for jday, June 18, 1925. THE DAILY NEWS PXOB THRB1 1 of Andrew Maclean An experience from life) "It hi I to be pretty good Idea to make me change the htbiti el life-time, end when I first heird about Hatchway Button-leu Underwear well I juit laufhed to myielf. Time went on, and man after man kept on telling me about the new kind of comfort he wai experiencing and I began to wonder. ..... Then one day I bought a luit of Hatchway I took it home and slipped it on. I never would have thought that a iuit of Underwear could make tu:h a difference to a man'i feelings it was so down-right easily comfortable, and certainly the no-button idea saves a wonderful amount of time and trouble. Believe me, I am sold on Hatchway now and I have got a hunch that I shall stay that way for life." Over hall a million Canadian men and boy l wear Hatchway, and each year the number grows. WOODS UNDERWEAR CO. LIMITED TORONTO WQ O D HAS NO BUTTONS FOR SALE Halibut EES A. W Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Bareymore (juaranlcei RUGS Watch Tomor ow's Advertisement for prices BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue Phone 123 You'll be Surprised H yon have never given us uti order lor BUILDING LUMBER, BUILDING MATERIALS, OR OUR FAMOUS NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL You'll he surprised at I lie- sittislaclmn the delivery or these goods will give yon. We are agents for the Prince Rupert Spruce Mills Ltd. Mill Prices on all Lumber ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phone 116 or 564 LONDON CHAT ABOUT PEOPLE Those Who are In Public Eye In England Told about by Spoclal Writer LONDON, England, June 18. fly Canadian press; Mi's. Uor- nelius Yanderhilt and Mrs. Harry Ilrown, I lie rich l'itUburg widow, have flatted issuing their invitations. U is by coincidence, of course, thai their first big party- lias been arranged for the same night. Mrs. Ilrown has invited som-i I JO jieojtle to dinner and dance in the wonderful Spencer House Ballroom, adding that the or rnesira win play rrom 12 to a a.m. Mrs. "Xeily" has broadcast iie first sliol of the season to all her guesls of last year and to every member or the younger oyal set who is in town. Ac cording lo the dilemmas in which Hair or social London is now olaeed, both lots of invitations appear to have been sent olT a'. he identical hour. Il seems, however, that Mrs Ilrown will beat the most social of ihe Yanderbills lo it onri more, lo lapse into the vemacu- I litr. lor .mis. .eii), uiiiiku jus ilrown. lias given no indication of how lale her qwn Is all is likely to continue. Ilelweeu midnight and one o'clock therefore is like- K lo sec a procession of limousines from the doors of Xor-folk House Mrs. YauderbilO, tip lo the massive gales of the ducal home or the .Spencer wliu-h Ihe I'illsburg widow has 1 1 led witli a battalion of pow- Icri-d footmen. Take Interviews Trust the bright young people of London to find a new game You remember the Treasure limits, and Ihe Xiglil-Tinie Hays Xow they've found something I hat requires not only skill and ingenuity but a good deal of luck as well. This is il. They arrange be-ween themselves lo interview a number of famous people by telephone, as if they were newspaper reporters, and see just how much a person's views on ibis and that can vary during 2 hours. The actresses have fallen or it b au,lifiH1y: Gladys Coop er, Healrietv Lillle and a few .(tiers have all been interviewed by the llrighl Young People anJ no doubt are still looking for I heir views to appear in various London papers buj the typed out interviews are reposing in a certain escriloirf' in Mayfair The other day one famous nu- Ihor and playwright who has three plays running in London at Ihe moment was rung up by a sweet young voice and asked for his views on "Women's Mannish Modes of today." It took up 15 minutes of his time, and he nearly slopped his wife's dress allowance when she presented liini with his interview that evening. English princes may be scarce tins season, but there are p.enty of Indian Maharajahs here, ano verv e.aluted Potentates indeed In Ihe "millionaire hotels," an.i TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NVAXTKH. Three or tour room ed house or suite, furnished no children. Apply Dox 1'5K iimtv News olllre. 