP CAR SHORTAGE Railway Tleup Delays Sale Halibut Here as Cars Did Not Arrive 400.000 LBS. OFFERING of The. tie-up on the railway In-day is having a si-riniis elTecl on Ihc halibut iparket. 'l'here are K) refrigerator ears due but nipie are here. Had I hoy hepn on hand making il possible for Ihc ffsh to be despatched Kasf rtn thjs afternoon's train, over VP.- 000 pounds of halibut which, was offering al the Hxchangc this itiprning would have been handled. As il is, there was none of it 'touched except the 7.001 limiMil n.itfli nf Mm f!:in.'iili:tn by the Allin Fisheries al. 7V-i(V aipl 1c. Several of the American bijals it is expwleil will proceed lo Seattle. The calches offering Ibis mprning were as follows: ' American Adeline, i.rfl pounds Alaska. 58,(1011 jioiimls; ItuiJio, 111,000 pounds; Wf-slern, t7,000 pounds; Allanlic, 10,000 iioiiiids; Arrow 31,00(1 pounds; fialveslon, 30,-r 000 pounds; Amundsen, "27,000 pojiud.s; llonaua, 2;i,00(l pounds; 1'aii-way, i"o,00(l' tihJss Hi CHI, J5.500 pounds; Ivanlloo, 10,000 pounds; Anllor, 12,000 pouipls; Tiliotfrit, 5,00(1 pounds; Oon'a, 8,(10(1 piiunds; llelianee. D.omt piHinds; Harding, K,000 pounds; "Hrplhors, .12,000 pounds; Young Aiperica, 15,000 pounds. Canadian W.T., 7,000 pounds (sold to Allin!; Volunteer, 5,000 pounds; nnie May, 2,500. NEWMAN ERB WASA SPECTACULAR FIGURE Made Great Impression Here and Was Lunched by Citizens at Hotel Prince Rupert Newman Krb, whoo death is I annopneed today, was , a spec-I lacular figure for a short time' at Prince Huporl. Ho was lunched1 by cii7.ens liere al the Prince Huporl Hotel' and al that lime slalod he was gping lij ntaly lhis a gre.-jl pnrl as tjic sjiipyard was to lie permanent, ift had secured promises of fyrther contracts i. i .; i ....... i ... i t .. nnin.. ll' wii in mm i-sini ill iriiiu a steitjitshlp lino lo operate from this pprt to the Orient. Mr. l'rb obtained a leaso on Ihe local dry dock Inward the i end of the war for Ihe jmrpose of building Iwo freighters, the Tiauailjan Scottish and Canadian lliilislier, for the Canadian government. After Iho work hai) been jn progress for some Ibjie, but Jjefore Iho ships wore, completed, the concern got jirln' financial difficuHlos am aisigiieij ill favor of Iho creditors. The eonlrarls wore hirned over In I Iho y;tllace Shipbuilding Co. of Vancouver which onmploled tlin boals. Mr. I'lb visited Ihc city on several occasions in connection wj! Ihe work, Jrayejljnjjf over the iLJS'.JL in. bis private car from, (tin Atjn Arbnr rftad. The i)p i)Ir. lr)) was born in Itreslau, Oorinany, and camp In America at lite age of three ' in years, up. was cuur.aini in m. I.ipijs and w;(s ;tdipilri II) the iijr ju 182. 1 Jo ri-a,cl jse.d pnlil when he became actively identified with American r.iil- niailjng ("ipici'iiis. le. was esir ilenl of several larse companies, including 'he We.slern Te.lepcraph ('i. and was also active- in railway liujlilips 'he United Stales. His iitime was at i 10 W est Sixth St., New York and his office al i? Uroadway in Ihal. city. AIR RACES IN NEAR FUTURE Many Trophies Offered for Com petition Durjnn Summer aprJ Autumn WASHIXfl TOX. Mar. 25. Avialiuu even Is in the L'nileij Stales and abroad this year, is listed by ho National Aeronai- Ijc Association, will keep sports-; men in this fieb well occupied. The .National (mampionship Italloon llace, to be held May I. al SI. Joseph, Mo., will be av cJiminatinn ronle.Hl to clecid American couipelilors for lit: secoiul (iorden Heiniell Cup race at Hrussels, .June. (Sorden lteuuoll inauguaraled in v...i w ...i. :i 1 1 it'itii selective race 7. The original Hup race wie 1000, the Amor- beiug started in l'.)