CLASSIFIED PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED ADS AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS : il Sutur Cc A Ru; day, Fall in Love With One Play BLACKWOOD on Msridge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD WRATHALL 5 Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTING EXPOSURE AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Green 136 Is, SASUNESS er I ropessin ENLARGING METERS - if L- Box 478 John F. — L. Hughes, Dol CHIROPRAC TOR j 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 | by appointment only 1 ~ 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 Another e Mr. Abel fell in love result that he com- safety play. PRINCE RUPERT AND SHIPY AR SHIPBUILDERS AND Cc DRYDOCK p||”" Jame SCOTT McLAREN | HARTERED ACCOUNTANT Block 608—3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. one 347 P.O. Box 374 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK SAUNDERS BROS. We Pour Ceinent For Less Pt wne Blue 939 GENERAL CONTRA Building and Re, Dairy P.O, Box 1679 HANDY HOME sn kinds Pome FRED F DOWS OPTOMETRIgy Room 10 Stone p Phone B Open Priday i Bul Ue 593 . ENGINEERS taking the club finesse | Iron and Brass Castings \ Champion. Electric «and Acetylene other words, after Mr.| Welding ipion showed no gpades, it) i much more likely that ne) SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL | more ibs than his part- and nd was therefore more MINING _ MAC WINERY _ 4 hold the queen | = the way Mr. Abel | yand, he didn’t even IT PAYS iess for his contract TO ADVERTISE a 1 i Relax and Enjoy... REVELSTOKE LAGER ENGLISH ‘DARK BEER ||. ‘Cross of Honor” Both beers awarded ‘ Canada, Brussels, Belgium, 1951. BE SURE TO... For Downtrodden Heels and Wurn Soles | Ask for Them by Name mak 0 Oe Enterprise Brewery Limited, Revelstoke, B.C. MAC | Also—ENGLISH 3X STOUT | wie HOSPITAL | “Ask for these popular BRANDS by name” ALWAYS THE BEST BUY ivertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Shipping and General Board or by the Government of British Columbix Moving, Packing, Crating /PRECISION SAW FILING Lawn Mowers Sharpened 215-—I1st Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 for the Dominion HELEN’S BEAUTY SHOP Phone Blue 126 Pa ac saan MATTSONS a PH 234—~3rd Ave. E Prince Rupert H. G, HELGERY LIMITED Permanent Waving Beuuty Culture in all REAL ESTATE & Ing its branches Phone 96, Evenings 04--4th Stree Phone 655 QUALITY REPAIRS A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ALFRED L. BELL, C.A. Prince Resident Partner 325 Feurth Ave, East Telephone: Red 879 Terrace * prince George Rupert P.O. Box 1247 if Va neouver Classified Rates LOST AND FOUND SPM ate teeta a in 1240 Kilocyeles 30 p.m. day pre-| LOST—One pair of glasses tion ward. Return to Daily News RADIO DIAL ts per word per 205p} um charge 50 LOST — Yellowish green budgie (Subject to Change) bird. 11, weeks ago. vicinity | “=== s**t 50 cents; Cards; An Ave. Reward. 1025 SATURDAY : : Death Notices, Ambrt Ave 206p) | PM : And You'll Mis: Faner: ices, Marriage and Spree Seah ee = a | | Engagement Announcements BOATS FOR SALE } Here is another hand $2.00 —_—- -— —— —— — 4) . . Special Display double price. |FOR QUICK SALE—The P. Dor- with one line of play, wit Wilts . ime reen, 50 ft. long, 12 ft. beam nles ro ek ve : ; ANNOUNCEMENTS 7 ft. deep. Hull 10 year pletely overlooked a necessa nator Tanks and 80 h.p. Caterpilla: Mr. Meek won with the kin Labor D Civic Cen 4 years old. Equipment—Hali- and ace of diamonds and led