Ae District Votes -Vukelitch to Conduct lit Group Sales Course he spent | ce Rupert World War! course. ; return-| course in} Train- | the Prince Grantors’ * Mrs. Norval |from Vancouy with the) night by lich, pro- riment of * plane today i rive three | , e nights raised in Minnesota, | , iated from of 15, went & Roebuck and yer at 19.) 1 himself after aj ie US n Prince epartment ing hi helor. of per- ind his idministra- 1 indus- Univer- | Seattle, | Hhesi e indus- | Pacific) ORDAIN SINGER Oscar elat hydro-| ©O'Brien. 60-year-old former / q { director of the French-Cana- UBC as| dian Alouette singing quar- ’ irketing | tette, is to be ordained a priest first; in the Roman Catholic order Major) of Benedictine Fathers at st V taken! Benoit du Lac Monastery, near Canadian | Sherbrooke, Que. Brother \rain-| O’Brien, who entered the mon- astery seven years ago, was are Widely known for his arrange- and| ments of hundreds of Cana- ( dian and French folk songs, [ the; many of which he composed ( Associa Under his direction the quar- Rupert wedding of her | Burnett, to Miss Barbara Teng. | w a Burnett arrived in the city Thursday by plane attend the son, Kenneth er to * * from tette played a command per- formance before the late King George VI and Queen Elizabeth when their e Canada in 193 Food § When a reciy ched almonds t pare them Remove the Green 428 I |} the almonds ¢ ene ) (4, You can ran f! / pertly this ea blanched alm« with the aid o paring knife Oppe Ss Pullen Then almond half, side down on a cut- 9 (CP Phot« horts Majesties visited >) his is how to pre- jon’t pop out their skins like tiddly winks sliver Sy Way. md into {-the point of place Split almonds e pressing of X- charge of arrangements for the Miss Anne Gray is arriving by Vancouver. : British | She will be a bridesmaid at the i ~ |wedding of Miss Barbara Teng. | | i | | | | | j | Mystery.” | Waiting for us to fCivie Centre on Mondays at 8 | p.m, BOOK SHELF @rease paint and bright lights. slowly emerged ers into action. But storm broke it , people, from the safety for himself and the mys- called his brother: payment in goodness for his ye Calls for blan- proof and, above all, an answer to the Cever the almonds enigm with water and bring to a full ! rolling boil. Drain off the water Skins by each almond between thumb and forefinger. Do fhis carefully so —Foot Lights—|Impressive Ceremony Joins Holtby-Smith at Cathedral An impressive and beautiful wedding of wide- their) Spread interest in B.C. and Alberta took place on Thursday evening at 8 p.m. in St, Andrew’s Cath- That brings to my mind a|edral, when Monica Sybil Holtby, — of Little’s Theatre’s des-| Mr and Mrs. A. Lionel Holtby, became the belie of By LILIAN MILLER In the 8pring a “young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts | of tove,” but in the fall en-| thusiastic hams turn thoughts, not so lightly, to berate struggle last year to even|} get one foot , Arthur Brett Smith, of indder of nee Pen The ceremony was performed ‘@ble was centred with a beau- of the ladder of success. | » be i » fe ‘ es 1 Prockter. . We began in the fall with oe ae ae of pio-| White and delicate blue icing, eer residents of Prince Rupert | SU!Tounded by tulle and banked and left us with|and the granddaughter of oe Nd eos aa ae site our feet knee-deep in muskeg. | A. R. Holtby, now of Quebec, | en i [i/o Then we fell flat on our face|and the late A. R. Holdby, and | eas hea at Wate saieie cae when we slipped on that ban-|also the granddaughter of the | 8 gs > cae ae 7S “The Fido Murder| late Dr. and Mrs. Johnson Gh | * waar Ape wile cap- |bins, pioneer residents of Van- | 01¢6. ish a he a .., | couver, With a great dea} of puffing | The gidinn is the younger son - R. Elfert poured and Mrs. C. Selves up to that first rung with/0f Mrs. Arthur William Smith | cos - cae eee ae “Pein Writes a Message” and|and the late Mr, Smith of