Tt. Jan: :ary t, i5. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRE1 The New Quiet 12 Wins . 1 f NEVtKbctore.muii; years of typewriter uuy hi$-tory.has a new model won such Instant ravui. ... - sands of offices the first trial machine has been followed by installation after installation of Quiet .i . i,itinrlnit fn Vwth owner nntl nnrrrn-nr ltS""u mil'""-" 1 arc its many superiorities. There is a Remington man at your call who will cladlv demonstrate the New Quiet 12 in your office without obligation on your part. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY McRae Bros., Ltd. upert Fish" Frc .h Trozen -All varieties. Freih Fish All varieties in season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddle "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotlans. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockcye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fifch Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prinoe Rupert. B.C. r M i o i vaiiduiaii iiauuuai ixciuways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped (o handle all kiwis of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F m SAVAGE v v Washer and Dryer Iln no ringer, need none. on Hold Medal nl last Quelier .exhibition over al) Anient nu mid Canadian Machines. (.;ih 1'riro SI 85.00; iiNn sold (in terms. Kaien Hardware Co. A famous Bourbon Whisky as pled for its antique maturity as for its purity and smoothness. Eourbon in fact and quality-backed uuillED In BIND UNDER rtDERAL C0VCRNMD.T tUFCRVISICN "Awakens Old Memories" L!?m'Snnicnt ls "ol P"''"!,hed nr displayed by ior Loulrol Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. J at? the Local and Personal j 0 a H.O, Undertaker. I'lmiie SI. Ilayiier, Umlertakers, l'lionu 351 You'll lik'e. our soall i-rs Coal Co. l'iione 7. Mr. and .Mr. Scliork, arrived from Hums l,ak on Hi., train Hum morning. ' , Juxt arrived, five cars ln'l iiiades Allierla eoal. . Phuiie 15. I'liiiee Uujieil Coal (Jo. 23 Mr. Jos Henl U kuiMiik on Hie C.N. It. Kteainei' on Friday morning for Vancouver. We have further reduced our stock to clear by January 31. Look it over. Shockley Planing mills. ' if Annual meeting N.Il.C. Apii-eull ural and Industrial Association at H .u. in the Council Chamber on February 3. The Mtramrr (Iritfro has arriv ed with 300 ton- Ladyrunilti-Wellintrfon coal from Vancouver Island fur the 1,'rhice Jlupect Coal The (ill hollo laities will hoi a iea in, uie iiiune oi .Mrs. .lamrs MeN'ully, Fourth Avenue m mi Wednesday, Jt.uury :8 from a In 6. 2 Ray Commons, formerly or Hi-(loyal Itunk here ami now mi i in-slalT of I lie Burns f.ake liiam li. arrived in the city, on this morn-iK' I rain en route south on a holiday trip. I.O.I ).H. Children's animal Fam-y 1 1U1I in the Flks Home on Friday, February ti. hWu 7.3(1 to 12. Children 5tc. SiceHliM-s 50. Funey drrsn op-lioual. All children welcome. llriirmJh'' (iPtifral J. M. Hoss, C..M.i., !.()., ii e,wjil lo iit Prince llupert' tliis wwk ami will inspcl the. First It.C. Iti'Kimeiii ii'i a parade at. Mo-Armoury on Thursday oveiiin (ieuerai lions in (lie gtuieral officer eomm.iifcliiiK the dislricl and thin Is the annual iuM-c-I ion. II. S. .Muurwo, jreneral manager or the (Jranby Con hI Ida led Min-iiiK. sMiwIttng & lowir wait :i imssenirr on lhi Cardena yfn-lerdajr nflernonu Kound frtitn Vancouver Id Aliyox. Mr. Munroe announce the aimoiulment of 1J. It. I'hunmer In lf treasurer of the (iranby (k). succeeding Valen tine Qiiinn. The steamer Amur, which vg wrecked otf Hip mouth of the Skeena lliver last February and which was subsequently pur chased hy Cant. A. Iteriiuiat, is l'aviii)t repairs made and new, enuines installed at Victoria and il is I'XMcrfed I hat slip will bo hi Hie whaler ataiu ready for c'oaal serviei- early in February. The ll.C. Cazelle this week contains not ire of the incorpor ation of Hie Porter-Idaho '.Miu-uu Co.. Ltd., with capitalization of (Hio.oiiU and bead olllce fn Ooverntiienl figures show heavy imports ol canned fruils and vegetables, which are eaten here of course, As ;i. mailer of fact, ll.C. grown fruits are of much finer lex-lure and liiMe. They are a superior goods as Pacific Milk Co. Limited 32S DRAKE STREET, Head Office, Vaneouvor Factories at Ladnor and X7IIETHER -v it isa simple' couch that you have been inclined to ignore, or whether