tre. Spor des and but gear, black cod gear and The Ju |third round of the suit, N Labor ¢ shark gear. Pully equipped fox o Ree} - Abel ruffed and checked h “4 siento —| trolling. New dory and troller, 9:30 CBC Sports Page chances. He still had ; possib Rebekah B October 4 skiff. Echo sounder and . re ict wads ud ole aie seaeiabied phone. All in A-1 con eee ea a. ta ke ce Cath ull} Oct. 8| Apply 230 4th East o1 a Sieoaeeaes Meelis me thought he > Up. wit and 9 | Red 717 59 Weather Jaepore this solution —_—— _ a ‘ 1240 e Ba maki 8 Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar,|FOR SALE—17 ft inboard mot 2 Por Club 1240 South deal River boat, 5 B.p. Briggs and S A Bi des vulnerable wae : ; e n engine. Good condition Ss r North 1L.O.D.E. Fall f r, Novem- Phone Blue 781 (205p) SUNDAY (Mr. Dale) ber 20. “ a SN cna’ oe s He ital i I 4 Q ariel —memaene weno erent S FOR SALE . D—7 64 Presbyterian Bazaar, Novem- can se O—K ber 27. FOR SAL 1946 Cc hev sedan, West hast ™ — go0c ondition Phone Blue (Mr. Meek) (Mr. Champion Dn Ort f the 814. (206p Q-—@Q fv 4 Nor Roy Ba Oct. 18. |: spt Das ae + FOR SALE—1949 Studebaker 4-10 oa Ces ¥is 1 Baza door sedan. Phone Blue 403 out! a (205) il ae a (Mr. Abel) Prince R S Coun.’ FOR SALE—1951 Chey. 2 door,|11:3 Period HK cil A.F ay S Radio. Phone Green 433 after; AM | D R t 5 p.m. 205p 2 < - — rien The idin oO 1 NI FOR SALE— Willys jeep and! ? s ada 1 \ North Ea ae e a “| eovered box trailer. All in good iat } 15 P Pass mechanical condition. Seven 9 lal ; =e. 3 : All p good tires $900 cash. 900 Ist) 3.27 w r I t Instead of t guess t Ave. West 207p)!-3 I St ) Recital tion of of clu ’ FOR SALE—1949 Prefect, 15.000! 4-30 H inn Caneel pee. ake is two hi miles, in good condition. Red W Sunday Concert | spades, strip heart suit uy 205p ) Re . i three ads al then t ‘ ro 140. a} Rs de ieee jthree leads and then throw o cnliplniaiintii nnonieine Art s Choice of the opponents on lead wil WORK “WANTED 7 .E 1a spade _ - A nh yr ai WANTED—Messengers, 7 y “7 and over, with bicycles > oe _ 10, Typing knowledge Good Pi A 1c sD iI . ”s opportunity for advancement 2 ae giv um thi Y Bi a Fg Bases Apply in person C. N = oo News sui seneral. Hospital. *on| 8t@phs. 3rd Ave 205 Weather Menort and Sien-off of « is ba anya yg ante . ) suit eaking 1 ist 29, a daughter,!- eran rere MONDAY : , it) FOR SALE " Mr. Abel w mpicacalii =< ieee or ~ neater » Bx ishermen’s Broadcast n and FOR SALZ—Deluxe model Ben-} 5 M | Clock trick led sn - ac nisiahlatie dix washer. Used 6 months.) 7:30 CBC News ik for deal ici? THOM I AL LTD $290. Phone Black 578. (itp)| 7:35 Musical Clock ae =e oe BLACK roofers. CBC News Champion snow Si tet nooth As- POR SALE — White enamel) 8:10 Here's Bill Good make | ang, Kitchen annex coal heater wen, ee New condition. Phone Red Morning Devotions ea 9 907 8 e Concer ina 832 ate vies — 9 04 > News and Comty Dp ar ee (209° FOR SALE os got th JOI P commode hair, ¢ 0-00 th oe i good condition. 447 15 h s te da y W i ~~ the ym ney FOR SALE—Portable Reming-! 