FATAL RESULTS One Man Killed and Five Sorb ously Hurt as Result of Trolley Aooldent Near London, Ont. LONDON, Ont.,.. June IB. ---One man is deud, live lio injured in liospilul ami scores of other ure less seriously hurt ns u result or a midnight crush on a suburban railroad. A disconnected trolley caused one car lo -top and, while it was in darkness, miolhfiy car. speeding on lis lasl trip to the cily. rounded u curve and crushed into if. ltHi cars were crowded to capacity LAUREL WHALENOFF DOCK ArND ADMIRAL SEBREE GOING UP The floating cannery Laurel Whulenj which has been undergoing cleaning und painting at the dry dock, cume on" this iiMirning and it is expected thai (lie American steamer Admiral Sebree. which it to have propel- ler reoalis wil be taken Ul about o'clock Ibis aflernoun. STEVE DONOGHUE WON RACE AT ASCOT TODAY ASCOT, June 18. A. II. Walkers Saulorb, ridden by the crack 1-iiglish jockey, 'Steve Donoghue, won Ihe Ascot gold cup today. Agha Khan's Salmon Trout came 'eond and Lord Aslor's SI.. German third. Six horse ran. Stromkins declared that Haker ripped open the bodies of Gillis .iinl ins sou willi a knife so thai Hicy would sink after being thrown overboard from Hie deck Hie Heryl G. When be came to Ibis pari of Hie evidence the willies cot-1 4. lapsed: "(lb, jny God," be ex- claimed, whimpering. 1 Cross-examined later on tin imiiiL by counsel for Duker, Slronikins again collapsed, sobbing violently. "Get away from me. You ale worse'lhan Haker, asking me all these questions." be sboiiled at counsel. Additional testimony orrercd by Slronikins was to the effi-l Ilia! immediately after the alleged murders bad taken place Charles Morrison, the Ibird member or the bi-jackiiitf parly now held in Scuttle righting extradition lo I bud said lo witness, as they slood on the deck or Slroinkins' boat: "The cold blooded murderers." Slromkins occupied the stand all arternoon ami part or the LH'iiltisf and bis testimony was unshaken by cross-examination. SCHOONER AFIRE HECATE STRAITS BEING REPAIRED The Canadian halibut schooner Teruan. Capl. N. Pedersou. caught rive in llecule Straits yesterday while proceeding lo the halibut banks and relumed here with a dry ex-haiifl. The vessel is being repaired at Hie dry dock and, it is expected, will get away ror the banks again this evening. Damage was not serious and nobody was hurl. ITALIAN MONEY IS iw...i mres c asl evening U.v provincial nonce. W Norton was taken into 'jus Duly. H is understood .that summonses have been applied for implicating several well known persons in connection wilh the alleged kidnapping. Many Involved llesides .the arrest o'f Oscar H. V. Hobinson, V. W. Norton was arrested in the stale of Washington yesterday and brought 1 1 tv li Mm W ill' ranis are Issued for K. W. Wrightou, wiio is now said to be in California and who u l.elieveil lo have Keen me uriv el- or the abducliou car, and Wll-liam llobinsou atid hie .. Oscar. Norton and Hobinson were remanded for eight days and are ,mw at Okalla. smniiionscs, connecled with a AT NEW LOW LEVEL In Spite of the Announcement That Mussolini is Ready to Open War Debt NLW YOHK. June 1 8. While AVashingloii reports slated thai Premier Mussolini had officially level on ll.e New York market. Arrests Made in Connection with Kidnapping of Chinese House Boy Janet Smith Case VAmi:Yi:il. June IN. Ou a wurruut charging kidnai ping or Wong Foon Sing, Chinese, houseboy, now 111 custody on , !nf a murder charge'in connection with 'the death of Janet Smith, kn(,xv , U. H. V. llobiiison, manager of the Canadian' Detective Bureau put . (ii him anollier man named Verity geanl P. Kirkham of the ronu Grey police. Place of Captivity It was disclosed lhal Wong in u bouse reined inrougn ageius lu purties who later nj'urned the kev and disappeared. Deleclive? visiled the place und Tound, bof ed Ibruuab the floor, holes which hud evidently been used lo secun tin. chains which were fastened lo the Chiiiamuu. PLANE ARRIVES Accordin in the cily this morning, the Hying boal, piloled by Flight 'Lieutenant liar I MacLeod, which is coining here lor fishery patrol Threatened With Revolver, Describing Hie Irealment re ceived, the Chinaman claims he was threatened wilh a revolver several limes uHer being put in chains ""! finally, after fourteen davs' inquisition was taken to an upper floor of Ihe detention place where he saw a rough si-aHoId luiiulinir from a beam while above was a rope with a noose Again being asked lo tell all be knew, Hie Chinaman claims rmed his keepers that be nothing, whereupon Hicy on the chair, fixed Ihe roue over his bead and uigain The officers, ucluig on a search warraui, iook possession fftml M.n (U. ehunce lo con or Ihe large suTe and piles u books and papers lounu in lioinii- f(f(!4 yni)nir secure the con-m.n's nrrice and removed them lo provincial police headquarters. r Chinaman declared Prior lo the arrest of lioiunson 11,.. wMine cliarge, were sought P wn from Magistrate Mo 1 1 1 m r Point Grey against David I'alerson, president or Hie i.,.liish socielies; .101111 .uui .i.wk Point Grey elder or police; H p. McCVaney and 11. O. 'Me i,'mnld. Point Grey police com ...uilmiers: A. S. Malthevvs, ruriiier olliciul or Ihe Scottish u....i..mh! .1. S. Cowoer. editor ot il,e Weekly Tribitie, and Ser that one man pulled Ihe chair frnin under him. ami be lost consciousness, reinetnoering no thing more until revived by 1 man he described as a doc .or. Vfter Hiis il is presumed the TAXI BOSTON GRILL M and Large Upstair Dining: Mall, mdJ Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. Stand Royal' Hotel, 3rd Ave. For ratis, apply to Boston and 6th 8L PRINCE RUPERT Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. J Phone 457. -'6' Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. XV., NO. MS. PHINCB III PKKT, H.C., 'j'UL'HSDAY, JUNE 18, 1025 YMttrdiy't Circulation 1B7B Blrttt SU 41 PRIHE FIVK CENTS. AMUNDSEN REACHES SPITZBERGEN SAFELY GILUS MURDER HORRORS TOLD BY WITNESS AT BAKER AND SOWASH TRIAL Horrors of Gillis Murder on Schooner Beryl G. Recounted by Witness Stromkins to Court VICTORIA, June 18. Taking' the slund in the trial yes-tcriliiy uflernooii of Owen Maker and Hurry Sowash, charged wilh the mtirder uf Captain Gilhs aiul his miii on the schooner Hcryl G. last Sejiteinher, Paul Slronikins, the slur witness for the crown, piled horror upon horror in the rc'rilul of the slaying. Ho gruesome were the events described by Stromkins, whose boat was Uaed in the Ip-jurkiug of Ihe Gillis crutt, that he broke down repeatedly while giving evidence. Twice he col-la pedimdonccloyust by a flood of hysterical tears HOSPITAL IS IN THE HOLE Operating Deficit Since First of Year, $6,047.79 Way be Reduced to ,$3,000. I(i to May at. Hie nperaliiiK drfiul of Hie Pnnrc Hupert Gcn-r u Hospital husv been C.017.7l m was uiinoiliiced lo t lie hoard la" it tif 111 by J. L., Christie. 'Iiatitnan of the f.hiancr coiiimil-hf TirN TdTal mny be reduced, however. In something like $a.-000 HiloUgli fharo of liquor pro-f und account receivable. I id Hie month of May, Mi UirstM! reported, receipts had stalled ta,5y.l7 and cxpcndi-niir. 5,057.7U. There were 1281 hospital duys and Hie cost per hospital duy was $3.45. lurlher referring to hospital finances. President Campbell Kaled thai the matter bad been taken up recently wilh lion. William Sloan, provincial secretary, wilh a view to bavin a Glance from Hint direction. CARS COLLIDE 'and sobbing. RaoU Amundsen and Party Returned Today from North Pole Flight to Spitzbergen NEW YORK, June 18. The North American Newspaper Alliance today announced that Raotd niundien haJ returned to Spitzbergen from his. North Pole flight. Vernon IJrentice, brother-in-law of Lincoln tils worth, commander of the expedition, stated that he had received word that all six members of the expedition had arriveu safely. The two planes left Spitzbergen on May 22 from King's Bay, Spitzbergen Island, and the ship was told to wait six weeks for him. Wong Foon Sing Declares Was