it is a cough that almost seems to burst you by the racking exertion, with aching body nJr r Get a bos of Peps at once, take a tablet from its silver wrapper; and as it dissolves on the tonRue, bieatbe in the HEAL! KG, BALSAMIC FUMES that are then given off. Notice how the balsamic odours find their way by inhalation along all the breathing passages and there allay the inflammation causing you trouble. You cannot jxs(,ibly get at these delicate membranes by any other way. Liquid medicines are merely swallowed into the stomach. Peps act direct on the affected tissue? and remove the cause of tbt irritating rough in a way nc other devised remedy can. Owing I foV.i lnerje tiki ana loxrctf cett cf prviiuttr MPS can b obtained hand . b ;jtl if ill CnittUU and mtdiclnt daiit'f tt tht Mr. ami Mi. Keum lli Sclierk ir iturns Lake arrivil in Hie city on this morning's tram. , lr. .1. II. Lepage, optometrist of Victoria, w ho bus been in I be city on iroresiouat'huiitc fr the punt week, leaves on tonight' (rain for the Interior. Colonel (i. I., l'liillii.s, of the Sal vat ion Army, arrived on (his ipornintr's train fi'h'm W innipeg, and proceeded to U ran ye I on I be itteanier I'riiicesH Mary tin af- lernotui, where he ,will hold a serieu of meetiiu? with uathe envoys of the Army. v Fred Helming anil iij bride, formerly .Mi Aliri- lliley of Van couver, arrived in the city on Hie Citf'dena yenlerday afternoon. They were niarr led in Vancouver Ibree weeks ago and .have been honeyniuoiunjl i n ,'Oilifornin They will reskle on 1'Iflh Avenue Went. Fx 1 1 provin rial I We orj una I i or o.' the l-Uter i Mi Dougall Lumber Co. Is annouuied in the 11.(7. (ia.elle this week. The capital is $2(1.000 with otlirtt at Kdiium-fon and Slire, It.C. At the latter point, which is on I he C.N, 11. east f I'rince tieorjfe, lm company opernle a sawmill. Coastwise Co.'s steamer (iriuw nrriveit in S'ewarl. The company has beeii!lrV' from the soulli nt foriiii'il o conl pine development work on Hie Marmot Itiver properly after which ft has been named. Considerable work lias already lieeil done under the di-i-.mI .ii of Clay Porter on lb-nnil basis. And Ours Are Better Si ( k 1 tVApnuAir?. eainsliii ,, Harge utility' afternoon ami 1:30 Sal-sailed at noon yenlerday for Anyox. (iriffeu, which diselKirgcd here from her holds for I'rince Itnperl Coal titi., had coal laden barge lirifjfncl in The coal the the !llV. W. A. Wallace, purveyor for Hie llritislv Itevis'rv of Sliipjimu Willi lieadquarlers in Valicouver arrived in the city on the C.i. M.M. freighter Canadian Mover yrsitTilay morning from Ocean FaMs. Mr. Wallace 'I here on bllsiii'i's hi (Miiuieilloii with Hie repair work lo be carried mil on I lie freighter. t Fnion Mleamer C.ardemi, ('.apt. . F. Diekinon. ni riveit from I lie south al 2 o'clock yesterday af-lleruoop and sailed for Anyox. Slewnrl and Alice Arm at 8 last evening. Included in the vessel's (k impurlcd canned I""'"1 cargo wa paiui lo he use,) Pacific Milk is lo'"" 'he hteainer Canadian Itov" ! outside irodiicls. al Hie dry dock and lumber which was unloaded al I he Albert McCatTery wharf. . Passenger I I we re: for Prince Ituperl 'Mr. and, I Mrs. Fred llenninu. P. .1. Solem, J. McAuley and A. 'Abbott; for Slewurl II. ). .limes, (leorge jlladdon ami Mr. I'atnii; for Any-(ix Mr. Harvey. II. "g4 Munrpe. Mr. Deeming, W. IL Welsh, n. W. linger, Mrs. Smith .and Mr Woolworlju. i JUVENILES IN TROUBLE Two Small Boys In Magistrates Court this Morning on Burglary Charges Two juvenile, ajfed 8 and II years respectively, appeared in the city police court this niorn-irifc' before magistrate McCly-monl, cliarged with breaking and entering Hie residence of I'eto Jensen, 230 Sixth Avenue West, on January 1 1 aiiYl stealing a money saving liank, coiuaiumg 5. id in cash and a flashlight. The boys were arrested on .Satur day by police f onslablo McCliu-cliy. There were severely ad- iiiouisIknI liy l lii magistrate, in structed to reitort every Saturday morning to Chief Vicker., and told to keei) out of the picture hIiowh for Hie next three months. Another juvenile, aged 1". years will appear in the city police court tomorrow inorniiiK for having participated in the theft by taking a. share of t lie stolen money. Wl RELESS REPORT 8 a.m. ll'itV ISLAM) Cloudy; calm; barometer VJ : 1 1 ; temperalure. (I; sea smnoth; 8 p.m. siokc steamer (iriffco lowing ccovv lirifni't bound I'rince llupert for Anyox anchored off Fort Simpson. " Itt'l.L lIAItltOll. Haiuing: soullicasl gale; barometer, l"J.3i: temperature 38; sea rough; 8 p.m. spoke Iuk Cape Scott storm-IkmiihI in Sluisliarlie Hay boiiuil I for llaiily Hay, reports steamer (Salvor in Sliusharlie Hay; I a.m. i spoke steamer I'rincess Healrice jntr Pine Island southbound; 3 ia.m. spoke steamer I'rincess jMaiy "IT Ivory Island norlh-j 1 1 1 1 1 1 . li:H lltKC POINT- llaiuin,':' si rung souiueisi wind; iiaro-meter 2t.C-.'; temperature 3."; sea rough. Noon DIOHY ISLAM). Cloudy, aim; barometer, 2!:0(i; temper- nlure. 