; 4. ' P'ACfi TWO s The Daily News . PRINCE RUPERT - RRITISII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLRN, Managing Editor, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday, April IG, 1025. Two Reports Of Great Interest. We published summaries of two very interesting reports iu elenlay's issue. One vas thai of the Uauadian National Railways and the ulher that of the engineer rejained liy the city council lo fxamine the prospects of increasing the power sup- "I suffered from gall rtones, and commented taking Dr. Chae' Kidney-liver Pill. I 'feel safe in taring that thee pilli completely overcame the trouble, a it is some years since I vas afflicted in this way, and I have not suffered from gall stones or even backache since. I hve also found Dr. Chase's Nerve Food excellent for heart trouble and shortness of breath. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills 5 ru. a H,x of 85 pltU, IVlnuuison, IUIw A Co., Ud., Toronto FINE CONCERT 'rf ' AT WESTHOLME!;?B$IP Revue by pupils of Mrs. Crewe and Other Numbers Proved Pleasing "Tin llevue." presented Iat j night liy JIm. II. O. Crewe umler mic auspices or riu' rnnce nu-iorl liyni Club, was a bright and colorful entertainment which was fully appreciated by an audience which well nitfh filled the Westholnie Theatre. There were several items on the program which were of outstanding merit. Thc 'youthful members of .Mrs. i.rewes dancing classes were the featured performers ami the numbers rendered hy them rang-insr from those in ape little more than babes lo girls in the "teen" apes ajrain testified lo the careful training that they are receiving nt the hands of their instructress. The projrraiu also included a few special items that -.. . . .. were ('.lull arranged i for hy the Gyro The "Sklppim? Hope Dance," hy little Miss Ivdna 'Ireland, nc-conipanied hy Piper James sturgeon, was undouhledly the hil of the evening if the applause ply from Sf.a.llans system. Roth these reports should he ren.U ollIt, frin ,,. aU(,iM1PP ,,y ,jie IIJ ITirilMU. III- I.IIIM.IJ lllMMIfv " 'llir H1IHI" UJIU 1 1 1 T Tk should lie informed as to how they are being managed. The development of power, here is the I liggesl question with whbh Prince It n perl as a city has to deal. The'success of the scheme means success to Prince Ruperf. The failure means holding back growth of the city. We all would like to see Prince Rupert prosper. If we are lo prosper we must have power, but also we must have jt develop! ju such a way that it will be of the greatest possible benefit to the cily as a whole. Two Methods Of Supplying Power. . Now that the power iptestfon is being discussed it. might be well lo draw attention once more lo the two methods by which power can be secured. One is lo go ahead anil build a new plant,';aud rebuild the old one as recommended by Engineer Ynill, spending a large sum but with no possibility of caleriug in uie eeiiuiai neeus oi me city, i ne oiner plan is one over which we .have, less control. II is .to induce ome big company to develop Falls River or Khtada of Brown's River and supply the city either iu bulk or retail with iMtwer- for all purposes required. " ' Most ipeuple are aware that there is a plan at present un der consideration for.au indiisl rial. development not far from the .. I.:..r. n. : Ai. i ,r ,i..r : As...m . - .. n., unu inotuw.U'r -.uifiiim' iy; ijevjMopmfuini one ot in big walerfowers. It may not materialize but it 1s beiner seri ousjy considered and investigated and if anything comes of it, llie city might lie spared the cost of furllfer power investment Power and plenty of il is undoubtedly' needed nere, but we want, to l;e sure we are taking the most effective action lo care for the future' needs of the city and district. Should a big in dustrial piaiti pe erecteil at I'ort Edward il would mean an immense lollir Prince Duperl and. the same -power system used there might wejl be t'xlended to serve the city also". The fact that Prince Rupert was prepared t use Hie power would be ,i big inducement in s'ecuriug it's development. Once we pul ip a big iiower plant of our own, Ihe inducement is gone. i. That Bogey Of , Corporation Ownership. ' . ' The only argumejit against purchasing power from a big company as- a ga hist putting ip, a plant and developing power ourselves is the old one or "corporation ownership." We all imagine that a big company is making big profits whereas our own experience shows that even yvitlt a peak, IoaU such as we have had uf. bde, the proms' do not amount to much considering the fact, lUuy (he pjnut now ha, according (o Ihe report of the engineer, to be practically rebuilt What will happen when we increase onr-overhead by a million dollars, more or less? The interest on that money has to be paid and Ihe debentures met. I It is comparatively easy to borrow money, but il has to be repaid. The life of a big plant is not JongVnd when outgrown il often has to be strapped even before it is worn out. When it is strapped il