Hanged by Captors Tells of Treatment Received while Held in Captivity after being Kidnapped ANCOL'YKlt, June 18. The Vancouver Sup thi publishes what is said to be "Wong hoori; SingJs; ovvu'-'story or his iilMliidiuutf ill-which the Mulcineut is mjitle- lliatAMhe Chinaman was actually hanged by abductors uHer repeated unsuccessful efforts lo force him to tell Hie circumstances under which Janet Smith met her death and the incidents preceding the tragedy. According to Ihe story, the Chinaman uescrilied denls from March till until he was released on .May l. won . I. was uname lo 'say w nerc ne us held bul be described Hie cir cuitous route of Hie uiilomohiie ide after lieing seized by Ihrce notirieil Urilaiu and.Uniled Stales masked men. He believed he was dial Italy was ready lo open war kl,p NV,jn u,e boundaries of the debl negotiations, Hie llalian muuictialily itT 1'oint 5rey all tlic lira today established a new low tj,ni. LAFOLLETTE DIED TODAY Fighting Bob," Stormy Petrel of U.S. Political Life, Fall to Grim Reaper WASHINGTON. June IH ' Urges Development of Railway and Port and Defends Elevator Here President of Board of Trade writes to Ottawa Journal setting forth Industrial Position and Refuting Fallacies The president of the Hoard of Trude, G. V. Nickerson, lias sent the following letter to the Ottawa Journal in answer to criticisms or the elevulor expenditure here: After reading the arguments advanced If those sponsoring the vole for the Prince Hupert elevator, I am not surprised at the abundance oT criticism raised in the House, and by the press Failure 011 the Hurt of those who should have furnished the in- rornialion prompts me to orrer, through the courtesy iH your paper, some facts -which 1 believe justify it's construction. All of those who spoke in op- 1 " - position, stressed the tact thai there is an additional two hundred miles or haul lu Prince Hupert as compared with Vancouver, but the government speakers negll-cted lo inform the House that by reason 0T superior grades and curves 'in spile of the longer haul u traYn unequal size can-be pulled from' Jasper lo till' poj I us .ciicupi; " hi ui- fouten and this notwithstanding Ilia) our westbound loniiaise was only aboul one twentieth as I.. : t .... !.. .... ... luiii'inmi. ijr 1 .-11 1 i n. Hie Itici I lO Hie IILOIIIUiy siuiisiicai reports, issued by the Canadian National system, these figures can be verified. Further, probably 70 per cent of the west bound traffic tm the Vancouver Hubert .Marion LaFollelle, 'aged been aide to get the figures from 7(1. for many years the stbrtny official sources, accoruing 10 iin- STOCK MARKET H.C. Silver Sllveirrest Dun weir ... I'remier ... Terminus L. & L. ... was held captive at at 13 Twenly cu,,Hrf, uau. Up efforts and aflcriDuly Alaska Fifth Avenue, West Point Grey. Unu irlrused turn. 1 Hay view : Big Tourist Party here on Hid. Asked .15 1.15 2.15 .25 91 .1H .01) Wednesday Express Surprise 1.50 .1(5 Vj 5'.50 2.25 .18 ,2(i(, .27 212 at Conditions in the North division goes for export, while ours was practically entirely -for local consumption. Eastbound Traffic 11 i regrettable that those who spoke in favor oT the eleva tor railed lu quote eastbound traffic data. While 1 have not nelrel of American utilities and a ures quoted ny mi- oenry M..,,li,i..i.. rni. Hi., i.iesiileiwv In Ion. Ihe lolal freight tonnage, II... eleelimi .lie, I IliU ufli.c. Ollginalillg ill HrlllSll UlllllllDia, in... r Iie.ni rniline wbirb handled by Ihe Canadian .