... pncrpetic. little .1.. n ies frequently ic4ui. a aimnrv U UIIU1 w and i r rrturh nf this IS 1. II -Tl-I I tyuivi.. a S'jpjJJlCUUJf Cocoa in a readily J ?iimilable form. ud( in canaoa er n T I 1 erBakerLaumueu IVtAlJWIO ' i i i if 1 II'.. -J, LwhlKfUT Of Ciwia raunj iMiirii anadian i jf? o; ly power g n I pressing 1 'lie i-ily. Ser-j v, .inuiiHlilp un it.' I I il.nna A..II 4 C' .( a: . 6th Ave. W. Phono 8 DRY i in rr ti i in a 1 1 1 1 - I I VT VT N KMBI v ' 50c Per Sacl- 1 T i oeiranster rti ... . i hxn ui.li mgni or Day. K WIIV . A Modern ental Service t "Moderate Fee h uli n . rnnnfl k ii. i ..w.,v UIU -. I t Regis Cafe net(ii..a --mill. I " unurpaed ,nrd Avenue. I tills . uiNUSAY'S II a fTft nKJ Pi -bvuuu oiorane Phftn tm - O - "t Hnn.l - . ' ,P,0,IIM In ., fnVel -Ml ovlnn. I SYLVIA'S CHAT AB0UT10ND0N Lady Writer Tcls of Fashions and Movements In the Capital of the World l' Sylvia May-fair; Ufl.NJlOX, Fog., Mar. 25, 11 is 'a iily thai Oucen Mary is such a shucking sailur fur nllirrwiso she would haw- hud a delightful couple nf week cruising round Mclly with Jung Ucnrge in the 'llnynl Yacht. King Menrge'a nl-Inck nf bronchitis hns been mnre jserinu than was generally ad i i .,.i i.. .. .... ii . i. . iiin:i-i iiiiii inn iij- lliri'r wri'hs ill a warn) liininlc wa absolutely viliil Id r Ins health. The Queen naliirally foil that he would lie wilh Hip King during his period or cunvelescenec ami as iifithor of llicin like Hie Hiviera resorl.s Ihe yacht was I he only allerna live. 'Ihe "Victoria and Albert," Ihe Itoyal Yaclil, though a hadly lie- hayeil hoal in a nmah sea, is' a luxurious fii!tiii palace. Itnlli Ihe Kin? and Queen liaxe palatial hedruonist .silliiiK mums and li hrnrjes. The royal elief, who al ways urrnmpauies theni on these trips, used In lie in the royal kiieliens at Home, hut has since Iheen at Clariile's and Ihe Savuy until he went to Huckinpham jl'alaee aletul Iwo years ago. Bridge of Sigh J'oor old Loudon! St. Paul's Calhedral in danger, (lie Houses of parliament slowly .criimlriiiip inlii Hie rie.r, the I'.ros statue K"iie from I'ieeadilly Circus iiiow Viilerloo Hiide is aain J stilled i he unsafe. Americans have an affection for Waterloo I llriil'.'e. They all have In cross it jwhen they arrive in Ihe city or .leave it. and every millionaire w ho slays at I lie Savuy looks up-)on it from his windows. There is no ucshin of dc-'inolishin? the liri.be. hut il I will prohahy he replaced for jlrafric fjinrposes. hy another j bride further up the rier, ami Ihe old classic hridjre will lie closed and remain a Silent Highway of ihe Thamr. Dress parade Cocktails There had been ipiile an nut-cry because a llussiaii princess, who has made a name for herself as a dress designer here, sent out hit Unlinks for a dress parade, auiiutiueing on Hie card, "Cocklails II hi (liie of these invil;lions went, to Ihe !! year old daufhler of a ineinier of parliament, and there has been no end of a fuss lioeauso the yuuup daily look il literally and did drink ci'ckliills from 11 to I. Spring Fashions Nearly all the new sprinfr hats an; of the hmadlirimmed kind which a Ihe days pel wanner will ipiile replace Ihe cloche, '(lie -cloclie imleed has already nearly kuiic. 