. t; it; and 1925. seasure to EUR0P1 Anchor-Donaldson and Cunard Canadian arc the T).e A, i routes to Europe. They combine tht myriad scenic j it vhts of the majestic, historic St. Lawrence River with ' advantaee of "travel de luxe" on the magnificent e Anchor Donaldson and Cunaid steamers. .v-w travel Cabin or Thtr.t Gain you will KM that every 01' betn f'"n t0 y0" s0'a'", l-,,"'r ,n4 wiHtre. oat . -oc". In 'It' retaaelion. Each salon, lounge nd stateroom li Erer - . f ,r ntrf luti anil luxuriOL-a comfort, li coiy lirefciaccs, sou uerma, spacious fleer, calling eicro icrcir. Children's rooms with attendants in charte. lltali, in n,cn 'r,B'B variety food, wholeaome, well-cooked Jjm oca tliamthlp arrl will girt yon particulars, or eornmunkat with THE CUNAKI) STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED 422 UVSTIMJS STREET, W., VANUUUVJ.R ANCHOR-DONALDSON CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICES 1 WV Week-end. Specials THUiiSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 mi'iics, aiiil in everyday u -it. You will money on any if the hues liled. .. ' a Ji M s I n - wuue ruveniers, earn iau I Ml -a.-J. each $1.00 . v Ui ii YesK :i r.ir .... ... .. $1.00 I iinlii iihIidii Soils, ouch .. 51.C0 h Bloomer. 'J for . . $1.00 i Drawer. : pairs Tor '. $1.00 ( i:iim. . Il . . $1.00 n..lllri, .;.. !( $1.00 i i llue, :t pur for . $1.00 ( i n ion I lust', :i pairs for ... ... . ... $1.00 s il .p. Black mill Colored, vory special, !i prs. $1.00 ' I (it n lln. k Towelling, 2 yards for $1.00 i 1 tbronlery Linen, van! $1.00 s i ict, and' Colored. :i yard fur $1.00 d njili'i'ii". T yards for $1.00 I VhmV Clolli. :l ynl 'fur . .'. . $1.00 Trwrls, 2U J,y , 3 fiilf.- ."5 -$1.00 I"-'.- ToweK Wor . . ; ' ' 51,00 i Marii!iMMto VtiWreil, 2 yards for $1.00 . v- Mats, 2 fur $1.00 Y 'III o k Mcssaline. ynnl . . $1.50 vartN fur ... $1.00 y..., . I ,nllii. Tt liv Ti, I'lirh . . ,"r. . . $1.50 F iii'li'll.' vniiU for . 21 1.00 mlt N ai!s rnclr- . . $1.00 " M - Mi- Imlfr-kirls rai'lt $1.75 n 1 1 - ni f i hi 1 1 )rtri". eiifh . $3.95 1 Ki s to dear, neh $9.75 hi. Si (t. to ('lear, encli $14.75 ' 'M - Kin's value In .H7.f. oarh $27.50 r I..hI1p!' Sersre Skirl", vnlue lu .".50, endi . . . $2.75 V" Lnlorril Horiler llaiiilrrcliiofs. 1(1 for $1-00 ' ! "Oil, ,11,. 5 ytmU fur $1.00 l' K ;uoii s il 20 per cent reducliun. SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR VALUESFOR 3 DAYS ONLY The H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. We Stock Pictorial Patterns Coast Steamship and Train Service Effective April 22nd J?ilJ.S5..,,u,'cnT o' PniNCC GtonQE -ml m.m rniim HitI rr io,n.- v,tR VICTORIA, 8CATTLC un,l inlerim-iliale mlhl u f'Dy lnd MONDAY 900 A.M. ,tfN'6x' VVoilne4y 10 P.M. r" '"Wart Saturday 10 P.M. WINr5riESDV' SATUROAV, 5.IHI ..ln..r r ITIii-h liMTKl'. tOKIONTON. """ipco, hi ,,,, ,;,., ,;M1U,S L:nl1til Stales. I Cll Tltkn r., ENCY ALL OCEAN STCAMSHIP LINE8. l Olflta, B2B Thrd Prlnc. Rupart. Phona 2C0. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. VAncoiiu Sailmira rroiu 'rih- ll':i:rt. 'or VANcr.r ' VIOTOni1 Swanaon Bay, and Alarl Bay, Tueaday, B P.m. r ,'0UE". VICTORIA, Alarl Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Balurday, 10 A M rB"ANVfiir at. NVO . TEWART, 8unday, 8 P.M. Bl ll Aa'i,?RT fc,MPON and Naaa m.ar Cannarlaa, ,,,u, J. Barnalty, Aa.nl. Friday A.M. f rlnca Rupart, 8 0 RAW FURS fui y!,!1'",l'iUMl lu ,,H l,il'(l lnglu'st pussilile tiSII l'l'irfs Urantr, o 1' S" ROBINSON & SONS, LTD. " "celvlng Office: 1225-6 Standard Dank Dldg., lltaj nrr Vancouver, D.C. "'nee: H.S.U. H,g.( .5.5 1 j()llise si., Winnipeg, hi 100., Man. lli:UI JM.II H " j Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. IMione 41 You'll like our .mull Consum- era Coal Co. Phone 7. If Dr. aiuJ .'