Tea as it should be" ON SALE EVERYWHERE The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .. ....... $l.0u By mail to all parts of the British Empire and -the United States, in advance, per year $0.0(1 To all other countries, in advance, per year ...... $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before A p.m. on day preceding publication- All advertising "received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITIOil URGES DEVELOPMENT OF RAILWAY AND PORT AND DEFENDS ELEVATOR HERE. (Continued from Page One). the southern division, although this vthrr division serves a population if more than three hundred thousand. In view of this development, which is probably news to ninety-five per cent of the people of Canada, I am satisfied that no sane business man would for a moment surest that ' the government, and the railway management should hesitate Jo give us facilities necessary to reach jiit; world's . marvels. I do not think In view of, the. comparative figures that il-would he goiiig too Tar to suggest that it might la better for Canada as a whole, ir the Canadian National would leave the southern territory to the C.J'.ll. aiul centre all of their efforts on development along Ibis division. Every Mile Productive The Canadian National from Jasper to Prince Hupeii travels thrnueh the central part of Ilrit-i ish Columbia, practically every mile pt which is capable of producing traffic', .and allows of feeders being built both north and south, in some cases as far as TOO miles through productive territory. As one instance or its timber resourc.es; in the district front Vandeihoof to McHride, which comprises an area of 250 sipiare miles, there are two billion feel of the finest commercial timber in Canada; this does not run to clears, but produces a 'select common gr.ade which brings a premium on the New York mar-Vet, the price today running about M7, and this allows the mills located in that territory to operate at, a profit , a(l a ytitnc when most mills in British Col timbia are -'operating at a loss. Of Ihe total production of fish in this profince, 70 per cent is produced tit territory adjacent to this city, value about $7,000,-ooo, yet through lack of ocean transportation the not of it has to to be shinned to Vancou ver in oiler In reach world's IllUIhriK. Mixed Farming Land In what is known as the Slew l Thursday. June 18, 1925. art Lake country, which is the territory through which any railway tapping the Peace llier should come, we have over 20(1.- 000 acres of mixed' farming land that cannot lie surnassed in Canada. The total mineral production in this territory was valued last year at 10,500,000, which is 30 per cent of the entire production of the province, yet we have only been doing development work for a few years, and it is a safe estimate thai 70 per cent of-Hie future supply of the province will come from this territory. Had tte C.P.H. owfled this road 1 am satisfied llmi ori lliit I fi'nv would hac induced private cai- ilaj.fo construct a paper mill here, and would have given them a pulp wood rale that would have i allowed of bringing their raw material from as far east as Meaning of Elevator If the building of an elevator here meant only thai grain would be hauled here at the expense of the Vancouver division, I would agree that the Opposition to such an expenditure of the people's money was well taken. It means, however, a great deal moii!. At a llotary Club luncheon in Ketchikan, Alaska, a few-days ago, Mr. Daley, who oper ates a sawmill there, told his fellow citizens that "Ihe building of I lus elevator meant that be would be able to load his lumber on ihe boats calling here for Wheal instead of shipping it from Seattle." Mr. Dairy's statement in connection with his business is equally applicable to the Alaska salmon canners for that portion of their pack sold outside of the l. Ihe movement of this Alaskan traffic through this port nienns that we. instead of spI- 11 iv et.'J he. benefit of the monev i . . L-ii-mitMi in V'aiHinng charge's nhd other incidentals that goes with the movement of traffic through a port. II will also afford a