"AGE SIX ' 'fw IP Khaki Riding Breeches Well out, and good filling us illustration . $3.50 Khaki Mole Lined Pants, us above $2.95 Khaki Drill Partts Hood quality material, well made wi.lli double knees and seal. Price per Pair $2.45 Towels, 50x25 fnches Hrilisli Admiralty; very fine quality at a special price. Per Pair $2.10 Size 12x20 inches, Per Puir $1.25 How To Order All articles shown here are carriage paid to your posl of fice. Send .Money Order, Postal Xnle or Cash by registered letter with order; 3rd Avenue, EXTRA VALUE Mackinaw Coats All Wool. Stand the hardest kind of wear. Dark colors, helled, idorni collar, good pockets. (iivc chest measurement $6.75 Police Braces Police Unices of strong durable elastic, well cut, and fit right. Per Pair 75c and 55c Khaki All-Wool Flannel Well filling, breast good quality material, collar. . Give size . . . . KADI Shirts pockets, attached . . $2.95 Auto Robes, 60x80 inches Strongly woven in fast colors: weight 'i lbs.; extra large. Kuril $3.95 Hanson Socks :tVy lbs., per pair 55c; all Wool Hritish Army Socks, 55c; Lighter, 45c. ran mnrt unco to toe mnrrxt fm wit or will send U.O.I). Union Clothing House 200 Carroll Street Vancouver, B.C. THE POPULAR FOOTWEAR THIS YEAR IS "Sandals" For Ladies, Misses and Children Anil our stock is complete. Sandals for Ladies and Growing GirlsSizes 2',i to 7, in Patent, Hrown, Fray am) Klk. Per Puir $3.25 Sandals .for Misses Sizes 1 1 to 2 in Patent and Hrown. Per Puir $2.25 Sandals for Children Sizes HVj u J(i'j, in Patent and Jtrmvn. Per Pair , $1.85 See Our Windows. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Corner Third and Seventh. Phone 645. Ruilding Materials LUMBER Dimension, .Shiplap and Finishing. Shingles, Lath, Mouldings, Oak, Fir and Cottonwood 3 Ply Veneers, Sash and I lours. Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick, Firebrick, Fireclay, Keene's Cement, Plaster of Paris, Sand and Gravel, Asbestos Products, Wood Pipe, Vitrified Pipe, Agricultural Tile, Building Papers, Asphalt and Rubber and Asbestos Roofings. Hum Hie Famous NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 564 CHILD MARRIAGE UNITED STATES Report on Subject Urges Need of Many Chanqes In Present Laws GIRLS ELIGIBLE AT TWELVE Need of Check on Those Who Would Marry off Their Boys and Girls j .VHNV YOIIK, Mar. :! 5. --The re i s need fur inioorl ant reforms in I he marriage laws and Iheir.ad-iininistraliiin, either or hulh, in practically every stale in lie United .Slates, arrordin.vr to a ; lf)(t-paf,re report on "Child Mar riages," issued hero by the Hus-sell .siaye J'oundal ion as the result of several years' invest iga-lion extending: into DO cities in I practically every seeium ol I lie couniry. The report, which was prcpar ctl by Mary K. Hichiiuinil, under i whose direction the study -was conducted, willi the collaboration I of Fred S. Hall, lakes the posi; jiion that al Ibis stage reforms inusl lie effected slide by slate. ;ll calls upon associations i.f ltarenls, women's organizations, I school authorities, ministerial ' associations, social worker-, legislators and others inleresle-j in Ibe iirnhlrm of child mar- jriage. to undertake the following ;ien sfenV toward a solution oi 'his problem: i Proposed Solution j I- Work toward a reasonable ami enforceable ininijuuiu mar-iageable age law; tin' minimum j 'or girls should be al least 10; j in many slates it is still 2. j .'