I pok rorra WINTER COATS at cost emers' Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 SERVICE NOT SERVITUDE Has it ever occurred lo you Ihat the multitude of "Household Helps" offered for sale are of themselves lifeless and incapable, of service unless controlled and directed hy the already overburdened housewife. Laundry service alone Is alive, vital, imposing no new obligations, and asking nothing hut your friendly disposition, to change servitude into service. May wo null? Phone 8 EHHHEEEE1 PHONE 8 XStfy 60X392 PRINCE -t'ROPERT DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 60c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. JUST ARRIVED Children's, Growing Girls' and Misses' SHOES At Lowest Prices MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. Dr. E. S. TAIT ! i DENTIST. Htloerson Block, PRIKCE RUPERT, B. O. Offloe Hours, 9 te 6. Phone 680. Open Evenings Only Fr Special Appointments.. St. Regis Cafe I M a into nupervs ueaoina Restaurant. Dakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone Gt. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture moving. BRINGING UP i ; 1 1 1 WELL HaS r r0 ill NCAk rvvKj a.kj- Xee the GA.MCi POLICE BOARD IS SATISFIED Final Meeting of Year Yesterday Afternoon Developed Into Love -Feast Tho final tneoling of I lie l!)2t pnlic,. commission held yesler- lay afternoon in the rily cnimfif chamber developed into a love feast in the course of which Hie mayor and his two cnmniissinn- ers mutually congratulated them selves on Hie amicable relations that, had existed between them complimented Ihe police force on dip in'riil ii-nti Auk- .if fo ,MI in U. ,...!.. " : '""""" '""(force but il was received iiiii-i- luioi-ri, an comrarv re ports niilwillislaiiiling, compared favorably with any other njiv ... ill Us fiiye in ,i Inn nrii'iim.t - r..i-.i.. I .. L.....f . , , , P il1"" m'V""1 n,''lPr- Co, Com m.ssmner Montgomery set he eulogis.ic ball rolling when , , . IUH aI1 he referred In the harmony thai ii. ui jm i: iUH-ii iii iiii commission during I he vear ami exoressed sie 'egret thai CjiinmissioiiPi- r...im He eron was withdrawing. Jle hoped Ihe ihat Ins ridlow commissioner next year would be as capable a partner. The same remarks he had made with respeel lo Commissioner Cameron also held good for the mayor and he hon ed and wished that he would re- mam the head of the commission next year,. -Mayor Newton expressed bis thanks for the klndlv sentiment that had been voiced by Commis sioner .Montgomery and reilerat- Hie on 4. his of M. M. STEPHENS Solh-il.v Your Support ' for ALDERMAN 1925 ' ! ALD. J. ARTHUR SMITH i for r'o-Meclion )25, Your" . support and vole solicited . : ALD. R. F. PERRY Solicits a renewal of your confidence at the polls on Thursday. ! ? ! ALD. FRANK E. CLAPP for re-election I92!. l Solicits Your Vole on Thursday ALD. S. P. McMORDIE tor re-election HlTi. A continuation or your ronridenee is respect -fully solicited. ?. . i . . . GEORGE W, KERR l Ilesieclfully Solicits your Vote Tor ! ALDERMAN ! 