PACK TWO AsK Your Grocer mm s for a trial package of ALADA" Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 93 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION .Hills Er tt London Biy Gin The Gin you will aik for again the itandard of purity for over 160 yean. $3.25 A BOTTLE The Gin lor you it II. a U. 86 H400 It will prove its superiority in the tea pot Try it today. The Daily News PRINCE RUPKHT - BRITISH' COLUMBIA Published. Kvery Aflernoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLHN, Managing FIditor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' Cily Delivery, by mail or carrier, per mouth $1.00 By mail to all parts of Ihe British Knipire and the United , Slates, in ndvnnee, per year 80.00 To all oilier eoiinlries. in advance, per year 7.."i0 fjn Monday, January :'fi.x 125. Eclipse Once Caused Fear Among People. In the old days when it was nol known I lint the world was a ball travelling through space and that it w'as possible for the moon to come between the siiii and the earth or for the earth lo come between the sun and moon, an eclipse was looked upon a ait awesoue thing. Now it is known years ahead when an eclipse is to take place and, when it comes, j is simply a matter of scientific interest. On this occasion the scientists were out a few seconds in their calculations. As they become more expert nnd'prorit by experience, it is probable that there will not be even that much variation. Canadian To Lecture In United States. Canadians often excel and are in much demand in the I'niled .Stales. The latest example Of this is the engaging ol Rev. (i, O. Fallis'or Vancouver by the Ellison' White-'Chautauqua and Lyceum Association to lecture during the summer months. The subject, "The Problems uf World Peace," will be one ol greal interest on cither side of the line. Air. rants ts a splendid speaker. In fact he is an orator. lie not oiilyfias something to say every lime he gets up to speak, but he says it with eloquence, lie lias the power lo en those his-mUlieiico and carry Iheni away on his flights of oratory hi t a greal Ifiiug for both countries to have men visit across llie hue carrying a message, especially a peace message. .Mr. Knllis is eminently filled fordoing that. He served at (lie front during (he war a a chaplain ;ind he has consequently seed much of life, lie will do Canada credit. Choose Archbishop For North Country. , It is hardly likely that Prince Rupert will again Je the home of an archbishop Tor some time lo come. It does not follow Hint because a bishop is appointed for this diocese Hint he will be an archbishop. It is quite posib!e thai one of Ihe bishops-in Ihe south will be made archbishop and thai this diocese will have to content itself willi a bishop. If a tiishop is to be appointed here lo have charge of this diocese, a great many people will hope Hint the position may go ' lo ArHideacoifRix who is at present acting as I mi pantry n,. miutstraior n In'. .In', I.. i. or ,.f II,.. .K. ..... 'PI... t I.. I I . . i' ,. the diocese. The Arcln eacon understands llie people of Ihe north and would carry on the policy laid down by the late Archbishop DuVernet. He knows llie diocese belter than any other man, probably, and would uphold all its traditions. ..Nut knowing anjilhing about Church polilv we do not know if his rlmice would be in order, but H it is, we know of no appointment Hint would be more popular in the north. Linking Peace River With Pacific Coast. Premier Oliver favors extension of Ihe Hdninnloti and Dutw vegan Railway lo connect up with existing routes u tR. pacific Coast andis opposetl to spending .money in, opening up new sources or coal supply while Ihe present coal mines are not working ttji capacity. That rne.iins- be opose.d la the Brule railroad and. favors ti line coming bill at Prini Ceorge lo cmi-necl op with the P.d.K. By tloing that both Prince Itnpeit ami Vancouver woubl be served, ami the Peace Biver would be real I v opened .up. Prince Rupert will agree with the Premier in his sland. What they watild like would be to have Ihe out lei on Ibis side or the mountains so that the Brilish Columbia part id the Peac River country should be opened up. The other line would lie absolutely no benefit lo Ibis province from nn agriciil-lural point of view. Vancouver is with llie Premier in this mauer. and prince Unpen, we think, will also be ready him in it. This adverlUement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Uriti?h Columbia. the parly. It is more lliiin probable .Mr. Harrison would ercepl, Ihoiiidi, jo forced lo j:ive up several lucra-tie government appointments which lie Is averse lo"do for Hie honor of the position which at best is- au empty honor, judged by llie success of the present incumbent. "However, concensus of opinion is that .Mr. Harrison would be Hie logical candidate. There Monday and Tuesday "Horn Rich" "Fast steppers." Serie No. C. International News. Wednesday and Thursday Belly Compson in "The Female." Comedy. Fox Xews-(iazetle. Friday and Saturday Cecil It. 