0lrirh fcalhnr. sia(led, tlyeeriiled or "hpntmed" are used loii t i fill I for trini-niiuiijs, (hp plumes sometimes hanpin? down lo the waist, and there are ostrich muffs In mulch. Kcnin dresses are slimier than cyer. ' .bort indeed that you can jrej one easily jiA ft Uic Hltlf j". ' which you carry your powder pilff, IGth Century Tprtures If you really want In kp.I Ihe creeps Ihe Tower nf t.dipon will now he the place Ip Jin In. Tim aiiliiorllle.s hayo just IhiMiwu open In the puhlie four morn oY Ihe Towers, iuclmliiiK IJie dun-Keons and loiipre chamhers whirll Itave lilieiio been considered much I no gruesome. I'pr sin extra fifty rents J'1'1 can enjoy the nrivilone t'T l"'""!-' trussed tip on i li r identical rack on which Crainner, i.alimcr and (iuy l-'nwHo-n wore lidiured; and Xiu am isiw slpwii what arc !e-licpl In l'C t lo bones nf I.Jjdy .lane Mrey. Tim French sword Willi wMMi Anpe Uoeyn vns lie-headed Is. asp on view beside Hie clumsy lnnkinir axe thai brnuphl. Cath'erine Howard's trnuldes to an end. Weighty Ear-Rlngs There is an ear-piercinp cani-paipn poiiiff np in fiondnn Jusl. now. t nililoiiaiue ynincu i-wearing aaf-rinjrs of such a weiphl lha the ordinary screws arc inl reliable enniish, nnd piercinsr is necessary- Spine vonicn, .iinliceably Hio nouulcss nf Aneasler, I.ndy Louis MnunbaJen ' and the you"? Coiipless nf I'lyrnnnlh,, favor a sinple ear-iinp:, generally vnrn In Ihe left ear and lumping onto Ihe shoulder. The newest enr-rlngs arp eilber ennrnmtis slone of Immciuc value, or liny bas- THR DAILY NEWS PAJE FIVE w 1 "TK Y A Nlf TO-NIGHT" adamfor GRANT'S Best Procurable KT iHVlllll V-r-Ti 'J Hospital Auxiliary look place in Ihe council chamber of Ihe ei hall yesterday afternoon. Ho. incident, .Mrs. Frank l(ihl) v Ihe chair. The buying cnmiiiillcc was nil 1linrieil In make purchases of linen needed. . II was decided to hold a hridg and whist lea al Ihe home of .Mrs. M. M. Stephen, on the afternoon of April IT. The drawing for the uiah jonji set look place lite winner being S. .M. Newiun with ticket 751. OFFER MADE TO STUFF SPECIMENS OF BIRDS AND SMALL MAMMALS -r Museum Board Now In, Position to Commence Collecting Al Ihe meeting of Ihe Museum Hoard last night a reply was received frnm cninniunicalinn In the Minister , of (.upd. fu regard In natural liistory specimens. He I uii I taken the. matter up wi!h tloi.' William Sloan, provincial secrelary, who bad further passed i on t'u Ihe l: urn I or of Iho niuseum, Frank Kertunde. Tim final resut Is Ihal the curator offers, willi llje apiirnval of tint mitiisler. In mount a few specimens of birds or small mammals for Hie Prince lluperl museum provided Hie prince lluperl people provide Ihe specimens! The Moths fjll Mid 1" . KILLS Dl wincouvr, FLIES, MOTHS B M bc. Mosquitoes H IB Dwelopol t World' 777" "2 kj JIB In Jul trial Krararch ""VjHRI Inatituta. Will not 'USStHBSm 1 HIH.I... W, I llarmlcaatohuiuana I I mnX nlmal. I YourOrocfr or Druggist m ODICIIAll Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINrST .HICHUND MALT Betrixl uxi (ramcl kr Willi. Cinl tt Son Limited CliitlxUicli and BynK -Onlivct DutilWo.1. Dull-town-4 Ufv. ScMlui. A This advertisement Is nut published or displayed by Liquor Cqrjtrol Board or by the Government of British, Columbia. kels of fruit or animals fashioned in metals and precious stones. Some are so heavy Ihal I hey are palpably elongating the ears. Metba Nights Again II is now ipiile definite, that there will )' a brilliant opera season at Coveul (iarden in the summer 'JumI how Ihe famous theatre is being used for a dance hall, with a half-dollar admission fee) and .Metba will sing al nlany pala performances. Tescanini, fferiest and most electric of conduelo,s, is coming nver In conduct some of the per-formancos. 