RichA Ye, twice as 1 rich as ordi. If nary milk. Pure Milk "From Contented Cows' Tut" Dress For Every Occasion from $6.50 to $18 Sues li tn 4 liust ' Uemers House of Quality P.O. Box 327. Phone 27 Silk Striped Voiles In lively i-fri-f f ii.r After- IIHOll i.f S'l.'.! -CSSOS. Hc. cl ., t. Special $135 West of England Store Phone 753 DRY BIRCHW00D and Cedar $6.50 Per Load Cut. to any length, HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Don't Miss BENT'S Summer Clearing Sale Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgorson Block. Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to C. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday KveniiiKH ! AUTO TRAFFIC I I HIGHEST EVER Thousands of Cars Invade British Columbia's Capital , From U. S. I CALIFORNIANS COMES NORTH VIGTOMA, July . AufomoJ :bile tr-afflp into Victoria has now1 eomineivetd to reach its highest. Iiitch with tourists pouring inlo, ' the city from all rou'les. According to figures released here (her have been 3,018 in coming and outgoing cars hand led a'l the three doelis, namely the 0. p. II., Olympic ferry wharf and the Sidney wharf, since April 1. There have been 2,313 cars handled at the Sidney wharf, 219 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Oucon Charlotte Land Ke-ci.rding District of Prince Hupert, and situate about one and a half miles east of, Masselt Lighthouse at the mouth of Mas-s-tl Inlet, (iahani Island, British Columbia. TAKK NOTICE that Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of Victoria, B.C., occupation, Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands:-- Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot Seven, Oraham Island, Iiritish Columbia, about one and a half miles east of Masselt Lighthouse at the mouth of Masselt Inlet, firaham Island, British Columbia; thence northerly five chains, more or less to low water mark; thence westerly, along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thenco southerly five chains; thenco easterly one hundred and sixty chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. LANC.AItA FISHINO & PACKING CO. LTD., Applhrant. Per K. II. Simpson, Aent. Dated Juno 10th. 1925. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to ' Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land He cording District, of Prince llu perl, and situate about two miles in a northerly direction from lloonoy Point, Massed Inlet, Oraham Island, British Columbia. Take Notice thai Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of Masselt, ll.C, occupation Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of Iho following described lands: Commencing nl a post planted two miles In a northerly direcllon from Ilnnney Point, Massett Inlet. Oraham Islnnd, British Col umbia: thence onslerly five chains, more or less, to low water mnrk; thenco northerly along low water mark one liun ... .... , IlinnnA iireu anil si.viy. i-iuui., un-no: westerly five cholns; thence southerly one hundred and sixty rhains, more or less, lo point of commencement, and containing elghly acres, morn or less. -LANOA11A FIRIILNO & PACKINO PACKINfl CO. LTD. Applicant. Per K. II. Sltnpson, Agent. Dated June 13th, 1925. VACUUM PACKED COFFE TRESH from the roaster no matter urn ere -you muj it. 11 'In f'VxX(l WJ Mil cent, of all the curs were foreign license cars. i The cheek showed that the average num'ber of cars per hour was 210, wilii an average of three people to a car, thus estimating that at thtol particular point approximately 6,000 people at the C. P. It. terminus, if." atrwer in cars being driven north the Olympic ferry doc-k and nine- i Puget Sound and Brilisli Col- teen at the Ocean dock The Vietoria-Anacorles route lias proved popular. Up to dale there have been 1,538 automobiles handled, while on the Hol-lingham run 8or motors have made the (rip. The ferry service to Port Ang-eles was inaugurated by the Can udian Puget Sound Company' ferry Olympic on