-Procure in stales which IN THE MORNING HER TONGUE WAS COATED HAD BAD TASTE IN MOUTH Mis l'carle, L. Zlnck, liars Corner. .VS., write. "I a aw hilly IroublcJ wllh my liver, and Un-ii In tit riirli dizzy -IK-ll.-i I would have In sit down while J was doing my vtm k. In llie liiorniiiK, viIh-ii 1 u-cil to Vet U. :ny tonrue wi eoated and I had a had lle In my tiinuth and oflcn times, tliroinrlioul llie day. I was Ji-oublt-d Willi ttaliM In my Htomucli. I MllTer.-d in tlil way until a friend ot mine who had usri) your MILBURN'S L4XA-LIVER PILLS lold me oMiavliig laken lliem, no I de-hiril lo try lliem, and I can. triilliriilly iay that they certainly did me a lot of irood, I cannot rerommeiid lliem loo highly :o all those who nufrer as I did," " Von can p.-ornre Mlllicirn's l.aia-Mver I'llls at all dnijrirHU or dealer: ul ii(. Tor the int 30 ymr, hy The T. .Mil-bum Co., Limited, Toronto, out. Three to One MILK Has jusl been placed on the market. It contains three limes as much butter fat as evaporated milk and conseipicnlly goes three limes as far. TRY IT. 7 Tln3 for $1.00 $6.00 Per Case. Economy Stoic 417 Fifth Avonue East Phone 84 Specials! Specials! for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. WALNUT FINISHED BED, Simmon's Coil. Spring and Felt Mattress. Special, complotc $44.50 IVORY FINISHED BED, Tile's King Quality Spring and Felt Mattross. Special, ' complete k $32.50 WEEK END SALE ON ALL BEDS, SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20 1HH DAILY NEW 3 Ma"h 15, l5. DID YOU NOTICE w wnin? III. IIIIIU destructible . each home and make victim 'of an system which is safeguards. I i. If our store doesn't blow away, we offer these Spe rials while they last: Set ( (ieuulne (ail (Mass Tumblers 75c Set (i (lenuiue I'.ul (ilass Sherherl. (Masses . 21 Piece Tea Set. (rude Chine, sel . . Ladies' and (.cuts hiellas, each . . "i" Pearl Necklace . $1.15 itigh $11 90 I m-$1.95 uoii- $1.95 Discount on everyiliiiig in MAX HEIlioNER Diamond Specialist ;iow are without ii a Jaw reipin- ing five days' advance mil in of, intention to many; such a law is now- in operation in eiffhl stales. 3 Put the marriage market I own out of business; there arc al least Hi notorious (irclna (ireens where Hie exploitation and cnmiiif rrialisin of marriage are responsible for numerous child marriages. I Through co-operalion with! adjoining .stales discourage hui j marriages across the slate bur lier, where oul-of-lown mar riages are railroaded Hi rough either at Hie license ollice or the justice of the peace ollice, or both. 5 Know the work of your license issuers, so I bat the dilli- culties with which- they are now contending -single-Handed mav be brought lo lisht, ami that ibey may lie encouraged lo use he discretion which llie laws of many stales now empower I hem lo exercise. . 0--Destroy Hie fee system; in so far as Hie system nj fees it: lieu oT salaries. In license issuer urvives, it interfere with the disinterested character of their service. i Strengthen reipiii-cmcots as lo -proof of age of applicants for marriage licences; al nresent m. proof of age js .required in most marriage licene ollices and the practice of accepting allidavits leads lo falsification by applicants and sometimes hy I heir parent, making possible Hi'-marriage of children II, 12, l and I t years of age. H Subslilule heller evidence uf age for affidavits; no other form of evidence is so unsatisfactory. Aside from hirlh ami baptismal certificates, 111 nlUet forms of irocuiuenlarv evidence or age are suggested in the !