11:15 with ty ors. Le 7 ; on typewriter $50.00 C al 30 2 sp it WwW ay . dq Blue 639 206) 1 Mes Paxton eld Mr. N vin I 33 ne t st ft e discov- - S vial? Melodies e su n a-Pelo is, POR ao E - 43 . Whe Mr. Meek did get in ¥ f roots good conalt cin ite tliat tl é n « na ind cc s no 1007 7tt I 2:00 Mid-Day Melodies n h y n me i elicale. LorBeer ‘FOR SALE_8 a umn - woum a oe 679 Granville, Vancou- 2 ALE—8 cu. It. retrigera- ng less out of tha ver, BC (HD) tor, 1 year old. Cheap ‘FOR RENT i even if he didn’t ths sree eneeneintN . Red 246. YOUR school sewing done : h in fe PHONE is your Northl and Dairy, ———~--—- - varly, Rent a Singer Portable seb: we for daily d y except Sun- FOR SALE — 30-30 Winchester Felectric Sewing Machine— d g aiter your carbine, canvas case, one full free delivery—phone864. (207) | | #4 WS 2 VA ee Pe ye Y look after box shells. Phone Green 346. Sie All milk CI i aaa lace oS een or ~ ot " ACCOUNTANTS sornaioe — | FOR SALE—Float house with 2 —— - zy goods re- rooms. Write Ken Kimiera, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, income reels, out-' Port Edward (211p) Tax specialist. §. G. Furk, ne engines. —— Stone Building. Red 59 593. 20m) ¢ First Over- | NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim-; —_—_——— — Green 304. (206p) ited, Distributors for: Mining, "WANTED ~ . 7 Sawmill. Logging and Con-! ——-~——— W doing business tractors’ Equipment. Enquir- Ww oe NTE D - pie ‘TOP P MARKET modelling of| .{es invited. Granville Island.) ?RICES PAID for scrap iron, OlL s Beauty Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Shop. Phone | ——_______-___._ Honest grading. Prompt pay-| BURNERS 5 ent (205) REAL ESTATE ment made. Atlas Iron & ae or : Se Gomes on : — e Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St. Van-| NEARLY everybody uses 99. (c) be? gat eT ita couver, B.C. Phone PAcific 2000 as aia c PL UMBING, / Automatic OiLt peat. cp pups thig.5-bedrogm,hoyse. en - 6357. | _{tt) ma _ work. PH oneyo 2 50’ x 100° lot, fenced, closeiCASH for scrap brass, copper, 3, 630°6th West. rer to McBride. Patent roof. Pri batteries and radiators. Phone eo $6850.00 i 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West, WE PAY cash for burnt out, Armstrong Agencies Ltd. City. (tf) EASY TERMS motors, any size or make. Wil-| Phone 342 — Black 197 evening ford Electrical Works, Cow (205) AUCTION SALE Bay. Phone Blue 391 (tf) wisi iio renter nneccin ial eee 3 WITH ESSO FURNACE OIL noi ei FOR SALE—Revenue home, at- meer Male Si NTRACT ASSURED DELUXE TRANSFER. Phone 383.| tractive, modern; 3 bedroom : ne ; (224p) bungalow style, on double cor- | pi¢ : ; ; . ner lot, full concrete base-. aice of HELP WANTED—MALE ment, hot water furnace. Two: Ruper ee Satt Fi ~~~} furnished apartments, private Pin Setters Wanted ts , 7 Anyone wiih - 14 years of age entra pin e. 1176 Ambrose. ' am need not apply. Call in at the _ Phone B lack a (208) Bowling Alley or Phone Red FOR SALE—Nine room house,’ ‘ 709 for paren (208) 6 rooms upstairs, 3 room suite |* 700" \o) wears 7. , OUR Advertising Novel-| CARRY OUR Advertising Nove | system. Fully ties as a sideline. Good com-} 5 mission. Write for catalog.|_ Red 120 (206p) acnei ta — nour of ee a ie 4 WANTED TO RENT 2uction and treated as one bid.’ llidin amonto a articulars may de ob- | 7 —j}WANTED | TO RENT —2 rooms, tai BR eon Deputy Minister of | HELP WANTED—FEMALE light housekeeping. Coup ]e_| Forests, Victoria, B.C., or the District or : with no children. Phone Red | Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. Secretarial Stenog ‘aphe “se Eas <9 o (205p) CARE PS OC? Be es oe Pee ue Grade |WANTED TO RENT— Sleeping) i, BC. CIVIL SERVICE | room for one man, be fore | FOREST SERVICE | September 16, Box 479, Daily PRINCE RUPERT News. (206p) Salary: $15 living allowance. Typing | nished suite. Couple with two| speed 50, shorthand 110. A\ school age children. Cellulose | minimum of 3 years steno- worker. Box 480, Daily News. graphic experience. British subject, under 40 un-| less