is practically worthless on f lie market. We are not opposing any scheme just now without JhV finV lest information and consideration, but just-point out these things as jiiallers lo. be thought. about iii-ronneclion with ahv steps .thitrmuy be taken. , - " We' alf like to see; Hew work go abend berhuse.it waps increased expenditures and teiiiptnr)OiHerf'(lm?.i;i"!,ii' wr' mu'Jl1 look well ahead and build tm a solid foundation. Proposed Steamship Line To This Coast. The proposed line of steamship lo this coast trading with Europe would offset the disadvantage to which this port" would ie put I.y subsidizing a line iu Ihe East without including Ihe Pac.f.c porh. With' the adoption or Ihe Donald McLeod vmL posal we are in hearty sympathy and the whole xdieme -would then appear hi be one for the advantage of Canada, Auy partial scheme which does nyt include the Pacific coast pods could hardly expect support from Prince Rupert! "Was Freed of Gall Stones And Persistent Backache" Mr Alexander Bradley, R.R. No. 1 , Carp, Ont, mtes : NEWBOX perforniance was any indication. This little lady rendered the rather difficult dance in precise manner and, altlinu?h there were some who undoubtedly expected she would make a slip, she went throujrh the tiring exercise in precise manner ami responded to the insistent plaudits with an encore no less successfully piven. Russian Dance Another particularly excellent minitiin' was the : "Russian Dance," hy Miss Winnie Thompson. The costume was elaborate and the ilance difficult hut this young lady's experience together with her natural grace made It possinie ror tier lo render il iu a most jilniisinK manner that left uolllin? to tie desired. The- "Nodding Tulip" dance by Miss Hilda ilson Murray and Ihe yi'ose Dance" by Miss Annie (iilehrjsl were also items worthy of special mention. Oilier individual numbers were tlie "Balloon Dance," Jiy Miss Mariuu (Juinn; the "itahhit Dance." Knid and CJaire Williams; "Hunting Dance," Frances Tremayne and Marian (Juinu; "The puck and llhicken," Mary Helen Orme and Joan H'rewe; "Dutch Dance," Annie Gilchrist and Marian Ouinu; "Highland Fling ami Heels." Nora Little and Piper Sturseon. All were well executed and much appreciated. The Ki'oup numbers were of a unupic nature with the dainty costumes proving a feature in each case. Ilute indeed were those items in which the lots took part, the effect being per haps enhanced by Ihe natural though, in some- cacs, timid manner or Ihe liny iwrformcrs. I'his. however, did not ..detract from the general precision with which iheir numbers were car ried out ami they won the ap proval of the audience. .- 'these group n umbers, which were of like excellence, we've, h follows; , Irish Jlg-Knyd Morris, And- H' ': rejjlayncv Niincy Brown, " Audrey Parkin, Frances Tremayne, Margaret Jackson, Knid Williams, Marine lleilhroner, F.nid Little and Nora Little. The French Doll Fhnp Audrey Parkin (customer , Nancy Brown salesman , Mary Helen Orme, Mary Bell Styles,' .Jerry. Mann, Mary Ursula Hoerig, Joan Walt, fieraldine Ome, llelty Brown and Joan Crewe. Pussy Cat The Babies. Minuet Annie flilchriM. Hiida W. Murray, France Tremayne, Marion Quinn, Muxine lleilhroner, Knid AVilliums. Audrey Tremayne and Knyd Morris. Firinella Norn Little.' Kdnn Ireland, Jesste Cherry and Clnire Williams. Special Numbers H. K. Campbell, jn r1 usual splendid voice, sang "Ave Marin" hut lHs encure "Smilin' Thro'" was perhaps more, popular with the audience. He was accompanied by Charles Balagno, piano, and Will Halagno, violin ohligalo. was a Gyro num. her. all those taklrtig part being memtiers of Ihe club. The lrince Hujifrt Amateur Orchestra, under Ihe baton of Professor II. Aubrey Pryce, ren-j dered ttie selection "In a Mon-f astery Garden." . was a creil-, ilalde performance which would he improed wijh inudificalion j of the voice. effeVlf .with which it is scored. Tlie" orchestra was more appreciated in the lighleri march number which was given j as an encore. Bailet Number Kffectively coiicluiling the program was aji.'stlej "The Coming of Winter'' in which Annie Gilchrist as a queen; Hilda W. Mur ray, as "Jack Frost," ami Audrey Tremayne as a handmaiden, were the princinal witli Jessie Cherry. Claire Williams. Nora Little, Nancy Brown. Knyd Mor-i lis. .Maxine lleilhrniier. Audrey Parkin and Margaret Jackson as snowflakes. ; Mrs. J. A. Ilinlon was accompanist for the dance nunVbers hy Mrs. Crewe's pupil. The Wesl-lioline Orchestra assisted. Lionel Holthy was chairman of the Gyro 'Club's committee having arrangements for the concert in hand. Other members of the club assisted him in carryin? out the program and with hall arrangements. The club's share of l he proceeds will jro to the playground fund. Miss Nada Johnstone, who re-, t and i II f i i is . cpnlly arrived from Vanctiuver,!hecause The Man in the Moon It 1,1 DAY hy day In every way muskeg is gelling springier pringier. Oh, - I ) for a thousand tongues lo tell How mad I am these days. Because, alas, ah