1925 FATHER COME OOT OH." CANT VOL) JOIN J I "v f- I l v Yvf ed (he statements thai bad been made as far as Commissioner Cameron was concerned. Commissioner Cameron, in voiciliu- bis thanks. s!nfi.,l ilii it had Jiecii a pleasure for him to sit on I lie pMice hoard for Iwo years. Ho was sorry thai he bad found il impossible to oc cupy Hip post another year. He was of Ihe om'iiiou that notice administration was being as effectively carried mil now as il had ever been in the cilv ami In- wished lo compliment lln chief unit his slalf mi their attention fo luly. Mayor Xewlnn endorsed, the slalemeiils of CoiniiiissionerCani- eron as far as die police force was . .'. concerned. . Xever once lunl " 'Mllll IO lb ami iiclcil upon. Commissionei- Innii.,, n ...... said that be or had ii.iii noi not intended iiiieuuei to in " '''I' us complimenting Ihe f"r,, '"" 1,p " 'MM n(roi, Tn, ,.it was ., ' III. in, II i( 11 ,,,,, ,)0 . . . aspect but il was ,as good, he 'ell, as any town of a similar anil position in the umvince. believed Hip force had done lies! it could under existing conditions and, when one look inln consideration how il was trammelled by laws and acts. wonder iniwhl arise that .it had done as well as il had. He hoped however, Ihat slill belter result? might yet be obtained. SMITHERS ' J. M. Hall of Terrace iwnl fore riart of (lie week in town business in connection with interests in the local store Hip Halt Uros. hardware firm. P. Ooddard of Ilazellon was a visitor in town on Tuesday; O. J. YVhcally of (he O.N'.n. arrived in town last Sundav evening on a business trip pertaining In his official duties. John Here, an enmlovee in Mm Hanson Tie camp at !ec.cr Lake a MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 1925 Candidates endorsed by (he , Tradp,s, and Labor Council or Prince lluperl: For Aldermen Aid. GEO. B. CASEY. W. M. BROWN. JOHN McKECHNIE OSCAR LARSON Police Commission JAMES COOMBS. Vole Ihe Solid Labor Ticket. Headquarters, Exchange Block Phone Black -241 .). T Robert McCarthy for POLICE COMMISSIONER 1925 Your vote respectfully T Solicited . . . , ; Vote for HARRY ROCHESTER for ! SCHOOL TRUSTEE l 1925. i Your support solicited. ! TIIK DAHY NFAVS ,M ORRN BOT I LEF T K-CV HOMH WSO ' -j.--.-i nwii J i r .fit arrived in town Sunday to receive medical allenliou for an injury received while at work Ihe latter part nf Ihe week. Mr. Herg bad bis hand badlv crushed when a load of ties slewed and Jammed his band belween the sleigh and a slump. Mrs. Clias. Hied entertained n number of ladies at. her liomi Second Avenue, on Friday after noon. A very nleasanl lime was spent playing .Mali .lonir. l ie honor of winning Ihe first prizi going to Mrs. Matthews. Intensive alterations are be. ing carried out under Contractor las. Downie lo the livincr annrt. menls over the Interior News QCfj... ALICE ARM The home of Mr. and Mrs. Krnesl. Moss, owned by James N'ick. was cnniidelelv desl roved y Tire recently. Some of the onlenls were also lost. Ther.' was no insurance either, on lh muse tie (lie contents. A. C..' II. Oerhardi, general manager of the lloiupstakp Min ing Co., announces that ship ments from the Toric mine wiP probably commence Ibis month. Two new snecders have been purchased for use on the hollv Yarden railway. Mr. and Mrs. fienrgp llruggy and family left last week for Vancouver and oilier nninls in south, where they will spend a vacation of two months. STEWART . The driving of. a long lunncl on., Hie Indian mine which has been in progress for tbejiast six inonilis lias heen comn e ed and