frequent transportation service between here and Alaska, thus allowing n considerable volume of general merchandise originating in the east and des tim-d for Alaska to come through this port, all of which helps to give a larger loral market for DoesthewKoIeiob For Makes every washday method easier SOAKING BOILING WASHING MACHINES those who Hre engaged in de veloping our natural resources in addition to a more ready ac cess to the markets of the world. Future. Development Here Owing to the sire of Vancou ver, eastern people fail to realize hat 75 per ceril or Ihe future development in this province is going U take place in the northern half, of which Prince Hti-pert is the natural outlet, liven if this were not Ihe case, Van-ouver is of sufficient size to l'uruisli all traffic necessary to show a profit on their division of Hie Canadian National system, if it's citizens so desire. If on Hie oilier band, they ersist in piiui. 1141 II uuuif-:. Mi C.P.H. anil at the same time rlanior for Ihe government and the Canadian (National No spend money on their port, then they might be left to their own re. sources, and more alleution paid to that end of (he road which is still in ils infancy, and where the' Canadian National would get the benefit uf nil busi ness created. The people of Canada as a whole, fail to realize . that ftvhjln we are contributing over .ft 00,- 000,000 annually lb take care of the deficits of our railway, the C.P.H. is paying a dividend of 10 per cent to slock holders, 80 per cent of which is going outside of the country. Is jt not time that we should be loyal to our own interests by patronizing our own system, and allow the C.P.H.' to draw on its reserves for dividend purposes for a few years (as Mr. Bealty states they can di't1. while we put our own road on a paying basis. Was It Politics? The Conservatives on the floor of the House accuse the govern ment of building this elevator for purely political purposes. I'hey seem to have forgotten that a few years ago, it was necessary for the Meiphan government to elect the Hon. Mr, Tol-mie in the cily of Victoria, and taking advantage of t tint government's necessity the Victorians demanded that they be gixen a dry dock, 1150 feet long, which Would he capable of taking any ship afloat. Take note that there was already at Victoria a dock capable of taking ships ',25 feel hpip, which is -sufficiently large to handle all ships docking on Ibis coast, except in case of ac eident. In addition there was a hick here that would handle diips COO feet long, and naturally one would think that this would be sufficient docking facilities for the government to finance within one province, particularly as Seattle offered facilities suf ficiently large to handle any ships that could not be .taken care of in B.C. Further, the 'government knew that ships visiting Oriental and Kuropean ports would not dock on this coast for general purposes, proof or which was available to them from the fact that the C.P.H. had always docked in the Orient, and I venture to say will continue to do so by reason of the lesser cost. Yet in face of all this, the Meighait government obligated us to an expenditure of .$7,000,- 000, a sum almost sufficient to have given rail conneolion Jo the Peace Hiver. But the Con servatives were not satisfied to stop there; they went to Vancouver and guaranteed the Wallace shipyard V,' .' pep' cent' on 83.- oOO.OOO for twenty years to con slrucl a dry dock, thereby be coming financially interesled to the extent of about 815,000,000 in four docks in B.C., knowing all the while that one dock, in addition to the old Ksqu.mall dock, could have lakcn care of all Ihe business offered. In view of this, it ill behooves the. opposition to accuse anyone of buying seals. Obstruction Not Helpful In conclusion, permit me to say that Canada's troubles can .not be settled by the Conserva live party in and out of the House acting purely in the role of Obstructionist; they must realize that their duty to Canada is to assist the government of the day in carrying on the busi ness of the country in a manner conducive to ils welfare; they must