HTiy not W ion National Park, the n,wly opened Wonderland in Southern Utah, this Summer? Ask lor booklet in net-ursl colors, which fives complete in' lormation con-eernini this uiu'gix land. Round Trip 1 Summer Excursion Fares lo (fleet dally bctwceu May 22 and Sept. IS Denstr . $126.00 Cleveland $150.56 Omilu 125.63 Toronto .161.75 City . 126.00 Pittsburgh . 167.76 St. Louie . . . 129.50 Washington .. 1S9.56 Chicago .. 134.00 Philadelphia . 192.92 Oatrolt 153.62 New York . 165.40 "Cincinnati 164.30 Bolton 201.50 Votnpondmt l to other important center! Final return limit October 31, 1925. Liberal stopover privilege going and returning. A tide trip to Yellowstone at small additional coat will afford the experience of a life time. i ..u.a n4 1 m.ire ail voiir arrnnvrs. .11 UB UI - . . inents. t-osis "j i -. UNION PACIMC 5 1 b 1 tlYl 1405 -4th Avenue and Union Station, Seattle, wasnington. Just What I Wanted! when u see our splendid Lniuh Ha.4ul- for PARTIES S( ing. well made, goml appearance and very le ;i pru'e. . . .... s. .: .. $2.40 U.V&xli . .. 52.00 JlxJ Ixlrt $2-40 .5V 1' per Plates 15c doz.; ilz. for ,. . 25c I Pi pt r Plate-, per tin . l-isli Baskets at special reduced prices. 15c 0RMES LIMITED The Rexall Store WATSON'S TONIC ALE AND STOUT Kuv to make, easy lo din most whole- "iiie iiud nourishing ilaily di iik. each 75c OLD FASHIONED ENGLISH TOFFEE V ileltci'Mis wrnppeil Tin fen made by- (iuiiong-. I't'rih. 60c 3rd Avenue and 6th St. WATERCLASS One tin preserves aboul 2 1 dozen eggs. Huy and preserve them while lliey are cheap. Per tin . . 25c KODAKS, FILMS, SUPPLIES Developing ami Printing for Amateurs. Films brought in before noon will be finished llitf sniue day. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists Sunday and Holiday Hours From Noon to 2 P.M. and from 7 P.M. to 0 P.M. RAW FURS ir you want lo bo paid highest possible CASH prices fr your HAW FUIIS, forward them In R, S. ROBINSON & SONS, LTD. Branch Receiving Offico: 1225-6 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. "Pad Offico: H.S.H. llblg.. Jo 5 1 Louise St., Winnipeg, Mini. i. Et.l. 1 8s:i. Incorporaloil 1020 Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarino Prince Ruport." TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Or. G01 B'ack 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones 687 1 530 Black 735 Gr. 601 H.C. Undertakers. Phono 41. La .Parisicnno Iteauty Shop, ourth St.. Phone 301. You'll like our-joall s Coal Co. Ph'ono 7. St. Peter's Chinch. Seal Cove, llnzaar, Saturday", Juno 0, Met. ropole Hall. Mr.. Fred llejining will receive tomorrow Wednesday and no: tin until Fall. ttoherl U. (iosse, homager of Hie (iossc-Millerd Packing Co who nas lieeu vtsitinsr the coin- any' s plant al Sunny. side, wjl! sail this afternoon on the Car- lena for Namu. women or -Moosclnart. Legion Whist Drive and Social evening Melropole Hall, Tuesday, May ID, 'J p.m. Hefrcshnicnts. Pro- ei'ds for Children's Ward Fund lolled ion at door. 1 18 v social evening will he livid in the lower hall of fcl. Andrew s ' Anglican Church at 8 l'hursday. May 21, to which all vnglicans are cordially Invited. good program and refresh ments. 118 C.O.M.M. freighter Canadian Prospector, on the local dry dock for overhaul, bad to have more tvnrk done on her than was an-licipatcd and it is not likely thai he will tret awny for Vancouver. he fore Wednesday. A steel can buoy painted in lack and red horizontal bands iias heen established in six fathoms off 'the southeast euse if -Hie one ami Miree quarter lallmiu patch of Alexandra hank in Chatham Sound. U. II. Miller, seneral auditor of 1 1n While Pass it Yukon Itailway, and Mrs. Miller wen passengers going through oil the I'riirftfsfi ntarv last uizhl re turning rTurljb after having ,ienr the vvinler. the soiiui.-, COAL $14.50. Double-screened The Best." Ladysmlth- Welllngton tump. Peerless Egg, $11.00. Peerless stove, 12.S0. No soot, clinker, 1 1 1 t'c ash and no slack. Prince Rupert Cpal Co. Phone 15. tf I.. J. Uuaulie, (... li. superin- leiidenl of motive power and car equipment willi headquarters in Vancouver, is here on a trio of inspection. Accompanied by A. I. Wall, divisional master mechanic, he arrived from the interior on last night's train. Delayed by fog. CP. II. sleamer Princess Mary, Capt. C. C. Sahlt-ey, did not arrive from the south until 10 o'clock 'last nteht. The vessel continued her voyage It-Alaska leaving here at .midnight. She hail a large number of passengers, most of them being re luming employees of the Yukon While Pass Hallway Co. . A number of young people were the guests yesterday evening of the graduate nurses ami nurses in training al the Nurses' Home, 'the evening was delight fully spent in dancing to music furnished hy Miss Irene Morrison at the piano. ltcfrchmcnl were served at II o'clock, the parly breaking up at midnight. Passengers booked to sail this afternoon for the .south on the Cardena include Mr. and Mrs. II SI. (5. ' Leo ami family, Missi Knoelle, X. P. Scolder, Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Smith for Van comer, ami Holier! C. Oosse for Nainu. .The Cardena arrived at: 11.15 (his morning from Stew-' art. Anyox ami Alice Arm rind will sail for the south al 5 o'clock.. this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. II. SI. 0. Leo ami family are sailing Ibis afternoon on the Cardena for Van couver enroule lo Calgary where Mr. Lee will lake over his new ililies as assistant manager ot the Hank of Montreal after many years service liere as maunger. Donald Paterson. who comes i from Calgary lo succeed Mr. Leo arrived in I he city lasl night on the Princess Mary accompanied hy Mrs. Palorson. . i ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Pic-nic June 28. THE DAILI HEWS PAGE THRRH T Accounts up lo May 15 total ling 8,5 SS.tJK were passed for Local a id Personal I payment by the city council last night. The Provincial Cnvenimenl is askinfr for tenders for the construction of a one roomed school trio he erected at Fort Frascr. The Provincial (iovrrntncnl is asking hids for the launch I.eila II.-which Is o no sow. Mio is bfiiif? replaceil by the new for entry hoat Lillian I). The F.lks' .llevue in aid of Hit kiddies flag day and relief fund Kvcrybody Hiking pari please, at - lend a complete rehearsal in Klks' Home nn-..Wt'dnesday at K p.m. On recommendation of the fi nance committee, the city cotiu cil last night accented, an offer of l!5 rash from C. K. Ylre-hCrg for lax sale lots 25 and -0 block 8, section 7. Coal S14.50. Double- screened Nanalmo-Welllng-'ton positively the best domestic coal in British Columbia. Albert & Mc-Caffcry, Ltd. ..Phono 5G4 and 116. If II. A. Dixon, C.N.H. chief en gmeer Willi headquarters in Vancouver, will arrive from Van couver mo the Prinl-e (Jeorge to morrow innrniu'i? in the coursi of a trio of inspection. He will proceed east from here hy train John W. Alien, marine super iulendenl for IIk Dominion Fish erles, is registered at Hie Print lluperi Hotel. He arrived in tin eilv at the end of tin- week afte ;i trip lo district points oii tin steamer Malispina which, left foi he south yesterday afternoon. The city council last nigh! ordered payment of H77 ti Hose, Cowan I. alia, this hein the city s share in the cos! o the Itooklet recently issued hy the board of trade setting forth Prince Hupert's claims as an outlet for the Peace Hiver Valley C . .. .. M)W I KUKl'I.OUis v. t;oics piano, luiier, .,tpr many year Willi the lfrtltsinead. Loudon F.iil'. Martin-Onne, Ottawa am Mason and Hisch, Toronto. He airs ami adjusliiienls of player pianos, antl grtiT'Is a specially Order niayW'ifft al the Hole Central. Molorship Kellingham. Capl ben Williams, arrived in port al 1 1 o'clock this morning frou. Kplcliikan. She brought ten boxes of frozen fish In the Can adian Fish & Cold Storage Co and is loading' lv'o carloads o: liuplate al the ocean dock foi Alaska canneries. A bylaw authorizing tin changing ,of the dales .for the application of ' percentage addi tions lo local improvement taxes frotn July I to October I to Oct ober I and December 15 was put 'hrough its first readings al the meeting of the city council lasl night. The additions referred .to are to per cent and 5 per ccn ( s pee I i v e ly HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert John W. AMlen. ('.. Walker, .V Muicliie, C. J. (Jiianlic, W. D. I.tiytnn. W. S. Waring, I.. F. Coles, .1. H. Watson and Mrs. J. Vallauce, Vancouver; James Lamb, Cassiar; A. 0. Knowlaml and M. Silverling. Winnipeg; A. Frost, Terrace; 11. (Ubson. Port Kssinglon: II. Watson. Los Angeles; M. L. Clark, (ieoigetow: KEEP COOLI ce Cream A Purely Homa Made Product Wc have recently installed the latest typo of Ice Cream making equipment and me now'in a position ti make ami supply ICF. CI t F.AM equal to anything produced in Canada. NO SU3STITUTES ALL PURE FRESH CREAM Try it and he convinced KILLAS&CHR1ST0PHER Wholesale and Hetall Da Luxe and Royal Ico Cream Parlors Phones 193 and 17 It is a hearty breakfast when it comes to nutrition, but a light breakfast when it comes to digestion. Shredded Wheat contains all the body-building elements in the whole wheat grain prepared in a digestible form. The crisp, flavory shreds of oven-baked whole wheat encourage thorough chewing, and that means perfect 3 digestion. Contains more real nutriment than meat or eggs. Shredded Wheat is ready-cooked and ready-to-eat saves fuel saves time, saves money. Two Biscuits Milts; A. Wall. C.N.K.; A. Ouoil- enough, Sinilhers; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Paterson, Calgary; Jame-Davidson, Nc.w Wesl minster. Central J. Larson, ltutedale; U. L. (iiistfuilen, C.N.H.; K. 'Church. day spot'. . rr -t PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 Tuesday, May 19. High J 1 :38 a.m. 17.8 Jl. 23:45 p.m. -'0.2 " Low 5:31) a.m. S.C 't 17:31 p.m. 5.7 " Wednesday, May 20 High 12:23 p.m. 18.2 ft. Low 0:21 a.m. 3.0, " 18:10 p.m. 5.U " Thursday. May 21 High 0:2 1 a.m. 20.0 fl. 13:04 p.m. 18.4 " Low 7.00,' a.m. 2.0 " 18:55 p.m. G.2 " "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Prlnct Rupert Eltctorsl District. Macksnil Electoral District. 1 .NOTICE is hercDj' mven that 1 fliall, a Monday, tin1 ISlli day or May, IViT.. 1 1 the hour of 111 o'clock In the rorenoon, t llir Court House, 1'rlniT Itiipert, hold a tiling or the Court or llevlslon ror the iinx''' or rrvwwr the lists or volers ror .he Kilri Klt-rloral Districts, and or hrarlnx ,nd Hf.ti.rtiiiinnz jmiv and all oljici'tlons to Iho retention or iiy iiainc on the !'! nr tn thn rpirlstration as 1 voter or any ailicant Tor retrlnlralloii: ' and fr 'v oini-r i urHw"' soi lomi in n vlnrlal KlTtlons Art." ..... Patort at ertnee iiuihti, u.;., mis i" day or April, lBvl. ' INHUMAN A. WATT. Ilcglstrar ot Viilcrs ror the I'rlncc IIUIHTI ana iairiiii r.inw Pislricli. LAND ACT, . Notlc of "Intention to Apply to Lease Lands. In Ihi- Land liprordlnit Plslrlct ol riniv ImiH-rt, and sltuari! on the ntrlh west niasl or I'caix' Island, H.t:.. aMii inatcly rive miles north rrom the inoiilli .r VMl'nlci- llsrhor. Take .Notice that Oiwsc-VUllenl Lltulled ,r Vancouver, H.t:.. oci iiHtlon paikfi. .nlends- to apl'ly rr M'v r tno rul" ovvinit (IfscillitMl lands: Coinuu-neliiR at a (Mist pluitteU amirox mutely rive lulles norlh rrom the mouth Vv.nler llai'tior. I'liars Island: ihenii-i.i.lhwest iwo (Si chains, more or less. , low water murk; thence northeast ahum' low water mark one hundred ami Ixly (IBi chains: tin-nee. southeast hundred and IUy 1 1 chains, more or, 'e.s to H1ut r coiiiiiK'nceniciit and con atninit Uitrty-lwti (3 arrmi. more or ' tlOSSK-MII.LKIUl I.IMITKP. anle or Apiilj'-liul. i Paled vayjatii. ... i MiutAiDi r tvlTrnfi PROTECTION ACT.' I DCRft 4AOC. CHAPTER 115. TIIOMVS TIIOTIKII. or the :H or Prince lluiHTt, In the Province r Knuili C.oluinhia, IIKHKRY OlVKs MiTh K that I has under Section 7 or the said An d posited with the Minister 'r Pnhllc Wi.rks at Ottawa, and in the orrice ,.r the p s trlct ncftlslrar or the Land Meirlsliy Ills , trlel nf Prince rtiiperl. at Prince llupert. , HO a rtosrrlpll'in r the site ami plans or a wharr and pier propound In be liuill , In tlM Prince Unpen Harbor. Prince luipert, B.C. on all ihnsf portions or; waterrront block 0. plan . sertton 1. Prince Ilnprrt, Provlnco of llrltlsh Coluni- .. . ti.n .nnitrlntiint ri.MstHII Mild ttlO ' i, in iherenr entilAliunff In i all an area or t SH-luuin acres, mure in 'PAN0 TAKE NOTICE Ihsl rter the M-i.... ..r .ia tnnnth fpnm Ibn risle of the first puhllcalloii or this Notice Thomas Trotler will under section 7 of the said, tct applv to Ihe Minister of pnhllc Works at his orrice In the City or Ottawa. ..-I A alio tni Tiliirikl tlrt l Tor leave to rontruct the mUI wliarr and 'Paletl at rrlnro Rupert. H.C., this Oth d,y or April, im. w nnjirn Bv VIIMain. Mnnson k Onttnle. Lis solleiior. with milk make a perfect meal at a cost of a few cents. The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. s dded NLl.r. Falls. Ontario I HcMostjbod Jbr least money" WHITE FABRICS For Summer Wear SATIN METEOR A ru b lustrous suliu for sport skirls. Cleans or launders beniilirully. iU inches wide. Wortli $2.25. Per Vartl ... ... .. $1.75 SILKE CREPE-DE-CHINE it) incli silk which makes up economically into tlresses, blouses or garments Tor intimate wear. Formerly $2.00. Special per yard . . $1.35 FRENCH LINENS A popular fabric for wash dresses, (iiiuraulevd lo give satisfactory service. "(I inches wide. Heg. l'er yard 51.25 i CREPE MORACAINE The nevvesl ami latest word in summer wash goods. Art Hilk and Col-Ion mixture. :H5 inches wide. Ileg. Sl-TTi. .Sjiecia' per yard . . . $1.00 CREAM FLANNEL FOR TENNIS AND SPORT WEAR 51 inch Kuglish Flannel Medium Weight Regular $2.00 value Special per yartf $1.75 West of England Store Phone 753. OUR COAUS MAKING WARM FRIENDS Double Screened NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL at $14.50 Per Ton is not an expense but an investment It is positively the best domestic coal in Uritish Columbia today. GIVES MORE HEAT NO SOOT, NO ASH Don't Take our Word Tor il Test il. Wc are agents for the l.H. Spruce Mills Ltd. Uuibting Materials at Mill Prices Phone 564 or 116 ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. SALMON TR OLLERS He fore outlining il will pay you to inspect our lino of Trolling Hear. Wc have a new line of Salmon Hooks, Swlvells, Cuttyhunk and Goar ol all kinds. In our stock yon will rinit everything you require Anchors, Ropo, Chain, Marine Hardware or all kinds, Hull and Copper Paints, Galley Stoves ami Utensils. If it's for the I mat we have it. Hoals are lost every year by fire have you got your Pyrcne Fire Extinguisher yet? We sell thenu Call and see us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second, Ave. (Near Post Office)