a diamond drill outfit is now to he laken in. The results or IIih drilling will determine lliecour.se of nil ure development opera-lions. There were twelve birlbs. eight deaths and four marriages in Stewart during I021. There was only one death from natural causes, I be balancij having been ijjje lo accidents. S. WnlUtedt district iliclnlo- or llie Moose ' Lodge, is :a.' visitor nere anii; ai iiyijer; k' ' Paul HingaftAind Hans Mron of (ierin.'i'ny ha've arrived hern where they intend lo remain following their callings as mechanics. , ; '. Hector McCall and Duncan Mclsaac, who have been employ ed af Ihe Indian mine for the past six months, left last week Tor Ihe Atlantic Coast. A. (!. Howie lias arrived here lo lake cli.'ir'Je nf Din Inenl niv. erniiienl telegraph ofllce while S ii. i.awrencp Is jOn ' ic Inp to tin Old Coiuilry. .f Krtiesl lllue, jjie Ilyr der allor ne; icy, ha fefl fnr'Xew Vib .-1 o3 I M'l HT I Wl II Mil l.uxiness Irip. - The Iroy nroup In the Salmon 'I'iyer seel Ion has been bonded by "K. O. Weston 6f5Vicorla Tro Neil McDonald and'Charles Lak A substantial casi payment wrm niaue and an rneraetlc program 111 lieveiOHI IPIII. WOTK IS IO 111 carried out. II is iinderslo lliat Mr. Weslon has Hie hack ,ing or St.. Paul and Minneapo ill 4capilalisls. - LADIE8' WHIST LEAGUE ' i Oames nlnvCln Ihe I.fidle' VVI.IjI lunmii. '! II. CI . UahIi - " HI. Hill I KIM, If) Caru last eveniC were as fol- IF 3HC COSt II I inn .:wit.n:'ir vsr, at i i . i 1923 er Int-l FrAumr Servici. ImtfTSiiuiimiaii I jf J C'nx P"iriMietfveJ.'lttp' Daily News Classified Ads. I 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Titken for L ihnn ROYAL CANADIAN NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE ill'.CUI US WANTl'T). Sea ex - perience not necessary. He ular Naval instructor beinc appointed. For full particulars apply Naval Headquarters, Hays Ktiililing, near Tiem Pole, on Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays, 7 lo D p.m ACCOUNTANCY .7nnr-a "V HOOKS ...-m. written up nalanci; sheets, financial statements and income lax returns ore pared by expert accountants. Hales reasonable. Write P.O. ' Hox 835. . f lows: Daughters of Fngland. 5: Pythian Sisters 1: Moose Ladies ; Orange Ladies 3. j Sport Chat j K The latest in snort disease is tennis elbow and Waller Stewart Nulliall, a lndim Jennis star, lias died of it. The average ten nis player need not worry, how ever, for expert medical opinion asserts Ilia! Ihe disease i mil filial ifnless complications sil in. Tennis elbow, il is explained, is something like Charley Horse in baseball. Through nver-exer-lion, aggravalPd by a cold, the tendons and muscles of Ihe elbow became alfecled anil need careful massage ami ipsI. Hxacl- ly what happened to Nulliall it s funiculi in stale at Hits (Usance but. in iinv case, an oncr- ulioii had lo be performed and this seems In have been the I i reel co use of his death. The first louinamenl of Hie second hair of Ihe firsi ' division billiard season lakes place In-night belween the Prince lluperl Billiard Parlor and (initio. It will be noled from the fol lowing line-up thai Don Drown has been put lis firs! man on I lie Orollii team in place of .