rAOE SIX Fancy CHINA II Special Discount for This Week Only on ull Taney China. Tho Very Lai est LUNCHEON SANDWICH CUPS (combined cup, saucer and plate) In beautiful Lustre China and delightful colorings 'c cordially invite you to view our China stock which contains the largest variety in northern B.C. Save Your Eyes Our Optician lias had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and filling glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner Tho Diamond Merchant of the North "Do You" Live in Apartments If so. we have jus! Hie tiling you huve been wauling for a long time. "Kindling" Our fine split Kiln Dried fire starters cannot be excelled. Just the right length for t lie slove. and nicely lied up in bundles 2c each. Any order of 1.0(1 or over delivered. If you have room why ' nitl buy a full load and split it yourself. G.00- deliered. Taxi Our Taxi 'business lia"s increased greatly so we have added anullicr New Sedan to our list. 11 costs only 50f for you and u friend to lie taken any place for Ibis small sum. Give us a trial. The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Opposite Old P.O. Open Day and Night. Phones 112-189 DRY BIRCHWOOD and Cedar $6.50 Per Load Cut to any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phono 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Auditorium Danolng Every Evening, 8 to 11 1 Dance 10o 3 for 25c Wednesday Evening, songs by E. Sabourin and O. Coulre. Thursday Evening, song by H. Astoria. Froo Admission MISS ORFORD IS DISMISSED Girl Who Made Confession Regarding Janet Smith Murder Loses Job1 WILL GIVE EVIDENCE Says She Will Tell all She Knows When The Proper Time Comes VANCOUVER, July 18. -Re lieved of her appointment ity Jhc Designer Publishing Company" of Toronto, for whom she wiis working in a Iocul department store, Marbara 'Or ford, star wit-! ness for the defence in the criminal libel charge against J,! Sedgewiek Cowper of The Sat- j unlay Tribune, and whose a!- leged "confession" in connection with the Janet K. Smith mystery slaying led to the lijiel charge and aroused a furore of excitement in police circles, stated that an at tempt was being made to force her to leave the town before giving her testimony. "They couldn't buy me to get ' out, and they couldn't scare me' out; now they are trying to ) starve nie out, but lliey will not succeed," the igirl declared ufter' exhibiting a telegram from Toronto which iutimuted that she had losl her position. i "Musi request your resigna-' lion lo lake immediate effect," is Ihe bald announcement in the lelegraiu, but Miss Mr ford de-! dares it has been ' engineered froifi this end. She refuses.; however, lo say who is behind Ihe attempt to make her leave Vancouver, or give further in- j formation as to the attempts! which she alleges bad been nmde. . . . ft I lias only made me mined llian ever." more deler- FISH ARRIVALS Fares this Mornlnn Totalled 100,500 Pounds Canadian Boat Got High Price Halibut arrivals marketed at (he Fish Exchange this 'iiiorniny totalled 1 00,000 pounds, seven American boats landing 80,000 pounds and two Canadians, 14,-500 pounds. A Canadian boat received the highest price of the day. Arrivals and sales: American Polaris. JO.000 pounds, al D.lc aiid Ic; Rambler. (1,500 pounds, al 10.7c add 5c; and Uniuiak. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Or RESERVE NOTICE IS IIEItKBY GIVEN that Ilk-reserve covering certain UihU near tin-Junction or Ocalall auL Skeena Invert de.lmialed Lot XI, lunge i, Coast District, U cancelled. CEO. It. NADEN. Deputy .Minister of Lamia, bepartim-iu or I.anrti, t Victoria, B.C., May 4th. m. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Laat Land In Skeena Land til.nrlct, llerordlnir District or Prime import and sltuato al Port Edward. Il.C. TAKE NOTICE that the Skeena lllver racking- Company, l.lniitea, nr run tu unril. H.c. nf-runallim Flub Packers. In lends lo apply Tor r-erinllon to lease the rullowliiir described lands: CoinmencliiR at a imat planted at the aniilhwest corner of Lot 4 476 It.V. coast district: thence soiillicrlv alonir low water mark, aoo ft.; thenec aotithweslcrly, parallel to the loutherly boundary nr Lot 4476. 150 n.. thence northerly parallel to waler mark, 2uo feet; thence northeasterly along the southerly boundary of l.ot 1474 produced, nil reel to me poini of commencement, containing hair an acre, more or less. SKEENA I1IVKH PACKINO COMPANY. LTD. Applicant Dated Mar 1st. 185. WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 "Barbara Freitchie" An udnplntiou or the famous play iir Ihat name by Clyde Filch. The glorious chronicle of u girl's enduring love. A romance r Hie Civil YVur. An immortal slory or u girl of (laiinlluss courage and compelling cliann llie most appealing heroine or American liislpry. Thrust nparl ly llie ileniniids of war u boy ami u girl, by llieir siinile devotion, contributed one nr history's greatest slories. Her belier in the man or her heart could not be shuttered by nil the powers on earth. Love came before North or South or family in the finnl test. Exceptional cnsl. Edmund Lowe, Florence Vldor, Emmett King, Joe Bennett, Charles Delaney, Gertrude 8hort and many others. George Billings ( the original player of the title rule in the ruinous picture) as Abraham Lincoln. COMEDY CARTOON PATHE REVIEW Admission 35c and 10c. Why Have 70 Million People Bought Ingcrsolls ? "I Ingcrsolls arc famous for dependability. O Ingersolls are sturdy and strong. 3 ingersolls looking. are good 4 There are Ingersolls for men and women, boys and girls. 5IngersoH Radiolites tell time in the dark. C Ingcrsolls are the J lowest priced dependable watches made. The Lowest Priced Dependable Watches Look for the name ngersolt on the dial previously to pel her to go. " . "I'll tell everything I know at i the proper lime." she said. "This i U'UotJ pounds, al lO.Uc and 5c, lo Ihe Canadian l'isli & Cold Stui age Co. Yellowstone, 8,000 pounds, a' 1 0.0c and 5c; Venus, 7.IRHI pounds, at 10.1c and 5c. and Wave, 5,50(L pounds at IO.Cc and 5c; to the Monlh Fisheries. Kauatak, 20,001) pound- al lUc and ic, lo Ihe Atlin Fisheries. Canadian Aiken, 8,000 pounds, at 10.:j; and 0c, to the Canadian l'isli i Cold Storage Co. Doroen, (5,500 pounds, at lie and 0c, lo the Allin J'isheries. SETTLING DOWN. "Hello, Mabel. Haven't seen you for a long lime." "I'm married now. Gertie." "Is zal so? Well. 1 hope your husband is a good cook. You deserve a happy home life. irlie." Louisville Courier- Journal. . LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Laaat Lands. lis the 'Land liecurding District or Pruice Muiert, and situate on the north-west eixisi or Pearite Inland, H.c. approximately three miles north from llie mouth or Wmler Harbor. Take Notice that J. fielding Strang or Suunvslde. Il.C. occupation cauneryuian. intends- lo apply ror a lease of the ful- niwliir described lauds Commencing- at a post planted approx linately three miles north nun the mouth or Winter Harbor. I'earse island; thence northwest two J chains, more or less ti low water mark: thence northeast along low water mark one hundred and silly t!60) chain; thence aoulheaai two (Si chains: Ihenre itouthwest on- hundred and sixty MOit) chains, more or icm, id point or roinmeucemeni ana con timing thirty-two (3D acres, mure or less. JAMES FIKI.UI.N0 8TIIANO. Name of Applicant. naicu iav iui. iwva. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Appl to Lat Land. In the Land Uncording' District or I'rluce llupert, and situate on the northwest coast or I'earse Island, Il.C. approximately three tulle north from the mouth or Winter llarbor. Take notice that Frlziell's Limited or Prince lluiwrt Il.C, occupation packers. InleiiiU to apply ror a lease of ihe f ol -lowing described ' lands: Commencing at a post planted approximately three miles north from the mouth or Winter llarhor, I'earse Island; llienc-; iiwi in mil fi lunula, nunc I'l li to low water mark; thence southwest along low water mark one hundred and sixty door chains; thence southeast two (4. chains: thence northeast un hundred and sixty (I0U chains, more or lew, to point or commencement and containing thirty-two CMt acres, more or less. FlIIZZEI.l.'S LIMITED. Name or ppllcanl. Dated Mav 13th. 10'JO. LAND ACT. Notlc of InUntlon to Apply to Laa Land. In the Land llecorditiK Platelet ( iTince llupert, and aliuale on the north went voiMt'or I'eame HI.iikI. Il.C. aonroi matelv alx miiea north rrom the moutli or Winter Harbor. Take .Notice that Oosae-Mlllerd Limited or aiicoiiver, ll.l... occtipallon tmckers, lnleiid to apply for a leae of the following deacrined landi: Cofiinif-iiclnir at a iiimt nlmitprl Aniiifiv. Iiiialelv u miles imrlli frrom the mouth of Winter Harbor, I'eante Miami; thence northwest two (?) chiilns. more or lend, lo low water murk: thence nnrlliemt alonir low water mark one hundred and sixty l ICO) chain; thence ioiilheal two () chain; Iheoee. noothweKt one hundred and sltly (1A(i) ehnlni, more or io point or commenivmeni ana con tninlnif ihlrty-two (3i) acrea, more or less. , niiSSE-MILLEIID LIMITED, Name of Applicant-bated May IDth, t9ii. ! a- THE DAILY NEWS Thursday jne l8 1823. Sport Chat j Many soccer fans are saying that the real bailie for Ihe Dominion Day Cup Ibis year will be fought tonight when the Callies and Sons of England meet in 'the first round to decide who will go lo Ihe final on July I. wit'i lh (real War Veterans. The Cullies, if performances so far MiH season may he taken as ruination, seem o have abou' the strongest aggregation of soccer-! ists in town and the Sous .il England have been the onl ines that have been causing them much worry. The fact (hit the-e two teams are meeting tonight will ensure a good gaino wlii-n will doubtless be attended by all enthusiastic fonthlall fans m town. The Callies have .vet 10 be beaten Ibis season ihoimii Ihe Sons of England played I hem lo a draw once in I ho Sfuart Shield series. After a -thorough study of Hie plans and photographs presented lo him, (Jeorge S. Lyon. Canada'" besl'known golfer, has placed Ins approval upon the course which Ihe Canadian National Hallway has constructed in Jasper Park. .N'tU'iuau Scott, crack amateur ol Montreal, who went over Ihe course recently, has approved Mr. Lyon's judgine.nl. The result is u move among member of Hie ltoyal Caiiadiau tlo'f As. soeialioti to lake the nniiniiil aitiiileur championship of 102? lo Ihe Jasper Park course. Mr. Lyon authorized the statement (hat the course wuultl meet In? requirements of I lie chawpion-fliip. provided il possessed S!it? turf. "II appears lo be a wonderful proposition and will be without an equal in Canada Hit very pol for Ihe national amateur in iy.'7," said Mr. Lyon. BORDEN STREET WON OVER BOOTH SCHOOL IN JUNIOR SOCCER The Junior League foothai' game last night between llonlen SI reel nnd-Hooth School resulted in victory for Horden Street by a score of 3 lo Horden Street thus regains its position al tie head of Ihe league. (ieorge