i jM year, old and 10 (I'liiuli while .M li mi 'lid jmnnN. .V II f II lll ll III. -T- i il.. I..il ..1...I ll. 'Hill lH III I'NIhi. ; lit i in v tneel .lulrinda i it wii'sller. ANI1FI.F.F.T FOR HAWAII on Way Across Pacific n a id "VpI. the inihliesl III u i.r sea power ever Under the United 1 ' u Nl"unied out throiiitli uf: (M(1. jrsleiday Just Kl 'ii ileparltiro .siiiiial-1 i insirad of an iinar- 11".' "Hlli I In . . .1 I . . I --' '1 V 11) f I 1 Ulllllllt 11 f lie Hawaiian Islands. hi t'-i. vessels' of all In' nnieession. tlie ;l Wliii'li was nvl iiii:iliil 111!1''- - llHAlT TAT nn mum ui a il SOON SPREAD tjortl I. n . in llRCenL Ilium- "fllCfl All C...IL cm j . V.'d 10. -All swiulh dhiniinaled last ""' ir the biKuest Tires ''''Mil years. II stalled ' "i lu-ll foetory neiii- tl.u Old 'III IV. ... . . - 'Hit. . "nil Mm flainea spread "4;i'i'ui in uiir: ilciml . i'l' 'ItltlT 'lores and Several fire-by heal. AND STRATA BLAMED in. FOR BREAK IN DAM a" ir Ap,,, Suil(, " """inuiy s new dam is 'I II IWIiiii,.! . m i . .1.. . " 'HI 1,11 III. ii'i.fiL- 1 1 i 'ii lu. . . - i tin, V. . " iK'omng of 1UIIIIV 'I'l... Mill II... . "V UUIIIilKl I'M1 iiu,, "TV' I'stlniuled Vl "ves were lost lief ore "he wii. Inst sight of she , had regained an even keel ami vvas apparently under control. I.ONOON. April .10.-11 is un-i officially aiiiioiini'i'd Dial there in no chance of (lie 1133 with L'U men alma id returning to Piilhain tonight. The dirigible is reported fmiii Amsterdam to be drifting towards the Netherlands in need of assistance. al CANDLES AND LAMPS AGAIN IN DEMAND SMITHERS PEOPLE Ilaek to the old fashioned eai'dle and eoal oil tamp for a week or two is the punishment meted out Inllie people of Smilli-ers. There Is no reeord of their deeds lieins evil hut they were suddenly pluuved into darkness Saturday niylit owin lo the InirniiiK out of a fii-ld roil in the eloetrie lipid syslein. Kleelrieians had lo he Mini'lil from -lasper and it is not expeeled I lie liiih! will shine aani until nexl week PAINLEVETO BE PREMIER Ha Not Yet Reachecl Definite Conclusions as to Cabinet Callleaux May Enter PAItIS, April l(. Mx-I'remiei-Painleve. who. il was ollicially announced this imirniu;, had accepted the invilalion or President llouinerjiiie lo form a eahiuel in succession lo Ihe ministry of Premier llerriol who rcccnlly resinned, has not vet reached de finite conclusions regal-dins; Ihe riuinalion of a cabinet and is no! likely lo make an' announceenm! before loniyld. I he Socialisl party; announces thai il will allow its members to lake ollice under Painleve and M. Callleaux slales that be will be willing lo accept Ihe pol l folio of finance. EDMONTON GIRLS BEAT VICTORIA BASKETBALL VICTOUIA, April 1.--Mie moulon "Crads" girl" basketball team defeated Victoria all-stars to (1 last night here. Corporal T. Hrice of Ihe lloyul Cunadlun Mounted Police returned on last night's tniin from felkwu where he has been in charge or Ihe detachment for ihe months. He i past eighteen being Iratigfciu-cd. OPEN OFFICE AT , PRINCE RUPERT! Capt. Barney Johnson's Firm to do Business Hire Representative Arrives 'n npen an ol'lice in Prince jlupeil for Hie shipping firm oT It. I.. Jolinsou, Walton tVt of which r.ad. Iturney .lohnsou i tliejiead. P. M. May arrixed In. the city from VandiuvVr on "I Hi Prince (icorge yeslerday afler- IIIMIII. The Hecate Straits Towin;: I"., wliicli operates the well known lujs I.orue and Cape Scull, is a Subsidiary of the II. I., .lohuson-CVallon ti.i. These tun's are" Tre-ipieul visitors this purl and now thai llsawipill.. has"c ipelfeirUM'y wiirTe lirre inori' ifleti. In a'ldili.uii to (Ills business, il is stated that Cant.' .lohn sou lias plans for other activities hi ih cenircu nei-e. PEACE RIVER IS UP TODAY Thornton and Beatty are Meeting With Minister of Railways OTTAWA, April 16. Hon. George P. Graham, minister of railways, Is mectlnn Sir Henry Thornton, C.N.R. president, and E. W. Bcattv, C.P.R. head, this afternoon to discuss the development of the Peace River district. Mr. Graham stated today that a conference to which Western premiers would be Invited ml;ht take pjace later If the suaqestlons made today warranted Its being held. WILL REPLACE THE LIGHTHOUSE AT CAPE ST. JAMES IN SUMMER YICTOUIA, April K'. The (iovernmeul sleamship r.stevan will leave here on .lime I with materials for a new building lo replace Ihe lighthouse keeper's dwelling destroyed by lire at Cape St. .lames. COMPARISON IN FREIGHTS donation Answered In Houso of Commons Regard to Prlnoo Rupert OTTAWA. Anril 10 In answer to a oiieslion Sir Tleury KrayJpn was informed in Ihe Houso of Commons vcslerda.v that the Canadian Xalional in l23 car ried Illl.tiri'.' Ions or freight to i'rinei III rt and 330l!j01 lo Vancouver from Kuslern points. In ItliM they carried S0.237 to Prince Hupert and to Vancouvt (170,1! l"i tons. Advertlss .ii the Daily News TAXI BOSTON GRILL 5 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. (Suitable for i dances, banquets and wod- ' .1 R nul I m a Anyone "i ding parties. t,nJ oyal Hotel. 3rd Av.. PRINCE RUPERT For rals, apply In Boston iiu w . Grill. Third Ave. MATT VIDEO, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. 01. XV y0' .... I'ltlNUK llLPIMlT, D.C., THL RSDAY, A1MUL 10, 1M25. ViiUrday' Circulation. 1S Siritt Salt tM. PRICE FIVE CENTS. RITISH MGIBLE " "1 .7. DRIFTS TO NETHERLANDS OTHER CONFESSES TO POISONING THREE OF FIVE CHILDREN IN FAMILY A I n I. i . . r tn u irviiiii Mm w mji riv ii 11 in; rvim Moorings at Pulham; Driven by Fierce Gale with 20 Men Aboard LOWK'STOIT, Kiigland, April DS. The dirigible Ii:t:i, . .. r....... II.. i.i-.l -.r It. .11 ;.. , II li. ijfci intu. iiuiii iiji in. .v.. iiiq .ti.-'i ui i iiiii.iiii in u 1 l i..ri t...r ... i ..,... tl 1 1 1. t.'..n I ill" 'I'lill f 1 1 f u u ir hiiiii i iji w plainly viille. Ah me airship passed seaward it was r in dti Ticiillies. II was proceeding erratically now Hi: tiding mIiihi-I on end for a brief lime ami tlu-rt i for another UW WINS CHAMPIONSHIP of nebrasKa: win wresue in Vancouver Illl irl PIUA. April 111. -i v ..r'nt regained I In1 I ' av- i-lil wrestling til li i-..i sjhtjitj. in iwo, I tic nm in iniii m'i'OIdN ami I In i tour ininulcs 33 woop Ik fori' Ihe gale, "" ; nig ht Loweslon, turned towards the r hi' disappeared in Aflcr pas the airship iinrlhcasl n t lie distance. , (jloria Swau-ou, fanfoiis film slur, ar-rives in New York from Paris wilh her ' lilleil hiisliaml, Ihe Manplis de la Kalais d la Cniulray. They met while (iloria was lakfng Ihe leading role in a new movii; producliou. Independent Member for B. says New Prosperity Coming to Province but No Pessimism OTTAWA, April 10. Willi a long ii-l of speakers slill lo . . . . '. i; ..I. I 1 rome tnc House oi (..ominous ypsieniaj cuiiiiiiin-u iunj, imin oiil tleliute on Ihe hudgol. 