(Jeorife Waugh, captain, who has put Iniiisclf down lo second: (leorire Mcllmovle milliard Parlor) vs. Don Drown (firnllo) . Charles llalagno vs.. (ieorge Waugh. Fred Stephens vs. F. Pierce. D. JeliMi vs .Herl Morgan. Ail La km in vs. J. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 . CALLIES BEAT COLD STORAGE BILLIARDS Both Second Division Teams Im prove Positions In Standing Last Night The Callies won decisively over the Canadian Fish Cold Slor- Uge Co., in las! night's second division hiniard leagiut nxlurc, I he 'aggregate score being 72r lo (s in tlietr favor. Didfvlilual scocing wjis as rol- lows: . Ik t 1. 11!.. - - " ''laeaiiiay, iiiaiuesj, i;; .1. Kny (Cb Slnrae), l!0. D. .McLean, ISO; 'John Hulger. Man. Malcolm Lamb, 150; II. Parr, h. W. li. Wlllisd-nfl. ir.Of fionerrA Kelsey, 121. W. Murray, 150; s. Darlon, Ml." League, standing to date: Oanies Til. Ave. P. R. D. P. . ""V .'ir.nr, 711 SI. Andrt'wV .'Mil 088 Ot'ollo iiroiio. . moo tl V V 3281 P..III..O S e I 1,, I II.." f mot oir. Cold Sforajo ...... & 3020 003 WANTED ITHIMD Class F.ugiueer desires ! position. Itest references. Work guaranteed. C. J. Senk-bill, Siuilhers, lt.C. 13 YOUNO Lady, businpss eapabij- , , . . . imps, wisliPs to represent local . ... riM... firm. III...... n l I'hoiie HpiI 7011. WAN TFD. (lirl for dining room work, apply Central HoIpI. TO fit NT Ol! III.NT. St'jTF rnr rent in Angliean Aparlinenls, Deach Place, (iooil (uindilion. Splendid view. Also some furniture Tor sale. Apply IpiiiiiiI. If FOIl niiN'T. Furnished Houso- keeping suilo, III) Sixth Ave. Fast. Phone lllue 278. If FOIl RENT. Modern house, five rooms and balh. Apply Munro Uros If OR RKNT. Singer Sewing Machines. Phone lllue 389. tt FOR SALE IMMORTALITY CFHTAIN. The life artr death and a real world beyond is shown in Swmleniiorg's great work on "Heaven and Hell." Over 100 pages. Only 2.r cents postpaid. H. . Law, Hfi Huclid Avenue, 'loronti). FOR SALR OR RKNT. Mrs. Harry Lipselt's residence, f :jf Fourlh Avenue. AppTy, Lip- sell, Ounnjngliaiu, Second Ave. and Mcllrhle. if FOR SAI.lv -drey Wicker Haby (Jarriage. Phone Red .I'lfi. BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at tho Inlander centrally located, one hall block from Post OITlce, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf CHIROPRACTOR, R. E. EYOLFSON Craduale of Ihe National College of Chiropractic. Chicago, No. 1 Stephen's Block Hours: 10 to 12: l In r.! ? in h Saturday afternoons and Sunday uy appointment Pione Illub 85. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George. Paul or (lust Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Ni' t Stand: .10SS BROS. POOL ROOM" Meeker Elork, Across from Smnr ss Holei DRY WOOD CEDAR, HEMLOCK "OR FIR Cut and split to any alio. $6.50 per Load A. ISAACSON, Seal Cove Woodyard. Phone lllack 401. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Pmi lure Store. We lluy. Sell and Ex. cnange New and Secondhand Hoods. QfcO. PAPADUPULI8, 830 Third Ave. Phone M AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to consult us when you deslro lo soil or purchase furniture, or nnv arllele. PRINCE I1UPKHT FA'"-ClIANnE, Aucllnnoers. DRESSMAKING MltS. HAMILTON, experienced dressmaker, Federal block. Dressmaking, nlterallons, sult4 nnrl coals. First class work. Reasonable prices. Phone Hl.ick 410, ,j Wednesday, January I ( i By George McMaii V 'T.; TIMBER SALE x 6603. iwrr win re nrremr Fin- vili-M kVin-tnui. i n.n.n i,n p,,. iv .1.. v 1 rimi'V. J. ivo., ill lur tun Mirwrvmii-, smiitirm, li ' . ii. NtllU4, In rllt l.iillll limal til: It 1'lll.kM .llll I'lllliu .in i. . , . , lell Like, alt iiiiih. mmtiiui ;i i.niiir iiiNiriii. I'VI IK i VMM U'lll I.A ill..n-. i iinivnl r iimUir, IToHilill Hut Uliv ihii' iiitffltriit lllf Ullrlluli III ..., iiii niii: , . Ijliilwl III Ilm i.l..