ai-iir 11" Wily. nnnm m a prereiinliii1 KhW l ITT LICENSES SOON - .. .ancouvor Almost Com- fvioa so 0thP oi,. . Qet AUcnllon . yiHA. M,n. -3... ,;illk(1. ""ftl!Kllllli... ft ll..... . . ' iisir,,,,,..... ' ' ""V'is.ui, Having 'Illl'l ll I I.. ...... i..- ' ' i" i:r ill I II i i . '"W In,... """i-.-SUHMI Will ii iii ni i i . 'Hialehi,,., f II. i 1 I I III II I k . . I . I Dili.,.. .. J PHI II I H. I. -'a 1 1 lit li.l,w... i. . ' ""I'crl 'districl. ONTARIO TREASURER u " ill'v ..t . ,.. f'll'll,,...! i iwi wit r.. A jieli- ll,.. . f t,",'Uliile. asklm i ' ' r i. ii .... . . . . , "mu me ,.. ," .'''"''I'' A. Malthews, II... "isisliml ,,rvif n ... '"'"'I", who Ik '"M'liMi'.l I,,, l''' "f Iwo years I.. ", .Illsll.... M U,'tUIHM- - .HUH III or lnsi year. 4. J. .4. 4- RAILWAY INTEREST DANIEL MCMORRIS . . IS NOT AN ASSET DECLARES MINISTER Total Amount Was up to March Last About $131,000,000 OTI'AWA, Mar. 25. TouehiUr on rail.uty finances. Acting Min ister Iti'Mi in tils bintaet speccli yeslerday said Ihe Xalional llail- way had not been able to ineel arrears of iiileresl accnmulaleil on loans made Ihem by the gov-ernineiil out or earnincs. The total amount of arrears to March III, I '.'. I, Ilie minister said, ainmiiiled to about i:il.lMHUMi(i Iml Ibis whs not Ircaled in the piihlie itccoiints as an asset. II is held in abeyance as an oxer-due account. OLIVER SATISFIED WITH CONFERENCE ALBERTA PREMIER YlirmlllA, Mar. ?5. Premier Oliver has relur I here from i' conference wilh Premier (ireen field of Alberta al I'.diuonlon where he soiikIiI Hie co-oicra lion of the Alberlu (ioverniuein in hi. eiTorls lo secure con- ui I'lll'l lull llf the Peace HivPi railway wes of the Hookies "All I can say Is Hud I mn ; iniile salisfied with Alberla's al til inle' towards Ihe IMS.I' niiirked the Premier.. re DIED AT -NELSON NKI.SON. Mar, 23. Daniel V. McMorris, 72 years of age, u steamboat caplalii. who took oul several Koolenay Lake steamers on their maiden trips, died al his homo here. Advertise in the Daily News. ENGINE DERAILS NEAR WOODCOCK Passenger Train from East Will Not Arrivo Until Ten o'clock Tonight The engine nr Ihe iiibntiii 1 p.lHsener Iraill ilue dere llii uioriiin.' ran into a uitidslidi while inuinlins a eune neii Woodcock about it a.m. and way derailed liiyelher wilh Ihe friiir! 'rucks of an cprei refrigerator sip that wan iiomeitiately behind ll . No on' was injured ami iiiipmeiil is now al the ulid" leariiiK Ihe I ruck ami pulliiii' lie Incoiliolive oil Ihe t'iiils iKaiu. Ten o'clock Iniiiuhl was Ihe lime scl this niitciiin:; fnj ' !hc arrial of Ihe ipt;tvid Irain.j The caMiounil M;iiyer train i win ie iji'-vaieuco on nine at j o'clock lliiii afN'rnonn. . . ,x ' NEWMAN ERB DIED TODAY Well Known In Connection Wtth Shipbuilding Operations Here j NEW YORK, Mar. 25. j Newman Erb, president of the Ann Harbor Railroad, died In the hospital here today following an operation Monday. . Ho was 75 years of age. J Mr. Erb was vice-president of the New Dominion Copper j Co. He was admitted to the j bar in 1S71 and practiced law until 1920. fn his earlier, years he was president of thej Westorn Telegraph Company which was absorbed by the Wostern Union. Mr. Erb Is best known to Prlnco Rupert people as president of the Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Engineering Co. Ltd. that was given tho contract for tho construction of two vcssols here bu which failed, tho work on tho, vessels bo')ig completed here, by the Wallace shipyards of Vancouver, guiHyHIr SEATTLE CASE Elmer Hanhart Shot Mrs. Morloy of Victoria In Taxicab Say Jury SI'.A'ITI.l'., Mar. M a n hail was last . Klmcr night found gullly by a jury of shooting -Mr. Lillian Morley of Virthrja in a laxicah on .laiiuary I last. The Jury also gitxe a recommendation for mercy which makes il. man- dnlory for the Judge lo sentence him to life imprisonment BODY WAS FOUND YICTOHIA, Mar. 25. Tim body of .lames Dakers, cook on Ilie lug Med Fir, xvho disappeared Iwo 'months it'jo, was found limiting in Cadboror liny. It Is believed be fell fnlo 1 1 1 o xvuIt while rowing hack lo the lug. TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Pining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing Service f.oor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wed Anytime. at Anywhere ding parties. 