r$1.00 an iv vc you an cx-,i pair or Hose w hades. and .. Ml w .w in Phonn 27 nadian i imarv Cleaners tin nnly power il pressing ; .!ir cily. Scr- !nj v. niauship un-V phone call .:f cat . E. S. TAIT DENTIST. . ... .W Kl I W. R I mm n iiti noun, a m . Phone Cnnlngi Only Fr 1KKS n(jain it longer pays i Did 'ires. i . h nn Im C4C nn F PARkTFD I J ford Dealers NDSAY'S i r. "inn - n i m mm o WWH:V Phnn. CI F'llm 1 1 m. 'r '".inn iini or ""'"r oorvica. i.i rung ana urniuire Wovlnn. CELEBRATION OF EASTER AT FISHERY BAY Annual Event During Oollchan Fishing Season Lasted from Friday to Tuesday J-ISIIKHV HAY, April 15. Kasler was rceualei here wilh vvi'ni festivities; Xalives from flie upper Xaas, coasl villages and Alaska gathered and the re-ligius services commenced on Friday, morning and evening. From Aiyansh and (ireeuvillc i-ame Ihe Church Armies nml on Saliinlay a contingent from KeJ-I'hikan representing Hie Indian Salvation Army arrived and were warmly welcomed by Ihe Indians on this side of Ihe boundary. A big Joint revival service was Ji'eld hy the comhined Christian forces. Sunday morning there was i rell.lll!! I iilll lit l.i.ltr f.f.tillllll II i..l haiiilsome trophy donated hy 1 1 lie Citizens Association of iiireenville. Monday evening farewell revival meetings were held and Hie : visitor from Alaska aiul oilier .villages left for home Tuesday morning. Ituring Ihe reunion Ihe visitors iwre handsomely entertained hy '. 1 1 1 4 niininl and cilieus of ' I .rein ille BACHELORS PROVED WORTHY HOSTS AT SMITHERS MONDAY Ball hy Them Proved lo Great Success In Every Way be SMITIIKIts, April If. The Hachelors Hall Jield al Ihe Town ,llall on Monday night, horo out the predictions of the nrganir.i,i)g icommltlee in every respeel. ns there was an extra larpe crowd or ilanccrji congregnlcd from all seclions of Ihe iLjslricl. a splendid haiuiuet supper served al Ihe illulkley Hotel, and lh I'sl of .dance music rendered hy llie ue-'piece !ray nrchcslrit. ! The hall had !',n laslefully jilecoraled and during M" ''venin? the coiijmiHee made II Iheir duly lo see that slrangers wore mailc aciiualnleil and the nnor'v.tyn!. ffill ofiliiirs: Ailvcrlie in Ihe Oaily News TERRACE MAN PATENTS NEW CAN flPFNFR THAT SMITHERS jiMan Named Sparks Charged With Battery and Put In Dry Cell for Punishment TF.UHACI-:, April Ifi. The hard limes dance which was on the anniversary of Vfiny hy llie - tS.NV.V. A. was very successful. The music was excellent mid there was a good turn out. and falters lo llirjflilv mnch- (iieiuleil gnrmeuls. . Uie first prize, a five-pound Jinx of chocolate was awarded lo Mrs. Agar, who.n stockings were pallerncd wilh daintily duplicated holes, Mrs. Hurrison THE DAILY NEWB MS7WCT JV07ES AIVD iffiHB mkox, src?r, queen charlotte islands & interior points SEALS MILK SECURELY NAAS RAPIDS TKHHACK. April Ifi. - Hesi-. denls of Ti'iTii'v wliii knew Ceo. Mini-bin when he lived here, will lo interested io know he lias patented a very convenient open-t fur can of milk which- will seal the rans again so securely as they can In- carried in a pack. Campers will appreciate I fin value of I hi. v icyrge says this is only a sample of his inventive senilis. Ht im a number nf nine CANOE SMASHED Mrs. It. M. Hobinson. passing through one of these in I'nlil a new parson js appointed ... II... church at nine o'clock at''" ""' Smi,l,,,,'s j'"' tm' ..I II. -in.... nay . ....... "i"' services - .11 ai in.- uie Anglican uliii.il ni.,lu .n ,.,.,..,,1- ,.n. '.... ''"' w,1 ,' e'mduclcd iii turn1 iiPi....in.i v. it... r 1 1. h Indians Thrown Into Rushing Water When on Way to Fishery Bay Nov. Oliver Thornc. who is in. Hip cify from the Xaas fUver where he js in charge nf Ihe Anglican .Mission, I il Fm of a narrow escape they had coining down Ihe river front Aiyansh. He came down wilh Ihe members "of Ihe ideas. Church AriiiyHi allend ihe an- he is working out and lioiies lo'tiiual Kasfcr festivities at Fjshery patent soon. Hay al Ihe, moulli of (he river. Where Ihe Indians from all Ihe countryside gather for Hie oo)i-chan ffshing; Owing to Ihe river being fow on was Imrii al the llulkleyljl was impossible In use launches Valley District Hospital on' so they look lo Ihe smaller Tuesday, April 11, to Mr. andlcanocs and ran Ihe rapids. In Hie rush of waler one of Die canoes struck a rock and the occupants were pn-cIpila!ol inln llie waler. .They were in a ter rible plight but Ihey managed to-' """'''i' "',,,? "r trvl on In a roc ing and evening services Ihe i.. I., il. il... .1..... ! iMiirese, :"" im- ursi in wiioiij '"' Wlll'liuilillcil leo unlit uinii lliejr uieir MANY FINED AT TERRACE DANCE 1 where I hey ,.lnii...l. i.n.l,..! rompaiiious lTli.M.,irorsi.AniJ i,M" " wvp af,'r i(ireeville. wilh Mr. McKay asi'1' " ",";t' "oxt MnHl"- V organist and Mr. McNeill con-i duclor, assisleij al llie services; arnl in the evening sang Ihe can-' lata "Kings Triumphant.' Monday was dcvoldl lo spo-!s and games. A luiskethall (earn runic from hincoliiti lo compeie with learns from Aiyansh, !rcu-ville and 1'url Simpson for a FAREWELL AT SMITHERS TO REV. R. E. BIDDELL Anglican Church Crowded for the Occasion and Purse of Gold Is Presented SMITHF.ltS, April ifi. The Anglican Church was crowded In I llie doors Sunday evening, on the l occasion of the Ilev. 11. K. W. taged I lii.l fnrnu'i.tl f.t'i..i vvlmn in addition lo Ihe memhers of his, own congregation, ihe Ilev. M.' V. I.ecs and a larpn numher of memhers of Ihe I niiin Church Tli oosluiues ranged from raJw,.ri, ,.,s,.f j Ihe nature of give tlie aiair a Communily gathering. .Mr. HiildeH's aihlress was most lappropriale to Ihe occasion. Jiuring the service .Mrs. s. I'. Hennel sang "Open the fiales of Ihe Temple," am as an aeeom- won second prize, a Chinese work iinj,(.n n (10 congregalional hasket. , First prize for men, a handsome fishing rod nml easi, went lo Win. Hurnell, s 1 1 o had Ul ilized flour sacks lo great advantage in niending his garment. Mr. Mu-I.aren got second prize. At intervals between Ihe dances Uie prize 'winners' were fined for: receiving expensive gifts and the president for. giving them. Dr.: Kwarl was fined for appearing in his professional garb: Sammy Kirkaldy had lo pay twenty cnils and costs for wearing signs with out a license. Another person giving the name of sparks, occupation electrician, was charged wilh bajlery. and was fined and put inln a dry cell. Al a special ses.si(.n called wilh Dr. Kw.nl on IJip liCliph Judge Hall, was fined 'liiic anil cosls for conlenipl of court in wearing a baby's cap instead of a wig. RITISHrOLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada . TO END OF DECEMBER, 1923. rm.l.ice,l Miners as follows: l'loccr flW. $7.r,nni,2n. ; ho.lc (oht, $170,0 0, 8; n.c $.7,-!.n -r"'.. .Silver, $on,r,32,(r.5; I.ca.l, $5S,tn2,Vl I; Copper, iii,..,, ... ... mo om. iMnl nml Coke. $250.008,1 1 II; liiiildnig , rnancoiis .Minerals, i,iuo,.m, - - t. ' . .. ! ...I .ll.wwliirilil.il lit III. I mill J 1 1 '' - in il I. I ....... .. I i .. -fl.iifhi'ir. .pi K inni; n lt il!. .iiiiki I i ---- 1 V '"llll'IlL. UlC.. MD.'llUiWIl iiiiwi.'o i SIIIIUI n.. Ausreeate Value of $810,722,782 reduction for Year' Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 .. . . ' ... i - II II n .. r ' Minn... I J. . I : l . T mill 1 1 1 R ICCS IIIWIM lllilll IIIIISI! Ill H liiiws ill I lis 'rnvmi'R are. niui iiociui V n II..,.. ii , ...... i ;.. llifv wi s l f.nituro. -in i i i nviiion in i iiv' ii.imin on ni niu iii imi t in t ."r lofitioils nro gran'ie,! t() discoverers for jinminnl fgos. 1,1 "lies are o a ne.l UT i eve iin nC Mien n "3 ' PruiiiecU- by Crown, Oranls. ........ ' '"fnnnliou logolher will. Mining lloWrlH nr.l Mnp, 'y "c "mmncu gratis ny t THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. singing, .Mrs. iioskius, inc. organist was assisted by Mr. !ray with the violin ami Mr. Doo.jsnri wilh Ihe cornel. At Ihe conclusion of the service held on Sunday morning, Mr. lliddcll. was presented' with an address and a purse of gold from the members of Ihe church as a parting trihule lo his min istry or Ihe past three years. Mr. and Mrs. Hiildell left on Sunday night's train enroiHe to Abbot Is fori?, wlnire Hhey Kvere locale?! before coming lo CONCERT AT TERRACE BY WAR YETERANS Interesting Program of Events Given on Anniversary of Battle of Vlmy TKHHACK, April Ifi The an niversary of the bailie of Vimy Hidge was celebrated here by concert given by the freal War Veterans Association which prov ed one of llie most popular events of the season. The program was a varied one. Tha band played several