"AGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, 'registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, Alnotci etluptAafo flit ' glass, ivory, genuine 1 leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist INTERNATIONAL NEWS UNIQUE LAW PASSED BY AUSTRIA REGARD TO EIGHT HOUR DAY V1KXNA, Jan. 20. As a for not ratifying the Wash ington agreement on the eight - liour ilay, Austria will inflict an extra duly on imports in the case of countries which have either failed to ratify the Washington labor agreement, or which maintain labor conditions, falling- considerably below these prescribed by tlio Wushinglon pact. Under this unhjue act, the ruverume.nl may, with the. approval of the finance committer of I lie National Council, raise I hi' customs rales by not more than one-third in the case oT, the countries above mentioned. The ael was proposed by lr. ' Olio Ilauer, former foreign minister and leader of the socialist dele gation in the Austrian parlia ment. Chief Officer W. W. Mounce is bad. aboard the .steamer Cardena Ibis trip after having spent v moniirs holidays in Yancouvr and Victoria. January CLEARAN CE SALE SUGAR 1c A LB. SUGAF1 1c A LB. ATTENTION LADIES! With every $5.00 Cash Purchase during our January Clearance Sale you are entitled to 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 1c a Lb. The limit is 5 Lbs. to every customer. Act promptly and secure 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 5c. Remember that the Sugar offer is over and above the sala Bargain Prices THE FOLLOWING IS BUT A FEW ITEMS OF OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE SPECIAL PRICES. LOOK THEM OVER. Ladies' lluldiers. medium heel only, for 50c Sr Pairs or Ladies' Shoes Tur $2.00 27 Pairs of Ladies' Slippers, Pumps ami Oxfords, assorted sizes, tor 53.50 I7 Discount on all Ladies' and Children's Shoes and House Slippers. Men's lliibbers. Ileg. I.!C. Sale Price S1.50 Men's Overalls. lleg. 2.7T. Sale Price ..$1.85 Men's Flaniielelle Working Shirts. Peg. $:t.O). Sale $1.85 Hoys' .Monarch Sweaters. Sizes up to M. Sale Price $1.50 Monarch Wool, floss anil dove, 1 oz. hulls, four for $1.00 Monarch Wool, ilowu, 2 oz. balls, It balls for $1.00 Infants' All Wool Black Cashmere Penman's Hosiery. '1 . IMtirs for $1.00 Children's Heavy Bib Cotton Stockings, all sizes, fl pairs Tor $1.00 '.1 balls of Crochet Cotton, all shades,. for $1.00 T yards of (irey Collou, :ut inches wide, for. $1.00 yards of While Flannelette for $1.00 Everything in our store is reduced, genuine bargains in every department in the store. JABOUR BROTHERS LTD. Corner Third and Seventh. Phone G45 WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 0 p.m. "Born Rich A stirring drama of high society. A peep behind Hie doors of the world of luxury. The absorbing story of a bridal pair who sought in vain for happiness amid riches but found it in poverty. A uiaguiriceul pirliirizntiou of the world of the wealthy with its luxurious city homes and delightful country estates. Beautiful women, gorgeous gowns, glittering jewels, dashing yniiths, expensive motors, yachts, horses, in a, powerful, dramatic tale of the born rich. Distinguished east, Bert Lytell, Claire Windsor, Cullen Landis, Frank Morgan, J. Barney Sherry, Doris Kenyon and others. "FAST STEPPERS" SERIES No. 6. 35c and 10c SPECIAL - JANUARY - SALE SPECIAL SILK AND WOOL RIBBED HOSE in 5 different shades. $1.25 Pair. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. ROOMS TO RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK. GOLD NEEDED BUTJSCOSTLY Buys Only About Sixty Per Cent as Much as Before the War USED FOR FINE ARTS Kaffirs of South Africa Among Those Who Covet Valuable Tokens XUWi YOHK, Jan. 2(1. What nines of all the gold produced by Hie mines of the world, is a lieiiiient iniiiiiry, particularly wiili tli.. oTowinir importance of gold shipments, and the question may be answered as follows: Coinage among civilized unions, which accounts for about one-fourth of the .production: use in industrial arts; waste, a Tive-dollar goldpiece, for exam-lie, losing Hi per cent in weight ifler one year's use; hoarding, 'iy which millions of dollars are mysteriously swallowed up annually among primitive peoples; mil loss, as through fire, ship-Aieck and similar causes. Mining Falls Off Hold mining in this country las fallen off because the indus-'ry. has found it hard to turn a iirofil at postwar prices. Tin rirc of gold has long been fixed iy the government at $20.07 an mure. Year in, year out. regard. i'ss of supply and demand, il re-nains "pegged" at this figure. The purchasing value of gold, iieanwhile, varies, fluctuating .villi -price levels. An ounce of 70M, economists compute, pur-liascs perhaps only CO percent is much now as before the war. Mine costs, iu cuuse.ipicucc, oiitd not be realized on many 'nwer-grade workings and many lave shut down. Yel gold the world over con-'iuues to runic from Hie earth at 1 rale estimated in 1023 at about SSn.OftO.oon.non worth a year, (obi bullion priced at $2,501.., 0(10,00(1 was on deposit last year in the vaults of the U.S. Assay Office iu Wall Sheet, which is "eganleil as the most important "learing station in Ibis country 'or monetary gold ami gold used n fine arts. Melted In Refining At Ibis closely-guarded crossroads from.' the gobiriebls to Hie ank vault. Hie incoming alloyed ,rohl is melted as much as five limes in refining; five to seven assays are made from samples; he whole weighed and re-.veighed, cheeked and re-checked. Plal inum is a most valuable j 'iy-prodiiel of the refining at I he Assay Office. As much as 1,500 1 ihinces of it have been recovered in 12 months, nil velvet for the government, and, quoted from $230 to 3110 an ounce, worth' from .SU75.000 to gtnn.noo. ('odd in bars was bought last vear from the Assay Office by Vuierioau makers oT fine art obT ieets at a monthly average oT 5 (100,000. according lo one Hill side estimate. The Director of Hie Mint. from such data as he Ion! available, calculated the .iiilil used in industry iu the cal- ndar year 1023 was OU.S'JJ.'.MS.I of which 9tO.013.17S was new material. India Use It The Far Hast and Africa are held responsible for Hie disap pearance of much of the world's j gold. India is called "a great sink for I he preoious metal," and in Ibf- last half ceuliiry it is estimated In have made away with al least one and one-half I billion dollars in gold. Oold is used there in decoration, ornaments and textiles are hoarded and buried by owners who die, iu many cases, without revealing the locallon of their catches. Tins drain is put at several mil- lion dollars annually. China is said to by even more I of a sponge for gold, while in I Africa the gold paid in wages lo IKalTir laborers at Hie mines j?ues I with them to their kraals and somehow never returns, il is said. Trading posts well in the heart oT the Dark Continent also report a lively demand for gold i coins or whatever currency. .Na tive chiefs, headmen and even braves covet the shining token lo lavish upon their women for coin necklaces and bangles. In Shipwrecks S h i i wrecks withdraw an amount, of gold that can only be guessed. Divers a year ago recovered $30,000,000 in gold bars from Hie While Star liner I.aur-enlie which was torpedoed off the roast of Ireland during the war. Wall street itself bin out 1 95 c mm m& u.. u. b. rt. o "I'seln town, lloncyt" Service "Universal" Jerseys In Navy. Oxford, r'nwn, lirown. 1 1 : ..1. 1 1 ....... 1 mm 1 V 1 , 1 r 11 .,.. . .11111 IjIUIII iiit. I"" I'll ! lit 11 "III. nch ptncakrsm a jiffy. And you cer. lainly do knock the II. out of II. C. L. c -sr Tt-j-- . V Aunt Jemima. Pancake Flour AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR Special, per package ". 20c ROGER'S GOLDEN SYRUP ." lb. tins, 40c; 10 lb. tins 75c WAFFLE SYRUP, with the Maple Flavor Mi gal. tins. Special 05c filled several expeditions even f now on Hie high seas in quest; of sunken I reus tire. TURBULENT PORTUGAL I.ISISU.N, Jan. 2(5.- The tmrer-laiulies of politics in Portugal. and turbulence in the life of I lie slate, are pointed not by a local newspaper which recounts 20 armed uprising's in Hie country since tUII. Also seven ulleinpl-ed up risings "'were successfully resisted. t In Hie nine, years since l!)II Porl uif id lias bad seven presidents, and 10 ililferenl caliiiisls. A WOMAN'S "IN A MINUTE" Tom -Why does n woman always keep 11 man waiting so long nfler she says she'll be ready iu a minute? Tim llecause, she pieks out a minute Aviiicisf;,'ab'oul half aij hour away. Meg. ,")Hc lb. Special per lb. Universal Trading Co. iiSi iSli Monday. January ?u, 1915 January ClearanceSale Days more Overcoats $22.45 Men! Replenish Your Supply of Cloth Your unrestricted choice of any Overrun! I'11' store. Values lo :17.30. SOX Fine Itibbed Pure Wool Sox iu ing Furnishings at these clearing prices EXTRA SPECIAL! TIES! TIES! TIES! 65c to $2.50 We will give you your choice of any Tooke Uollar in the store FREE! With Every Tie Purchased Shirts 5 Days more Iteg. values In S;l.no strung I'lanneletle inalei-.;ii. lirown, Khaki, Dark and Light (Irey. Sale Price $1.85 DRESS BOOTS In itlack or lirown. "lie-by JltlUl. il II I 11 llll l Ml tlllllll It'lM. ,, ,, .., . f. .,,1,- ,1 0 1 a,.,.,.. i,, . . , Holt Collar Willi tape. Iteg. ..i.ti.i. make. l.g. ss.oo. All mzi Hi'S. 1 ' 2 Pairs SaIe priCo 85c $2.45 $5-95 "Wabasso" Sheeting White Marcella Bedspreads Absolutely pure, made? from selected cottons. Meg. $i.27i. Sale Price Cretonnes (ill x Ni. Splendid quality. Meg. Clearing lines in value to i. (Ml. Special yard. Special, yard $2.50 35c CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. FROM 0 A.M. TILL 12 NOON ONLY. A hot breakfast li Cv il 2v r V ColTff. n.inraLci iDread with butter and I ) yrur.Mdalll -I' AdJ nothing to this flour but watff. V You have tenJcr, poMtn-brown, milk- CALIFORNIA No. 1 SOFT SHELL WALNUTS LARGE WASHED BRAZIL NUTS New slock. Special, 2 lbs. for SUNMAID RAISINS Seeded or Heedless 10 oz. package Special, 2 for 25c LIBBY'S QUEEN OLIVES "Meg. (il)c. 1 Special CREAM OLIVE TOILET SOAP i for 25c. Per do. 35c 35c 40c 70c SOAP FLAKES In bulk. Iteg. 20c lb. Special, per II 15c Satisfaction Kitchen Cabinets One of the most useful pieces of furniture in a home Our Kitchen Cabinets put system iu your kitchen. Plain lop wi drawers, bake board. Top with shelves ami Iwo drawers. Sneeinl . . ' '2 bins, $24.00 Aluminum lop with bin, cutlery drawer ami door coniparlinenU Top with si"'" coinparlnienls, sTtgnr container ami glassjars. Complete . , $33.00 Heavy Porcelain adjustable lop, door compartment, lined bread Imx, 2 ilrawci'" and bake hoard, adjustable flour eoiilainerand glass Jars. Doors mid drawers are dii-l-l"'"r. , $52.50, $57.00, ami $59.00 All solid oak. i. 3rd Avenue. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20