1 W. 'lliiinidiroy, indopeudelit mem ber foe West Kuolenay, inditaleil hi, inleiiltbii lo vole with Ihe govenimeiil on the budget. He said lie llioiighl transportation and national expendilures oT more importance as an issue than the tariff. Mr. Humphrey spoke of Ihe prevailing pessimism which had been re f lit led in the majority Of Hie speehes on the debate. There was no such pessimism in bis province or hl riding, be lid. He maintained that there was a new optimism ami new prosperity coining lo Itritish Columbia. .1. II. Harris, Conservative of Kasl York. Ihoirihl the budgel "cluttered up willi obscurities" which did more lo shatter confidence than would telling the KING AND QUEEN RETURNING HOME l.ONOON. April Hi. II is an nounced that the King and Oiiim.-ii will terminale their Medilerrau- ean cruise next week returning to Ituckiugbani Palace on April ''I ANTI-ASIATIC PLEA RECEIVED Matter Being Considered at Ottawa Following Receipt of Resolution public the truth. lie stronglyj " objected to the export lax on OTTAWA, April. IG. Itritish electrical power. Columbia's' reipiest for an utit i- I Asiatic immigration law In Can ada is still under consiiieratioii al Ottawa. In answer to a question by, Mr. McUuarrie of New West minister, il was slaed that Ihe resolution reciiiiMneniling ex- elusion of Orientals passed by the ll.C. Legislature bad been received and acknowledged and the mailer was plill under con sideralioii. Mystery Continues Connection with Disappearance Wong Foo Sing, Houseboy at Baker Home (Sucr hi! lo Daily News; VtiNCOLIVKIt. Ai.ril 10. For nearly four weeks Wong (low, brolher of Wong Foo Sing, houseboy in Hie It. P. :Uake home where Jauel Sinilli was round siioi, ua sai eacu uu pu r,....ilv in the Chinese Consul's office here anxiously wailing won of his missing brolher. lie still Ibiuks Wong Sing is held cap live in Vancouver. Wong Cow discovered only a few days before Ihe disai pcuraiice of Wopg Sing Ihal Ihe laller had left his walcli at repair shop promising io can nu ll Ihe day arter-lln: disappearance. The watch is slill al the watchmaker's. Wong Cow says ho is sure his brother will unnununieate with him as soon as; possible IT lie is slUl alive. TEACHERS' CONVENTION PCNTICTOX, April !G.-l'hr Favorite Offspring of Indiana Woman Victims of Maniacal Abberation CltUWX POINT. Indiana, April 10. Calm, ami unmoved, .Mi. Anna Cuiniiiigliam, aged V.), last tiigjil i-uuft'sseiJ thai sliis bail ffiven poison lu lhree of five inember!- of her family wliose myslerious deaths wilhiu six years led lo an inesliKaliou. TJi inullier said .-he had killed lliv cliildren she loved hesl in ordej lo dike them with her lo rejoin her father ,iti. Heaven. She staled she had always taken poison Jier.