L re IT tasted sue fx Chocolate Cak Wcingmaaejrvni teker's Chocolate (prcmium Nail By all means the most satisfactory chocolate tor cook-ingand drinking. HAM IN CANADA BY JlerBaker&Co. Limited l x wt" "ao fclrfalCanada Don.hesler.Mass. I MofliTOf cimct wceirta m wt rf e trawl) erries In t!:8 Winter Time Iff ,i cases of S ,ie ics. -ON SALE 5' Thursday and Friday 2 for 25c ,. her tfoods i. . Helm Tomato Catsup le ... 25c pARIHERS' MARKET and I.C. Butchers Grocers Ltd Phones 45-574-Blue 428 REE ! FREE! I With Every $5.00 Cash Order Get One Pound of Wedding Breakfast" Coffe e Free ' faallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 3 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18. PMFIC i "q5r SAILINGS ! liunoi'ii T. JOHN . T LIVERPOOL M, 7 ..Moiuralin '. Vai I Miintliiiiiler i " u . Viii. ., .""iHcmif I CHERBtT0r : !"! "i AI!'TWER' I'll IT Mm i.V . Mnlliinn i i 1 ruiMi 'f 10. J!,,,, .Marlnrh Blir TO LIVtRPooL. I if.. iii ftw Yurk K"f nf B ttm.tl.i...! rh- 'i",: iNDI" cRu.si T"lr' Aienti! or MANY AT LECTURE IN THE WESTHOLME "Life on Earth In the New J World" Proves Interesting I to Large Numbtr A crowd of f(inio al tended nl ln r.r(i Thoaliy last night In .listen In the address or C. W. Cut fori It, of the lecture stair nf the Inlernn-linnal llihli Student's Assncia- linn. on "'Lire im Farlh in 1h Now World." Fred i:aiiiirou oc cupied Hie chair and Mrs. A. O. Franks accompanied I he hymn sitigimf on tin- piano. In his address Mr. Oiirorlh said that many of us were very contented willi Hit earth as an abiding place and did not desire, to leave it. We did everything in our power lo slay here and resisted every nllcmpf to lake us from il except those inoinbers'nf society who were diseased of mind or completely discouraged In Iho bailie of life. There was much in our present mode of living, however, which was dis tasteful. Some of us worked Ion hard for tm lillle reinuncVaHoii, others were spidled hy wealth and idleness. ' Tlie lecturer said thai the Mhlo. held mil every hope that environtnenl Imro would Im chamred and thai he would attain to a condition nf joy. liherly and ;imosi iiii.iKiiiaiive opiimisi. ! HARRY REYNOLDS 1 JURIED SUNDAY Knights of Columbus and Others Attended Funeral Which Took Place Yesterday Many persons alleudeil (h funeral of Ihe Into Henry II. jHeynolilH which look place al lo clock yesterday afternoon. The service was held al Annunciation jl'dtuich, willi llev. Father 1. .1. jMHiralh ollleialini: and the full choir in allemlauce. Memhi rs iof Ihe Knislils of Columhiis ac- I coinpanied Hie remains when I hoy were taken from (he 11.(1. I nilertakers In Ihe church. Tim Ipallhearers wore I.. l-iwer, W. illearsl, W. Fortune, .1. Ileesley, ulaek (iillis and .1. .1. (iillis. Floral Irihules were sent hy Knights nf (lolumlius, .Mr. and t..,r..l., t lr..i.. I I PUBLICATION FOR ' . . . ... i rial j:roup in any rrovince or State on" (his ronllneul has heen made hy a Vancouver trade jour nal. The "l.umherinen's Alias of llrilish lloliimhia," which is just hoiujr issued-hy Ihe llrilish (lol-uiiihia I.uiiiherinan of Vancouver, I contains foiii'loen maps GONE TO ENGLAND MR NFW STPAMFR I Utl HUM uiuiliuun (lapl. 0. II. Smith of I lit I'nioti Steamship Co. lias left. Vancouver for F.nnlanil In hrinpr mil' Ihe first of the new steamers thai Ihe company Is having lmlll I here. It will he named the Lady Cecilia and Ihe second will ho ctilled Hie I. aily Cynthia. The vessels are In he nperalcd from Vancouver In Powell Hivop, A I III rd new vessel, w hich as yol Is uiiniimed, will he oporaled lo Prince lluperl. SMITHERS The local group nf Canadian olrls In Tralnint hold a social evening In their Huh rooms on I Friday nihl In which Ihe puhlle 1. 1 were InvilPil, a nmsi enjoyanir evening being sponl. A number nf nutronlzcd tho Rnillliors fiilk dnnco held In AN INACTIVE LIVER IS THE CAUSE OF CONSTIPATION i" eariy nours or the niorn- nit was not very pleasant as Hi. drivers had a hard larfk keeping Jlieir cars on Hie road, owinir In Ihe recent fall of HOoW. Mr. and Mrs. man lorlained smuo II. i. Wtndt nn z guests al a jouy uaure yivon in iiietr new home on Filth Ave. last Friday evening. A ihiinljr repast was prosperity uinlreaineil of. even byimw , ,tu,U,int afle. lilancinu was resumed jcouple.of hours. which lor a BATTALION ORDERS lly I.icul.-H.i. J. W. Xicholls. Officer Conuiiandin 1st Itat-lalioti Xorlh H.C. Iletiimenl (102nd Itn. C.F..F.) . Parades llallaliou Musler i- . , jraraue, .ioiiuay, January zo, n p.m. for iuslriiciiitii under Sorcl. Major Instructor Vounrmaii. ll.iltalion parade Weilnosdny, January SH, at 8 ji.tn. Iteprimenliil Sersl. Major llrown will in charge of this parade. Slnres- -Omirlermasler's Store will he open for isiuo of uniforms ami etiiiipiimul, luosda' evening al K p.m. Musketry Miiilulure limine. Friday evenlup al h p.m. Houi iniou Itilie Associallon Omipel- ilion. InspeclUui. TU IhiIIhHou will parade in the Armory, Thursdav ... ' evenniB. .lanuary ii, al 8 ., ,, , p.m. Mrs. (.has. lalaftno. Mr. and Mrs. , , ,, r .... ,. r. . Ifnr annual lusppolhiti liy lie IM Mr).mald Atifcns Mac- .'N(,. (. ()(, ,HHri.( M ri. dntu.1.1 Mr. and Mrs. I-. Jiicneral .1. M. Iltiis, fi.M.O., h.S.O. M"('rM2L . I Service dress lo ho worn with Ipllltees, hell and rilles. Payrolls jwill he signed at this parade. . i i t .lili i .. I . B.C. LUMBERMEN he paid Ihe Itejrlinonl deiends on 1 1 he nuiiierical slronzlh of this I The first alletnpt In localiito parade. Ihe Oonimninliiiff Ollicer ;hy means of maps, plan! and'uises all ranks lo he present at operaiions or any major uuius-.mis nispeciniu. Allil. S. IV, JOHNSTON, ' Major and Adjutant, 1st. Iln. North ll.CJlrtit. TDK DAILf NEWS RECENT ADDITIONS TO LOCAL LIBRARY! Ilecent addition 1o llm local ...."i.n.. in .. .'.I.. . WIikii v,.. i ..... ... II""""7 wii.iij """" nte y,,;ir hi. i,,..!.,, .;,..,. i "An Introduction to Fcnnnm- . lnur imw-vi iroriH t-mi.upiiu'ii; -nu i ' Mr Caiiailian Headers, hy ) people lime Mik aiid l.il - liciidii.-lus- vitur ' A - Mi'llihl.iin w osinolntl'l ,,ft and furry; your Jin-nlh "Jx'iK riMi 1,1-rnid your et. mid i.flPii yiui reel It ypu w going In falut. -Kicriilly If In a rrnwd.-rt jiUxm wlioiv iimti' H in lie or no ventilation. . When in t tiiK I'cimlliliiu iiipii- i (,niy one ihinir In do, nml lh.il t i take MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS Tlicy win niiiitii.itx (lie lurifMi liver o llul will n itulut"' the flnw (ir lillc lo rl pmpprly mi the li'.wi'K and tlum clear vm all tlie poi matter Hint I re(ifmnltil ran- all ynur liu-r tnnililc. Kw at HI all druirirUts and denlei; Hit lip only by The T. Mlllmrn Cu., Mm IteiJ. Toronto. Ont. Telkwa on Friday niirlil in aid nl me letKwa MirHliig Home. A tfood lime was spenl at Hie dauci hill lite leu mile journey hom "Unity in Industry," hy .lame's Ki.1,1. ,':iiililrr.n'-r!lnrijk and How In Tell Them," by,jA. Hi "The J-iltiwilfoySjjJfr Women," hy Willysline (iooiUl. "Oceanography," Y J. T. ' ''F.voryday Hhoniislry," hy Al- freil v tyiaii. "llvoliilionary IHnlngy," by Arlhur Demly. "Animal Life and lliimnn Progress," hy Arthur Denby. pile. Ilieit calls in Hie doctor. He then experiments willi him until he finds Hie rinli! thing. Then Hie crank goes into a coffin. KOl'KHT II ANN A, Fisherman The Man in the Moon . YS:- ONF. man who often turns nver an new tear is Ihe ciar maker. Yeslerdiiy the congrcxal ion- of j SI. Andrew' were yiM-ii a slal-j TIIK mislleloo gels Imtipf ment nf the fiMiiini's of Hicikissiiiu. The man uflon ! slinwiir.' Hhiirch showing a more healtliy iiiii for !he same crime. , ....... i; i ... it . i...r tl.j i f to principal sawuuiis, .siitnte mi imu. ni- ' in" Tiiills. loifW'ini.' operaiions and hov was coininented on l y Areh-rnclnrii's" in Hie Province. Ovondoaoon ll al hoi It serv. (itilt firms ensraod in Ihe lum-i" ln;rin iniis),yMirt,frprosi'nl('d iui litis Atlas, the precise location' nf each hcitii; shown on one ofj I lit Din ) referred lo. A plan is also (riven shnwliif? Ihe principal J steamship points of call on Iln" ' II. C. coast willi faros and sailini: ilay.s and the main inland Inifciimi centres with rail locations, tlU- Innces aiid fares. ! In the Letter Box ! BOB HANNA AGAIN Kilihir Uaily News: Seeing that onr.jigjrl of Prince lluperl is jroittfr alined hy leaps and hounds, us Ihe l.irjfesl fish-tiifr port, on the Pacific coast, we as eilizens must look-In the pro-lecliiui nf our' fishing fleel in this harbor. ppoplA cniiiinn from the l.'