Cal-| tide and groom had cut the| |gary and is a grandson of pio- first slice. Serviteurs were airs. stin) | Beer residents of Golden, B.C. ee bet Pn ent | tions, and its form is settled : The cathedral was tastefully | 29d Ju ‘“ ai ‘Kennedy | by the coronation council. The The | Miss Joyce Strand and Miss Pat | 5!X-Yard-long robe worn at her! gallant try at a three-act play. | It fell even learned, ana peel, and panting, we pulled our-| “From Five to Five-Thirty.” This year’s plans are | take them | from the second step, but we're | 4 having trouble reaching high. On the . BREAD FROM HEAVEN HENRIETTA BUCKMASTER (Available at the Sargent Memoria] Library) A young man and a were and where théy dame from no one in the town knew, As the months went by their story violence and horror, courage and faith that it shocked the villag- was the towns- and not the strangers, who stood trial. Karel knew what ; village: he wanted peace and terious, mutilated child whom he sufferings of man’s humanity to man; a of his own soul The quest began hopefully McVitty offered work and shel- ter. The troubled fered him a rare and innocent 4 love, halves a each WNIR ting board and cut into about 3 FTWARI ENUE WEST Blue 709 xv 4 long pieces s FOR YOUR COMPLETE ECTION OF ur New Record Depart POPULAR Littte Jong of Guadalupe Perry Como anc belon Weather MY Heart Myself ty Sleep SIC ALBUMS 78 R.P.M., lidnight Kiss ert Song 78 R.PLM, "sie of Mendelssohn Vlad sky's “Swan Lake” St. Lo chest 133 1/3) © Made Famous at Symphony Hall— RECORDS—SEE cRAE BROS. ment Bing Crosby | Eddie Fisher Al Martino Mario Lanza Al Goodman imar Horowitz uis Symphony ‘, conducted by Vladimat Golschmann Al Jolson Louis Armstrong and the All Stars » Power House BIC (33 1/3) Ernie Filice Dorothy Kirstein and Nelson Eddy Vivian Blaine, Original Broadway Cast rt Merrill and Jan Peirce Boston “Pops” Orchestra, Conducted by Arthur Fielder I Dolls Robert Alda, Sam Levine 8 1/3) Ala Licia Albanese, Robe r" fenne AS) ALBUMS im pet Artists Benny Berigan and rs ALBUMS (45) MNinishea Symovhony No. 8 in by Art als Souveni Moon ESTERN (78 R.P.M.) Spang ore, led Waltz More, More Will It Take on the River lama Louis Armstrong, many others —B Minor— hur Toscanini Al Goodman Hank Snow Lefty Frizzel Wilf Carter Beiter put down raisins ‘on your shopping list for things you vill need for schoo] lunches. The mall packages go over big with the kids and supply them with a :00d souree of quick energy | | | | | | | | ie Cash for old gold | @ Salt Lake Ferry will operate | | Monday, permitting |@ Kindergarten registration at |Conrad United Hall, 19:30 am | Fees $5.00. @ Salt jevery day, | Refer to schedule elsewhere in | this paper @ On 'Grade VII Booth Memorial pu- | | pils will come to school at 9:00: | | Grade VIII pupils at 10:00; and | % Prince Rupert, B.C. |Grades IX to XIII pupils at > ert | 11:00. But, there were barriers, too, as! gown of soft grey lace. Karel discovered when he gave friendshiptand sympathy to hap-+ less Roi Arnow, whose idlexways were a séandal to ‘respeétabl citizens...Whisperg became stalk: talk beCame And when Roj idle committed crime it was Karel, not Roi, who| paid for ‘t | Li hatred miniature and world, with | ‘ | | readers Bulger’s ea nee “ode a te aaa ae ata ea G ytane ae Maa aaNet Labor Day, weather } (1t) Sept. 2, } Ages 4 and 5 years. ; (205) Lake Ferry running} weather permitting. (lt) Tuesday, September 2, (205) LP Records Don’t miss this emezing These BRAND NEW high LP quolity able e@verege LP UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE. C.0.D. (unless prepaid). Add 23¢ for pe Py shipping 006 teuener der logue of comp! recordings. MAIL AND SAVE The RECORD LIBRARY 536 Seymour St. Just Imagine! NEW HIGH FIDELITY at 44 PRICE it record! ere now evell. st HALF "THE COST es record. Backed by AMAZINGLY LOW PRICES: 10in. $1.99 12im. $2.99 lete selection NO’ LP and eet