V ' I PAOC FOUR Tnr TATT V VFW3 FAIRY SCENE OF CHILD DANCERS Fancy Dress Affair Given by . Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E., Pretty Affair jh'ccs nf the Queen Mary C.hap-l.'i I.O..i: or which Mrs. .1. O.J Slccn is regent. The folks worn wonderful in their varieit costume aiu ranged in size, nil the way from the linicpt lots In IIiiim- in he High Sclioul. Tli pudges hail a most difficult tinu In flux isin k I lie best costumes from the bewildering maze of pretty things ami Ilie riot of color. -Miss St. Cyr's orchestra provided iio m'usic while Mrs. I. 't'lioinsoii was mistress of ceremonies. 'I'lii' whole was in general charge of Mrs. Hlancc, eon s eiicr of I he rommillce, nid-e. liy a liumbe'r of ladies. Judges were Mrs. It. .MrU. Hunter, Mrs. Parkin, Mrs. J. O. Sleen, Mrs. II. SI. . Lee, Mrs. Andrews, A. 'I'. Parkin ami I). Thoins'on. Afler Ihe little folks had danced for a rouplo of hours refreshments were served by the ladies, Mrs. Homer Loins: prominent anion; the helpers, and prizes were presented to the winners liy Ihe ladies as follows: Mesl dressed girl 1, Xchla llihlilrh, Shepherdess; 2, Joan Wall, Utile Ho Peep. Host dressed boy's costume 1. Pal Stork. China Hoy; 2, Allan Kcrgin, Indian Chief. .Most original girl 1, Audrey Parkin, (ioldcnlow; 2, Theodore Akcrherg, Canterbury Hell. Most original hoy 1, Oscar (iuelpa. Farmer: 2, ( Wright, Pierrolt. Comic girl I, Evelyn Viekers, Ice Cream Cone; 2, May Thompson, Cow Hoy. Comic hoy 1, Charlie Stuart. Cream of Wheat; 2, Jack (fade. Cross Word Puzzle. SMITHERS WAR VETS EECT OFFICERS AT First THE ANNUAL MEETING SMITIIKHS, 11. C, Feb. C. The nunuar meet ins of the real War Veteran's Association was' held in Iheir club rooms on Hie evening of Feb. 4. There was a good 'attendance 'of members present and I lie reports represented by Ihe officers covering Ilie aclivilies of Ihe past year were very, eneouragaing and-showed ibal as well as being a decided success as n business venture, ,1 hn club was being well patronized as a place for social intercourse amongst the men nf the town and district. The total membership includini; social members! and War Veterans is now Hi I, In Ihe. near future the members propose' extending an 'invitation in the ladies lo come and inspect their' club house and partake iif afternoon lea. I lie elect nit of . oflicers re-Milled tu the .following heiuv chosen: President: Reginald I.. '(Sale. Mulligan. Second llyrne. . SecreUiry (iill, .1. A. I lot I. VicePrestdeiii: lleffernan. Hxeculive Coinniillee: Ilnbinson Xcwberry, L. AV. J Vife-PresMeul : J. . 'Treasurer: fleorge II. I, S. Me, Mardonahl and It. Kl- DOLLAR A POUND FOR TEA PREDICTED BEFORE LONG I There was a wonderful fairyt scene al Hip children's, fancy dress dance given last night in the I'.lk.t" Hall under the aits. The tremendous increase In the popularity of tea as a beverage has been such that the peo-erage has ifeen such that the producing counulries have been un- Hhlr lo satisfy the ileniand. The firife of tea has been steadily increasing for a number of years. Since, however, yon can mate fnmtl'Iiu la 3(H) cups nf tea lo lh pound, even al Hie price of 11.1)0, Ihe cisl, jier cup is only one-third of a cent. NEW HAZELTON? Mrs. Parent Douglas, have afler spending In the Kat.' and her son. relurned home several monlhi Mr. and Mr. Jnme Turnbull havf laken up their residence in Ihe house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mr. J. I). Galloway. v BRINGING UP FATHER Mr. and Mr? have returned Calgary. NOtT TRY ets' CIT A TO roRCtT THEIR 1 Ot)A.f?Rr- ( V'"', . Lewis from a , YYS:- I -vl Rawson trip to '""'"'if The Man in Iheioon jj ! POKTHY is the surest path lo fame and poverty. ! Till'; trouble along Hie line,. Ibis weelv might be referred to! as an old lime railway lieup. i IF agriculture is culture oTi Hie laud, then what does culture! mean?1 Surely it does not. mean being put back among soiue of the cultured people I know. A WfiAfAN who has never bad an operation must be terribly liaudirnppcil when it comes lo making conversation. IF a man is loo lazy to knock! the ashes oTf his cigar, let him ride" in a Kord. THFItF are a lot of people who are no belter than others but Ibeyjusl feel that way. WIIF.X a worm (urns it just means that it wans.lo go in tin.' opposite direction; i;'F, laught. Adam In eal, but Ihe bootleggers laught. him. lo Iriitk. Till', next fraternal order In be iirgulli.ed sboilld be-the wood. pecker. The woodpecker uses its head ami keeps on digging; He a woodpecker. AFTF.Il Ihe trealinenl most of us hae bad, very few weep when WITH hop I entered the bank; The junior clerk I got by; Hut the manager ipiickly answered me "no" As be looked me straight in Hie eye. TKACHF.Il-fronl of you i ii WHY DOi-VT OO CIRL'o riAKE UP AN' bPEAK TO EACH OTHE.R bOTH APOLOOZ.E. iU. r a h old fashioned, reliable Baker's 7 7 Chocolate (premium no.i) By all means the most satisfactory chocolate for cooking or drinking. MAM IN CANADA BY MerBfc&CoIimited ivtAUivii d oao MonlrealCanada DooWeiMass BOOXUT OT CHOICl Mbri. UNI Wt right (be I lie west. east, and on your left What have you behind you?" Siiinll Hoy "A patch on my pants. I told mother you'd see II." j Ten. Years Ago f in Pftnre Rupert tt.w. February 7, 1915. Realizing Ihe danger of 1: halibut business liein lost to.' Prince Huperl, the Ketchikan Commercial Club lias sent a res-! oliilfon to Washington asking liial one cent per pouml tariff j bo jdaced on all frozen fish en- li-riug Hie Uniled Slates by way if Canada. ' 4 (ieorge lllll j-eceive,l a wire Ibis morning from 0. P. Tinker staling lliaf'-i'lbe Prince Huperl cOiilingeiit. ISfUiiiidpr orders tit ';it..C;.-Ti'..:. . 1 1... r,.....i February I3f; they hear of n bank manager here. having been beaten up by thugs, j talked of. ll Is . suggested . uevl uricrnoqii. that .. a small boal be oblaineij to leave here every iVighl returning tho HOTEL ARRIVALS 'Central (ieorge Ki'i'fe. F.ilmonlou; A Tb'urburn. W. Craig. Kd. Itoach VXow. you have in ' and A. Wasden, c.N.H.; M. Doii-the north, on your muni. Stewart. "Eczema on My Face Completely Relieved" Miu Winifred Ernest, Box 46, Blockhouse, N. S., writes: "Ever fince I was a little child, I "uffered with eczema on my face. At timet my (ace wat completely covered with targe tore, and I tried nearly every t kind of medicine that I heard of with no result. This lasted for over twenty years, until one day 1 asked the advice of my druggist, who bade me give Dr. Chase's Ointment a trial. After using the Ointment for a few days, the tores began to heal, and soon I was completely relieved of the diseate." Dr. Chase's Ointment 0 ft boi, all dfalrnt, or Ikliiunison, llaliw A Co., Ltd., Toronto WH-f SHOULD I apologize: i .t mm or.-v think ah apoiOc i i v . i ttttu::atit s -tK w MERHOOF H (L Mi(ieacliy. I.. K. Wells and S. W. Corker have been reelected members of the board of management of Ihe local Presbyterian church. The Xechako I'artners' Insli- lule has e-leclcd officers for the ensuiHg yearas follows: I'resi- ilent, John II. McMillan ; vice- president, Samuel W. 'dicker; secretary treasurer,' 1. W. Don ald; executive committee, John (ioldie, 11. Ilaslam, K. Smedley ami II. C. I.udwig. H. C. Mcflorkell has purchased Hie Vanderhodf hotel and intends to make extensive alterations anil improvements lo Ihe properly. an amm m m llpod look wants tomaJteuRcallq Qoott (hc Sliellses M. M. Lamb s . . It. Wilson W. Ilorrobin i W. Hrass II. Floyd Wright Da vies . .1. F. Ilileliie Jr. or COUREIM pLAWE IT ALU OM MRS. BRYANT IS ' BEST PLAYER That Is Lesson Learned From Badminton Tournament Yesterday Afternoon SOME CLOSE CONTESTS ! The married ladies bad a tournament at Hie Hadminlon i '.luii emu-Is yesterday afternoon :.:id following a number of very .losely conlcsUil games Ihe first ! ni'ize went to Mrs. Ceorge Hry-: ant who lust only one point when she was beaten by Mrs.. J. C. McLennan afler the score stood fourteen nil fr some time. I Thai set was an exciting one 'and the spectators gathered i around and cheered Hie good ! strokes. Mrs. A. II. Xicbolls came a close second. , The whole tournament was a I givut success. It was confined In singles and ench player -played ieacli other player one game. The total scores out oT a possible I2H I were as follows: j Mrs. Kryant Ill) j Mr. A. U. Xicbolls .. .. 112 Mrs. C. V. Kvitl Dti I Mrs. Macpherson .... 91 I Mrs. .1. 0. McLennan . . i3 ! Mrs. McMor'die K8 i Mrs. Lionel llollby .... 87 j Mrs. W. 1'.. Williams .. 5(5 i Mrs. Philpoll t7 COL NICHOLS WON SILVER SPOON FOR SHOOT LAST NIGHT Tin1 silver spoon at Ihe sbool of the XhiI Ii H.C. Jlegiiiienl llifle Association on the mininliire range at Market Place last night ..HjWas won by Col. J. W. Xicbolls j who made a score of 01 out of ill lhela P"ssiti!o of 10(1. Oilier score ii i lie eeiung were as follows: ;: 87 85 H.I H2 71 70 Sporf Chat i ik t rave, .Wjllo vjforvllie front pn ' '" ,.",i,"r , , 4 ' ,vrt v ibis band ol honkey players, from Prince (ieorge are spending the i ii.. i:i i.i...,..lwe-em in Siuilbers for Ihetr ,'0""'" n"',', W' '' '''" ,lvnnUv ttov is tieln !i .tin. rnilwuv cunlre following ISmilbers' expedition to Prince (ieorge a couple of weeks ago when 1 1 io v lost two games, one by a score of eight lo four and lb olher by nine to seven. The first game at Smllhers was play ed lasl night and 11 was fol lowed by a dance in honor of Ihe vislors. The second game twill be this evening nnd the ', Prince (ieorge men will return linine on tomorrow's train, I,. II Warner is refefeelng both Ihe , games. i The golden Jubilee season nf the Xalionnl Haseball League ijvill open on April It Ibis year according lo Ihe official schedule which is issued Ibis week by John A. Ileydler, president. The 'schedule will be similar lo t lint. (of past years and wll Close to wards Ihe end of Peplember