11 FRECKLES Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots. How to Remove. - Easily Here's u chance, Miss Freckle race lo try a remedy for freckles with Ihe iguaranleo oT a reliable concern that il will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles; while if it does give you ia clear complexion the expense is (rifling. Simply gel an ounco o Olhine double strength from I any drug or department store. and a 'few applications should I show you how easy Jt is lo rid yourself of the homely freckle ami get a beautiful complexion Harely is more than one ounc needed for the worst case. He suitvto ask the druggist for (he double strength. Olhine as this strength is void under guarantee of money back if il fails lo remove your freckles, At nil Commodore Cafe OPENING DAY MENU Relishes Sliced Tonialoe, Iced Celery Ripe and (Jreeu Olives Combination Salad Soups Cream of Tjutnato Huston Clam Chowder Fish Grilled Salmon or Halibut Julienne Cold Meats Shamrock llanf, Ox Tongue Sliced Chicken Entrees Stuffed Pork Tenderloin Poached Kgg Maryland Haricot of Lamb Chasseur Fillet Mignon Henry IV. Roasts i lloast Young Lamb and Mint Sauce Prime llibs Au Jus Stuffed Chicken and Jelly, Hread Sauce Dessert Apple Pie, Lemon, Haisin, Creamed Horn, Cup Custard Individual llaked Alaska. Tea or Coffee occupying the Imperial suits are Cafe a seven feel high Indian re- PKnce Rupert Mr. and Mrs. K. .1. Green, I'. Shuley, John A. Manlove. K. D. Shaw, Arthur It. M. Wrighl. F K. Mcl'eely, V. C. Arnelt, Georgf F. Adams and 0. A. Uullimei Vancouver; Ii. 1.. Veller, Totont. (i. T. linimons, U.S. ..Navy; Mrs. (I. T. liinmons, Princelon, ew Jersey; Otto Silverman. New Utrk; Mrs. Brown ami Miss Ada Brown, Port lissington; Mrs,. J. YVarne, O. T. Sundal and J. '. F.ggleshaw, Terrace.; Mr. an I Mrs. T. llenrickseu. Kelchikau. Central Ii. Ferreira, Kwinilsa; Oeorgv h". llenson anil J. V. Grell, Oolst Lake; .1. Sheasgreeu,, Vancouver; YV. (Jee and V. C. (iee, CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. Tnke notice thai Graham Ave. from Allln Ave. to Seventeenth Sheet will be closed for six weeks, coininenoin'g Monday, Juno 22. llesideuts are roouesled lo get in their supply of coal,' etc., before lhat dale. Ill CITY li.VGLNIilill. I M'l.n,, C.ll.ii.l iu u!lililtr ImiiL'lil on the Prince Huperl-for Van couver. He expects to make a trip lo Okanagan district for the drug or depa'tiuieiit benefit of bis. health,, which for stores or by mail. Olhine. P.O.; the past six months has-been far Box 2016, Montreal, Canada. from good. ( i i in I 0 Local aid rersooai B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. A real 50c Taxi Service. Brown Taxi. Phone 80. V You'll like our joall era Coal Co. Phone 7. La Parisienne Beauty Fourth St., Phone 301. Shop, tf Save your soles. 50c. service, Arthur's Taxi. Phone 078. tf Football to-night, Acropolis Hill at G.S5. Callies vs; S.O.F. The train, 4lue from Ihe Fast at 3.30 this afternoon, is report ed on time. Hich and poor can ride now. 50c. for a taxi to go anywhere. Drown Taxi. Phone 80. 11 All Legioiiaires are requested lo attend a meeting in the Met- ropole Hall on Friday night at 8, o clock. Special business. i h Tickets now on sale at Orme's Ijrug Slore for the California University Glee Club Concert ni I the Wesiholmc on Monday and Tuesday. lit Hod Morrison of Ihe fire de- !pariiient is sailing tonight on the Prince Hupert for Vancouver Ion a holiday trip. He expects l no fewer than four Indianl. .... fm. ,,. ,. .. ,,., princes and .Manarajaus. inese are t lie llajahs of Kapurthala, Haiininla. Vizianagrain, and the Prince Karamjit Singh of Kapur thala. night. The Prince Huperl Hoard of Trade has received a cordial it vilnlion from the Commercial Ilajipipla is Ihe youngest and ,,,uI of K,.lc,,ilvUI1 lo vi(lit ,hal handsomest of litem all and, at- many a debutante will bear wit ness, dances divinely. All the IlaiiAhs have brought long Suites with them, and some of the lat ler keep to their Lastern dress city in conjunction with oilier local organizations on July 4, lo help them celebrate their annual holiday. , FIIIK! FIHK! U.P.O.K. Fir wiien tne najan oi rv.tpui mm.. .,-,., :.., ,....,. 