sure, hecause Of whal uiy .neighbor says. He says that I'm a dirty cad. A low down nasty cur, Contemptible ami filthy a All my ancestors were. I 'do'n'ot wish my neighbor harm. I would not. punch his head I only hope we live apart Long after we are dead. I'KOPLK in all lines of wnA seem to get a great deal of sympathy. Kight hour days are pass ed and unions demand tint printers shall work only seen hours and twenty minutes with overtime whenever pnsihle. Put no one hears of the sad fate of Ihe newspaper reporters wjur work nit'lil and day that t ie respectable and religious, thedi-reputable ami sceptic, may have someone lo 'criticize when they feel HI tempered. ! Pity the reporter Carefree and happy Trying to gel some Copy that's snappy. Victim of every crank Living in the cily Having to listen lo' Dull things orjAHPy. ..." , SpeChe M ipffen" makes i '' ;Vr 'public men. 0f 1 i ! f . I :i I . I ift. V . J'ity Ihe reporter Give him ie glad hand Then he'll try to write so's You carf understand. , i' '."' IF the Dnukhohors of H.C. throw away their dollies, there may lie a chance for some of, the unemployed lo get the castolfs. Till' edilor says he Is getting some headlines to ue when the train Is on lime, .- A JIOOSTKP, has In do a lot of scratching before .he is able to rmw. Learn a lesson from the rooster. HOW plendid It must be In be, a government in the bird world. .No delegations ever wait on them In k Tor railways io be built, for aid lo Ihe unemployed, for lb,, settlement of strikes, or worry Ihem over church union. I'HK world is vning. In the devil hocause j hWm no go lo church . . not going to cmtrcii wif. approval with "Absent" nnd linue Ihe discussion. "The Blue Bell Wny" as an en- . - But why con- i nui iter mezzo-soprano .iaivi says the reason -every voice may lack lit slrenglh is body looked so fresh and fiinoolh adequately made up for In qual- at the dances Monday night was V '':' ' Tim -: , lt j- The hospital board is consid ering the advisability of institut ing a ticket system. CANADA PRODUCES" Always use enough to grt lasting suits uftrt the clothes arc ia This New Laundry Soap THE BEST WHEAT Whether the price of wheat is high or low. Gnuailu never fails Jo produce the hcl quality in its great uunuaf cereal. Canadian hard Spring wheal i known the world over for the quality of the flour, il yield. When. telhu? , lours for quality. Ihe mst saHsfHClory test is to bake the flour into bread. The baking lest tells the whole story. Kleclrie Bread l made from r.anmlian-milled flour. lis quality and flavor Is the direct result of the pood wheal which is its origin. Kleclrie Window Bakeries '02 i u w I If tf r nrz t aw; II r-Wr-TJEt t3JiiRI 4"! 4.MrlV1 saves you the hardest work of washday soaks dirt out-jio more hard nibbing Simply soaking In rich Rinso soapsuds takes the place of rubbing does the hard work for you. The loosened dirt comes put easily. Even grimy places where dirt i ground-in come clean with mj litde trouble to you juit a light rub. Because Rinso dissolve completely, it rinses out thoroughly. No bits of soap left to turn your clothes yrllow uuder the iron. because the barber shops ami beauty shop wen taking a TO judge from the wages pant some nf the people around this town you would think they were college graduates. Some of tlieui earn a hundred dollars a mmilli. K j Ten Years Ago j j in Prlnr Rupert ) Cily Sohrilor Fred peters in in receipt of u letter from his son Jack telling of life in the trenches. At the meeliu? of Ihe polici commission yesterday after noon. Mayor Newton had some rrilieisui In make as to Ihej manner in v.-hich liquor laws were licinjr inforced. The poln-ej were tiisirucieil liy llie eimmls-i sion lo positively prohibit the shaking of dice in rigur stores. You need only Rinso for your Monday wash. It is made by the makers of Lux, the largest soap-makers in the world. It is perrrt for id! types of washing niachinn fine in tlvr boiUr and just wonderful for soaking in set tubs. Get a package for your nrxt wash regular size or big new size frain ytnir grocer. Leser Hruhrrs Limited, Toronto. Whale Bone Brushes A Whale Bone Brish nnl m i.i imparl tone and vigor and stimulate if' hair. A splendid bead of strong ufr.n. its consistent use. We hae a shipment of While lion. direct froht the niaiiufflrlui-ers in KukI jiarlictilarly pood tpmlily and low m pi ' From $1.25 Up. They have nice hark mid the ? up well under use. fonie tn and m ORMES LIMITED. The Pioneer Druggists 3rd Avenue and Sixth Street Phone 200 and 82 The Rnrtrts Rupert Fish Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands.' J Finnan Haddle "Thistle Brand" Nova Seotlan. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sotkeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, W Prince Rupert, B.C. JMk Linoleum .a Ii 1m FOR ALL YOUR FLOORS Who Wouldn't be proud of such a bright Dining Room DOMINION LINOLEUMS Radiate good cheer In the home. . Selling at $1.05 and $1-15 Square yard. BARRIES Home Furnishing K4e a