- Require both applicants Tor a marriage license to nnocm ii. person before the marriage license issuer. Id Harmonize llie different stale laws in which a minimum age is required; Hie minimum marriagoahlc age should not be lower I Ii an the minimum working age, a tit 1 1 li r compulsory school attendance age should fi.' iulo both I hose oilier. Adopt ioii' of such reforms, says Hie report, would act as r check upon llrtuc parents win are willing lo marry off Hie;. imys ami girl wiuie nicy :ire still children. What is more hnpurtanl, lliev would iiroteii oilier parent who al iiresen; ni'M-r know when some design ing person or Impulse of I lie liniment may spirit away llie immature girl or boy from Iho llie child the adminislralivn without proper LOG BOOM FOR MILL HERE IN FEW DAYS FROM ALICE ARM Within a week's time a boom containing about halt a million reel or logs .should arrive al, Ibe I'rince lluperl iSpruen Mill from Miles Donald's logging camp a' Campers' I'olnl near Alice Arm. Delivery or logs frou I he Ab-bollsford Logging Co. al Alice Arm -will commence in April il is expected. war Romances end VIKX.VA, Mar. 25. It has been estimated Hial, or the marriages .hastily contracted during the war, 811 per cenl have resulted In divorce. Many of- Iheso romances begun, Mini culminated, when officers and men came home frOm lhe front on short leaves of absence. ' 4. BRITISH COLUMBIA 5 The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO t'ND OF DECEMBER, 1023. lias produced Minerals as follows: Pliicer Hold, $7fI,'.HiJ,i;):i ; i.odi- f;i :t i,iinr; Silver, $(ta,n:ia,orr ; i.ead, B8,i:i,tmi; C.'ipper, $i7!,(H(i,;,i)s. 0 5 i,7.r.((; Miscellaneous Minerals, $ I, '108,257; Coal and Cuke, $250 iiiis I i'i'"'i! ii. $'7 . . t)0 Hloue. HricU. Ceniiui' etc.. WD.2:ii : maUing its Mineral Pn.iln.-i. .'. Advertise in the Daily News . NOTICE. All fxaiiiljijtli.il fur lurol ll;inni-i- will li- lit-lii m liuni I.iikt- on Marrli 3lit. I!0. Apiliciill(iii will lw niclKil uc to i.ih.11 ..r Mrtli iltli by llu- lllrln loresler, tjnirl lli.iw, I'rli.ce lliirl fii'in wlmni alli'nliin fmin anil rm rmrllrii lar- iiiiy lit- iliuiii-l. IVr, ll.uii Candida It-s imil m llritl'll ulij-rl-ii'. I iimiii- tliiiu furtv )i'ir r air. rcl di-nt In llrlllli Columbia for it Ira -I otit-jfar, of Kd rlmrirlrr mil pliynlin COIItlltll.il, Willi VII(H l-l!l'lt'IIV III. Miiilllar Willi Hit- prarllral nidi' i.r luir Huir. lliid.cr . I iilHir, ourirj Inir and forcut iirotrrliiin, Willi knowli-dKO uf llii- I'iitI Arl and aide lu uriranite work and liandlo turn. Tlin -ai.iiiiatinii I In ouhllli an elilrililp hit for Hi"' next year l"rmn wlilrli Un,l 1. 1 i.i-f 1 1 s will lo niiidn as ranin-r are iiijiilrid. one ranircr l ri(ulrrd lininn dlii ltd)-. W, II. MadNNKS, Civil- Scrrlrp CmiiiiiiIIhiii r. Vlrlnrla, H.C. Cotton Crepes Finest ipiality .lap Cotton Crepes, an excellent material for underwear, house dresses or children's wear. I'ucipialled wearing and -washing ipialitics in oyer lit shades, including Hrown. Mauve, I'urple, Navy, I'ink, Copen, Orange. Hose, Leaf (ireen. Med, Salmon, While, Yellow, Flesh, Henna, Tur-ipioise, elc. Per Yard 25o STORE Phone 753. Dr. E. S. TA1T DENTIST. Halgtrson Blopk, PHIK0E RUPERT, B. 0. Offlotf Hours, U t. Phono 88t. Opan Evanlngt Only Par SpocUl Appointment. s 4 U2ohowun ; ' l"eci"'" Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 The Mining Laws of (his Province are inure liberal nipj the lees lower ltlu l( ' any otherProvince in llie Domiuiim, or an colony hi llie, Hrilish Cmpne