0nivht nes in t lie restaurant or ute the foods and wines before the llajah begins his meal. Spirit of Carnival unveiled 8.3" ii in kIuiiii Kvervlimlv Iirinir f ' . . i- . -i. uner sianus neiimus ms cu.ur . , lral.m,.i .m.i wiir ami manes a pretence oi i r cau dri!SS ,lle fasesl when Hit: Million Dollar Beauties The interesting problem "I money the greal breeder of good looks" has been propounded by the Knglish author (i. V. Ken drum, on seems a number o debs who arc visiting London chamber. this season. liirls grow prettier and pret tier as their fathers grow richer and ritiirt-," declares Mr. Leu drum. "Some of the London society girls, despite all their ancestors, will have lo keep d close eye on their rivals and perhaps take a bin"! or two." According to the inumers on-! of the pretliesl debs of this season will be Miss Monica O'Shea, the daughter of U.S.' Senator O'Shea, who is being presented by the American Ambassadress, Mrs. Houghton. She has red hair which is neither bobbed, hingled 'or shingled and a com plexion thai dosn't owe a lot lo the beauty parlor. With a ctiap-erone Miss O'Shea has slartei :he season al the llerkeley ami her father is joining her later. HOTEL ARRIVALS Fire Alarm goes. Dancing, He freshuients. Prizes. Singiuu Kveryone welcome. Oenls. $1 Ladies free. The regular monthly meeting of the hospital board was he't last night in the cilv count-! I'hose present wen President S. K. Campbell, Vice-President .1. 11. Thompson; H. II. Little, Aid. V. M. Drown, Leo Waugh, Dr. H. K. Tremayne, C. II. Klkins, Mrs. 11. C. Parsons, .1. Christie and Managing secre tary II. V. Birch. The American Medical Pub lishing Co. has already sent the Prince Hupert General Hospital twenty pounds of bond stationery and has offered lo furnish a years suplpy of stationery far the institution free of charge. Letters presented to the hospital board last tiighl staled (hat there were strings to Ihe offer. , It was accepted by the board. The matter of the Fifth Ave. approach lo the hospital, which is ju a dilapidaled condition was referred lo al the meeling of (he hospital board last nigh! and the finance and house com-nut lees were authorized lo proceed wilh repairs. II is proposed lo reolace t lie plank roadway now there with a piece of sur faced road similar to tttal on Fifth Avenue. Mrs. Ingabor Falk of Vuuars-dol, who is to lie admitted to Ihe menial hospital at lisson-lale, and her sixteen year olJ son, who is to bo placed in the, Industrial School, were brought t lo Ihe city-by Provincial Con stable J. P. liggleshaw last nighl. They will be taken south louighl by Mrs. J. Wnrne of, Terrace and Provincial' Constable Sniilh oi Ihe local ollice. Aldv Brown, reporting to the hospital board last night on behalf of a special coiiiiuilleo which had repair work al the Institution in hand, stated that, whereas the estimate uf I he work in (lueslion hail been I300, it had actually been done for something under l-00. Presi dcnl Campbell complimented Aid. Brown fo keeping down the cost and at the same time having the work netTcetively done. ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose PIc-nic June 28. G.V.A,pcnie July 10, orapleasantptckme-up eataJERSEYMILKbar Chocolate is the greatest cnergymaker in the world soldiers, mountaineers and explorers always rely on it So when you feel tired eat a Jersey Milk Bar. It is plain milk chocolate in its purest form. But not ordinary chocolate I It is so , , delicious, so daintily flavored that you'll make Jersey Milk your prime favorite at once. Try a bar and see. Look for the white-and-gold wrapper. Solid Milk Chocolate Day Phones 423 530 Gr. 601 Black 735 5c, 10c and 25c sizes. Week-end :: Specials for Friday and Saturday O Jy 21 PIECE TEA SETS See them in our window, per set $3.75 Pure Spun Silk in six newest shades, per yard. . . Coates' Mixed Crochet Cotton, per hall Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dlr, . . $1.25 ..... 10c H. S. WALLACE Co. Ltd. LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED to building next door to FrizzeU Butcher Shop, across from the Empress Hotel Wc carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor TUGBOATS Night Phones 687 S39 Gr. 601 Black ,735 RAW FURS If you want to be paid highest possible CASH prices for your HAW FURS, Turward them to R. S. ROBINSON A SONS, LTD. Branch Receiving Office: 1225-6 Standard Bank Bid)., Vancouver, B.C. HeadyOrfiee: U.S.ll. Hldg., 43-51 Louise Su Viiiult Man. i Est. 1883. Incorporated 1020