May 23, while oh the Yicloria-Anacdrtes run the Mount Vernon, of the mi nit line, started the single trip on April 9, and on May 30 the ferry Puget was also put on the trip, the two boats running a double, service. Advertising Results. ProoJ of the results of the advertising done by Puget Sound and British Columbia Associated, a co-operall ivp group representing civic organization of Victoria, Itellingham, Tacotna and Seattle, is found in the check made liv the Seattle Chamber of. Conniieive. on the worth-bound auUmiohiles on the Pacific Highway between Taeoma and the inlernalitiiKil boundary. A chock was made Tuesday, showing that forty per cent oT all the aulo-bilos bore California license plates and more than fifty per umliia Associated, devoted nrac-tw-ally all of its 3ir000 advertising fund to niwspaper display space in California. ' Ca'.lfornlans. Nor only are thousands of California cars now in the Puet Sound country, but northbound boat travel is heavy, as is evidenced by the arrival a'l Seattle 000 in California last year by the Pujret Sound and British Columbia, Associated, the' number of California cars- driven in- No the Stale of Washington for (he same period of I92i was 24,-000, despite exaggerated reports relative to the hoof and mouth disease anil fumigation requirement at the Washington boundary, which kept a great many tourists out of Washington and Iiritish Columbia. Information ., .,.... . -from . ... --v anJumotiUe - a month ago, surface stripping fif the ore bodies has been carried on, hut it Is problematical .it. H.!,. ..1- ...III miiMnllfl ...Ar ..r ..i.-fl nti.iriil months for the city, left on yesterday morning's train for He-gina where he has accepted another position. . LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to TH7? pAlJLT NABOB VICTORIA GETS AN ELEVATOR Contract Signed For Lease of Site at Ogden Point Pier Number 2 HAS TERMINAL RATE Work of Chamber of Commerce of That City Successful at Last V1CTOHIA, July 9. Panama Pacific Oram Terminals Limited . has signed n contract with the last Monday of the II. F. Alex-, Doniinion Government for a lease finder Htl. mnrn Ihnn r.00 nna-1 .. ..... r , . . . .. sengers, and other boats are arriving with his passenger lists. on a site on Ogden Point Pier No. 2, on which they plan to erect' a grain elevator with a The of California cars capacity up to two and a half coming into me siaie oi w asu- million bushels. mgum mini .June i lO'iinn-, FiM, newa ,ha, Victoria's" Tuber I, 1923, was- 10,000. As allu,.p a , j , result of the expenditure of $31,- assured was contained in a tele gram from company officials to C. P. W. Schwengers, president! of the Chamber of Commerce. Interviews with Mr. Schwengers anil Alderman M. P. Blair, chairman of thA industrial group of the chamber, brought out the following salient points: 1 Lease on. pier site is understood to extend over a period of sixty-three years. 2 Canadian National Hail- ways agree tf provide necessary a,,l)ilionu, ferry SPrvjrPS from nhfhs in California indicates tiial ! . v ;Prt Mann to Ogden Point and ... . is nmi r-.r e ii i there will he at leasit 3.,000 i.u- i 1 . . n.. . : . ALICF ARM. firanbv Co.. wlio are developing the Standard property on Grnth motinlain, roluco . i i at.. Mo- their .t ; ...Ai.,.i,u urlin will ilrive "".- ......... ....... .. t0 handle hundreds of cars heir cars to the Puget f.ounl ....,. . 3 ork first unit on i and with . v ihi. .mmr. vator to start as soon as possi-car, an average of U.ree peope to, a '' flanf expected to 100.-, this will mean at least 000 Californ.ans will come north ! completed, tl.fs Jail. , , 1 Canadian -National Ilail- bv autntiimnle. . ' I ways to provide ferry service be GRANBY MAY DRILL STANDARD PROPERTY lt ween Ogden Point and Point iEllice terminal; such service to I make possible, in near future, delivery of car.s at doors of fac- ON McGRATH MOUNTAIN having harbor waterfront- un "ivmwi ,a;?p nn( (racj-af?e an important jfnn in 1 Iia irnliielrfnl ilovolnn. July 9. The ' . .... ment of the eityi. 