3rd 1 il,nd Royal ind 6th Hotel, 8L PRINCE RUPERT For ratis, apply In Bostou drill, Third Ave. . V1PECK, Prop. MATT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. "vol xv N. rr I'lllXCC IlU'tiltT, H.C.,,'. Olrculitlon. 1611 .e . "WFDiKST)AY, MARCH 25, Strett talM 404 PRICE FIVE GENTS. . inAMptKLAlN ON IMPERIAL RELATIONS Lilt AM MINES SHOWING UP WELL AND LIKELY TO BE PRODUCTIVE hamberlain Hopes tor brum Government to get Closer to the Dominions and Discuss by Cable LONDON. Mar. '.'. 1 N hiding Ilie protocol debate m i llnii' (.ominous, Austin ChamhcTlaiii, foreign secretary. I i.. I.. ...I... I I.. L....t. in ..I, ....-I I. I. ...;n. IK.. .i ii un .,,-.'- - i - ........ ...... i , ,:mih ii I ! mailt r. l litje that when we gel in cocr uii.ti xvitli Hi'! issues Uiey xxjll be comparatively so simple dial In- possible lo commit iiegoiiniions iy inhle in Hie event e iti-n lit llil I f 1 1 III ll lllllll'ai ll iw tt iiiiiIIjim liM tit . l i ill lii ttti.iliti fun Iin 1 1 tm ii it nu ttk I ....... h) participate ill tlieir deliberations and pledge llieir OH II (l0lllillil,. n ENGINES HAVE DUTY LOWERED: "We asked I hem In allon ! (heir rcpreseiilnlfxcs, who at-: tended the assembly of (he ll.ciuuc of Nations at Geneva in Mir ii 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 . In cniiii' In the conn, ley in sufficient linn- before that occasion so 4 hat we might be able In communicate together and try In go united In Ocncva." . h. . . - a aa a a a a Jrcome and Sales Tax Rc- mains Same j TAXATION CHANGES "Vtvwa Ma. j. Cngun- ' i -i:.tioi nf'ltul ll l tii('i'iiieii arc.lo rii-; ' ' :ma r a lower rale ol V I I,., II... I .... I .... t n I.M. . III.- Illlll.-I iri, yesterday. ' w iaat iu change i Mi.M- include t In i iin export duly in- 'ii equal lo i ii!ni'i,iHiT ear. i in1 an increase in laciv I 'al rioin Cnlli'd ill 1 1 i 1 1 1 iiiiiehliiery Hi;, d iml iin. duly on in U n reiionil. The 11 IV Mm I.I .1 - ' ' I 1 "i 74. I I'll I III i Illlll I'.al iliiniiniMils payable iiii iin due (up revised : Tin enjoins liilllT i':-liiii n-aardiiia dlllllliill !!! II... . .'. . .... ,,(J raiieiruii i- uur i. 'II III' '- 'inaieil thai llio in-ii'vtMnic rrom taxation "ixnii a million dollar. '"'' iiiv made in the 1 1 ,,' 111 -silei. lax except Hie N"" llllilHililis lii -ales lux r ' ' mill- "mill s, ' ' " ami iusis ror Kits and irlU'li .t i ti ihcr riiiilHC:ii' iMli .... i . ' llllll II 11-u I ll.. JI...IJ ...... I.. 'I Id I III on.... ONLY TWO WEEKS REGISTER VOTERS There is less than two Hi;-I..s lep fvy lltuj. iml on the miIci liM -Jiere to rrlnler if they ain lo hiivc an ojipoi'liinily In xole at iin cleclhni Ihin ear. Xii one can 1 ! I when an eleelion, federal or inovineial. may be sprung and il i wimIihm lo In.' nreiiarnl. Mis. Ian. Onslow Deiiuistoiin, wife of l.ieul. Colonel l)i'l,iiiloiin anil widow of the lale Lord Cariiiirvou who died al I, uxor. It was her husband who was sued by his Conner wife and against whom a verdict was secured es5erday and who has In pay 5,(11)11 loaned hint by her. Some superstitions people in London declare Hie "Cuw of Kgypt" is following Ihe widow of the Ninons discoverer of the tomli of Tuleiikhameii. Alice Arm Mines Showing Well and Especially the Toric Across as River from Famous Dolly Varden As development woik proceeds on Ilie Toric mine across the Kil-.nilt llixer from Ilie Dolly Varden id Alice Arm, Ilie immense possilnlilics of Ihe piopeilv are being shown up and it is noxv i iiiiiiied i Ilia t llu biggest body of ore ever encountered in Hie district hi.