(i'.i. lie winning team, in IliO Alrioricail Xatioiial" niiam- pionshiii balbion race will be awarded the l.icfioi"d trophy. Kulries for I ho Jac(ues Sell neider Maritime Iropliy conies al Hallimore, Md., Ocober 2 lr.1l Hip international seaplane speed ennlosl, r'jose April . Knglapd was rorceii out. or tins race las' year because, or nil aendonl lo its entry, ami Italy withdrew, but both have announced Ihcir inlenlinn In en I qj" Hlis ypar. Land Plane Perby I'ho I'ulilzer trophy race, Ihc internal ion.'il "derby of Hie laud planes," lo be held between Sep-leinber 17 and October SI, al a ye I undecided place, will also Close its entries April 1. . Iyeiii:s for which no dale have ycl been sol are: I.lboriy ('i)gine Builders' trophy. Aviation Town and i'.ountry Club of lielroil trophy, Helrojl News Air Mail trophy, Ilickonbackor high IJV wrigley: 'after every meat ' parents- eitfparaQe the children to care for their teeth OWe tjiem Wrigley's. It repioves food particles from tlic teeth. Strengthens the ftutni , Combats acid inoutq. Refreshing and beneficial! SEALFD TIGHT KEPT RIGHT Airplane trophy. Mulviliiil ."fiylo' Airplane trophy, and Hp; laylun paily News l.iylil Airplane Iropliy. 1 The r.urliss Marine I'lyipv ropiy o be held lalt- jn .oyep-icr at a place yej lo be 'hon will lie the national, speed con test for seaplanes. (n addition In Ih'f . second (ordon Itennell cup, I'vonl. abroad will' Include the enilb Jpp ppiilosl.jjil );ir . -Iply -5; International AViarlhii "meet at Zprich, Aiignsl 21-2.1, and the jieaumnut Cup al Inlros, I'rancr Oclolfer IH, the inlerpalional spooi conlesl for land planes JiDIES' NORTHERN B.C. BASKETBALL : CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Mapje Leafs 2P Nprfh Tonight j to Meet Bluebirds Tomorrow To play the Hlue IHrds. cham pions 4 T the Ladies' League, al Anyox, for the ladies' basket ba'l ehampionsliip of Noi l hern H.fl . llo Maple Loafs, champions of tlo local Ladies League, will sail tonight on the Prince tleorgo for Iho smeller Inwn. The game holweon llio Iwo (cams Airplane Imphy. Sloul Model will lake place tomorrow nigh: VmONTCAL DomiShdiered River Across Open. Sea The St. Lawrence Route to Europe Spend part of your Voyage to Europe on the delightful, picturesque St. Lawrence River. The Anchor-Donaldson and Cunard Canadian routea offer the advantage of twa to three day t journey down one of the great water way pf tie wpr)d, rich In acentc splendor and famous in historic Interest. Nine great iteamert are at your service all Cabin Class boats, most generously equipped to afford every comfort and convenience for the perfect enjoyment of your trip. They add to the beauties of the St. Law rence route, all the pleasures of ".Travel de luxe" on both river and sea. Ask your oca tteamthlp agent Jot information, or epply to THE CUNARD STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED M HASTINGS STREET, W VANCOUVER ANCHOR-DONALDSON CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICES (Miss S. A. Mills and Halph Smilh will aecompauy Hie Ival team on the trip. They will return homo I riday morning. I The I ao loams which will meei lure made tin as follows: Maple I,oafs-rMiss Margaret liirabam. Miss Myra Harvey, Mis-ileer Stephens, Miss l.jjliap l.ov.e. Miss .1 ii 1 i it Cahlei'ope, Mis': !.aura I'riz.ell ami Miss Mar-.'aret (laspy. Itluo Hinls Misses Sunlit, ioijy, lvyer, McUuairie, (.roil1 mil Me I