5 City CouncilJo be asked to igra'nt tax exemption on elevator "'"taking week. WOrKing Stan mirm i,-,,,.., rnnstitiles recoc- I 1 nltroifl " " Miice oeve.opmru. ....... , in practical form of Vic toria's advantages as grain shipping port. ' 7 Availability ,-u, ..... i-.,,.-, .. .... . ... rpoultrymen coring staff nt the Hidden Creek ' a ' mine visiioit uie prqperiy miring the week. It i probable that a diamond driil will be. installed on the property at an, early .date,, Dan MacKomie, who has ',oon;apr working for the past, several! of ... ..... - SPrPPninps al ,ow cns as poullry H. J. Conway, mining engineer., . ... ... ,,.' J. E. Swanon, superintendent nr. . ,. , ,, . . . .. storatum of flourishing condi iIia the . Hidden III, ..... lilnii r.fnnt Creek oii mine mine and nmi ii' F. h . 1 I:. .. . ' lions amongst uairyinen 8 Connection between lines of C.P.IL and Ogden Point will he ninde hy.jmeans of ferry slip .ntEsquimaltv'Harbnr. Hail ctniTierlions between CCS'.Il; and C.P.It. Island lines will be built Lease Land !poil for Western Canada, and In Land Horordlng District of brings success at last to a three-' Prince Huperl, and situate at yPar effort which at times has, Ferguson Bay, Massett inlet,-appeared to ouer insuperable 0.0. Islands, B.C. ! difficulties. ( Take Notice that Oosse-Mil- Accumulate Data lord, Limited, of Vancouver, lt.C,i When the first conception! occupation Salmon Cannors, in- (ook place that Mctoria should em s n nun v. for a lease oi ine.r Bh ru y become, n grain nuuo.ii following described lands: I for the prairie provinces, thorei thence south 8 chains; thenco give overpowering weight to Iho Don't Judge from Appearances! THE earth looks flat enough! That's why so many thousand years came and went before our ancestors even suspected the terrestrial globe of being round. Their eyes deceived them! Don't depend on appearances to guide you right: Don't buy goods on the strength of looks alone. Merchandise with a well-known name has the call. Only the maker of a good product can afford to advertise his name. Attempts to popularize unworthy goods cannot succeed. ' Wise merchants and manufacturers seek the good papers to tell the stories of their wares. The publishers seek the reputable advertising for their readers guidance. Well-informed buyers seek news of good merchandise through the columns of the best papers. This proves the value of advertising. Neither advertiser nor publisher can prosper without your patronage. Therefore, it is to their advantage to cater to you. They do it, too. It is distinctly to your advantage to be guided by the messages they lay before you the advertisements. Mooney, president of the Panama Pacific drain Terminals, Limited, and A. J. Oibson, a director of the comnany, visited the Paci fic .nni witii the intention of lo-it.-iblishinc a farmers' grain elevator' i(ivnlftn on i,e pacific. In the examination of sites and conditions, these men came to Victoria, having heard of the cham- and,j(Pr's efforts in this direction. A committee (C. P. W, Schwengers, Island. Iirpsideni: P. C Nicholas, vice- president, and Aid. M. P. Blair, director, of the Chamber of Cbm- merce) en,iere.i mm ruim-rnuo 9 Cars which formerly camei evidence in favor nf this port as ciriply to Island for lumber will ; compared with the Mainland, now move with grain as freightSaj;Pn jn conjunction with an ex-durlng many months of year. jamination of the site, quickly This concludes the long and, convinced the visitors that Vic-extended struggle of the Victoria1 tiria offered the host opportu-Chamber of Commerce, to estah-njy an( tentative agreement lish Victoria as a igrain shipping Nvas ,irnwn up and signed. WEDDING AT ANYOX TIMBER SALE X7109. -if Read them regularly! partaken of in the dining room at which over thirty friends of the bride and groom were present. 