ACT NOW! BUY RECORDS DOLLARS! Vancouver 2, B.C. “LP” and 45-RPM SPECIALISTS dead before lines were/| 0 corated with summer | Bulger, that | {lowers in pastel shades. | bride, given in marri delssohn, pla Chidwick. ‘ : She looked radiantly lovely in| ¥48 given by Canon Prockter it is a wedding gown designed herself—white swiss lace o pleated by | nd responded to b maid of honor; Morin and Miss Jean Mcafee | They were! gowned alike, in star Sapphire | vaffeta bandeaux tiny flowers in varying shades of fuschia. The maid of honor'’s 60wn was of a lighter shade of the same blue. colonial bouquets of white as- Well-meaning Mrs. Stillwel) ters and fuschia gladioli buds made a cause of him. Kind Mr. Miss Yvonne as with fuschia-colored streamers The groomsman was Mr. Wil- Murrays gave him liam Bond, a university friend junderstanding out oftheir own |Ofsthe groom. Ushers were Mr hearts; and Julie of- | Jack Breen and Mr. Bruce Mills, | school friends of the bride. length, pink feather hat accessories and wore a 'of pink rosebuds. mother wore a navy blue lace | 4loor length gown and hat with indignation. | dove grey accessories a|wore a pink roseou The groom’s nd candles. The bride's only daughter of | tiful three-tier wedding cake in centred by a cut | _ Mrs. Basil Prockter and Mrs. age by her| Mitchell. | iu | father, entered the church to| Mr. Anfield was jttle Theatre meets at the the strains of a march by Men- | ceremonies, yed by Mr. Robert | telegrams master of reading numerous from relatives and| | friends. The toast to the bride Island, for their | they will reside in Vancouver. | |For her travelling costume the | | bride chose a three-piece blue | tweed tailleur, small black vel- | ‘vet toque with ostrich tips and! matching snakeskin shoes” and | | accessories. A corsage of yellow | jand pink rosebuds completed | the costume. | Both the bride and groom at- | tended the University of B.C. | where the groom graduated in ;commerce and = forestry. Mrs: Prince Rupert Daily News 3 Saturday, August 30, 1952 hin Mey 5 for LONDON (P)— When Queen Elizabeth II returns from Scot- land in October, final decisions will be made on the Royal Re- galia for the coronation next June. Meanwhile there is con- siderable speculation. Many believe that the purple : velvet robe of state in which the 2nd silver eagles. queen leaves Westininster Aey : to drive through the srteets will bear emblematic gold embroid- ery like that of a queen consort. Kings donot wear embroidered , robes of state, leaving this to their queen and her mistress of the robes—traditionally a duch- ess. Such embriodery is dictated by commonwealth national 7 coronation by Queen Mother! Elizabeth was embroidered at FABULOUS ROBE Lined and bordered in ermine, worth several together with It is customary for her Majes- ty to arrive at the Abbey in a} CT, ATTENTION MIXED LEAGUE ~ BOWLERS All those wishing to enter a team in the Mixed League contact either the ; Smith, the groom's mother, is | the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. | | Holtby for the next week, when | she will return to Calgary, via | | Vancouver. ieiobiniabe iid astiits ate LONG-HAIRED AFRICANS | JOHANNESBURG (CP) Souti | | African barbers are worried by | the long-haired fashion that has! {started among their male cus- | | tomers since an increase in| haircutting prices three months | ago. “They look like long-haired | primitives,” grumbled one bar-| ber, | \ NOTICE T Will all the firsts in the recent swimming gala call at the pool and ask the instruc- tor for their gift vouchers. the. Parks. Board, wish _ to i tian the’ Vartous merennate The_recéption was held in the | egion Auditorium;--whieh was! In. the crisis that followed,|Prettily decorated with summer Karel learned that the village | flowers a was a in town for their generous ““esponse with prizes. > > | prejudice existing | < side by side with