- been laid open. Since starling underground Work on October 15 last, Hie Consolidated llomestake Mining fi De-xelopmetil Co. has drilled over 500 feel of tunnelling. l,ast xveck llo highest grade .ore yel found in the mine xvas eiieoun-Icred. After drilling through 'J7 feel of ore, Ihe maximum width of Iin' ore body Is giv.? " - - forly feel with i expectations drive a S 00 fool tunnel into ore thai il will widen out as Hi.' work proceeds. The whole ledge of Ihe Ti.ric mine is impregnated, wilh silver, the ore being coiii-i posed ol ualixe silver, aiKentile and galena, native,- silxer being especially predominant. Ilupes that Alice Arm will .shortly re- Siiim il- position in die limelight of ttie milling. xvorhl are b-iiu limit uii around the Toric mine. ' - There is an interesting rumor going the rounds at Alice Arm Iiml Ihe llelmoul-Surf inlet Mines lid. in.iy aciuiru and operate Ihe Dolly Varilen and Wolf mines now that, this coni-piiny's pioiic-lies ill Siirr Inlet sue known lo be petering out. 'Ihe rumor, hnwexer, lacks any olllcial i imfiruiiitiou. La Rose Mlno ' The I.a Hose mine, located not far from Ihe Dolly Varden Mail-way about ten miles from Alice Arm. i- another properly on winch ili'xeloi'iiienl work is plan- of established values. This il is considered would be a more economical plan than continuing shaft wink. The l.a Mose mine is controlled by a company of Prince Muperl and Alice Arm men. Dr. , W. T. Kergin is president; .1. II. Thompson, vice-president, and K. II. Mnrlimcr, secretary-treasurer. Miles Donald, Joe Wells and .1. M. Morrison are directors. II is remitted from Alice Arm thai ucxolialious are being inuili" by Hie Anyox syndicate owning Hie Ksiicraiiza mine for a sale of thai properly. The report D thai the intending purchaser. are influential Vancouver men xvbo. should they aciuirc tin properly, would proceed willi an act l e dcNclopment prourain ju- eluiliug l In Minting in ol a con-ceiilraliug mill ami a short Irani Ihe Ksperana is located a couple or miles u;i the hill lo (lie West of Alice Arm. II ' bus shinned ore of good values on 't .tied Hits year ll is proposed o Ismail settle for many years. Thrilling Voyage in Forty Foot Gasboat from Cumshewa Inlet Caught in Hie terrific southeast, gale wliieh lashed Hecate Straits In lory on Monday afternoon, a Ui-fool gasliuat curry ing u piol of Japs from Cumshewa Inlet xveallierod t ho storm and uriived here litsl nighl after a. thrilling iKI-hour trip, hvery- tliltig li.'ist) 'it the small craft xvas carried away and oven tho skiff xvi lost. SoTimgli was the sou Unit a heavy toy! chest in the liol.i xvii turned over. II xvas only the good performance of the engine ml the almost uncanny seamanship of those oi hoari the hoi.' th .' saved the little vessel from- foundering. ' Victoria Cougars are Favorites for Hockey Game Friday Night Details of Monday's Big Game 'Special to Daily News) VANUOUVKH, Mar. 2 Delayed l.y wire trouble; After a I lure lo one victory here last nighl on top of rt five to tvvp win on Saliiiilaj, I lie Victoria Cougars ae easy favorites oyer Les (iiiiiudiciis for ilie llijrd Klauley Cup world serftja ilayoff at Victoria Friday nighl. (lo.ils do not count, the winner of the; find tin ei games in five laking the honors and Ihe Stanley Cup. Dopesler.s measuring the eight to llireo margin for the westerners attach considerable iin- j -- - - porliince. however, lo I lit" fael,pxrp III I FI thai I ri.lay's game will be tin- MVr K 1 1 1 Ml fii-l lli;.l Hie Mmilte:il le:im M.MJMJMUM will enter entirely fresh after Ihe lini'.' e.;u:lin'- traxelling. II is also known lloil the I'reiieh-i men are only now gelling