-elf aflcr udmiuisleriiif,' il lo tfip Victims. She denied poisoning: her lilisli.infl and said she had spared (lie surviving; daughter because sin liked her the least. Sin: udmitted poisoning her last . , son Iimiip, Davnl, who Is in a; dangerous condition in a Chicago! hospital. ! The only en'olio" shown byj Mrs. ('.iiiiiiinpliain was wlieu she tirnUe down litis inoriiiiw after: signing the confession. Mie is apparently in a cataleptic condi tion today. hundred delegales lo the ll.C. Teachers' Federation are utterid ing tlie sixth annual convention here. 11 closes today. J SUPERSTRUCTURE OF - ELEVATOR CONTRACT The conl racl for the :.Tlevatm- --sirperstriictui-i will no! bit' let for a lilontli "Of- six "Weeks yet. slated ) . -V dialer, gineer in charge for U Howe A Cp., tliis mornin en en- T . J in?. The iluu. have not yet been issued to the cou- tractors or lenders .culled. II is the idea, Mr. CJialer staled, to have, Uie founda- tiou and wharf practically completed before the sup- erstfuclure work starts. PORT SIMPSON FIRE , BROKE UP SERVICE Excitement When Woman Dave Alarm; Dudoward's House Damaged POUT SIMPSON', April Hi. I he roof of I' red Dudoward s Miuse was damaged by fire, last Saturday night. Mo blaze being larted by sparks from the ' hlmney. While the damage did not amount lo u ureal deal, llieri was onsiderable exciteiiient. At Ihe lime an Caster Church service as in progress. An Indian woman popped Iter head through Ihe door and sbouled "Fire. I he church was .emptied so rap- dly that the preacher was almost left speaking lo an eniply house. EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS CALEXICO, CALIFORNIA CALF.XICO. Cal., April 10. lhree earlhtpiske shocks look place here last niglil. shaking Hie .plaster from the walls of the public library and frightening scores of the iuhiihilaiils of the cily into the .streets. BASEBALL American Washingloii 5, .New York Clovelaiid-St. I.ouis, rain. Doslon .3, Philadelphia h. Chicago 11, Delroil 5. National St. Louis 2, Cincinnati 1. New York-lUtstnn, rain. Pliiladelptna 1. lli-ooktyu Pitlsburg f, Chicago . 0. Adverl)se in Hie Dnlly News. HALF MILLION DOLLAR FIRE ON STEAMSHIP I.IVKIIPOOI.. April 10. A rire.-wliich started in the third elasn acciuuiiiodalion of the r.aiiadiau Pacific liner Monllaurier yesterday was still burning in tin afiernoon despite strenuous eT-forly lo ixtingirilr4Hr-flaines. -a -re-.--. 'The Ihinl class furnishings and I tin whole forepart of the vessel 'were, deslroyed. .Smoke and gas filled the passages arid prevented the e;ilfy Sf fireiiu-n with the ! ilnpai'alu. j The estimated diiinage will lif'ach (55;oJbau. liDRvBOAKCASE IS APPEALED. Supreme Court of Canada AskedS to Give Ruling in Manslaughter Conviction VICTOltlA. April 10. -An ap- CYCLONE SWEPT a 3 peal in the case or lr. UoAk oP" Hits cily Is to be taken lo Ihe. supreme court of t.aiiudit in thtf hope or having, inch , appeals made iuiposslbleh ntiure. Tin case is one in whicli Ihe appeal court ordered a iievv (rial . be? cause oT tin dcurrk's of one of Ihe jurymen. This action followed a conviction of man slauighler and a sentence or lw. years' 'imprisonment for running down and killing two men near here. CONDONOREGON Buildings Razed and Roofs Taken off: Two Injured by Glass CONDON, .Ore., April 10. A cyclone swept (he district Wednesday razing oie building and unroofing others and causing damage estimated ut several thousand dollars. ''wo oeoplf were Injureii nv Tivinr glass. ' CLEAN. CLEAN, UP UP WEEK. WEEK. Ihe. citizen. are hero-by rciiiesled lo Clean up ibeir lots by April tlT. ' Those that have liirowu tins or refuse on l,h ad-jacenl lots must remove same rorlhwith. J. P. CADli, M.II.O. y'o. ' - ,