selections; patriotic songs were sung by Terrace boys, there was an in teresting sketch by boys and girls: songs by T. Ilalliwell and .1. P. Kgaleshaw. duels by Mrs. Dekergonieau nml -I. Xorringlon ami bv Misses Creelman and Moore, a recitation by Mrs Jones, a monologue by .1. Xor ringlon, violin solo by J. Warn, dances by Miss Sophie McLaren and I'. McLaren and a character song 1iy Misses McLaren Daily and II. Agar. TERRACE NOTES Miss Klnnila Marsh is spending Ihe Kasler holidays al her home here. Klwood Ilrnoks spent a few days in II u per I I as I week. Mrs. Von Hees and jlaugnler relumed from Hazellon Monday morning. BETTER THAN RICHES Under the dome of the Board of Trade in Manchester, England, is this inscription: "A good name is rather to be chosen than riches.' The thought is considerably more than mere sentiment. It is good business. A good name is recognized as the biggest individual asset a business can have. It is the very keystone of modern industry. Business today is done on such a broad scale every merchant and every manufacturer has such a long list of customers that it would not do' to have a reputation for "slipping something over" Advertising has standardized almost every article you can buy. You don't have to bargain and dicker and haggle to know that you are getting as good as you give. That's why it pays to read the advertisements and to buy advertised goods. 'A product's advertising is the best guarantee oj its faithful performance and lasting usefulness or of definite Value. The advertiser would not dare risk his good name by advertising an unworthy product. If you value satisfaction if you want to get your full money's worth every time READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS and buy. advertised merchandise. Take advantage of the advertisements and get real value I, Miss Klsie Kenney, who is IromplHing her final year al Ihe M'rince lluperl High School, ar- .i - r.... il... l...i;.l.... riyeii iioine r im1 uiiiumjf, unlay evening. Miss Klla Frank or Ihe slalT of llio Prince Iluperl (idneral Hospital is spending Ihe holidays al Pioneer Farm. Mjss Marshall., nf Prince Ilu perl is "spending a few days al " Jlanall. ,: , . j Missi vTnsstl ?fif Stiiiliiers is spending Ihe Kaster holidays with her cousin, Miss Andrews. , Mrs. Sherwood who has spent Ihe past week in Hazellon relumed home Monday morning. Miss Wealherhead and "Miss (larlon are spending the holidays wilh Mrs. Percy Skinner at Uk. Mrs. Durham and llie Misses Irene and Kathleen Durham. who have been in Norway since last August, returned on .Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Hedours are spending some lime In luwn renewing old acquaintances. fihas. (iilhert was a business visitor lo Prince Iluperl over the week end. Mrs, Chapman anJ ehild ol Winnipeg arriveil ou Monday mornings train lo join her hus band who is occupying llie Ilail-ilon place. AdvcrTisf ' in the Dailv New". 0 VII M tui H TiMvck ta Htkw. CATARRH of Ihf IBLADDER Sa,:ttunl IMiitrtmt fiowan of countstoll f PAGE inVK Building Materials LUMBER Dimension, Shiplap and Finishing, Shingles, Lalli, Mouldings, Oak, Fir ami Cotloiiwouil a Ply Veneers, Sash anil Doors. Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick, Firebrick, Fireclay, Keene'a Cement, Plaster of. Paris, Sand and Gravel, Asbestos Products, Wood Pipe, Vitrified Pipe, Agricultural Tile, Building Papers, Asphalt and Rubber and Asbestos Roofings. Hunt Ihe Fnmous NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 564 SPRING will soon be HERE! START THAT "CLEAN-UP PAINT UP" CAMPAIGN NOW. Our new stock nf Household Paints, Varnishes, Kn-nmels, and Alnhastinc has just arrived.- It will pay you lo investigate our "Cliinatnel" Dept. for Varnishes, Stains and (raining process. Out slocks of Huilders' Hardware, Carpenters' and Mechanics' Tools, (Ihickeu Netting, Harden Tools and (jencral Household Necessities arc generously cninplele. Call and see our line of WKAR-KVKIt Aluminium. Agents for the famous Gurney-Oxford Ranges STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. Near Post Office. LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED Jo building next door to FrizzeU Butcher Shop, across from the Empress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelli Proprietor