love and good- | | hess, and that the human spirit | | filled with love, can survive all | evil General Electric Washers Model M9 Standard Model M 9P with Pump Model M 9PT with Pump and Timer _. $219 SPECIAL TERMS ON ALL APPLIANCES Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Resner Block — Phone 210 SaaS eS eRe eae SME MMA ORB N,: Don't Forget... LABOR DAY. SPORTS Monday, September Ist, 1:30 p.m. ROOSEVELT PARK There'll be lots of fun for the kiddies and parents, too. Gordon & Anderson Phone 46 -. $184 | $194 : | ' Stewart, B.C SALAD DSSS D D6 4.4% {the Royal School of Needlework. y the groom. Pounds and was recently placed ver | Mr. Bond proposed the toast‘ to|in Kensington Palace and white the bride’s attendants. i |French tulle and satin. It had. a fitted bodice with stand-y collar | three-quarter by | floor length white and ice pleated tulle 'short train. She wore a swiss lace Juliet cap with fingertip veil of ice child | blue illusion French tulle, and walked into a New England vil-| her grandmother's earrings of lage on a spring day. Who they | sapphire completed the ensem- ble. She carried a caseade bou- Guet of yellow aad pink rose-| buds, white aSters, forget-me- a Story of such | nots and baby’s breath. The three lovely bridal tendants, university and school when the | friends graceful sowns of taffeta and tulle—Miss | Barbara Barnes of Vancouver as the coronation | The couple left on the Prinee | 'bes of the late king. p| Rupert en route to Yellow Pt., lily point sleeves, Vancouver with | honeymoon. Upon their return | , Alley (Red 709), J. C (71), or B. Dunbar (Blue 869). thousand | museum, Bowling omadina Pick oronation crimson parliamentary robe. For crowning, the Sovereign wears cloth of gold. The Queen, how- ever, may decide that the gold mantle worn by her father is too heavy. First worn by George IV, it is richly embroidered with tudor roses, shamrocks, thistles - €sso “sbonfal Tie OIL BURNERS EASY TERMS. | WITH ESSO FURNACE OIL CONTRACT ASSURED Shenton’s Sheet Metal | 162—3rd Ave. E Phone 33 Dierel.+: oad Save "DTT oA Electrify YOUR Farm with the MORRISON-AUTOMATIC LIGHTING PLANT ts FALL eee Casual Jackets. Gabardines, Fronts, Two-Tone Shirt-Jacks. Reg. Price $6.95 to $32.50 Now '/2 Price NO CHARGES 4 ELECTRI ee as PRICE CLEARANCE SALE 10 Dozen. * SPORT SHIRTS California Prints - Foulards and Two-Tones Reg. Price $4.95 to $6.95. Now 1/2 Price Suede With B.C. Farmers... FAMOUS BROTHERS Edward Cornwallis, Governor of Nova Scotia from 1749 to 1752, was a twin brother of an Arche bishop of Canterbury, reecertas Cornwallis. : ————4 ATTENTION Lady Bowlers A meeting ‘of the Ladies’ Bowling League will be held at the bowling alley on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd at 8 p.m, All teams must be entered that night. SALT LAKE FERRY SCHEDULE LABOR DAY SCHEDULE Monday, Sept. Ist CONTINUOUS SERVICE Starting 10:30 a.m. Monday Through Saturday . Leave Cow Bay Floats ; 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m. " and 7 p.m, SUNDAY: Continuous Service Starting 10:30 a.m. All Schedules Weather Permitting PHONE BLACK 926 | = . ® % 7 5 the trend is to MORRISON “DIESEL” - ++ the dependable, English made LIGHTING PLANT. Low in first cost: cuts oper, ecmpared with gasoline sets; or push-button on plant, is self-re 110 V. appliances may be used . ating costs by over 50% With fue) tank and starter batteries, 3000 Watts: $1410, Remote Frelelit allowed to rr: starts by remote switch : gulating. Standard , ._. Supplied complete ; Price (push-button) 6000 Watts: $1850. i Switch-starting extra Sprest B.C.rai oE*steamship ‘point, } ; — ay om Te) ‘ ; er a Leather Satins and Cloths. a il i ai ill Vg Ig gO ag PO IO Mice IF! Sn, Bomber Jackets and Stadium Coats Water-Repeliant Reg. Price $19.00 to $27.50 Now '/ Price NO EXCHANGES Watts & Nickerson MEN’S CLOTHING DON'T FORGET LABOR DAY SPORTS AT ACROPOLIS HILL