H EJLf fa 9 1 nmz -mmj The Daily News PRINGR RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA UAIL KDITIOK "TUT A Sir TO.NICHT" Bays , Or Money Back Women who wish to stimulate the growth of their hair should use Van Em Liquid Scalp Massafte. A glorious head of strong vigorous hair surely follows its consis tent use. aod consistent use is easy because Van Ess cotres tilted with a patent rubber applicator that feed the nedicamem directly to the roots of ths hair. And . tne nexioMt rippics w ine apvutaiur oring a dhiuii f Hrml.it inn ti I.Wd to leed the hair roots. Huvvour Van Ess on M-day treatment plan. Monty tfifk if it fails. ORMES LIMITED, Prince Rupert, B.C. Published Every 'Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLRN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .......... .$1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Slates, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Advertising and "Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 AH advertising Should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Monday, July a, 1925. Basilica Libea Abdominalis. One of the trends of modern times is the desire of men and women to retain their youthfiiliiess. Everyone has he.ird often enough about women painting and powdering and using clay and massage and employing beauty specialists. Ms women take some steps to correct Ihe irregularities brought about by the ravages of age and unwise methods of life. Fat women re- titro nml tliin wummi Irv In o-pf fnt showed signs' of increasing until it became most difficult toi keep it down and in many cases hope of improvement was given! played instead of being watched. help to keep a person fit. Sports Are Better Than Exercises. Sports are alway To watch a game does not belter for keeping a person in condition GRANT'S "Best Procurable (TK OHICINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINrST H1CHLAND MALT BottteJ uJ tvsnalM y WliM Cr..t k Sons Linrtsd. 0iIhUkIi ut4 BlaK.CIikvti DMtilras. Dall-t ScatW. ' 'A niisiniisiisiisiiiB This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia, EXCURSION TO KETCHIKAN WAS The C.P.H. S.S. Princes Royal j arrived hack yesterday morning about 9.30 with over two hun dred lired excursionists. Every body reported a very fine lime experienced in Ketchikan, and a very fine eeleliivilion was put on by the citizens in honor of their natal day. Part of the program consisted uf a parade in which the local pipe hand participated, to Hie very great' amusement and interest of the people generally. Of late, however, men have been ifb less .insistant about f1 Ka?k. ! ,lu',ort :,llmr caring for their figures. Douglas Fairbanks, the eminent movie actor, has at his home a gymnasium which he calls "Basilica Linea Abdominalis the waist line. or Ihe temple dedicated' to the reducing ofj The parade was featured byj several floats in which various organizations and lodges took part, and there were many float of an original and beautiful character. The first prize went to Eagle's Lodge, while Ihe Boy cout.s were accord 1 1 second place. The afternoon was spent with games, both Anyox and Huper! losing lo the Ketchikan players, and in the evening', after Hie regular show, the Elks from Ru pert put on a midnight frolic in Ihe Coliseum. The program did not gel under way until ll.3n and as the hoal was billed lo sail at 1 2.30, (lie program had lo he cul short in order lo he sure of As Hie Ketchikan time is one hour behind that in Prince Rupert, this meant that the boat was really sailing an hour and a (half later than " it was WM8 intended. Men today do not like to have an extended waist line. Some v V of them are severely afflicted by hereditary tendency. TJ,tirl;erlheless here are many who fathers and mothers had extended waist lines and as soon n WPPe er d.'s;,',",,,,1 l,ial. " Ihov Allltf.l .W.. Iii .... ..,.rwi..,.,i i;r n... :..."" Vw tu s.op merw i thirty minutes more lo coinpleie the concert. up. Others made determined efforts and by means of much' niTTr n n r i nir dietiiig'aud strenuous exercise succeeded in lessening the weight; Icy y A k RAl K and 'measurement very considerably." With some people fear of ItUlil illxiU Dlvil1 fatness is a continuous nightmare. It comes. m spite of them. j To correct the waist line we won I'd suggest that the young man start early and see thai there is no letup through life. All-, FROM SEATTLE (luminal exercises, are a great help, and reasonable. dii't, also is - an aill? A'tlilericrSportsand gnu areiifseful but itJievJslii'ifijtlt -bel'i ... m,l .... To Puget Sound; Arriving Home Saturday. After a delightful I wo week's gaslmat trip down the coast, which look them as far south as than exercises des.gned for that purpose. V ay any n( the games .;ille alui Bellingham, Charlie and the mind as well as the body is refreshed by the entire i:tirrie and Sydney Hunler re-change from the ordinary occupations of life. The person who rned lo port on the former's can play well with moderation is one who will live long, ojher power boat Ruby Mae on Salur-hmgs being miual. A great many may not care for football, day evening, making the run baseball, tenn.is or swimming, though it is difficult to under- from Vancouver under pleasant . tntiit turn na.il II. lit lt 1 1 4 .-Kiuu mo, niuii ui fcu iiiiuupM me. wiiiioui iieiug ias-cinaled by one of these sports. ' .tiist an ouliiig at the beach or. a fishing trip gives plejity of. vigorous .exercise, and keeps the person from becoming stalei Not Let Recreation ....'" Take Place Of Work. There are a few immoderate persons who allow their recreation Jo interfere with their work. Recreation fills their life instead,. of filling their holidays. A person's work, shoflld fill the lif(j..and be the main consideration all the tirrje. Once the recreational activities are introduced Into the 'business bouse, the shop'ur. tlie factory, the work suffers. Each has its nlnee l.nl sports aud games and otlu'r recreations must always be kept i-.M.wuiyian;. i nf employer noes noi nnow any encroachment oil his time.by employees .who become enthused with outside activities. Some Never Succeed; , :',. They Live For Recreatlon.J'i? hi. ?! ;,;.., Hid:;: ; '.' home people never iiceeellTjeir'HiSlheffforl i iiej auow ouisuie activities to dominate their lives. With them recreation .is a profession and work is simply a side line. They should lie professional sportsmen but the probability is that if they were, they would make work a recreation. W'e are attracted by the new aud when a nernn takvs im new sport or revives an old one and becomes enthused over it, j slopping place on the trip iiu-ids gn-ni icmiency 10 give up everything else for it and to forget the main object of life. This has to be guarded against. sHJsjHHI- lliMsMTTP fsfRiWsir IHMClSs weather conditions in around 72 hours, actual running lime. ' Ooing down the. coast, slops were, made at Jiuledale. Bella Bella, Hardy Bay, Nainu and Powell River, the Rulty Mae picking up a disabled American schooner bound for Siberia off Namu and lowing her in. Arriving at Vancouver the mariners proceeded to Blaine, Washington, taking the motor bus from there to Bellingham,: Everett and Seallle, at which points slop-overs were made. Returning from Vancouver the weather was bleat, allliough Ihe Huby Mae got a little, shaking up in Queen Oharlollo Sound. China llat was reached . in' Thusdaj; P'yjjdvin tinii'foVith'p'blys toat-lend a religious native seivice conducted by Dr. Spencer and Capt. W. Y)liver, missionary. The run in on Saturday was made from Lowe Inlet, Ihe last ANNUAL DANCE WAS GIVEN AT BUTEDALE Cannery Enlarged and Two New Boats Added to Fleet. BUTEDAI.K, July C The opening of Ihe -fishing season was celebrated by the annual dance given here by the Canadian Fishing Company, which was attended by two hundred people. It was held in the. can loft here and a most enoyablc lime was spent. Among the visitors were guests from several of Ihe adjoining canneries and . camps. A. K, Coffey and his son, who have been painting the lown of Jiuledale red for Ihe past two njonllis. left Saturday for Wales Island wilh three paint pumps, gas engine and other paraphernalia for his work, Including a paint gun. Buledale is now all red except the customs house, which Is green. The Buledale cannery has been enlarged this summer and new machinery installed and it is DATZ.T RTEVTB looked on a one of the best can-none in H. G - Two new boats' of the seine boat type, huilf in Vancouver for Hie Canadian Fishing Company, arrived here during the week ami llfTTTrilT PsVT lAIr'lV.wiH operate out f here. They Til 1.11 l III I r If are each of 31 Ions register with aimwA uiivv aw pj,, PnfrinPS, They are the Iskedani, Cant. H. Cadwaltadrr, Local People Helped Alaskans, and Ihe Kaiun, Capl. Taylor. Celebrate Their National Holiday. Hie Mao in the Moon JAKE says he bus no kick coming, hut he'll have on going if he isn't careful. COODBYE Ketchikan, W'e wish you well; We invaded your city, In a crowd pell niell; And now we are home, II feels like heaven. A . COR RESPONDENT from "the outside" wants lo know if I lie street curs, here give, transfers. They do. They transfer your mo;tey into their pockets. I THANK I lie powers that I'm alive, And thai I' still can borrow five; And spend ft nil in any dive, Around Prince Rupert. I thank my wife Ihe following morn, When hack lo her I come forlorn; Of all. my boasted joy I'm Shorn. In Prince Rupert. THERE'S one thing about those hoys, Ihey have Ihe "experience while we retain the cash. AN optimist is a man wlio starts playing poker with two dollars. THE modern actress ha little lo conceal. ftrNNTXO after a woman it a comparatively easy process Backing away, Jake says, is the difficulty. JAKE does not like some of Ihe mads here. He. says lie was rid ing in a laxi the other night ami his young lady friend was bounced right out of h'is arms. IT is said that the lanu factum's are luruidg In free trade. Of the 135 diverces granted by the Senate this- yenr, Hiinfrs. secured fl2. THE orchestra often takes the rest out of restaurant and puts (lie din into dinner. THERE are .several people I'd like lo kill wera it not for the close season on crabs. NOW 1 have it. Let us get up a "hMler weather week.' A HISTORY, of the rise. and fall of man jong should prove nn interest ing best seller. A YOU NT. lady of my ar nnninliinpp si,l .aim : tipvor liannl - .: ", , , such awful won) (before. Bow siir-.niirw,'. uify -.wTrj; imij, is- wiiui juj!tie.s me. .'-.' .... L. k'l tti. i s't "'t ,NYlM)nY fn r'make laws. That is child's work. Dodging them is tin? difficult matter. THE other day at Sanla Bar- Here's a real shortcake Notice of Intention to Apply 4! Monday, July 6, 1923. i,4 - Here's a shortcake more delicious, more nourishing and more easily digested than the ordinary shortcake that is made of soggy white flour dough. Dip the strawberries over Shredded Wheat then serve with sugar and cream. A treat for the warm, sultry days cool and refreshing. Contains all the iron you need, all the vitamtnes you need, all the bran you need. A wholesome, nourishing dishifor breakfast, for lunch, for dinner.'' 'Mostfood for least money preach a farewell sermon lo the members who are. leaving with the contingent on July 8. The members will assemble at the; St. Andrew's Hall at 0.15 Sunday evening. The Dominion Hydrographlc steamer Lillooel is in port. ('.apt. Musgrave brought his vessel in yesterdayfor Ihe purjMise of taking on coal and supplies for the mouth. The Majestic Stock Company opens a week's engagement In the West holme Theatre on Mon day night. " Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Moore wern arrivals from the south on the Princess Alice this morning. LAND ACT to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte hand Recording District of I'rince Rupert, ami situalo at Rooncy Point, fJraham Island, British Columbia. Take Nolico that Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limited,- of Masselt, B.C., occupation J'ackers, intends lo apply for a lease of Ihe following described lands: - - Commencing, at a pot planted at 'itooney I'int, 'rtrahani Island, British Columbia; t.bence northerly five chains, more 'or less, (o low water mark; thence westerly aloiiig low vater mark one bara some of Ihe B.C. bootleg hundred and sixty chains; thence Jirjuor went off with a bang and southerly five chajns; thence a lot of hotels and buildings are' easterly one hundred and sixty now in ruins. There was snme'chalns, more or less, lo point of kick somewhere.' JAKE snys the stuff with the kick in It is the stuff they send away. Ten Years Ago In Prino Ruprt Judge Young returned yestcr- commencement, and containing eighty ncres, more or less. LANdAtiA FISIUNfi & BACKtNfi PACKING CO. LTD. Applicant Per K. II. Simpson, Agent. Dated June 12th, 1925. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notice of Application for Beer License Notice s hereby given thai on day from Atlin, wher hft hasthe nth day of June next, the been holding court. Mrs. Young undersigned intends lo apply to h.hi .miss .wKarei loung reiurn-iihe Liquor Control Board for ed from mornlnig. i ne souiii yesterday Major McMullin hasN definite instructions in licence In respect lo premises being part of. the building known as Hudson Bay Hotel. Tcleirranh received Creek, II.C. upon the lands des- respect cribed as Lots 3 and 4, block 2. to the despatch of the next con-;,nap 975, Prince Rupert. Land iiiigein, irom nere. mey wili Reglslration District, in the Pro-lenvo on Ihe fS.T.P, boat on vinco of British Columbia, for Thursday next, July 8. There, are Ihe sale of beer by tho glass or about 175 lo he taken from hern, by open bottle for consumption - lon premises. The SI. Andrew's Society will, Dated this 25th day of Mav. bold a church parade to the 1925. I Presbyterian Cljurch Sunday iiRIC McOEER, Lessee, cening. Rev. H, It, Grant will' Applicant. ORMES LIMITED Something New for the Children MAN IN THE MOON LOLLIPOPS A pure, higji-class Candy In a new form. Each 10o A Ileal Bargain in VACUUM BOTTLES We bought this lot very cheap. On sale at each 55c RINEX A guaranteed relief in cases of Head Colds, Hay Fever, etc. Your money hack tf not satisfied with results. Per bottle $1.00 FREE ENLARGEMENT Bring your films and negatives in for u lo develop and print. Save the coupons ' in the envelopes and et a free, enlargement. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store 3rd Ave. and 6th St. Phone 82 and 200 WHEN TEACHER "Kept you in" Remember when you were a little girl and how you fell when teacher kept yon in. "after school" on n bright, spring nflecnoon? And isn't it the same, when washing keeps you in the house now that spring is here? Our Family Washing Service will do your washing thoroughly and-iron nil your flat work, with complete satisfaction. Let our representative explain to' you this I)e Luxe Laundry Service for people who ore only satisfied with lim CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8 DONT Throw Money Away! When contemplating house or boat building gel our mill prices on your lumber requirements. IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY We are agents for the Prince Hupert Spruce Mills and enn quolo you nltrncUve prices on their products: Cedar Timbers and Shlplap, Cedar Boat Lumber. Spruce and Hemlock Finish. Spruce and Hemlock Flooring. Spruce Shlplap. Spruce Dimension. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and ,CC4.