ac- climiilicd lo the western atmos phere before nearly elexen llioii- sand xviblly'enlliusiiislic fans who heered tin teams impartially but naturally faxorcd Hie Coll ars. .Ihe latter dished up fast hockey featured by deadly sharp- houtiug, dazzling speed and Hose checking wilh body and slick, Walker and -Frederick sou shone hrilliuully again. these players gelling Ihe first Iwo goals in Hie first period Scoring Joliat sd fcl fur the Canadiens in Ilie second spasm, a fine piece of individualism., and strangely enough the puck was finally kicked in lo the easterner's goal by Clem f.oughlin.- Caslern rufes were strictly ob served, giving Ihe Canadieiis Hie edge in this respect. The next tune. Friday, will be under weslern rules. Mm en ami Vcniza in goal ami Couture scintillated throughout, .Morcnz at one lime toying with the whole Victoria leant as he circled lime and again lo kill time while two of his team mates were on the bench for penalties. Fxery Cougar xvas in a snarl ing, dangerous mood, Happy Holmes, in goal being particu larly safe. The' entire team played like world xvinners with 'two men attacks and nit airliighl de fence. v Goal Summary First period Victoria, Walk er, H.I 5; Victoria, Frederickson.l 7.30. Second period Canadieiis, Jolial, I.1H. "Third period Victoria, Valk- er, 8.52. Penalties First period llalderson and Malz. MAY EXCLUDE U.S. HALIBUT Dospatoh Says Government May Act on Demand Prince Ruport Interests (Special to Dally News) OTTAWA, Mar. 25. The Federal Government may take stops to prohibit American fishing boats from plying their trads In British Columbia waters In accordance with the demand of Prince Rupert halibut interests that United States fishing boats bo excluded as thoy aro from the Atlantic. It Is realized hero that the only extenuating feature for consideration is the large volume of trafflo accruing to the National Railways In hauling refrigerator cars across the continent. Advertise in tho Dally News. 50 INJURED TRAIN WRECK Seven Cars of Bordeaux-Paris Express Jump Track and go Into River PAHI. Mar. 25. Five, are knoxvn to have been killed and 50 injured when Ihe liorilcaux.l'ari-i express was wrecked near here today. Seven coaches jumped the-track and. three tumbled iido " -4brixrrrM.'- - Many of the passengers bmko their xvay oul of the half submerged cars and were saved. A detachment of Morroccan soldiers on board, all of whom tiaxe police records, displayed much bravery m rescue work. SHOOTING CASE BURNABY DR. Pole 'Formerly Knew Dr. Wilson at Alert Bay It Is Stated VAXCOL VFM, Mur, 23. Dr. H. : (. Wilson, formerly of Alert Hay, was allegedly shot and seriously ; wounded by Alfred K. Uerslak, a i Pole, al his home last night. It is alleged that Herslak, xvho knew Wilson at Alert Hay, sotiight work and thai he returned lo Wilson's home by appointment, xvhen lie was informed his efforts to secure Miiploymcitt, were unavailing. , It is alleged Hint Herslak then drexxtlhe xveapon and fired, the bullet going through Wilson's rbest near his collar bone. Herslak went lo a nearby drug store, il is alleged, and told ho had done He shooting. lie is held on an ooeu charge. Herslak, jm N'ing charted in court, xvas rem. , led pending tho result of Hie xvound inflicted. BURIAL HONORS LORD CURZON Service Took Place In Westmin ster Abboy Today and Interment Will be LONDON. March 25. Huriat service in Westminster Abbey, the highest honor il is possible lo pay Hie remains of a Hrilisli slalesinini, . was conferred on those of Hie late Lord Curzoit today. Ilttrial will take place tomorrow' in Ihe family xttult of Kedleslon. ii , NEW U.S. BOAT The new American halibut schooner (inhesion is makim? her first call itl Mils port today, l The vessel is legist ered itl Ta- coiiih, He tonnage Is 21 and Capt. A. I.arseti is ier irustrr, Shu ban a culuh of 30,000 p untd