1 1 ; sea smooth. HULL lAltll()ll. Overcast : light xoulhwcsl wind: barometer 2U.31; leinperHliite til; moderate sea; 8.30 a.m. spoke steamer CailHtsuii left Wadhams southbound. HKAH TltKK POINT. Over-rani; calm; baroineler 2l:02 temperature 38; heavy swell. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Hay Commons. Mr. ami Mrs K. Scberk. Hums Lake: II. V Taylor. innioe; .1. It. (irillilli. A. II. Campbell. Kilnionlon: II. J. Cunningham. Port Fsoiiiglon : M fodd, I k: S. F. Ilemlrick, Vermilion, Alia. Central F. C. K. Jlayler. Aiiamlale; Mrs. V. A. I.ockyer, Shames; F. Cbesley, 'terrace . A man walking along a coun try road found an Irishman perched upon a signpost which tinted north, with ibis in scription: ' "To Malvern." "What are yon up there for1?'' "Faith, said the other, "I have been stllin' here for two hours, ami I am wondering what lime il starts." tNAIOUNCEMENTS ' I.O.Ii.K. Children s Fancy Dress Hall, February C. (i.W.V. ary 12. A. Annual Hall, Felon. C.N. II. Fniployes' February 17. F.lks Annual ..i....i t-v 20. Annual Hall. Novelly dance. SALE of Evening Dresses 25 per cent, reduction all this week "Demers" Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 How OX0 reduces the high cost ot Living Tasty Dishes OXO Cubes are great I They provide appetizing soups, stews, gravies, and enrich all meat-dishes with little trouble and great economy. They promote better health for the family, too. The Children's Meals Let the children start and end the day with 0X0 and milk. Add an OXO Cube to a bowl of hot milk (diluted, if desired), and serve with bread or toast. Strength for the Invalid 0X0 Cubes are dietetically superior to beef-tea and more economical. Hospitals, infirmaries and public institutions use 0X0 in preference to beef-tea. A daily cup of 0X0 is splendid protection against Influenza. Don't Get Run Down Take mm In tint ol 4 15c tint ol 10 30c The Great Heel Economy ANNOUNCING SP OXO and Eflfls on Toast 1 OXO Cube Toast DUaoWc (he 0X0 Cut in a little hot water.mU with the yolka of the egf hard boiled, ipread then on hot buttered toast and decorate the fjf with strip of the white of the eggs No. 1 Restmore and Simmons Osiermoor Mattresses $25.00 full size To Sell at $22.00 three-quarter size For turn fori and long wear lliese mattresses remain .supreme hi the furniture world Bairie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. WINTER Phone 123 STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. PRINCE RUPERT snil fn,m I rlnie lln.crl FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, UiU'iim ilult) ulnls eat 11 Kl'lUuy U.UU UJn. For STEWART and ANV0X S.S. PRINCE JOHN f'T Aanciiuvf r January ;it; tibiuaiy 14. 88. via Wednesday, 1 1.00 pin. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, S.UU fur I'rince Ueortre, EDMONTON. WINNIPEO, an imiiitt tuM jrn (Utiada, l ulled States. AQENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Offlct, 628 Third At, Prlnc Rupert. Phont 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway January 12, 26; February 9, 23 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For B'ltedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Stoamshlp Llr, Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Crnr of 4U S'reet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupart. .. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnirs rrcun Prince B'jperl. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanson Bay, and Alert Bay, Tussday, B P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STtWART, Sunday, S P.M. For ANYOX PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlnar Canntrlat, Friday A.M. 623 2nd Avanua. i. Barntlay, Agent. Prince Rupert, S.O.