-National U'm in 11)21, amounted to was induced by a general break- Inu-n 11111I ulhiek .if liimieliiiil U0,72 tolls, Ulld 1IOIH llglllfS it vl lltllll . Ill i.u.i 1 ii eiinrineil obtained locally, it appears that I.. Lis Inline wllli severe aold of tins amount approximately r i ., Iwo huiidred thousand Ions or- iginateii 111 1 lie rnnce nupen ui vision bound east. It is reason able to assume that the Vancou ver division should have pro- luced at least one hundred thousand tons ot westbound rreiigbt, therefore, it follows that our -eastbound traffic was greater than that of the southern divi sion. We also sent out about tbir teen thousand tons in express shipments, which is a much grcaler revenue producer Ihuu Height, consequently it is a lair assumption that our-passenger train came closer lo meeting ex penses than thai on the" un- couver division, which is truly a wonderful showing Half Originated Here It is worthy or note Hiul out Prince Hupert proved very interesting to the 121) members Lr 4,182.571) tons, of freight orig- to a wire received 0f the Gottfried-Krueger Association und their families or limiting in Dritish Columbia, Newark. New Jersey, who were 111 town yesterday uboard Ihe bundled by all rullways, the learner Princess Alary. Cupl. A. II. Hippoii, on their way to Cunadian National got oniy uo, Alnskn no nu eiirlil duv cruise. "727 tons, of which nearly half The, Krueger Association is 11 political-social club and one originated in this division. wiii-L left Jericho lieuc 1 at an nf Hie miisl nroniiiient members -ul the lutrlv was Dr. C r. Krae- 'Ihe oeonle or "Canada musi early hour Ibis morning II may nier, inelropolitun port cotn'missuner or .Newark, who is luktng realize that approxiniaieiy fiuu,-arrive Ibis afternoon although) the oppurlunity nffurdetl by the lour to make an official inspec-noo,ooo of Ihelr money is in- II Is possilde, 011 account oT in- lion ot Pactric coast huiboi-s and n vested in that portiun or the clement weather, that Lieut, ports. Naturally enough, he was extended' tour through the Unl- Cunadian National system from M....I miiv mIoh nir imroiite tnliifiwleil lii see Ihe ilevelooment led S ales and at Seullle it was .lustier lo Prince Hupert. ISol- uud eonlluue when (here Is a that is going on in Prince llu- clearing .up. Wireless reports pert the newest seaport on Hie I hut Ihe machine tefl Alert Hay PuciHe coast aiul- one with .a aM0:30 bound north. most roseate fuliire. tl'he machine arrived ul 3.10 The Itinerary I his aHernoon. The party has already had n taken in cliarge by the H.C withstanding our limited popula- Coust Sleiunship Service of the Hon. the f'gures available-show Canadian Pacific Hallway fur the (Hut we have- been able to pro-trip to.-Alaska. The party will duce, from Ihe resources alon visit Lake Henuelt and on ' Us .this line,, more tonnage Ihun has i-. (c6ntlnued oh' pa?e - . continued 611 page Iwo)- CIVIL SERVICE SALARIES UP Large. Sum Set As:de for In-- creases: B.C. Gets Good Aporoprlatlons at Ottawa OTTAWA, June 18. In the upplenienlary estimates brought down yesterday in the House of Commons by Hon. James Ilofoh, acting minister ol fiu'abce. Hie largest ainouiil was one of 91,-2"J7,alO providing ror! salaries, reclassificalions and increases in the civil service, inclucling an amount required lo cover the provision ol Ihe recent order In : council revising the salaries of s Ihe lower grades. - liritish Columbia received $221,200 ror public buildings, s the second largest or the amounts awarded lo the different a provinces for lliis purpose. She also was given the fourth largest 1 1 r.. I I.i.. ..ti.l vUiii'v llil- ' a wan 1 iur iiiiui? auu "v"( uiuouut boinjr $I75,G50. BROTHERUSMAR GIVEN 5 YEARS Convicted of Manslaughter In Connection with Scalding of Boy at Orphanage MONTHKAL, June 18. Hene Devlesehouwer, known lu religi- ou.-j Hie us nroitier usiiiur, convlcled of- manslaughter in connection with the fatal scalding oT Hector Galurneau, aged 8, ul Ihe orphunuge of Puberdeau last January und was this morning sentenced to five years im prison inent . FALSE CREEK HAS" ANOTHER BLAZE Arbuthnot Mill and Auto Top Plant In Flames This Special lo Daily ?.'cws VANCOUVEIl, June 18 A general fire, alarm ,wai suiinded Ibis arternoon rioat False Creek where the Arbuthnot .mill and auto lop plants are In Haines. BODY WASFoIiNd"" SHOT THROUGH HEAD VICTORIA, June 18. Louis F.berl Ilaker. found WqI through Ihe Jiead at bis home here lat niglit wilh -a revolveijying be--hlo Ibo boily. ,