.Irs. It. V. Doherly 'ailed last night oa u,e Card'cna for Vancouver. Women of Mooschearl Lutriun whist drive ami dance, Tuesday. uay 12, .Metropolis Hull. 101 C. 11. (iilberf arriver from Ter-iiee on (his iiioniinif's train and will relurn Micro lonijflil. Liiilyhinilli - Wellington, "(he best," also "Peerless," "smoke- less." I'linco Itunert Coal Co. If Casey Transfer lias removed lo the ,lo Drown Taxi sl.-nul. Phone 3u:t for proiiijil and efli- eieni service. . If Lunihinalion Serviie. Transfer or laxi. Phone 3(1.1 for transfer nuil 80 for Taxi. We will do the rest. Ilrowit A.1 Casey. If A new shipment of 700 tons Xaiiaiino-Wellinglon coal has arried for Alberl , MeCalfery neau ineir an. and save money. tf Louise Adams was fined S'5. wilh Ihe option of IJiirly days' imprisonment, in the city- poliee cotirl Ibis morning for inloxiea- lion. A Tea and Shower of Child ren s Oarments will bo held at the home of Mrs. Hills. Ill Fourth Ave. Fast, ou Monday, May t, from 3 to 0 p.m. Tickets for the Canadian Club .ri 11 1I1 ,-i,n in Itosiun Hall on riiursday, may bt secured from Oruies Lid. or lien. Hill's kIoit.! A limited number of tickets only. 101 Coinnieueing May 1 ami with 1 In- daily train service the cash .ri,-,' mi Milk Tickets will be 0 ipiarls for $1.00. We can as- miiv vim of good ipmlily ami service I liis summer. Phontv657 Valentin hairy.- -r n- 103 .m After having :steul the winter ,111 1 lie prairiex, Comluclor ami Mrs. Murphy returned to Hit- city :1ns tiini'oiiig. On the resiimp- imii of Ihe C.X.H. daily train service next week, Mr. Murphy will aaiii run out of l'riuco Itn-lert. Peler Wallace, head of the W allace Fisheries, returned from Clinton yesterday and sailed for ancouver on I lie Cardena. His son. Tom Wallace, inanimer of Claxton cannery, accompanied him iulojowu from Hie Skeena Itivcr. The fire dejiartmeut responded to two alarms yesterday afternoon 011 account of grass tires. The firsl at 2 o'clock was on Third Avenue near Yanianiicka's store and Ihe second at 5 o'clock at the west end of the, Morse Creek bridge. No damage was done in either Ciise. A farewell parly for Ihe Misses Annie ami .Mice Peterson, who are leaving slioVlly for Prince lluperl, was held jil Hie home of Mrs. T. I.idgate, Sidney, Vancouver Island, on 'Tuesday. Miss Mamie Lidguli presented the guests of honor with a pretty Kifl each on behalf of Ihe guests. Vancouver Sun. 'The possibilities of commer cial flying on Ibis coast are be ing emphasized in special articles being written in Vancouver papers, i.asi Minuay 1110 Vancouver Sun bad such an jti'licle TI1E DAILY rTEWS PAGE THM5F Every time you order shoe polish, specify "Nugget". It's the most economical in the end. Keeps all footwear looking "younger" and neater; feeds and preserves the leather. Black, Tan, Toney Red and Umk Broun. Alio Whit Dressing (cake) anj White Cltanet (liquid) . Concert and Shuw lion Army, Thursday, aid of Kidlcy Home. A at p.m. in 102 Mrs. II. Floyd and family sailed on the Cardena yesterday for Vancouver on a holiday trip. Two new cars at your service, day artd night. .Moderate charsy-s Phone lied 101. C. V. fcyines. tf Mrs. W. O. Fullon, who has I n south on a holiday trip, returned lo the. city on the Prince (eorge this morning. The new "Winnie Winkle" skirl to wear with your bniad- lolh waisl for tennis ami spurt, now allowing at Uie Universal. I..O.L. whisl. drive and dance, Melnmole Hail, April 3(1. Cards H lo 10; dancingMO lo 2. Four pieee oielii-slra. --I'ioketh 75c. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hart, who have bvi 11 simiuliiljg a holiday of severn 1 weeks in California and older, narUiwusl cfju states, relumed home 'n the Prince (eoi'rie this uinrniug. Mrs. J. M. Johnston of Vander-'ioof, who lias been spending the winter in, Culifomia, arrived from the south on the steamcrj Prince Oeorge this morning ami will this proceed lo afternoon's the interior train. on .1. L. Illain, contractor, has taken over K. II. Shcokley's slock if double dressed . lumber, sash and doors. Also the agency for I. Fyfe Smith Lid. hardwoods. For bandsuwin and ' planiuir. jobbing and rcjiairiug, phone Dlue 208. If Passengers sailing last- night on 1 lie uaruena tor Vancouver included .1. W. MqF.wcn, O. O. Drahlos, O. ,, Drahlos, Mrs. S. Pcterfiv Oeorge , Hesse, 1). MacArkill, vCharles Anderson, Dr, and Mrs. Ht WlHiherly and " Mrs. II. Floyd. 'The Walerhouse. ; freighter Hoherl ,11. Merrick Avas In port yesterday discharglilg at Albert A McCatrery's iUvif, This was, the firsl Call here of, this vcsscll surroundings taken from the air, minister from nuderlioor, and lay Major MacLareii of Vaneou-iH,v. W. H. AshforiL or Durus it ..1 ... , 1 . 1,3. vec. i.aixc iraunen me c.jiy on 1111s -Iinorning's train rioin Hie ittler- ! ............- ,V TOO . LAT .!- TO ?, CLASSIFY Bv I,1f ' "" 111 ,,,. Thly arw lHr wuy lu Vancouver where (hey THAVF.LLKIt or Anent wanted for will attend Ihe provincial synod Prince lluperl and main line f n,,, Presbyterian Church of Orand 'Trunk Pacific Tor which is lo lake place next week, high class- chocolate ami con- nL,v yv J. Parsons of Terrace feelionery. Make good side Wenl south on Monday. Hue, Apply (.onfecilonery, , Hotel Prince lluperl. , 102 LOS T. I thick shopping hag y es-lenlay on Second Avenue near post ollice. Finder would oli-lige by ' reluming lo Daily News If v ANNOUNCEMENTS llidley Home Sale, Thursday. May 7. ' tf Moos, Pit nil June 28. MCCLYMONTIS ROTARY HEAD Election of Officers Today at Luncheon Gives New Lineup Thomas MeClyiuont was loday eleeleil president of the notary Club for the coming year. The full list of officers follows: President, Thus. McClymuiit. Seereliirjv .Sid Johnstone. Treasurer, Oeo. Ilorie. Kxecutive, .1. W. Xicliolls, Mike McCaffcry ami it. II. Little. PREMIER MAN WEDS. The wedding took place in SI. .Michael's Church, Vancouver, last Friday afternoon of Miss Mabel Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. li. F. Phillips of Nelson and F. W. CarlwriKliI, son Of Mrs. li. Carlwrisht of Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williams of Ilella Coola were attendants. After visiting a few days in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Carl weigh I I will sail, for Premier where the groom is employed by the Prc-, mier (iidd Mining Co. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. DKSHY ISLAND. Part cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer, iv.cz; temperature, 11; sea smoolh; 8 ji. in. sfxike lug Cape Scoll. in shelter of Tugwell Island, bound for Ocean Falls; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Star of Hus-sia, 500 miles from Wrangcll, iiorlhhoumL D1L1) TllKli POINT. Cloudy. light southeast wind; barometer 2U.8I; ' lemptfj ;tlure, 10; sea smooth. DULL HAIUIOIl. Pari cloudy, liht southeast wind; barometer. jy.ffi; temperature, iO; lighl swell; 8 i. in. simke steamer Prince Qharles, I $5 miles from Copper Island, southbound; 8 (i.tn. spoke bare Diiigauiou, 7: miles olT Kgg Island, soulh- bound." Noon 1 DKSHY ISLAND. Part cloudy.! frcjdi soulhoast, wind,. haronieTt-rj 2U.82; leniperalure, 50; seal moderate; III a.m. steamcrj Prince. Oeorge in northbound. I DliAD Tlllili POINT. Cloudy, light southeast ,v1iid;-liiritiir'ler. 2D.8I; leniperalure, 50; sea smooth. DULL HAItltOH. Cloudy, light northwest wind; barometer. 211.82; temperature, 55; light swell; 8.30 a.m. sjioke steamer ! Cardena left Delta Delia south bound. 