'lliere is a good deal of speculation as q whether he, will conduct on one of Hie Melba Nights, for his disregard nf "stars" and their whims is notorious. .Melba, by (lie way, is now completing her memoir which will be published shortly. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY AT MONTHLY MEETING S. M. Newton Winner of Mali Jonq Set at Drawing Yesterday Afternoon The moulhly meeting, of Ihe the curator will also co-'opcrale wilh Ihe local museum in identifying speeimeiis. II was decided In lake advantage of this offer by forwarding specimens, in which they would ask, Hie co-operation nf hunters and others. The idea nf the board being to gal her a reprc-sVnlative eolleclion of. local bird and luimals for educational and exhibition purposes, II was pointed mil thai specimens would have lo be iiniln fresh and undamaged as they would have In be fnrwanlei to Victoria lo be skinned, - ' . good deal nf correspondence was read relative In rnllcclioiH offered that niit'lil he made the nucleus of the collection here l.u! nolhiug of a very definite nature was done, owing lo lack of specific information. EDMONTON ASKING CHARTER CHANGES Wants Right to Elect Mayor for Two Years and Number of Minor Changes F.llMONTON. Mae. 25. VA-iiiou is asking Hie Legislature for the right In eleel a mayor for a two year (crip subject lo ,t oU of Ihe citizens. It is also asking fur the right In impose a seryice lax. Another Ijiing the cjjy is ask ing is that school Irusfecs on Hu paid employees be 'fnclTgilde for seals on the city council. Ihs will also apply lo any paid o Hi rer or employee of the provincial r federal government, or Hi-! employee of any body receiving city grants. Authority to lax (rucks aim motor cars is anmiig the re- ipicsls as is also lhc right In usiietid the early clnsing regu- lalions un specific occasions. The assessment of land at its fair value, having regard In I In- value of surrounding properly is among the requests. The assess meil is mil lo be varied on appeal if the valuation bears n fair and jusl prnpnrlmn In Hir value nf Ihe lands in the vicinity. The right lo hnnus industries lo colled taxes froip insurance ronipauie on properties in arrears at Ihe tipie of a fire, are among lo chief changes asked in the charter bill before lb" legislature. HARRY DOWNS IS WEDDED AT ANYQX Miss. Margaret Wilson Boame Brltje qf Well Known Baseball Player at Recent Ceremony Harry Downs, vel known, lipr -as a player mi Anynx aiil.Ki-ehjkan baseball teams which have visilci! llio eily in lie past, was married recently nl Ihe homo of Ips parents in Arym to Jlss Margitl'ii Wilspn, for merly op Ihe Anyox pns-qtlce stalT. Mr. apd Mrs. Downs wjl" make their home in KelehlHai. CHOPIN OF JAZZ IS, MITJA NIKISCH LONDON, Mar. 25. MHJa Nijvisch, (he pianist anil son of Ihe famous, cnnduclnr, is dis- cnered l(i b the rmnpnsor of! the new Suite in Hyucopuled lllt.vlhm vyHiieb' the Savoy bands are gnjng lo play at Jheir third enncert nl Queen's Hall, Litndnn. His name bas. not yet been revealed on Ibis side of h Atlantic- because llm cnnipuser is. afraid of what his serious musical admirers will think nf his writing for a dance orchestra Shop-windows on parade IN THE qiiiet arid comfort of yoyr home, newspaper in hand, the shop-windows of thp town's best stores pa,ss in review. Look at that charming little hat just , the style you have been looking for, and so reasonable! And ay, isn't