Cochrane was referee and link ups were as already announced.; BIG TOURIST PARTY HERE ON WEDNESDAY EXPRESS SUTt-i PRISE ATV CONDITIONS IN THE NORTH. (continued ,Cmm page one) return south, will proceed East over the CP.1l. with llie itinerury including;, slops at itaitff and Lake Louise. This tour started from Newark on May 2V and is due to end there on June H0. Many of the meiuhers of the parly had never been lo Alaska before and already they, were beginning lo express surprise .at the condition..' they found. Like most tourists from Ihe Kast they cxpecled to find a snowbound region inhabited by Eskimos and Indians. The trip up the inside passage from Vancouver lo Prince Huperl was n revelation to them. The criuse through' Wrangell Narrows and up Lynn fjannl was being eagerly looked forward lo. The Personnel Those making the lour include Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krack, Alfred I A. Kiefer, Joint Lederer, Fred J. Locher, Fred Lezgus., (Ieorge Lei-man, Fred II. Mooney, Arthur J. Mousley, Harry II. O'Conncll. Abram Ovenniller, Oeorgo Pfre-uiidschuh, Jacob' J. yohcrer, Sl-ll llliilllH- I'.llMt'llW Schaedel, Lee Smith, Conrad' Tlirom, Sam Thornton, John J. Turner, 11. F. Wooleubergcr Jr., I'.harles Wester, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Alireiu. Louis Atz. Henry Auriihammer, L. Ilatidenutn, John llecker, S Friday Morning SPECIAL trude Koiip. lAelyn Loeher. Mar mirel Pfreumlctruh, lldth L. clirted(:r. M'. J. Treub-ben. Ktizabeth Tuile, Mary Vofrel. Ma Voftel. Kallnlyn Vamhacli. Linne Wsniev. John lesidi, (Ieorge liennehaum, John Iw hwyer, lr. Castor, V. V. Hity, i)r. Henry Osl, Joseph 1". Holler, H. V. Snow, (ieoiKe Siniiott. William (!. .Voci'l, Thomas C. Wilson and Hen Wenillin. i A FRI EN DLV N ij- II. A l. eonlrihules tills jmre-ilote: A woman of LoudiiU H F.asl F.nd visited a iloi'lor lo have an unly bile on hetvarni ilresseif. "I cuuT make oul what sort of a bile Ibis is,v rjald llie doctor. "It's ton small for llie bile of a horse and too larp for Hint, of a loir." "Ob, it warn'L neither a 'orse nor a iIok. doctor." replied llie pal lent. "It was a lidy friend wol done il." HAD BOILS ALL OYER HIM There I only one way to del rid of Poll and Hint h by Kolny rlKlU to the Rent of the trouble llie blood a the bud Hirkeiiliauer, Moi'Kau ' t'lood mut Ik- made pure before the boll Marker. Charles ll. Mishop, C. Frank MriKfr, Harry V. Cole, Charles llelinsleller, Charles Deiibel, (icorjte M. I'.osley, Adolph Fink, Caslor W. Oray, Joseph A. (iltilliiiff, Fred Hoehbaum, lloberl llorfinnii, . Andrew IsenberR, Frank H. Kelly, Charles F. Krae-nier. Mr. 'Carrie, Mohnie, .Vtadcliite Maker, William II. Maker, Annie Fiehorii. Charles F. Herr, Kllza-belli'- Klebohl, .Mary Leurich, C. Marshall, Daniel J. O'Connor, Acnes Pfrominer. Joseph F. Hol ler, Marhara Hupprccht, J Hchroeiler, Harriet pclimidlt F.duii Atz, Marie Meeker, Annie MOylan, Heleii MritfRS, Ada L. Mahrs, iMar-Karel Cosurove, 1!va A. Doch, Alice L. Uyc't Arliuo Glutting. will dlnappear. . BURDOCK , BLOOD BITTERS cleanei the aytcm and remove all tlie foul mailer rrm the diloud In 'uay that few inedlclnea will do, Mra. Chaa. Iiuuklu, Hulyca, Sank., wrllea: "A few yeura uko my liualmnd I i.i (I a terrlhlu tune with bolU. On one arm lie had 16 between hi a-IIiow and wrlnl; five on the buck nf III neck, and nevcral more on different part of til body, lie tried evcrytlilnir be-Viiiild llilnk of, but Kot no relief li li t It be took Jlurdock m IHiHxi nitiera, and to hi urprl It ruin- i I(. I.I 9 t. . I.. .11.. I - . I'm-m-ijt iniifi.ru nun .ii .iim uuua, 111 a vur jliort- time." ... '-II. It. 11. tins been on ihn iiuirket for the