1. ,-nu i.i-.,,i-ri.i ,.,,i i', ii,iAsin ami Miss C. A Old Country last year. Caid. Oillen is in command. 'There have been, several con- viclions nl milhers twenlly un der I lie Motor Vehicle.' Act includ ing persons who had not taken which was illuslraled wilh a pio-i ' lure of lluledale cannery and il v. L. H. Arrol, Presbyterian BOAT ARRIVALS C.X.H. steamer Prince Oeorge. Capt. Harry Nedden, arriving from Ihe -mil li on time at 10.30 this morning, had among heri passengers the following: j For Prince lUijicrt F. F. Mc-, Cloy, J. Winslow, Nels Qlunan.i J. II. Harrison, Mr. Matota, C. K. Daisler, Miss li. M. Howen, Davidson, C. Dugg, Mrs. C. Sny-i der, Mr. and Mrs. C. Vittuni, Mrs. W. (J. Fulton. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hail, Mrs. Johnson, H. W. Angus, Mrs. lid. Johnson, A. Hiiilsiiii, L. li. Kyle, James Gal-lagfier, J. Sjiears, J. A. Creayh, Charles O. 1. Hoherl s, A. Hose. J. Kerr, V. Pirillo. For North Pacific Mrs. Nishi and Mrs. T. Sugi. For Auyox D. C. Scoll, Mr and Miss Dewolf, II. F. Smith. For Hums Lake Miss II. Hit. v NOTICE. 'The Prince lluperl Fish Market having been amalgamated with Ihe D.C. Dulchers & Orocers Ltd. all hills jiayahle by Ihe firsl inenlioned should be forwarded out 1025 licenses Ihtf iimviticlal , " Jiti'liT-litiifa prior lo April Ilecurds an: now lining gone into at the local ollice with, a view of bringing dellnquenls"; inlo court, Persist U.a "JimmJa' Crvaccnt Ground Sa ul iheiiterthareol ihb Ihlckneaa hrou ghoul the entire l.ncrth ol the aaw. Ihi D. .1. HACOX. lulerriiiler Liar ! Liar! I 'Speaker If our friend will give me his name instead of his profession. I shall be delighted 1 to make his acipiaiulauce. Lon- iilou Humorisi mklnthlndinff inthekeri mnm.ihl.. CrcicetitGrtnd n ia en eacluaiae Simond fantura. HYOMDS CANADA SAW CO, IIMITID Vin:aicr mUMRtAl 51. Jo6. N CmctttGratai' La:l Taatk Cma Cat. Ha.r. Ill U My clothes used to be yellow - now they are snowy white" "I always had trouble with my clothrs they used to come out so yellow. Then a friend told me' about Rinso. I found it makes a wonderful soap solution. This removed every bit of dirt and then it all rinsed out completely. There was nothing left to yellow the clothes as ' there was no soap to stick it was all dissolved. "I am now delighted with my wash my clothes are always snowy white." A letter received by the makers of Rinso. Just ahake tome Rinso into a saucepan, add hot water, and you'll get the wonderful soapy solution that is the only soap you nerd for your set tuba, your boiler, your washing machine. Rinso soakt dirt out. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. Rin IIcanadianT Vacific aauw4T ' FAMED LONDON B43S gSjjr 1 "The Hoover" 1 or Ihe month of April you can buy this famous cleaner and attachments for Ihe small first payment of only $'i.50 and have the balance spread over Ihe next fifteen monllis. Lei us clean a rug for you. S? Kaien Hardware Co. Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarine Prince Rupert." TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones 687 539 Black 735 Gr. 601 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS MARY. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Junaau and Skagway April 6, 17, 27. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle April 10, 21. S.S. PRIKCtSS BEATRICE. For Butadale, Swanaon Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Rler, and Vancouver eary Saturday 11 a.m. Agency for all Staamahlp Unas. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. The Gin you will ask for again the standard of purity for over 160 yean. $3.25 Pee Bottle. The din for you Is "H. & U." This advertisement is not published or displayed by the ' Liquor Control Board or by the Government of. j ' British Columbia, "' 1