'Hie room was beautifully decorated in pale blue and while. 'The guests repaired lo the Catholic Kali' at the conclusion of supper, where they danced until t a.m., to the delightful strains of an orchestra composed of J. Varnes, J, Webster, L. Dodd, II. Ward, O. J. Mulchings, P. Stivenard. Both the bride and groom are well known residents of Anyrfx and' their many' friends wish with Mr. Mooney and Mr. Gibson, them all prosperity in the Tentative Agreement Tim overwhelming weight of; Advertlie In the hnilv ,Nw Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester not later than noon on the 25th day of July, 1925, for the purchase of Licence X7109, at head of nrmiTlV PA1 FMlII7Fn ,0tes ,I,lel- 10 cul """'"J KLltniLI DULElUniLLUidOO feet of Spruce, Cedar, llem- lock and Balsam Sawlogs. Miss Owen Became Bride of T.l Two (2) years will be allowed iai RanHron at Smelter ' fur removal' of timber. i runner particulars or me Town Last Week ... . , .. 1 .... I ... 1 ... 1 . . . . I ...),... nn . ill.. .iwl,! :.i r i-oa . uominoncmg a. u jhii jnunn-.i was oniy n mibub n , Pry (irnij ...h jj q apiuoximalely 20 chains east n the advantages of this port, solemnized in Anyox on Tuesday U. r,....i imi'l liunil nnpnoi' I 1571:' inCiii'mnliiui una npriimiillit-i ..nine .limp .10.' when Missi (hence south 3 chains; thonoejrd fact upon fact piled up, es- Christina .Sophie Owen became,! wesi lo mains; iihmut nuuii , lannsuing ii-iorm premier me - in int. n. iin,u...- ......... chuins; thence west 10 chains' 'In silion, such n mass of favorable, Sanderson, sjiys the Alice Arm west boundary of Lol Un 1 ;, evidence was available as to. Herald. The vodiling ceremony was (Chief Forester, Victoria, or the 'District Forester, Prince Hupert, TIMBER SALE X7275. Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester not later than noon on the 131h day of July, 192p, for the purchase of wivd, 0 chains; Ihonoe north 20 city's' claim. performed at. the homo of Cupt. Licence X7275 on unnamed bay chains; thence east 2 chains, The first and essential step and Mrs. Cameron nt Hie hour (ifjiinmedialely to the south of la more or less, to beach; Ihence.was tho securing from Sir.llenryi8 p.m., the officiating rlergyman goon emptying into Kllerslie following meandering of shore Thornton' of a lelter guaranteo- being Hew J. S. Brayfield. Mr. Bay, O.K. 3, to cut 150,000 feet lino to' point "f commencement, Ing the application of terminal! Duncan Boyd supported the board measure of Cedar, Spruce, and containing 22 acres, more grain rates- to (his port. This! groom and the lindesmaid was Hemlock, and Balsam Sawlogs. or less. oossK-Mii.Li:nn, ltd. letter made all subsequent no- Miss Annie McGuirc. ! 'Two (2) years will be allowed gotintions possible, and laid the 'The weddimg march was play- for removal of timber Applicant, foundation for the successful Per Win, 0. Mitchell, j culmination of Iho recent nego-Agcnl . tialions. Dated Juno 20th, 1025. On April 6 and 7, J. A. ed by Mrs. Leslie, and Mrs. Cam- Further particulars of the eron gave tho lirido away. Chief Forester, Victoria, or the At the conclusion of the cere-. District Forester, Prince Hupert mony a sumptuous supper was'B.C. One cannot burn the - candle at both ends You wouldn't light a candle at both ends and expect it to last very long. And you can't attend your many duties as wife and mother, then pile on washday labor, and expect to keep -"yourself fresh' and "Vigorous. Vhy vui lei us 'take care of washday toil ;apd Itonble? ' One. of our many services will fit exactly both your needs and your purse. And' you can "keep the home fires burning" without burning tho caudle at both ends. Canadian steam Laundry Phone 8. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phona M. Cartage, Warehousing, and ')lntribullng. Team or Motor Service. Roai Sand and QraveL W Spocltlli In Piano and Furniture Bovine. saw: it with a S1MONDS SAW Stays sharp longer. IMONDt CNAD CO, ITO. MONTREAL VANCOUVER T. t MtN, N.I.