pat 16 year; be aiiru you get It when you auk ror.lt; put tip only. by The T. Mllhuiti Co., Limited, Toronto, Out, from the Big Dissolution Sale Special prices prevail for Friday iipirmng on minis odd line M, n earllied in the past three days, anil positive-disposal. H2I.0H Table Laiiit. bronze runt ami ib'corali'tl gla-s shade ... ... $14.50 1 1. Jill Faiiey heeoraletl Lamp ... $7.00 iMI.JjU Fancy Iritmp $3.90 IK.0ll Mi-Jougg Set $11.20 92.00 AlurmGlucks $1.29 $10.00 Dellali Pearls .. $7.00 I.JjO Kar-rifig 80c !s2.V00 l ik Pearl Set Sunburst .. $14.50 20.00 Hk I'parl and Hiatiniiil Set Sun-Inirsl . . $15.50 j:t.r0 ik I'rnrl Sol Suiibiirat ... $8.90 r0.00 hiHiiioiid Tie Pin $34.50 $22.00 White Gold diamond Bar Itrooeh ... $14.50 ilue Silver Polish .......... 25c ;i.,"0 Piereeil Silver Sail and Pepper shakers with bine glass lining $2.60 2.00 Pierced. Salt Bhiiker. blue gla. lined ... .', , $1.40 Cost bus ben entirely forgollen in old. Ji.00 Silver llread Truy -i.0 Men's New Style WnM, (Jhaiiis . .. 7.Ji0 Wafrh UlmiHf !$J.r0 Silver Siitlvifth Tru t.Ji0 Hk (iuld $Uine Set T,. .2.r.o in s;i.5o 0aW.nnd 1 1 il m l.0 NovHlly HrriUeU .. 2.r.o tuirr Link l. oo (iiUell ll(NK)n $21.00 Ilk n Ptiri mid II. ; allier NerkloC 87.."iO Suli'd Ilk 15-jew.ll Wrisl W'nkiil hri.oo i lk r'.ota Hoantiftil I'' , allier NrukJet 922.00 Hue tJUflfHy Octagon s. jewel Wrint W'olrh . ifd'i.oo heavy sulid (iuld Kn al (Ml Wrisl Wulcti SPECIAL VALUE PURE SILK UMDflELLAS. All colors, some with Slerling Silver to wilh futny li.nnllr-. !l 1.00 lo 20.00. Friday Bulger & Cameron $3.65 $2.90 $4.90 $3.80 ' $2.90 I- $1.70 65c $1.70 45c s. . $13.50 $100 s I $49.00 $15.50 $48.00 $8.70 I Elsie Anna Isenberg. (ier Dollar Days! WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, June 17th, 18th, 10th and 20th, Are Dollar Duys Sale at J iIk"!' Look over this list; ' it means money saving. . i nil III! :td wide Merini. 5 yards for wide Ktiod quality .Scrim, rep. (I.c, While Collon. :' ale wide, rt Uoc, sale " avds While Cotliui. wide, rcf?. 10c. ale : yanb Unbleached Collon, :i" wide, 5 yapl- for 'thibleuehed Cotln'ii, .HI" wide, vvg. :15c, sale 15 differeiil pallerns of Voile, rt:g. ?rc and 8."i rial. 2 yards for This is an exceptional oficr in Voiles; do i"" (iiliKham, 27" wide, reg. 2"r, sale (I ynrds lor (iiiigham, -27" wide, better quality, reg. !"' . v Kuglish Mil" wichrfiiiighnm. reg. , sale 2'-.- AVe have K& pieces tr (linghain in -lock and wf lo sacrifice them lo reduce the slock. In 1 (Miction. Collon Crepe, all colors, ynrds for Kimoini Crepe; reg. ftr.e, sale 2'i yards for . While FluuiielcUr, !Hi" wide, r yanln tor . While l-'biliiielelle, :IU" wide, -1 yartlrfor . . Hand Towels, reg. i.'c a pair, sale J) ni rr Ladies' Monarch Silk Hosiery, reg. '1.JU, Ladies' Collon Hose, a pairs for ... Ladies' Lisle Hose, reg. HSc sale 2 pairs lor Ladies' Kid. (Moves in Mlack iuid Miowii, reg. Lailies' Suiiiiiicr Vests, reg. -i(c, sale 1 ror Ladieh "WATSON'S" Summer Vests, reg. '. Ladies' Summer Coiuls, teg. ijil r.d, sale . . Ladies' Mfoomcrs, (tr.c reg. snh 2 ftir Children's Mloomers, Mink and While, reg rxt i K1.II0 ssi.on ',.1- l',l willing . .- the si.i'i' l.i fl.OO I 00 11.00 1 i.oo 1.00 :il). sa" " i.oo $1.00 sale 2 lor jst.Oi) m.oo si.ot) ,5 ml.00 Children's Summer Vesls, sizes from 2 It" V,sIe Children's While und Mlack Muslcr Hmwu - sl-0i) SlDckiiigs, reg. 7r.c, sale 2 pairs fur . . ,or100 Children Sand and Mrown Socks, reg. .tr.c siul (() Meg. 7rc, sale 2 pairs for 1.00 Men's Working Socks, reg. 50c, sale II ror gi.00 Men's Finn Cashmere -Socks, reg. line, sale " s,fo0 Men's Srt Collars, reg. uric, sale 1 ror TaKmir Rrns. Ltd. cor. 3rd and 7th