Mineral locations arc granted lo discoverers for iionfmnl fees, Absolute Titles ure obtained by developing such proporlies, Ibe sec,irii oi w,,i guaranteed by Crown Grants. u I'll 1 1 informaliou togelher with Mining P.epurls aid Maps, may be oliiuiiiftl -i ,i ? addressing- . THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. LIJ. COMMUNITY LEAGUE OF ANYOX IS NOT NOW A.N EXPERIMENT (iranby News The Community League is no longer an experiment; it is now an institution. I'ioiii the good it lias done in Anyox and the nature of ils many activities, proof is not wauling .thai Hie League is word while. There are sill a goodly number oT people here who came to Anyox before Hie days oT the League. Keiug holiest, Hiey will lell you about I he conditions existing in llie camp prior lo thai lime. How little there was offering in the- way of culei laiii-iiienl, with practically no recreation facilities. Can you who have lived here during the period of the Leagues titlOlesence ami ils coming to ,sii,ii!il) imagine the place without some such organialiou catering lo the athletic and oilier interests of the community? ( M I l.llliMI.I lill HMZ which we have marked away down. There is no camouflage about the values we advertise. Come early WOLSEY PURE WOOL MEN'S COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Sizes :v to 10. Meg. Kj.riO Special S5.2S These are guaranteed uushriiik.ti.b . H i' i- - porliiuily to slock up at prices which will mi W , oidlcn goods will be 2o ier cenl higher m i - -.-hi. Men's Lightweight Silk Scarfs, all -h.Mev I-Him hill price. IWg. 2..'o. Sieci . . J1.15 100 Yards Cretonnes. Iteg. W. Spe.-i.il. .i"l- Boys' and Girls' Ontario Shoes, i - s lb While tin i.it. per p;iir 85c Cash and Carry Grocery Specials From 0 a.m. until 12 noon only, for Thursday, Friday an Saturday B.C. Fresh Eijgs, : doz. for J, Combination Canned Fruit Special, .'. tin- im I till each Sliced Peaches, Sliced I'm. M'k Slandard uf Km pi re Pears, Apricid- I CIi'timv B.C. Granulated Sugar, :t lb". Tor Limit 20 b. lo each cu-loincr Del Monte Pork & Beans, :i tin for Fols Naptha Soap, 10 liar carton r Meinz Catsup, rcg. U: Special r Mackintosh Orange Marmalade, I lb. fms ! Florida Grapefruit, special. : Tor jr Terrace Potatoes, special. 10 Ib.s j Ogllvle's Rolled Oats, H lb. Micks ,5C UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. . rlOTJ WESTHOLME THEAiw Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m- In Every Woman's Life Adapted lonKiiiK." from Olive Wad-ley's ""c noted n,n' .h(r i .ii'v v "ii Ill- I mil I III) 111 1 1 - - , iila 11.- I. til 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 Hit i "i - .a iii't 1 m I w III... I ... OVIII'I'I 1 I 1 ' ' ?nii v ui i ii in inr uniim i in- 'n - . ,.t term . ... I I. ,L . ii Hill I " ' 4 . li V f llll II II .V ' 1 1 III' M Ml lllim' " I ...u m Hie iiilmv bui' scenes in Ibis picture Th,,m" ',' c,.n. l.oiiKchamps. (iraud paKcanl dinner on Imr-ri'. saliimal leap from a liiUH1. HlirriiiR sea s t ii' j (lresed. Superbly uioiiuled. HiK rns.1 caon Lloyd Hughes, Virginia Valli, Marc McDcrinoii, Fawcott, Stuart Holmes, John Salnpolis, ver oilier TENDERFOOT." COMEDY "A HARD BOILED m m r N V TOPICS Or IMt u" Admission 35c and 10c RAW FURS, Jf you waul lo he paid highest 'mI'I u ' for your HAW KUIIS, forward lliem lo R. S. ROBINSON & SONS, LT;Bank Bldi-i Branch Receiving Office: 1225-6 Standard Vancouver, B.C. u'iiiii'I"''' Head Office: ll.H.It. Illdg., 4:1-54 L""'' - Man. lrJ(l Kst, I88H. jiicoir"-