that coat a darling? . . . Not only do you see illustrations of the merchandise, but you are told in detail of its merits and prices. A passing panorama that may be halted and started and halted at will. A shopping trip at home! How long do you suppose it would take you to reverse the process to go up one street arid down another, until you had visited personally every worth-while store in town? And how exhausted you woujd be, physically and nervously. There's no doubt about it. The modern way to shop is to read the advertisements, then make notes of the stores and the particular offerings that appeal to you. What a lot of time and bother such a method saves. You know beforehand what you want to look at, who has it, and what you will have to pay. Read the advertisements. Make it a daily habit. The regular reader of advertisements is better informed, makes the family budget stretch further, has more time for recreation, gets more value for her money, and profits in many other ways. Advertisements are frequently the most interesting news in the pap sr. Every day these shop-windows are lined up for your inspection in this newspaper even fnr Die Savoy-Orpheans. ' paderewskt listened lo some fragments nf Ihe Suite the other! day, and was Ipld of the com-1 poser's dilemma. "t'hild that jie isM crieij I'ader-ewsld. "I'd give five years In i(Ve written hal. He Is li t'.itnpin of Jazz." WOMEN IN VIENNA . YIF.NNA, Mar. 2i. The fair sex is decidedly in Ihe majority in 'Vienna, -according Jo; -a census taken by Mm city anUinritien. Tim figures are 1,000,200 wonVcn Mind 8i!2,0.18 men. HOTEL ARRIVALS 'prince Ruperi fi, Frederickson, II. Maywmih and Neil S. McAllister. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Iteavan and Mrs. W. Hogcrs, Anynx: Mrs. Ouesl, Kdmonton: John M. Morrison, Alice Arm. Central .1. M. Dodge, Anyox. DO YOU COUGH, COUCH ALL NIGHT LONG? firrllil,V (IIMi-msIm and wcaiiwr on (tie Mfii la I lie run nil that t-imi on nt nlM ami yon rough; musli all tilrlit Inur and rnn'i ret to Flcrp, DR. WOODS NORWAY PINE SYRUP WILL GIVE YOU RELIEF Mrs, John Lyman, Knlornrisp. (int.. wrltt'i: "Arter liuvlnn hail wIumiIii t'OUKl) I rohlrai'h'il linmrliltK anil ror il.iya ami nlfliH I oou plu-.I rontlniially, ami YiiW cl 'i '!'1 or torp. Iml afu-r taking one hntlle or Or. WhiiI's Norway I'lur Syr"!' I foiinil rrent relief, ami artep hiltiy taken several bullies I 'was relleve.il of iiiy trouble." Tlij valiialite roM anil roiigli reineily vi hern on ho tiuki "H rt 3 yparsi yoit ihm'l exeriinent when you liny lit put up only liy Thu t. Mllhurn Co., Llniucil, Toronto, Out. New Spring HATS BROCK , $6.00 BILTMORE .,. , S5.00 BILTMORE , . , $4.00 STEVE KING Phone Green 85. "Third Avenue ( SAVAGE Washer and Dryer Jlns no Wringer, needs none. Won (nU Medal nt Inst Quebec Exhibition over nil American and Canadian Machines, (lash Prjee $185,00;. also sold on terms. Kaien Hardware Co, LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED to building next door to Frizzell Hotelier Shop, across from Ihe Kmpress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jamos Zarell proprietor Helgerson Block. Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST PERSONAL SERVICE AflP RELIABLE DENTISTRY go hand in hand. No mnller what the naliire of your denial vviirK UUiy lie, when ou cume lo njy office you" gel lb benefit of such service and receive deulistry Mini is honest. GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST.