MUCH DAMAGE PORT NELSON Dredges, Scows and Smaller Craft Scattered by Storm Recently at Hudson Bay oTTAVUV Jan. .'ft. Former (: js::jr an' n-pnrld received of iiu:::.v flitl'-il al'l'ort Nelson liv u i Tit- siorin. on Nnvc.m-is: i ; mure limn verified hy fjn ffi'iul irporr" Jtil recehed I. . tsturli ptai ivH the lo at ; l.:.:, ii million dollars There n mile wind accompanied y t w iiinl fog. It scattered ':) : in - m'iuvs and smaller (he Nelson fliver cs- ;irv am along Hie rniisl. The ' c( :;; i mi- Ti'i'l 'ahove I he l..!:. ' Mili-tl level and M'- ::i i::r.,.ilnmi were washed away. USK MILL IS IN OPERATION l SK, .(.in n. The Skeena I.-.iiiiIi: - Liimiiiinvv's mill hlew its (In morning for the riiv inne since February, ISI-'H. II i erpeiMe.1 Hint I he mill w ill "'iiMiiiie In iiiernle pi'i'iiiancnl-lv Ai present the mill is culling up die iilil op in m yard and ::r i: being iiinile for a pond winch mjiiU In n prognun of Mi'inly iirnilui'lliin hy Hie own-Logging oi(niltons will ''' me (luring llm winter on u iir;:- seal?. ELKS LISTENED TO BEAUTY SHOP ON SATURDAY NIGHT A parly nr F.lks were I lie K""s or Mr. and .Mrs. Jack llanisiey. I'uiiith Avenue Wesl, SiiKirihiy evening, lo listen-in "" 'In- radio In he Calgary I'jaii'lcasl of Hie musical comedy I'lie Meanly Simp," staged by C ' Lewis, who p tlic uluivv on 'or the I'.lks n-eenlly. Tim i('iiers in report I lie reception v iiiiv,, been very clear allboiigli ""asmnaiiy j Wll s wial mm i llefrculmieniH w,.n. served miniiK i he evening. CHARLEY CALDWELL COLONIZING AGENT 'Juries V. Cuhlwcll, well wn iniuhtjr ,im or llrilih '"' " Willi inleresls al Slew, illi ...I... i . is imvv known as ,,. ..'"Jj!1' H.' h, cmiiecltoii wilh 111 ''"Oil I'.llUlTh. I- 1,1 m.e-nnl In 2 UU "lumliia working on u ,. 1 ' ."' " I'fl'ig coloulsU from " ' v' the KooteiHiys. hnal al I'aidiena Day and were lieing taken care of at Itanfield. They will he taken oTf today hy the Canadian pat lo) boat Armcti-lieres, which also look nhoard Hie men on (he Swiflsiire and will bring them to F.squimull. 'the Speedway had an extra cargo of fijel and II is' believed this in some way heeaiue iguiled. All Hie members of the orcw are residents of Vancouver and districl. The ve.sel cleared from Yie-loria Thursday wllli a large consignment of liqm.u:bound pre-imialdy for "Columbia with Die exjiecliilion of losing tier cargo he Torn reio'liing that country. On arriving outside the trails she met with heavy sens and was brought hack hy Die snni" tun which look her nut. A survey was made of the vessel! and minor repairs made, hefore she started again. The Speedway was id nine, hundred lo"1. with a cargo valued ill SHiMi.tinn. The steamer Is said to have been Insured by John Hiuiiier. of Vancouver, who is registered as Hie official owner, but his solicilor stales t lint Mr. Homier disposed of the yesse I lo others, whom he was unable lo inline. The Western Freighters, a firm engaged in ( tnil Anierirau trade, were Hie charterer for Hie vnvnge. The ciiiui. consisted of IK.0011 cases of liquor consigned lo ltueiin venlura, Colombia. MRS. HILCHEY DIES AT GEORGETOWN, P.E.I. The stjd news Dial Mrs. M. A. Ilillbey. mollicr id Mrs. Ii. H. Tupper and Miss 1'.. Ilik'liey of this cily. passed away al (ieol'ge- lowu, P.M.I i Saliinfay. was received hy Mrs. Tupper by wire Ibis morning. Hceeased resided in Hie eily during the year Ill-.M and returned east in October of Mini year. The late Mrs. Ililrhey is survived by her husband M. A. Ililcliey. and rotir daughters and Iwo sous, Mrs. (1. II. Tupper and Miss I".. Ililcliey. lo daughters ami a sou residing in Moslon, and a son residing in Halifax. ANGLICANS WILL JOIN PRESBYTERIANS SUNDAY IN OPENING OF CHURCH vi Hie Aoulii'im Church last night Archdeacon Itix announced I bat on Sunday evening next there would be no service in their church In order lhal all might have an opportunity lo attend (lit? opening oT Hie new Presbyterian Church. He fuhl they were, all pleas'ed .to know of the success nr the Presbylerian and he iiilcmlcil In be present himself on Hie occu-ion of Hit' opening. SMITHERS BOARD OF cd lo hae lamlcil with their cil meeting TRADE COMMITTEES Indians of Bablne Ask Help Constructing New Road There Chartorod by M. P. Olson Carry Powder to North In Jan. 20. A conn id Hie Hoard of! Trade was held in the Municipal Office mi Friday night at which t members of bureaus were up-pointed. Those selected as chairmen and vice-chairmen respective! were: Agriculture I". !' Miiuro and I.. I.. Veboin. Mlnes -A. I'., (iardi; and P. Sehtifcr. Lumbering W. S. Henry and Oluf Hanson. Fur and (inniR (Ihas. Ilcid mill Jus. A. -Macdonahl. TmirlstsII.' Lrdlnbinsnu and J. O, Slephcns. , . ... llelHil Trade S. A.I'Jiy ind l. F. Hall. f Ptihliejly li. L. Vcboiu'aiid-I.. It. Winner. Iliilertalnuient L. II, Warner ami I). I. Mum io. Public WorksW. S. Henry iiml S. Maye-. Iinance (Ilia. Iteid and N. P. Mornu. The piiblieily pamplilcl is Hearing completion and the .committee in charge reported that it would be ready for distribution towards the end of next month. A vide of .3.")i to cover the cost of this work win passed by Hie to M. P. Olsen, who formerly upended a mine al Alice Ann, is now on his way from' James Island and Nanoose Hay to Skag- wuy wilh a cargo of powder which is to In? used ill develop iiieul work on mines in Hie uorlb. Mr. Olsen has chartered fur this purpose u former local vessel, llaysporl II. The powder is for the engineer Mine In llie Allin district and the Treiulwell-Yukon Co, which is operating at Keuo Hill near Mayo. The cargo will be taken from Skagway to Yukon on the While Pass railway where tractors will receive il. for transport Into llm Mayor district. aller. FINAL SERVICE IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The service held in Hie Presbyterian Church last night marked llie last gathering fur worship in the old building. The new and nroininent edifice of the locul' Presbyterian Chinch, situated on Fourth Avenue I'.usl. will be finished by llie contract ors this week und next Sunday will mark lis opening. In his address lust niahl Dr. (Irani fit llligly re f owed to the fact and mentioned the good service ren dcreil by the old building during Hie past sixteen years. The old building stood on Centre Street in the early days and was moved intact to the prespent silo. Proilui'ls supplied by the Can- v.. lt'iiki-iiv wvletn , ,1,1111.111 I'llll'liHl y. ' I from territory adjoining llm rail way in northern I W.. 'will be Iho feature of a .banquet to He neni in Hie Maedonald Hotel, Kdnton-lon, hy Western Canada Fair Hoards, on January 21". The fair hoards represented will bet those from Hegina, Cdinonloii, Culgury, Saskatoon, and lruiidon,iwlilcli comprise the Class A loards. Fish Shipped On Saturday the Itoyal Fish Company shipped a quantity of lialibul. crabs and clams for tin banquet and turnips and several oilier varieties" of vegetables will be secured front Terrace und other interior points. Hailwuy otlieials. who have laken udvunl age of this opportunity to ad-verliso.lhe producls of the Paci fic coast and northern interior anliciiiate llial some 200 guest will sit down to the banquet. The motor boal Prosperity, Capt. Mrindle, ufler discharging 31 Ions of palladium conceit-Iral e ore valued at 1 1,000 from llie Sail Chuck mine near Ketchikan for transshipment over llie Canadian National Hallways lo Irving-Ion smeller, New Jersey, returned north at noon yesterday The vessel arrived t tie night pre viou. Tim .Methodist church was cruwdi'd lo Hut doors last uighl.l llie occasion being a special ser-l vice in charge of the Canadian) (iirls in Training. This church) was "TuT'TIIIy 'decorated' In suitable floral effects. Miss Cather credit is' due lo .Miss Haddock, who trained llie girls for their respective parts, 'llm pageant was brought lo a close by tin' C.O.t.T. chorus singing their pecial song. The individual parts ot the pageant were taken as follows: A girl of to-day, Miss l.velyii I "al by. . Sniril of womanhood, Miss lean Mackay. (iirl of yesterday, Miss Winnie Hill. Olrl of tomorrow, Miss Mary Allislone. The virtues Truth. Meanly Love, Purity, Sympathy and Canadian ir in Training, were represented by the Misses -Ad Meiulghor, Florence Aunnsley Vera Smith, Waihm Mussalleni Dorothy I'.dgar. and Catherine Irvine respectively. Tin? four standards or the C.O.LT., Health. Ambition, Vv'or ship and Service were represent cd respeolively by the Misse Helen Sim, Hazel Itlchardson Nellie Wilson and Dorothy Dean PREMIER KING IS AWAY ON HOLIDAY OTTAWA, Jan. 2tfy Premier Mackenzie King has gone south for a brief rest prior lo Iho opening of Parliament. He is expected lo 'return at the end of uexlvvveek. Hon. (lenrge P. (Indium is acting premier. 25 TAXI and mt mam mlm Large BOSTON Upstair Dining GRILL Hall, Ambulance with flour for newly hire. laid Suitable dancing for Scrvlca dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. Royal Hotel. 3rd Av. For ratis, apply to Boston Stand PRINCE RUPERT ana em ok Grill, Third Ave. mutt VIDECK, Prop. ..'Wtu,, Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 57. "".,'. "vol, XV NO. 'I U as. nunCi: iiupeht, u.;., Monday, .iamary 215, 11125. Saturday1 Circulation, 1,809. Strati bin 638 PRIOR FIVE CENTS. RUM RUNNER SPEEDWAY IS TOTAL LOSS KU KLUX KLAN SHOOTING AFFRAY AT HERRIN RESULTS IN FOUR DEATHS liquor Runner was Burned Just off Cape Flattery but All Her Crew off in Boats and Saved VHKIIMA. Jan. 20. 'Hut auxiliary schooner Spt'i'dwuy, yno (on. Idiiind for HiiriiavTiilum caught fin- ami blew up ami .auk 15 mill's off Talooslrnt :..'P p.m. yesterday. Captain Sin-iiiin llm -i'iihhI inali', and five men were pirkril tip by llie fiTi-hli'i" Miiinilani I i ii il from Seal lie to Honolulu early Sun-il;ie;if Utiukiii. Tlii'y were later transferred In Hie lightship Su jt'lMllT. uollicr boa I wliieli left tin? burning; vessel containing! M. r i nmrc ini'inliers of llieerew were missing all day Sunday hill in tin evening were report- .vn I meeting. A reipiest from the Indians of the Itahine Lake country for co-opcralioii in building a ruad from a point on the Cronin Mine road to a point on the shore of llahiue Lake about half way between Hie obi and new Hudson's May foils was brought up. The Indians propose. In use this new rimle"iu bringing put Ibeir catch of furs and Inking in sup plies during Hie winter mouths. Tin? new road rnpiired will b ,i In mt 1.1 miles and Hie Indians nre nrenared lo do the work themselves if help is given to purchase loots and supplies. They have already taken lb? mailer up with the Indian Ageul mill Father Ajlanl, and this meeting recommended that their rcuucsl be placed before' Iho next general mceling of Hoard of Trade, HAYSPORT II. IS the ON WAY TO ATLIN CHURCH HOLDS 192 5 ITS ANNUAL,: Congregation of St. Paul's Hears; Reports on Work of Year The annual congregation meeting of St. Paul's Lutheran Church wus held in Saturday evening in the Metropole Hall. There was a large attendance. All reporls were encouraging, the membership of the church having grown to St. The. Suu-.Inv school membership is 101, reported highest allendance 81, i Hie average allendance for llic year being tS. The Women's Aid Sociely of the Lutheran church reporlcd a membership of 27, and the Lutheran League 20. Financial reports showed a. balance on hand and officers for the ensuing year wen as follows: licticou: I'.. 5. It. Anderson re-elecled ; F. W. Ilarl and John Ivai-son. Ilelegale lo the Synodjcal coil veution. John oyiiiiavu; nate, I'lior. Johnson. A good start was reported In have been made on the raising of a building fund for the erec- itiim of the new Lutheran Church. SAILLESS VESSEL ARRIVES AT DANZIG LOAD LUMBER CARGO li.vNXKi, Jan. 26'. Holorship Mackau arrived here from Kiel having averaged eight knots in a light wind. The first thorough try-out of the sailloss vessel on the high sea wilT lie made when she leaves herti shortly with a lumber cargo for Scotland. RUPERT AND DISTRICT SUPPLYING MANY OF PRODUCTS FOR BANQUET Herrin, Illinois, Scene of a Shooting A ffray Between Members of Ku Klux Klan and the Sheriff IIF.IiHIN, Ills., Jan. 20. The bodies of (ilenn Young, Ed. Forbes and Homer Warder, ull Kit Klux Klan liquor raiders, und deputy sheriff Ora Thomas awuil burial here loony as a result of uJioli'l lobby shooting melee on Saturday night. The affair was so fnsl and furious' dial no definite explanation is known. Thomas was the avowed enemy of Voting and was widely known as the "man killer" us the result of sensu-tioual .activities in law .enforcement, which several limes ended in charges against him, ranging from assault lo homicide. The town has ltceu the scene oT man' a clan and anti-clan I buttle, union and anti-union j i i .... i ...ii .!.... siruKii; uiiii ill umii unu-iiiyi ilisluiliancc. The' place is quiet today with the militia in control. I METHODIST GIRLS CHARGE OF SERVICE Number Take Part !n Pageant Before Crowded i WOULD WELCOME LIBERALS BACK Newspapers Comment on Elevation of Asqulth and Fortune of Party LONhON. Jan. -.'0. tnler- Willi wholehearted expression. Isperscd of esteem for 11. 11. Asquitli, llie newspaper.', commenting on his elevation to tin) peerage, as F.arl of Oxford, speculate on the fortunes of the Liberal party and the general political movement. , " Tin? Times believe- much- is to be said for those who would wel- ine Harvey, president of Hie CO.jcomi; a Liberal resurrection, fol-I.T., occupied Hie chair and Miss lowing. I lie disappearance from Haddock, deacqness, led in limitative control of the parly of prayers and scriptural readings. Asquith and Lloyd Oeorgu and Mis Xellie Ourvieh gave ajsoine of their more Obvious per- rcadiug on "tin? .Mission of sonal lieutenants. Jesus," and Miss Winnilred Dibb endcred a vocal solo. Piano forte spins were played by Miss Victoria Krikcvsky and Miss Klla Steen. C.G.l.T. Pageant The closing part of the ser vice took Hie form of a pageant depicting tlii: wuk of the C.O.LI. and its usefulness in Hie community. The girls were dressed lo represent the different phases of lire, bolh past and present, showing how the fourfold pro gram filled inlo llm physical, mental, religious and social needs of the girl growing inlo womanhood. The whole thine was splendidly carried and much LUXOR TOMB IS REOPENED Everything Handed Over to- Howard Carter but Pall of Sarcophagus Injured LONDON, Jan. 20. A Luxor lespalcli slates thai the tomb of" 1'uti'iikhaiiieit was- reopened m the presence ot (ioVernment ofll- ials. The contents laken out ast year were handed over to Howard Carter. Kverylliing that was sealed wiicit llie touio was dosed remained intact but the priceless pall oT llm sarcophagus which was left outside in a thin wooden shed, delerioraled. VALERA AGAINST VISIT OF PRINCE Would Not Object to Belgian op U.S. Rulers Coming to Ireland IIKI.l'AST, Jan. 20. F.ainonn de Vab-i'ii protested against llm proposed visit lo Ireland of the Prince of Wales. "If the Hclgian King or llie President of the United stales should Come," he asserled, "you can respect llient as much as you please because II icy are rulers of foreign stales, but we don't want any foreign king coming lo our country lo claim rulership." WENT INTO DRY DOCK C.H.M.M. steamer Canadian Hover, Capt. Joe Flood, arrived al 10 o'clock yesterday morning front Ocean Falls and was today taken on the pontoons at llie dry dock for examination following her recent accident when sho wcnl ashore out of Ocean Falls. The vessel has a broken stem und will require sonic ptatc ' ' ' Adverted n Iho Dally News