'I)e ..Mille's production "Feel of Clay." Topics of ihe Day. SOCIETY GIRLS IN ACROBATIC STUNTS The pleasures or the rich ar revealed in "Born llich," a First National picture, direi'led by ill Nigh, which is here Iniiigbl. It Is hascd on Huglies (Cornell's novel of .New ork Society, and it is a colorful drama of high life. One nf ils unusual episodes depicts" a "party" in progress. The host, n millionaire New Yorker, had seep lo it Rial nothing "was lacking jV the Wfliv nf in I h In in hj " t pari". 0fr the program consisted of :i a group or ncrob.ils. .rter the net had been Com peted there was a lull in the proceedings. "I'll bet you can't turn a handspring the way those acrobat did, HI lid," challenged an entrancing young girl. Whereupon made a valorous attempt lo iuiilale the ncrohal ami eniliM l,v f:illi'ii.r lo back awkwardly, lo the floor. Titer was a chorus of shouts, and - within a few minutes (lie entire asscmbhtue of Jneinhers of llie J younger se was engaged in amateur acrobatics willf ludicrous ! results. It was a novelty in j pleasure seeking for Ihe parliri-Ipaul, who wearied by their fail-lure lo find soiuelhink new under Jtlte sun in Hie way of diversion round it in the allih-lic APPEALING STORY OF LOVE LAUGHS AND REAL THRILLS Betty Compson Stars In "Thei Female" Here at the Mid-Week "The Female" js a grippn;r "lory nl a primitive South .Uri-can girl and two men over whom she exercises a str.mirn Invn power. II shows a native farm! 1 the daily rrcrcn Monday, .fanuarv ?.. Offered Tory Nomination to Provincial House but Refused to be Candidate Jty C Harrison., Prior to llie war there were over six hundred st'lllt'iv and' miners on llie, (.tneen (illnrlotte Islands whose' names were on: the voters' list ami (herfore entitled to vide. ..Several of Ihei prominent Jiien came to see me and wished nie to stand as a 'andi'late. for llie legislative assembly in Victoria.. One of 1 1 1 j leading papers had "my photograph enlarged niid' printed on (hei first page of Ihe paper with the headlines in large letters' I 'Want Pioneer in Race for Legislature." The following nrli-j He was also printed ' ! "According lo the best infor-j million nliluinalili). ,he ('onser-j alie organization is going to advance tlic name of Stipendiary) .Magistrate Charles Harrison a a! candidate of llie lition, is a forcifid mid willy peaker. Refused Nomination "The fact thai he lias lived for Conservative more than thirty years on the (Jueen Cliarlollc Islands in itself; would commend him as a randi- o doing, he would he dale to voters of this district 'who i have received so tilth attention' from their present rcpresenla-1 live, William Mansun." I refused lit stand as Mr. Man-son was a personal friend of mine and quite capable of at- lending to the reiiuiremeuls of his constituents. I have done' my lies! in these, articles to give a correct ilescrin- (s mil Ihe slightest doubt that, j lion or llie "Charlottes," and I harked by the Conservative or-! hope they will bo accepted ac-panizalion. he would win. II is 'rordiugly and that belter pens more than probable also. Hial.jlhau mine wHl' continue 'to five were he lo run as an Indepen-: the hislury "ami describe. Hie na-dcnl, he would win: lor no man; oral resource' of lliese islands is heller known in the north and until they come into the proni-none is more respected. He has inence they are justly entitled lo. a very wide grasp of affairs,, (Kditnr's Note This is Ihe political, ami business, inlclli- last of Mr. Harrison's series of gent to a 'higher degree than Ihe articles inn Ihe (Jueen P.har-average man attains, and in ad- hdle Islands.) WEEK AT THEATRE jand his wife in search for a lost in nieels'the same fate. There finally entries a big, strapping fellow, who Is more pcrsislrul, more masculine, more lii'lei'iiiini-.l than the rest. He keeps on Hie trail oMhls heault- hv a really ma1 ami .renuine infaliiiitiiin. 11? compier-s her in the- end, but tin love rear is brought" In a cliimn in a very thrilling, scene in which Halla drives oft about to altark the finds she really loves. FEET OF CLAY HErT FOR THE WEEK END De Mllle's Feature Film Shows Beach Scenes and Life ' ; Aboard' Yacht B. I)e Mille'AMalr.M ! production here at Hie week end is an adaptation of Ihe immensely popular magazine serial by thai name by Mar-garella Tiillle. Travelling fn its locale be-Iween a brilliant winter resort, a llarleiii flat and a' gorgeous eye-rilling home or wealth, "Feel or Clay'' is one or the most eiileiiaiuinjf productions ONLY THE MOTHER KNOWS ABOUT THE COUGHS AND COLDS OF THE CHILDREN It l Imrrt lo ke.