.S. furjti? their fnniilios and hoals and roshfu JiPre. There miiol ho something ilonc aloiiK Ihe wnlorfrnnt for .Hie fishiiifr fleet, ollhor hy lli6 Honiinion govorumi'iil or Ifie. Provincial (fovorniniiU Soelilpr Dial Ihey are to have flow- Hay we must jo I snttielhlns in rolurti. In rejrard In Hie wnlerfronl s6mo people have pnlled me a crank. ' 1tal isji'cpnnk? F.very man is on I il led tp his opinion and tiohody can ijeiiy Hint, nmsl men nio'Jol Iheir opinions on ac-cepUd allies hy reference In Hie modorn pross. , The crank boliotos Ihal his opinion is Hie trulh, Hie whole Itiidi and nnth-iil hut. Hie trulh. 'Hie press is useful lo kcpfi fools in order artd is no hniijrmun's whip. Know-1ed(ri comes hy experience. II is llio ilfily of every mnn Iti earn his own liviitK and wliat he earns lo keep. In earn a llvinfr a man needs health. To hold health you tiuisl imissoss fix id. a house and elolliitiff. TltOro are (dlifer cranks ho-sidps ino. Thei'e !tit vcuretnrian cranks and' the leolntal all wool j cranks. You nil know 'who roads Hi press ads., Imys-pills hy Ihoi for els TilKliF S noltiiiiK like leal Iter, unli s;- it is some n1 I lt, IoiikIi Light, wholesome bread, with the tasty, golden-brown crust, baked in your own ' home can you think of anything nicer? ROYAL YEAST CAKES Is your wife wiser than you? IF YOU read only the stock and sportirfg pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser the n you. She reads the shopping news. She likes to hear you jingle money in -your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won't have to ask for more. She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does. Comfortablv at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains what she wants at the lowest price it is offered. She is certain of full satisfaction, for she knows advertised goods live up to their claims. She saves time and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy new advertisements and to prepare you an appetizing dinner. These benefit too. beefsteak we sometimes encounter in Prince Uijpcrl. PF.IIHAPS it Is because of Ihe heefslotik .sniiii. people are always hoofing. TIIK lime In stand up for Ihe women is when a lady is looking for a seal. IF, as Ihe politicians say, every man has his price, il iiuisL also ho ' remembered Dial every woman has her figure. TWO heads ah belter oho, so the barber savs. Till'; person in society Is man. than who shines bos! the hald hoadei.' I Ten Years Ago in Prince Kuperl January 2G, 1915. Al a mass meoliiiK held las' ii iv ! I in the Kmprcss Theatre, ( I.. Clayton presiding, I lie petition urging upnn II. S. Clements, M.P. Ilo necessity nf giving privileges lo American halibut fishing vessels at Ibis pnrl, was un-iiiiimuusly endorsed on motion of Froil Stork, seconded hy M. .1. Ilnliin. The finance cnniniilloo sub-milled a repurl al lusl night's mooting nf the city council that (In assessment pf '.ij ho al lowed In stand Ibjs year. A minority report 'opposing this was ! submit led hy Aid. McPJy-tnonl. Final .decision on Ihe question was laid over for a week. Tho most iinpnrlnnl naval engagement ao far In the (Iron! War was fought In llio North Sea on Sunday. The Cionuan hat lie cruiser Illucher was sunk. advertisements are written for your Read them. Help her help you save. Buying advertised products is a bond investment not a stock speculation PACE. FIT. Candy Special BROKEN SCOTCH ' NUT SCOTCH HUMBUGS ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ORANGE AND LEMON SLICES 50c per lb. Call for your Calendar and Tides and Guides for 1925. ORMES LTD. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS Third and Sixth Phones 82 and 200 Prince Rupert, B.C. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 YOU WANT THEM WE HAVE THEM Rupert Marine Products Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Monday, January 26 High 2:51 a.m. 21.0 ft, 11:15 p.m. 22.2 " Low H:5.T a.m. 5.0 " 21:10 p.m. 0.7 " Tuesday, January 27 Hiifh 3:3'.l a.m. 21.0 fl. 15:31 p.m. 21.2 fl. Low 9:11 a.m. 5.0 " , 22:01 p.m. 1.7 " J 'Ti Night Phones Red 61 S Gr. 601 539 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. I ' Cartage, Warebouslui, and MNtributing. Team or Motor Service, Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano aiid Furniture Moving.