wilh the world scries between the Am ,erican and National League pen nanl winners scheduled for lb ifirsl week in Oclober as usual Opening games will be' i'lillmM-jpbla at Hronklyn, New yrk al Huston, St. Louis at Cincinnati and Pittsburg al Qblcogo. The American League schedule will he released in a few day. The leam chosen lo represent VOO CERTAINLY VWVrEO IT OUR. OOtCK TEt-iPeRl Live lOME ONE Of Or-fOUR MWst CT OO ARE THE. ONE WITH THE TEMPER riD FKC" If Wanted For Sale For Rent IMMOHTAI.ITY Cerluin. Th,. life after death ami a real world beyond is shown in Sweden-borg's great work on "Heaven and Hell." Over inn page. Only ?.p cents poslpuid. II. O. Law, IM1 Muclid Avenue, Tor- Olllll. FOIl SALF.. lleiiuliful winter overcoats, very latest, on con-slgnmenl. Musi be returned March I. Come In and view them, Mrs. (Iiildliloiiiii, Third Avenue. 3' Oil SAI.Ii.. New house, fi riHiins bath and pantry. CiX Klb Ave. W. on corner lot. Terms ur-ranged. Write Hox 23(1, Daily News for particular. If t'l lt.M I I'lli: for sale, and r.M lin ing house- 21 rooms lo let. r.il a moulh. McCalfery A (llbbous. 3.'i FOIl SAI.K Phonograph, hall i'ui ami siami; Mnger sewing iiiachine. Phone III). ;i;i LOST .OST - 30 in 3 leu dollar bills between Huperl Table Supply and hoxpilal, yesterday after noon, l inder Phori 118. He ward. the Prince Huperl Hahiuinlon Club against the First H.C. Itegi- meut on the Ilegiiiienl courts In morrow afternoon cousisls o Joe Scoll. J. L. Wyles. Ilurrv Tliompson, A. II. Carmicliael, Hub Harllelt and one olher. For slxlb (dace F. K. Hubert son and II. F. Pullen are lo play off today. The, game commences at three o'clock. The regiment will be represented by Hie same leum thai played last lime they met the Prince llupert club. BURNS LAKE The farm residence of , Frank Keefe, al Soulhbank, wns com pletely destroyed ,y fj,-,. nHf week. The building was nnrti.il- ( JHhT V J 1 . MlhSllTP- AUCTION SALE Al CTION SAI.K. A '.8 foot trolling boat, filled with (i h.p. Viiau engine will be nctiijlied al Prince Huperl hoalhousc, where boat may be viewed, at o p.m. mi Monday, February '.I. 32 ACCOUNTANCY HOOKS written up llalance sheets, financial statements ami income tax returns prepared by expert accountants. Hales reasonable. Write P.O. Hox 813. If TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Ca!: (Jcorgc. Paul or (iusp Prompt Service and Cumfori Day or Nisj'.t Stand: 30SS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Acr from Xmnr"! Hotel FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni-lure Store. We liy. Sell and F.x-ch::nge New and Secondhand (loods. OtO. PAPAUUPULIS, Third Ave. Phoe "4fi AUCTIONEERS I' will pay you lo consult u when you desire lo sell or purchase f urn it urn, or any article. IMIINCK HUPF.HT KX-0 1 LA NOR, Auctioneers. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. .ViTICf: IS IIKHFHY niVEM that th nww ninTtiir l.di 4S!v, i:tir in-lrll. I mrwrlliHl. n. h. PFl. l'iMly MlnKIrr nf I ni1i. t.inl prpirimnt, Vlrtvrla, ll.C. iih frrrnbT. fSJi LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttnllon lo Apply to Purthiu Lna In Skwnn l.il limlrlrl. nf prlnn- lllieert llocunlinir lillrirl. ami iiniiir .iriliiiti l.v urn. ami nuo tiair nillra i r nmi .minn. nn snivin niann, Skren TnKe nlhf Hint liuilnir LarnMin. i.l III) iSrlflmi Si., Iiiirn.itiy, cirriiimtlmi Immf. IhimhIi aiiiily fur nrrmlwion Hi Mirciwe Uih rulldwliiir (l.rrlliwl lancN: M.iiuiiUHMlllt ai a miI ilantri at Itw mmiiIiwmiI I'lirnrr i.r lot 4X0, Salvu laiami: utonm Mmln-arairrlo, apemtl-Hialcly Rim yaidf. Ilirnre Hnrlliprly an-liriislinali'ly Sim yaritx: llicnic n..rllii'l fly aiipinvliiialclv sun yanl; ilipniv MHinieriy mm nun- h, ih.Itii r l.ouliitiliiir viKuiirl-Miiir all Dial K,rlmii t S;ilu. l.l.in.t wi't nr l.nl 403' ami rmilaliHiir 3ii acres, mri nr Ina. THOMAS MI1.I.3 Aavnt for TIL tu i." I.AnSSO.N. MINERAL ACT. HAWK MINERAL CLAIM Slniatr III lli Ski'i'ii.i Mlnlnir IIIHlnii nf Ihe llninrn . Col lilnlrlrt. Wliirt- igraipii, nnuin or Minn i rrrK. Kl I -urn - kaluni l.nke, ami atjoinlnir the Vhlilpr on lli- Kal eiiil or II. I.aful hulilcra, W. Tip.iIoii ami ti. WlUon; .No. nf llolilprV rn r .niiiprx i.Pi'iniraiP. I roMuil A70tU( Wll-wtii ilTOfllC. Take Nnllrn th.it we, W. TrrMon, F M r No. fiTOinr:, ami pavlil Wlln, F.M.C in. (17111M1:. iiiipiki al mo pint of Kitty lays from llii (I.iip herrof lo apply to Hip iiiiiiiiik iirroriMT inr a t.prnrifftip. or im prnvrinenta rnr Ilie pnrMW nr nlitalnliiR a Ciiiwh Oram nr -t h ahuvn claim ami fnrthpriiiorp takp noiire mat Anion 1111111 !mt. nn or mn .vim-rai Art inmit l. roin lopiinil tiprnrp tin- lna!H'i nf aurli rprtl ( iniiirovpfiii'nis. haii-il thla nuili tliv of ov . totl ' W. F. TflFSTON. ami IiWin wii.son. owiiPra. v T Vpnn"- rpn IN PftOBATE. IN TMB SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In llm Villir or hn AilinlnlMrallnn Ad: ami I hi tlin Mlllrr nf li. F.m,ilv of pnr f,m. PI, HIIPMillUt. TkF NfiTp 1: thai liy nnlnr of hln ii"ie r 1. 111 11. 1 niiiilr. mailn thp ,V 1 f January. A.li. mli, (van -iniiiiiimriiiw "iiiiiniinw ikw 01 or inn hip 1. ly insured , and , most . of it,,, fln.. ! 'oitmn. iivii.i.i. ami an niau naniii nr imviTir Ppipp uilure was saved. .Mr. .McNeill, nrincimil of.Hio i"tii Ins home lack of la recently grippe, , I I'OI with nn at. mini annum inn oilil i..ln,, ... 1...-..1... ;niiilmit in fimiluli uniw. nri.porrr ynrl- MillMAV A. WATT orrirlnl .Ailmliilniralnr. hand m m day J'ru'yTS,, Sa'nnlny. 1 By George McMannr WCLL 5HUT UP t tn r&i - -r-v . K 2rL I ...ytri l r l i rr TJ V . r f f1Lr t i.ty y 3133 WHKT Afvl oTjI-Af'j a T a uv; I N C FQR ? cft' I I fclWS r Inti FtATunc Sttt.i , I, ) 7 t-iin ml i wviir.; I !-I DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fbr less than 50c WANTSO WAXTh'I). (ienllemun desires. funiislii'ij bedroom. Address Hox i'3t Daily .News. X! I'OH PLAIN Itlack 237. FOR IlKXT. Machines. SKWIXd, ihmi9 Prices reasonable. MALE HELP WANTED s.'tno.illl a month to distribule everyday boiisehobl necessity in rural and small town districts. Xo money needed. Million dollar firm behind it. Write for particulars and tate territory desired. II. I.. JOIIX-SOX, 57'J McDermoiit Avenue, Winnipeg. TO RENT FOIl HF.NT I'urnislied room in niiifiirliilile hoine. Hot and cold water, aatl Fourth Ave., Hast. 3i! 10 HF.X'l'.-healed, Itki" 101 Parlor Iwdroom, well with hoard. Phone 33 Singer Sewing Plsoiie Hlue 38'J. If FOR SALE BOARD WAN'TF.Ii -- Man lo handle Hie l(l)AIII). Tin sain ami dislibulioii of Hie Second Avenue. J. It. Walkins Co. in Hie city. of Prince llupert. The J. It. Walkins Company, I trill Hamilton Street, Vancouver, II. 0. Inlander, Hill) Phone CI7. Article LoUnd Found, &( LAND ACT Nolle of InUnlion to Apply 15 a, Land. tu skPi-iM l.aii'l t. Ilrninliinr 1. i IO4111I 111 k SMMIIl nf s-.i 1 v TAkK MI1H K 1 r liuriMliy, 11 IiiIpikU in apph iIi.imi llw rtilloui 11. in , 'iiiiiiwiii'hit ii , eapfly rIkI nl K illiiuly MMltli or Ik'IiiX iLinipil ai r . Jlil l.i ml. ami lulainl. Thl i ik dingily m Hi or -la WW III naiiip ii i' akHl liy am-m 1 1 ialiihur 10u a i' - l"H la. a... Til- PalM Janiiarj i.m, LAND ACT' Notlca of lattntloit to Applr '1 Hwbtl III inu iitrtiiniy 1 IU HMIIMI ' 1 ! IIM. TAkF. VIITH F 0 1 IIkiI of Vlron. 1 1 inaUon I'ulD aim iml hi rh 1 1 bvwtnt iIpmtIImiI 1 1 'lOiiiirnrlor il 1 OllllM'aU IWM'I 1 apiHlrallidi for inr-nrr Hun 11 11 'i . Hip MilMtd rmu. nurlli 17 den. :n, . uphI purupr w I nl 1 rollnwlitr Oh Iiivi iivir ur bw. to 11. iitpnt. awl nmu 1. itmrp nr Ip. I'Aillli (Xaniii tnip.1 laimarv v r LAND ACT Nolle of InUnlion to Apply 10 tiiHlrl III MlllM-ll In..' llanil Land In-l f I'rlnre lluppr'. H HIP1 mil MHIlll of 11 Ip. and In Yp"lalln I Xo. .... TakP iollrp thai F of Manapll, h Vinarer. inlpod 1. n 1 : to pap lm foil. I'oriiliwiM-Ini al A I1 V, ' Mi 1 YpIjIi..h l pbaJn: lt iwi- ran rfillails tapiM!' ai -! - . ulainK 11 artp. m t KriFr 11 -ii. Palrd Titrrmtwr loth. ' ' LAND ACT' Nolle of InUnlion to Applf 10 null" In I'rlnpp nner ' ' rordinir Plurlri of e iialp ai luniani UIhimI. H.C. Takp untirn ina? - fnniMiny t.lmlti'd. ' run 10 atipiy rnr 1 (olloulnr dprrllil It Inn hpad of :tr linyal lilaml: Ihpn-. Iliriirt" norlli fori wet Ifn (lin rlnm iyatp mark: IliPie-n -mark In pnlnl "f ' ' rnniainlnr ririnnn 1 e. soMFnvo - H.l!. W i nilnd t-npinhi'p 1i!i LAND ACT Nolle of Intention to Appl U t"Ml-l In Sknen.1 l.aml In trlrt ur Prince Hill" pnjilinaidy two mil' of Hip Ski-Piia ami Sken.l Illicr. Tak nniiri umi I'rlnrp Itiifirri. Ii.1 Intiiiit to apply for 1 Hip rnllnwllir ili -i 1II1' " , oiinmenriiiir 11 1 1 1 ton I h aide of Skpniia l UMI S ili.ilm; llinnre llwivi'n norllmaol ' .' , wi'M If) rhalni alonir ll 1 Skwn.1 fllver lo I Im 1 ment, ami rnninlnliij p. (IFOIIliF tmifd Janimrr sih. DEPARTMENT OF IN TIIF VATTFII Ol for llm Inane or a ' llllp for l.oM llil'i' (31 ), lllnik Mveii ' Cliy of Prlliee llnpiM-l sal afai lory ph or ni'l'i. Intel , .inictl, hi of llm 1 i'MI Iiik I hi' above i.iii'l ii to lint It l my Inti'iiii rsiilratlon nf' mm limn'' iniiilirnll'in nnrenr. a "ii in it;p on or i iTorp nip in, . , . ;.; ,., ,.., r 01rr.11, n.,t lu.i. ami an parllra Imlil.ipii r..r n,A ..i.i land ii ,"r." In tmy llm school here, has I ennft.m.i 1,. , , "" "p,r '"'"'"""" 10 mn jorii.. . ... M ll Application for Orailna i-f Season 1923. .Appllpallon rnr I" "i: flwk on tlin Crown afamnr dlptrii'l of U' i:oiimlila, nit be 1 ' ,5 Fnl'KliT nl I'.ranln k'amliHipa, .Nol.-oil. I' rmivi-r, Vermin ami W linfore Marrli 3JI. I'' ' k llliink rnriiiM iipai 0 flill. I l.kiia 111,1 It.- illlli ll'll'l l'OIPK l - It llll I ' nr from Ilie ip:uimnl I I.l, ll.C. pppnn Ml Ppriartnirni of l.anil' Vlflorln, ll.C. Jaimarv 01 b. NOTICE. ,fi ' 1l'il lllln H ilnlid llm :iiill" """ miliilinied 10SS I. F mvj,, ' ' in i?r " l.aml lienlHiry orrh'' I'rlnrn lliipert. I' 1 ' January suili, l-