-p Hdiii fnini luktnir I'ulil; they will run tun of diuiri nut rn-rly, ir have on Kmi iiiiii Ii I'luihlnir; l"y too imm anil trot iiver-lii'iitert. mil una reineilv nn etielleni for Ihelr ineillrinn I child. hushing through lliei thickest of Ihe underbrush, Iheyj hear a low piii-rhi: and are at-1 traded to a spot wherein Iheyj find (heir two-year-out . babv i contentedly playing in a nest of1 i i "iviif ii-iiiiatrMniitt j iMTiniMHWinrin-Tf in'iViiWiir tr-wTTr3 ife j!? im? '7 J lion cubs. Because of this ex-j ' perfi-nce, I lie girl is nicknamed! I'e.Millc has ever offernd the I "Dalla, Ihe Lion Cuh," and a picture public. ' she grows up, a -great beaulv.j The story starts with a yacht, she lives that old saying I hat iug parly at Calalina Island. All "Ihe female of the species il sorts of heaeli novelties are more deadly than, the male." worked into a series of colorful From a cub' she grows In a! scenes which in costume coin-lioness, and throughout her I if- bine bathing suits on lowly ;lhis girl is a snaiipy, snarling, girls with Ihe latest summer lhack-rire voting miss. She leaves; creations oT Hie modiste and the jlhe trademark of her ferocity on! tailor. The eye-filling piece de many a man. The .greatest lover 'of tliis African dislriri: one bv . ',.. Irv lo con.lliei- her.' :in.l nneli' turn turn Born Rich" la , a story told lnlful hwM Picture of Life Among New York's rich resistance is a race between twenty girls in jnrifey battling suits on surr.boards behind fast spceilhoals. Capping I ii ln'arh scenes is a luxurious seipiCuce alioitrd Hie world's large!' yacht. ' It is aioidsl Ihe sp'aiotis comfort oT Ibis Hiii'e-liiiihlreil-fiDit pleasure craft Ibal ilramutlc scenes occur, rollowiiig a wiiTer series where i.a llocipie's fojjl is iniiugled in a right with aVhark. In Hie sliil-v .Inli.i I'n vo l " v ' ' a lion that s Aveallliy half-ster itf the pen man she oHess era Heyliohls,. has a "society cat" part of Ihe sort which gained -Iter such a repula-Ihm in ''Sat unlay Night, I'ri- iimph," and oilier pictures. She, her husband. Hubert 1'ilcsou, and lUcardo Cortez, wealthy ami In low wi(h Vera lleynolds, fuini interlocking tyiJis in a plot which lends. 'In dramatic conseipicuces when llociijie's! foot makes it necessary fol his. new: wire to support her jitlsbaiul. Misumler-Stamliiig Is bl;ed by the situation, which De Ml He solves in a iiubiue mamto.r. A GOOD WAY TO INCREASE BUSINESS . . . jinny auvernsing messages fail lo attract attention hecauso jnii-y .in- i'ii hit unaiiractivo or are loo sloreotyped. This is the opinion of one of I our busiest and rnosl successful business firms Albert a m Onffery, Ltd. They have sue reeded in inlcrc9ling many new customers In the story of the ramous .Nimitimo - Wellington coin ami since the coal Itself lives up lo its reputation these customers ' u are coming back "SICK daily .tally ' -IT t lilenly: el ItiHr reel tt; 1 Ki.k err th ih-ii rimiif at nuht, imi d;'r more.. Natialmo-Wpllington ilnmi thliits Hi)' nmilipr rmi't tireveiu Tin- prmrijit n it DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP coai is me premier fuel for the fireplace, range and furnace. wore ncai less ash no rock or cnnkers. You should try Xanalmo.WcI-linglon ns soon as your nresenL will ... I'lini ..'. k the me i-iiurh I'liiim or or roM row li. any my ', supply "ipiy gels kcis low. low. Heller Iiettep olil slill if wrli.ii lunr Imuhle run pusslbly ilevelnp. ynil order some now VOll can F" '""n. .n.i... rl..-.:.--.My Utile U,yil " C("1 J'0" nro "He nine ynri. liml a OrenrtTuI rol.l wlilili nn mm with i irt eniith. I Irleit tit. Wnoffa Xi.iway cm,, syl'tp. anil after hitlnr three Imttle he wiO H.liit.h'tely re- lleved. wimld aitvi. sl moilirri In ne test now using. Nanalnin - Wellington stands supreme when a comparative lest Is made. In secure a sunrdv nhnno Ai fiMren a n i 11 1 -'tcauery,, who arn son nsrenis here. Their phono n.r ie at ,n firiniji.ji ami fiater. numbers are 110 and 001. tr Fortify yourself against Winter germs by eating Shredded Wheat Biscuit with hot miik. Nothing so nourishing anj satisfying, and nothing so ea y to prepare. Supplies warmti-and strength for work or play, Better than mushy porridges for children because it : mak ; them chew. Two Biscuits with hot milk make a gooa, satisfying meal. The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Mw rIU, Onl.ri. w neat STARTING WASHDAY with the hardest part clone... That'a just what our "Thrif-T-aer-vice" offers. This low priced service does all the washing the hardest part of your work, and irons the fiat work besides. You can pack your boiler and washboard away in the attic and when it comes to, ironing youH have only the wear-ing apparel to do. And the cost is hardly more than for Wet Wash service it's only a few cents a pound. Thrif'T'Service c a pound 5c Per Pound Plus 1c Per Piece , CANADIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS. SenJlt. i.i "It's All in the Shreds M iVo more of this Wo more of this m Wo more of this lust 3 I GET IT AT! j HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS Helgerson Block. p,, 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST HONEST DENTISTRY MEANS RELIABLE DENTISTRY itn.l ..etH.ssarily implies PKH.Sf ),L ntlenlion lo eve.v l ent I his is ,,, kind . ,iy if denlislry i lilVe lo t.frcf "''""lili.unl K.taranlee that goes will, my work GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST