Prit ince Rupert Daily News lay, August 30, 1952 alge Wee Ws Le First Cobalt sent ESTHER WILLIAMS - J04 SUeneeeeeceeeeeee eee ee eee fas WATERFRONT 7 Bomb Sent | in "SKIRTS AHOY"" ~ 1 | | WHIFFS Bella Bella Area Opens Bella Bella area of the Northern district opens to all salmon net fishing this weekend following a : . ; : “4 oe. a 3 ings. closure for conservation, the Fisheries Department) The tian idilled th’ w“phes- 3 a nie BS So. F leiva 7 * saat i announced today. Se “SSS ‘ |sive 7000-pound eineetans built : ae ingl lan W a Chinese crew | by an Ottawa firm, is being car- the only complete area glishman With a Chinese crew | To CENTRAL AMERICA— ya ttaw en n, is b 8 | to net fishing in the dis- 18 @ue in Prince Rupert this af- | . B . 4620] ried in a sealed car under spt- : ae 4 asda i As sernier i ° ternoon. The vessel is to load ai M nena been appoint cial orders. If the cobalt were 2iCb ; nas Cilia VUalit@ : tvrti Other partial areas now open} C4Ts° of barley. She is called the} @ a oe ‘On ta | not shielded and controlled, it Lil@l etl bac areas 7 s nc} US LE > ; ra ~ can Venus” an hile not » , } jwould give off 1 00 times the if include Whale Channel, Fisher) VC! al rie eal Sb: 1a and titular ae a give = — Saree ean : : r pan » is kn to be radiation ¢ ‘rson st¢ ( nnel, Fitzhugh Sound, to!!! é she 1s KNOW eel. f Laodicee, Msgr. |Tadiation a person a - fishing Dean Channel, CO?Uns from some port in Asia a ni thie Cen- }feet away could safely absorb Bella Coola ‘and Namu open to This is believed to be the first | ar The huge machine, which is Smith | time a steamer having a British | sola for $48,000, only contains Plus gillnetting; Rivers and Smi : : , since. 1948 as Charge DEALERSHIP AVAILABLE Inlet, open to all net fishing; | SX#PPper and a Chinese crew has an at the Hunclatuws lthe weight of cobalt equal to Skee na River and small portion come here : . that of 10 nickels. It is the first , CARTOON of the Naas, open to gillnets of jsuch therapy unit built by NEWS ‘ns ‘ ‘ Tee Es Sailing to resume her duties ° |Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd / 612-inch mesh . a : Vancouver British Car Distributor a-inch mesh. e000 sockeye |i the Atlantic, HMS Sheffield Shi pyard Men lin te Detewa caburb of: Maat: — -leared from Vancouver sa view it x n . * ‘ Has popular line of cars available for an have passed the counting fence oe oe Van — Thurs view, but within a year th Evening Shows 7 - 9:06 —. Monday Mati to B I massing the Gay after more than a week’s / id off Wor company plans to pracure th inee 1 A oo 7 into Babine Lake Pp ings tune itic olu vite . 5 " axclaane Qynetesine Babine slide which cut ; off most | *" ody a+ di a Mae Bm SNe OF VE fem Ber- he soc t st ie tails with reference to premises of th ockeye migration la e there in \.NCOUVER ) union | yeal rg ? ' i in the geht we ; , # ! backing and name of your banke vue ‘tober. More than ten thous- |] aid Frida thal 1000 . oe er 7: 9:05 p.m. “THE AFRICAN QUEEN” sini ; ; f a feancer up now, costs from) Ftc and visitors boarded the warship. | 1 iad been laid off by Van-|°4” ip to no : A freighter commanded by an . vd n the last 19|'WO to five times as much as Reply Box No. 477, Daily News rroricreen witenrmeenennernL am en e ten : ee oe a ee the cobal 60-beam therapy MONDAY to WEDNESDAY unit. Demand for these units is| week inclu ied th Dagney the Bill Whit president, of the ; Robert Eugene, the Cape St, Elias ; Marine Work and Boilermak- | h&8vy BEG Syn neve, "eee T O T Ee M a of the Victoria Fisheries, and |; Union, local 1 (CCL), said pours is ine rom ( inadian and te AL the Silver Wave, of Pelican, nen have been told they ' ‘On ‘ ee ma \ Famous Piayers Theatre STAR Wi Alaska i e rehired in November if nly two ‘ a-| : — re Lc good food : : tor tham hints ure operwting in Rennss taste is Tuna fishing has been any Officia Burrard Drydock |! bie re ne = Eee versity of Saskatche- ' thing but active down the coast, ny would not comment niversity of Saskatche a ‘ , Tr} tHe tel van he other—built to Atomic during the summ« This applies | j : , ee off the Washington and Oregon isis anada specifications y it—at a London, coasts, the report being made by t not by Make Your the United States Fish and Wild- Try Daily News Want Ads | oni neer clinic = . life Servic vessél] “John WN Printing Matter | °°” Part of | 7 PRE-HOLIDAY MIDNITE SHOW The Grimsby ship Valafell Was. SUNDAY at MIDNITE 3 SKEITAN Bais! | a : recently arrested for fishing off os 2 Your Business |\'%o risus coast and fined 300 pv HOWARD KEE} LL CREDIT Wallace's of Course To Vancouver WINNIPEG A radioactive cobalt bomb for the treatment lof eancer passed through here jby rail today on its way Ww * |Vancouver where a British Co-| lumbia clinic will shortly begin using it in the fight to kill can- cerous growth on human be- A Dignified Budget Payment Plan Wallace's feature a handy monthly Budget Payment Plan te fit the convenience of their customers who desire this form of buying. Your inquiry is earnestly invited. Wallace's Department Store eon seine ; & t Republic of X-ray equipment, which ‘wait ENDS TODAY HUMPHRI y BOGART been used MU roubles. Tha £27. Another, tm ee ; Did it ever occur to you that 3rontes. Was seized by an Tet TOTEM d CAPITOL Phamnin INE CLOT HES you need distinctive printed land inspector d fined 75,000 an Marge & Gower Champion : 1atter for your particular croner and equipment confiseat : Ang Miler a usiness? ed, and the Royal Marine was RESTON FOSTER DON BARRY . \& Ls Lsa Gabor - Kurt Kesznar ME | ordered to pay fines and dam VIRGINIA GREY MARJORIE STEELE |, -tecemaeneton i i! N and WOMEN * , mounting 69,000 Krone! in in . “n« * JEROME Stine nadtCuneday it will bw ‘ , KERN & SUITS 4 TOPCOATS + SLACKS Type feces, give. youll cond aay. monthe before tm THREE ‘TOUGH | & utst nding distinctiveness : SS Prince Ge ret 1 Puente n e Largest Selection at ™ Ranged chien gs cidb specs Rupee Atte + Same MEN’ ASSIGNMENT’ _—Extra— EVENING Sf ct ul N '€ the ta lor pam on aes i. ae h . A Western Story A Newspaper Stor; TURNTALE WOLF” Net saattall Sma vhona 64g |OIDD Printing Co. a.e»,scrshsic.o 2m. ,_.Ove Shawing Onto Sach Thee. NEWS ADS Get RESE hoof WE HAVE A COMPLETE RANGE OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES Pencils Stenographer Scribblers Note Books p i Jinnor Bi . Ete is For fresh, glowing color that brings new encil Boxes ppe nders beauty to your home, choose MIRACLE a i ; f Ei ENAMEL. It’s easily applied, dries quickly Scotch Tans Ring Binders a to a sparkling finish. Available in many p Clips lovely, lasting shades. ASK FOR FREE aper ips Graph Paper " FOLDERS ON LOVELIER HOME Bas COLOR HARMONY! Ink Ser ,00ks mm aren pnens Fountain Pens MARSHALL WELLS Erasors Sch PAINTS -VARNISHES +> ENAMELS chool Wallets SOLD BY 137-7 Li Rulers Typina P Water Colors yping Paper Lunch Boxes Kaien Co-Op Hardware Music Dictation 251 3rd Ave. Phone 179 Books ° oO. Lettering Pens Exercise Books oo . | ANNOUNCING ‘oe fo Sasvik tal tak Pencil Sharpeners ’ ae DBP arm, = AA Lead Pencil Refils Set Squares and th OPENING f AS 9 . == Protractors e O Ke cant Pen Hold yy a Paint Brushes mt M E N A K D T R E ES : DIXON'S GRI iL Jack Steele, Montana-born but a British Columbian f f lots ‘ wf and a logger for over thirty, is a boom foreman. Ma! all ane son and two daughters, Jack's job, and his family’s livelinoe® to te — nd in E HOP : on a perpetual stream of logs pouring out of the woods en? British an 7 booming ground. Directly or indirectly, the livelihood 0°! every Columbian depends on the forest. resource. Practice Pads Loose Leaf Refills Typewriter Tablets I1OOHODS CHECK NUMBER OF EACH !TEM NEEDED Gum Stars Crayons Pens Library Paste Loose Leaf Rings Compasses CLIP: THES OUT THE IDEAL SPOT TO STOP IN 7 Protect Your Prosperity 5s ia Green SCHOOL OPPOSITE FOR A LIGHT LUNCH Keep British Columbia Gr STARTS | a was TUESDAY, / Le oy CAPITOL 213 Sixth Street Phone Red 92 SEPT. 2nd. yee) ae ‘ THEATRE CHEIS DLXON, Proprietor =