offer constructive suiages- tions as well as criticism, of Pad legislation; in oilier words, no, mailer what government is In power the opposition must consider, themselves as directors of a giant corporation, whoso problems they are endeavoring o solve. After all, it does not matter a great deal whlher the Hon. Mr. King or the Hon. .Mr. Melnhan occupies Ihe premiership, so long as the members of the House give them constructive assistance. fi. W. NICKHHSON, MUSIC PUPILS I GIVHECITAL: Delightful Entertainment by Students of Convent Class ; Given Last Night The music students of the, convent class gve a .most 'de- Hshtful jeeilal last nigh,! all taking part and each performer showing much merit. Outstand-j ing were the vocal selections by Miss Marguerite Young while I accompanist work of Miss Norma Rogers and Miss Virginia Rei! was excellent. A number of paten Is an d friends vere present and all cxpressClT themselves as particularly pleased with the eii- eriMinnient. ..Father McdrnMi presided. The program was as follows: i ii.. i ' I Doll's dance, duel, Master Michael and Miss Helen McCaf- fcry. The Cuckoo waltz, Miss Flor ence Parker.. Dainty' Danding Dollies, Miss (iladys .-stralfprd. ald. Hie Ssvlng, Miss May McDon Just a Branch of Flowers, Miss Huthnna NVfffidV ' Cradle song, Op. 3t, Miss Nelda Hilditcii.. Wall i in V. Major, Miss Oar- leen Candow. ' March. Miss Peart Collier, The Kerry Dance, Op. 18, NX 1, Misses Betty Senior and lilady Keefe. Narcissus, Miss Ruth Nelson The Woodpecker, Master Karl fiordon. Tarantella, Op. 39, No. , Miss Vera Youngiuan. , Angel's .Serenade, Op". 1 1 (5, No. 1). Misses Beatrice Horsltnan ard Nina Hunter. 'Scherzo,, Miss Evelyn Ander snn Little Prince, blaster John Bushby. Minuet, Mis? Dorothy Bellin ger. Minuet in OMIss Rose Wesrh , Dance of ihe Nymph. Ma!ri Carl Smith. Valselte, Miss Marion Quin i Over the HtJ'ls, On. 85, No. 8. Miss Rose Couture. Irish Jig, dance. Misses Leah Horstman and Doreen Stratford. Sunshine and Shadow, Mi:;s Kvelyn Morrison. Dance of the Sunbeams, Mi :s Violet McCutehenn. Dancing in Ihe Moonlight, Miss Kleanor Tite. ' Rondo Villagenis, Op. 12, Ni. 3, Miss Jean (ialhraith. Prelude, Op. 28, No. 7, Mis Beulah McKinley. (iondellied, Op. 5fi, Miss Mn-y O'Hrien. Songs Without Words, Op. 3d. No. 3, Miss Jean, CouHire. The First VinWs, Op. 36, No. 6, Miss Mary Murray. Minuet in i.j Miss Katbej'ii.e Watson. The Blue Fairy, lls Audrey Bushby. Far from Ihe Land, vocal snb Miss Marguerite Young; accompanist. Miss Virginia lliel. Part . II. Huiiioreske, Op. j Kit," No. 7, Miss; Olive M(inroij Petite, Dahse pp.J ; jj7? Mis Helen .McCafrery. ;' ; Sle'igh Ride, :diieL'Misses Ivy Eden? and elazel iax S Curious Story, ftp. 138, No. it. Miss Marie Murphy. Dance of the Robin, MiM Muriel Adams. H.M.S. Pinafore, duel, Miss Aletta McKinley nnd Olive flor-don. Valse Ci, No. I, .Miss Ruth Oil-lies. , Polish Dance, Op. 3, No. 1. learn Made in modern sanitary condenserie. lip Made in Canada The Label is Red and White Miss Muriel Stephens. Spring's Witchery, Op. 87. No. 1. Miss Agnes Roberge. Mazurka, Op. C8, No. 3, Miss Mary MrCalfwy. Fantasia in D. Minor, Miss Itus,. Moran. Mazurka. 0. 24. No. I, Mis Oanraret McCaffery. Nuthin, vocal solo, Miss Marguerite Young; ' acruuiMiiist. Miss Virginia Riel. Nine Variations In A.. Major. Miss Hlianne Roberge. Marche Militnire, Miss Lucy O'Brion. Valse in A. Flat. Op. HI. Nov 8. Miss Norma Rogers. (ilockenblumer, Miss Virginia Riel. Mammy's Lullaby, chorus. St. Joseph's choral class; accom-panisi. Miss Norma Rogprs. CARPENTERS ELECT OFFICERS FOR YEAR The Carpenters' I'nion ctiosi its olllcers at a meeting las! nighl in their hall' as follows: President, J. .1. filllis. Vice-president, oor?e Scott. Financial Secretary, Marcti-Andrews. T-easurer. C. Findlay. Conductor, A. F. Cameron. Warden, Dave Scott. Trusters. W. Shortage. V.. Taylor and J. MeKechnie. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notice of Application for Beer License Notice s hereby given that on the litis day of June next, the undersigned intends to apply to Ihe, Liquor Control Board for licence in respect to premise-being part of the building known its Hudson Bay Hotel, Telegraph Creek, B.C. upon the lands de-cribed as Lots 3 and , block 2. map t75, Prince ' Rupert Land Registration District, in the Province of British Columbia, for. the sale of beer by Hie. glass or by open bottle for ronstimptioi on the premises. Dated this 231b day of May. 1925. ERIC McfiEHR, Lessee. Applicant. WATER NOTICE. (DIVERSION AND USE) TAKE NOTICE tint Wllllmn Mrrrn. vhmi JiililrexA I l.cx kmrl, ll.i:., will iily for llrw to takf ind iikr t.Wtt Kl-lmi dally of water out t,T Sprkiix nn wont ll of UirlK-imrl. Q.C.J., II. i... wtilrli riowa Miuihcrly ami rtraiiu into pt arm. "Ijiurrrlhiw" Mineral Claim, duly r.rnwn llranled No. t35S y.C.I. Tli water will li rllverted frniii tlie atream at a point rlRlit at anurre. alimit I. Silt) feet nr o fnni Uirkepifrt Hiirtmr. and will e men iiir niniieatir rannery nrme upon mi iioincBiir iniini-ry at i.m'Kepori. v1-.!. i Thl notlre waa pouted on the 1 9 111 day or May. I95. A copy of Oil notlre, aul an appllrntlon pursiiaiil tlierelo and tol the "Water Art,. 1014," will lie riled In the orrire or the Watec llerorrier at Prince ltiinTt, ll.i:. oiijertlniiii to the Appllra-Hon may be riled with the ald VVaier lierorrter or with the cmniitrolter or! Water lllahl. I'Hrllament Hiiildln. Vic ! hirla, ll.i;., within thirty daya after Uinl nrst appenrunrr or thin notice ln local iiewipnir. The slate of lite nrt pnhll rallKii or thla notice I May gflth. IVtl "fw.'i i"ii'itv, I'l'iirnui. LAND ACT. CA88IAR LAND DISTRICT W.C!r,"r r"la',.s7lklne nivMon. i,T.AKh ."'r!(:E Waller Julian aielorned Soldier), vt Telexrapll Cm-It, n.r... occnpallon Miner, Intend to apply for iiennHjlon tu pnnhan the fullnw nir decrlhcd lands : roiiiiiienrlotr at a poit planted ahotit IV P.' !? "r McLcimU sIimivIi near the Stlklne niver and atnnt 31 mllea aouthweat or Telegraph Crwk; thence north n rlinlm; thence eat 40 rhalii; thence Hoiilh an ehnlna; the.iee went 4(i ihnlna to point or commencement am) containing- 390 acrea, more or le. VVAl Hill JIIUAN. A,,,"lc,", April lOtb. mi. I PAGE TWO THE DAIL? KcwB Tluii Mk v Jllii. i B ' ni A little higher in price, but-iphata wonderful difference just a few cents make. ORMES LIMITED Someihitig New for the Children MAN IN THE MOON LOLUPOPS A pure, higli-rlaf Candy in n new form. Karh 10o A, Rent Bargain in VACUUM BOTTLES We bought this lot very rheap. On sale at each 55c RINEX A giUfati'-'' casev ,w ii. i . I-'ever, etc Your nun 'V . i ,lisfied wiUi ,PT bottle $1.00 FREE ENLARGEMENT Bring yum ' jrHlives in f i -4nrtY print, s-in trie envel,.,. -free enlargi n ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggist The Rexall Store 3rd Ae. and 6th Si Phone 32 and 200 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floitlng Dry Dock Englnoers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Pa,rn makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant i equipped ta hfttidle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SF .. Coast Steamship and Train Service PRINCr RUPERT or PRINCE QEORQE Mil irooi ' .,.,, ttn uiiuu .mmi itiTTitl ltul inlenueniain i SUNDAY and THURIDAY, 10 r.M. iAlnila 10 . S' For anvox sawdil 1" r"- For VTCWART PAISCNOER TRAIN LEAVE PRINCE EtM0KT0t. DAILY oicapt Sunday 1130 a m. .tor '..J,'tar ' WINNIPEG, all poiiiu tatm Wnarta, Unllttl,Stai ALL OCEAN STe""ni'- w-- l AGENCY riiib rw rMM - InuEnwT i (CANADIAN VPACinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services ' Sailings from Prince Rupert Far KETCHIKAN. WRA.NGEll. JUNWU, SKACWAY ' J4 jj, 1, Far VANCOUVER. VICTORIA aid SEATTLE Ju , .... BEATRICE. nrt S.S. PRINCES m For Butad.la, Swanaon Ba,, Ea.t Campbell Rl.ar, and Vancoutar onafY Saturday 11 ,nforrntlon froiti- Ag.nc, for all Stt.tnahlp Lln.a. 0rn.r f dih Stra.t and rd A. Prino. nuptn. OF B.C., LTD. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY sallinra trom ITIdc. nuprr.. , p.-or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bar, and Alan lufdlfl it of VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, And aiaon ! For PORT SIMPSON ml MaM RIor Oannarlaa. Friday " f-rln.t rup". " in zno annul, . Barnai!.