ex-service woman. Appli-| WANTED TC TO RENT—House cations obtainable from the} apartment, Pairnas. Civil Service Com- Must be} downstairs. Hot water heating modern. Phone $180-218 monthly, plus} way; WANTED — Urgent. Small fur- (207) | unfurnished. Mr. Welch, Capitol Theatre. Phone | timber yone unable to at rer ten A IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Shenton’s Shect Metal 162—3rd Ave. E. VACATIONISTS! A Good Place to Stop or | 244 Miles to mission, Weiler Building, Vic-| 669. (ap toria, to be completed and re-|—#£ ———_—__________ turned to same IMMEDIATE- | WANTED TO RENT — Kitchen- | LY Cite) | ette and bedroom, for two | - girls. Immediately. Phone 582 | HELP WANTED, MALE-FEMALE) between 7 and 9 p.m. (206p) i RAWLEIGH _. PRODUCTS — A FOR RENT highly respected line of well - | known Household and Farm|FOR RENT — Sleeping room.| necessities. A few choice Rural| Red 860. (206p) | localities available also large|pOoR RENT—Room and board | for working man. Black 660. | (206) | City Districts. Women con- sidered for part or full time -City selling. Write Rawleigh’s Telkwa, B-C. Just a Nice Day’s Drive | Dept. WG-H-166-216, Winni- peg, Man. 613 West 3rd, FOR RENT—Housekeeping room. (205p) “In and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know Phone 174 For Repairs and Alterations Smith & Elkins Ltd P.O. Box 274 1951, Phone 33 | PLUMBING \ Canadian refineries produced 90,220,000 pounds molasses valued at’ $1,970,000. “3rd Avenue W. 1936 CHRYSLER SEDAN 1939 AUSTIN 8 In good condition 1948 THAMES VAN 1949 STUDEBAKER SEDAN New paint, air conditioned, good ri Do You Need A Good A 1945—-1500cwt. 4-wheel drive, Licensed, good condition Superior Auto Service LIMITED Phone Green 217 Oy VALUES $495: $350°° $650°°° $4650-° il-Purpose Truck? 575" ibber RE - ROOF NOW | Your Reof May Not Last T We will give your free estimates on re-rooting with asphalt and cedar shingles Greer & Bridden Ltd. 115 Ist Ave. West Phone 909 hrough Another Year P.O. Box 721 of For the MEAL th BES! OF FOOD FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 | at REFRESHES | FINES) OF | COOKING GIT Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effi- ient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd for Oxygen, Acetylene and all t ing uppl es LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED d Park Avenues Phones 60 and 68 Cor: 2! d ar ' Popular Steamer Prince Rupert bAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Porta Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGH't Comfort and Service For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. RC. at USED CARS PREFECT 1951 34285 1950 MONARCH SEDAN oo. eee 1 King 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN ‘niy M295 ti nomy ¢ Radio, heats seat Covey SPECIAL! SPECIAL! One Only— 1950 MONARCH Convertible Every extra, *2975 When shopping for a GOOD. USED CAR—try “The Home of Friendly Service” Bob Parker Ltd. a dream car 220 Sixth St Films Developed anf For the East— From the Eas LING THE TA Tailoring - Alien and Clothes Made-te. PORTRAITS PRO MPT SER Train Sc STANDARD f Daily excep Daily except Wy | Naty (All Times Dayligit VANCOUYE) and VIC Friday, Camosui, FOR NORTE G l CHARL orre Aug. 27, Sevt it SS Coqui . vor souTi ‘ CHARLOTTE Aug. 20, Sept FRANK 1.5 Prince oil sDhird Aypaue Chinese ~ Chop Suey: Open 6 pabe ’ HOLLYW For Outside oni Phone 93 BROADWAY CAFE BLONDIE peat e rae “( RAVING MAD vat ABOUT —( Pg SOMETHING TRAN ont ‘wae 4 —-|| Es heAiiR esonilgnin’ oT ae ncenee Saeeee