aggarl. MCMORDIE BEATS JEBSQN EASILY 2lty Championship Billiard Seml-Fln3 Last Night Resulted In 500 to 269 Score Col. S. P. MeMordie won into the finals for the city lilliald championship last night Alien lie defeated Sergeant .leb- on by a score or 500 lo 2iJ he mpst decisive win so far ionrod in Hie series, .lebsou gave MeMordie a cjniso for the firs' enlury and was in Iho lead n "5 and 115. From the laller iijark,: however, he fell olT while M(!.Mordie piled up score rapidly. McMordie's aveiagc for KtJ innings was 5.117-ria.iiil .lebsiin's for K7, 3.01). lligb.breaks worn I'J tnd 20 respectively and I lit; linn f Hie g'nmc was one hour ami "i7 minutes. i Toiiighl (ieortrc McIImoyle and :'red I'vle will meet in the second ieini-fhial. Ilert Morgan will eferee. W. ,1. Nelson will bo 'Marker and S. Hiissell, iil)iciii) scorer. IS Sport Chat Iho "color" liii) anparonlU as nol entered into Ihe iuoslion far as Ihe New Yprk SI ale foxing Comiiiissjon is coucci'iied di'C aring Jack lienmscy in- ligible for a . license in Ilia! late because ho has not aceepl- I Ihe cialbiiipe of Harry Wills bo ne'o'ro. This decision ipt the liarl (if the .V). ('oiniiiissioii is sl a reflection of lie gepepl feeling dial is prevailing- as far )empsny's, pr should it h aid his manager's, lioldlng out (dies arc concerned. For Hi good of Ho game and Ihe pleas ure pf Iho fans, il. would secpi order for nempsoy Jn figlif. soniobodv for Ihe Ii He. .' in lh' ery.iHMfi-iniiuvtj- :.ei(so t'jnor smaiilo on lnore active hpijjdi.Ts No one know, jusl what lenipsey's condition is at pre out lpil a good "niaiiy ,"! ',0 ginning o suspect Ihal 1io is out In make Hie biggest haul lie can as a result or a last ballle in which almost anything may happen lo him, A I II I lo los ' ;. . . .. ... pallor irom Deinjisey anoiii now many girls are in 'ovo with him and how good il 'eels to bo mar ried lo a inovje star and a Hllb inore lalk about hoiiesl-o-gpod iio.ss. boxing would be aporeciale by fandom which is becoming terribly bored and skeptical aboip iinylhing he champion iys or ioes lliese days. 67-YEAR-OLD MONARCH PLAYS GOOD TENNIS STOCKHOLM. Mar. 21?.- h'ipg (iuslav tjf Swollen, despite his 07 vcars, js an ardenl sporlflpan ami in li recent open amaleur .handicap lennjs championship here won, with hi pari per second, place jn Hie doubles, being eliminated in Ihe finals bv n "cor1 "f f io lp 2. His spec and sure playing crpaled aslon-islnip'iil iiuion Ihe spoclatprsf willj vyhpin he proyed ' very Advertise in Hie Daily News Wanted For Sale For Reqt DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c MALE HELP WANTED PPI.ICATONS will lie received by Ho undersigned up lo noon. Mach :lsl, for the position o, Mining F.ugiuecr of pistriet No. 2, known as Ihe Norlh-lislern fining District, headquarters al Ilazfllon. Applicants mist be Mining Engineers of good experience. Forward with application a memorandum giving full particulars of training and experience. Duties. o eoiii mence April Ifilh, J'Jjr.. Salnrv :HHU)(I per mouth. V. II. MaclNNKS, Civil Service Commissioner, Victoria, H.O. y..Ti:i'. Ileliable n in each town and cily lo earu for-hiiiise distributing, sampling a 1 1 1 1 siyn lacking business. Cood pay; nice outdoor wort. ; no selling;; write ipiickly tell ipg all about ymrsef. ACT S'UW. AdverlisHig Manager, 22I Corllaml Slieol, Chicaiio, Illinois. Y(r NT. liirl Wattled U, assist with housework, 02 1 Thompson SI reel. Phono Hlue 115. HHNKHAj. sorvanl wanted. Mrs. Hospr, 3(i.'l Fourth Avenue Fast. If FINANCIAL MONKY lo loan on improved rem oslale or for building purposes. tyrCaftVry Dilibons. I. Id. 71 FOR SALE FOFl SAI.H. Dahlia bulbs godd double varieties, also rliuharl roots; cheap. Oil Ninlbl Ave. Hast. Phone lllack (118. FDH SAI-K Selling eggs. While Wyandotte and While Leghorn Phone .1. H. Davey, Hlack .'I'.IC. TO RENT FimNISllKD Honsekeeriing Suite for rent. 41(1 Sixth Avenue, Fast. Plume Hlue 278. If BOARD ROAM). The fjepond Avcniio. FOUND. Prtsl olliec Daily News olllco. Inlander. 830 Phone 1U7. 10AtD.-Tablo boarders, lniii i'MIIHinir 'I'llllllii 11111 J II I " LOST l.f)ST. Vest pocket card ease owners name uisiiie. i-indor please return to Daily News office. FOUND FOUND. Hunch of keys on ring including one, CN.lt. switch key. Apply Daily News office FOUND. Pair or woollen mills. mt child's brown Apply Daily iVIW.I OIIICC. , FOUND. Pair child's fur mod kid mills. Apply News olllcc. trim D.lily key. Appl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY v i i r.i j, v paritjer lo laKft nn active inlerost in a long c lhb)isicd bijsinnss. FxceUpnt prospers fov making money For full particulars write Jlox sji Daily ise-ws, I'rmcn Jlu pert, H.C. The IHyby Island Wireless sa lion reiMjrled HHs iimruiiig thai Ihe nprials had been damaged by Hie recenl slorm and comiiiinii cation between s.ia'lions inter leren wnu. a? -a cotiseotience Iho daily weather report win not forthcoming al noon lo-day. COLUMBIA RECORDS NFAV Process Columbia llecords no scratcliing. Finest reproductions oT latest Fox Trots, Songs ami Instrumental music by world famed artists. Call in and hoar them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue MARINE TAXI SERVICE .AUNCII "Oh llaby" al your ser vice day or night. Comfort .Safety Courtesy. If it's a water trip call Laurie l.ambly. Phones .ri70 or I. 'I I. TAXI 592 IIIF DFPFNDAIU.F TAXI. Daj and Night service. (loinort and Courtesy is niy mollo. PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Bland: Itichmoud Room. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Oust Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nic' t Stand: .ItOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Llork, Across from 7nir s Hole FJURNITURE W'Y. handle the FAWKHTT guarantceil copperj bearing Stool llangcs and all grades of high grade, furniture wo PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Auctioneers FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni- ure Store. We luy. Sell and V.x- change New and Secondhand Oondh GhO. PAPADOPULI8, -.'I9 Third Avn. Phone GENERAL BLACKSMITH Hvnry description of lllacksinllh work done. Hoat work a speciality. Prompt attention and moderate prices. A Trial Solicited. J. M. WALKER Near Shockloy's Planing Mill. TIMBER SALE X 7038. Scaled TpikIiti -VC tit lii" rmlvfd liy llir lillrlrl t'i.ri-ler tint l:ilr than Imuii ml I ii nili iiav of Ann . wju. rir tiu nur i I.ih of l.lii'in i' X 7n:in, miiiati'il urn- liillc ...r,l. ..r I ..I di4 Iii.m.j.1 I'll 4 lii rni iHb.uuu n-i'l iKianl iiii-snurn nr spruM', llrinliii'k, H.iImiii anil Ctilar Sv- 1)K. Two 'J; yoar will tin allowed for re iiinval of tlmlicr. FlirllHT partli'iilarn nf Iho riilef Fiirfit- it, iricirn. or uio nmiii'1 MiriiiHr, Crllirp llliii-rl, ll.C. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENSE FOR BEER MiTICIC I liHifliv irlven that on Hie Itll (lay i if April ri the init(-rnltrtif1 intend t apply lo tin i.uiuiir conirol noarn inr a llffiixe In rppi'ft to piciriiscs lirinir pari or tlm Imlldliiir known an Ihn Port OriK-ntK llotrl, Kllniiied at i'ort CIoiiioiiM, jiii'cn f:iiarloiie I la nils, provlnrr of lirmali I : 1 1 ii in 1 1 la iipnn inn i,m1 ilPHrrlliou a i.ot rivp 'in. iihirk rmlv four 41 iiliillvllnn or l.ot jovimi hiindrpil and forly kix (7ini, oiiccn charliitii MMrirt H.C., a Iiiiwii on n rrtrlfttrrcd map nr plan ilt'imvlli'd In tti l.aml liclirv or ricn at itii" ("liy of vriutr linpcri iumI numliorrd 1070, fur Hie stile of tioi-r liy mi Rias or ny hip nppn noilln ror run mimptliiri op Hip prcoiMfn. OVTKIi ill Prlnii' Unpen. n.C, t tit s 4lh .ln ..r ll...ti Intl. ' ' itij "I mail ii, ., II. 1.. TINni.F.V. Owner,' Applicant GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOJICE OF APPLICATION LICENSE. FOR BEER NOTIC.F. lierepy Riven Itiat on or arter the mih day or March next, t lie nnderHirned Intend lo nirdv In llio I liomr Control imnrd tpr a lleense In reiperl ofl nrroort-n m-iiiir mri or nit' iiiiiiuini" Known i. Oneen"i Hotel, Uniate on Let . Main Street. Masoett, Onern Charlnlle Inland!. In the province or iirltlh CnlmnbU, for the Mle of' heer hv Ihe vlaa or liy the "ppn boltle for ranitiropilon on the' pre-tnip. Daleil thl tsih hv nf Fetimary, I0J5. MIIS. M. I.. nilNN. Owner, Applicant. Attidei Unt anil Found, 4t MAIL SCHEDULE For thft East Monday-. W t; r urdays, rto-. - a From the East Monduys, r Fridays, iiu. ,, To Vancouvur Tuesdays- Mail clo- Salurdays Fridays. CP.lt. Man :, t- from Vancouvsr Sjundays Wednesdays Thursday '3 at V in. SfljJP a.!;. Sat- 1:15 PS V" Al .P- I n JI C.P.H. Mui ii To Anyox, Alice Arm, Sttmi and Premier Wednesday- PI Sundays ' p, From Anyox, Alice Arm, Steul and Premier Tuesdayit il Fridays . "1 To Port Simpson and Naas flii Points Sunday ' 1 From Port Simpson and la River Points Tuesdays To Alaska Points Mnrcli ! i 'i From Alaska Points March lo. o i fo Queen Charlotte Island Pala March t. ii I From. Queen Chariotu Points Marfch 3. I- ii '. BOX COLLEwHO- PJI. . . . A Jl Hr..iiin A Ailin Vf. i' sl Ave. A EiKhih S. .lib Ave. A Julio:i m Sth Ave. A lhnm;.s":t st 1 1th Ave. i Slici br ' Ave.' i Hit Ave. &CunraJs Hh Ave, & Hays ( ve Ave Hh Ave. Si Hny C'e Circle . 8th Ave. & Cotton si 5th Ave. Si Mr.HndrSL Pro. Oov. Itldgs Prov. Gov. Wliarf (I.T.P. Wharf ml Ave. & 2nd S 3rd Ave. & Ful an s( 3rd Ave. A flt s' 1 AND ACT Notlca of Inttntlon w 'r- nn.j in fiDIV IIT lllll'IIIJ ni-i-.- i( l" '..rt .' ,il.1lll; rj in 1:. LI 2.39 U 2.45 ll 2 5(1 2.55 add .IS 3'i; 3.t J.!0 S.25 lii Id IIS ill 0 ft j' COAST LNJ'.''"n;,cOT. REOARDINQ DISTRICT TAKF. NOTICK (t'1' lied, of Vatic-urn" '; and Taper Maim' ' 1 ror a hh "i land, In Coast m " I'rnVIIII-n Of llrltl-'l ' unxr In 1 on the 1 let, more parif '' ' low: ' lUmmirtirlnr at P tide line Mi tl" , v Inlet iltllant f.uili' ' rrom tha wiiiilwa-' Count DlKlrH'l, "'' , 4Jdeir.K.. fllslan- ' ' IrM, to II" ,h' ',7. Let 1 160; them' i' "" Ihe Miulh Iwiinibn. ' ' a illtianre nf M ' " i-onier cf said il 1 ihe nlgli tide line - ' 7.0110 fl., more , riiiiimeiucincilt. Cimi.uu HI I ' le ,..,n. lltt r j I ifi r: ii . 1 V. ll1 :t,'lll . .11(1 'mi i uy - ,nrr. In Skeeni Land necordln ,l'r'1 '"finer III'"11 JjlSnd In Sli'""" , , fU in.llli nr"1:1.' i,,ttflitt'V ' TAKE Notii:k. ih , ..'i 111 11 II I llil. t : 1 ... i, -rflHI rill I "' ' I CoimnenrliKT iii ' ..,, im' . ,n raMrrly end of !)'. -m ,.,ina i ,),,.J- aniilh of 1 ',.rt,pf 'J,,, i helnir planted M ' , , ,V : laid II n?: ""'V. il i"T"J.nit "? Iland. THI ". . M',i, direr IV wimi . n, ,,i.v Iti 1 1 Mini the name nf . l w" . Timtpn , inked hv airenl rt t lalnlnr 900 icre-"".",vs .... wiO Dated Jinmry lth' " Mll..'