-i..f1 nl tl nil tlrnlNl miv hid. Kuritior irtriii-iilnrn ..r Ui-llte.:.; . icr. Virion. H.i:.. or inirn t I'rhiir Iiiimh, o.i:. TIMBER SALE X6S30. v......... ...... - . i .. iirn-ii irimi-n niu im- rri I iv'fl r l' Milliliter M l,miH, It Virt..n.i. than ihkhi nit llir (Alii il.n ,i if, IV5, fur lh(! (iiirrhav i.f , ; rr rut l,r .nun lirl .r sp ' (nil llfiiilurk, mi mi in.i -,i i rtrwrll Inli-t. (.diphi i-.hnrl..ln l-iji irUi. run (ti ynr will In- nll . l'f tiMivil of ilinlK-r. . Flirlhw tHirtlriiUrH nf tlir i hi.' i Irr. VlrlorU. Hi:., or fii-Hn' H fj"'!.'! H"wrt. li.C, TIMBER SALE X 6838. Sfatfd Ti-nilrr will bit i- i veil I-Minis if r of l.anU", t Vii-ium t limn mum on tnr sin iiy i. I8t, fur lh pu return- or I. in x to cut 6, mo. nun frit r -i i I, anil llrniliMk, rat- in uiii lJ, srlwyn lnlt. jn . a lliii Inn nmtrirt. Twii (i yett will b alloweil f r i moval or tlnilirr. Fnrlhrr i.irtiriilar or llav 0 t n-r. nr. Virwna. Mrwria, n. n.v., c. or lif im l-flnre H.uirt. h.r. LtrtD ACT. Nolle f Inttntlon to ApqlfrtA pyrchu ... ........ .,... .n.t l.l.l.lal 1 ...T - iy l)nru.i.t ... . li.....a.i...A l.ia.i... .. . iin ..(iiiiih ln.Hli l, lil i nepnuliiulrly mir and inn- lull .lull', v. nr saivim SMtmn. en salmk l-nifT.i -:. in.... Take- toiirp ili.il nmioir l .ii -(H3 Carlrirm si.. Ilnriwhi- , .ml i : j8firf liilrniN lo apply fr !'' lo iuri'ha it rnUnwinir d-i-f ib-.i rrnnniftiiiiln. hi 1.1 i . otitliwfn rnii.fr of lit tfyjj, -v. Ilarli lln-iiiv noiiltwutriH . mi malfly ami ,vanl; tfiKiiin, nutm.-" apprntlmiildy see varil; lhrTfr ..,.. son yard, tu nolm or UUiiHi'. priaitiir all that imrtlnn or 'Vuli-na I wot or l.nt tnn and ryuulntur an, nior or lia. ' . IIIIMIA MJI.T.S Awut Mr MORTQAQC SALE. TUI' MlTli'f Umi i, ...i.. '.k I... of the ptiwrrx rnntaliit'd in" '.. ;iurinir- (l.ll.-tl tin. l rlav lit A mil, ami made lieiwiin tin v 1 ?. l.linitiHi, ami the Hmat K.ii.x r Ifliinili. 1 will ... ..r... .i I whit iiir e- m i aurtluii on Tui-mUv, llm jotli ila nt i ary. ivtt. at the Imur or l .:m i a in-- uiii'rniHiii.vai me preniin-i nr ii 1 .,J,,y..,':lv'',lt,1 Avnue, l-iiinn 1i t, H.r:.. i iti .u..i. ..I......I. ....... . . ll.-a II llll' r-ru and tiermuml prnpern uw.- :i ..--.mi ..uniiri MoiiKaire, an, I lid rnnlrnia or the Wnml k Palrh". I. n riPii.niete, ,ow a (nilnir nmreni. uni-' it thli'lu.riutt ., . .. lieirera. harne lord tnirk, -train b h'trara, wawi, reed, draiiKlu Inn-- 1 oilier tievaaltle reipiiri-d In tin- npi ' nr a dairy, and al iioimelioi.l rn and roods, ete. ., ''ATI-II at l-rlnre ttiipert, U.i t! tl day of January. m. Vfil- filPtlini !.... I... 1... ii' t i rn. nriiiurn Villi i"U 1 1 ;- Or kAlo AVm,!.. It'liii...... .-i.. ? V ' ii iiii.iinii, .iime'iH ale, Solirilirv Prlnre ruiperf, U LANIDACTjy. J. ' Notlc et Inttntlon to Apply to Lata Land , I" W.ntl Inlet, onem. ... ,thri lo IRlail(1 l.llnH lil.r..ln. A ...i, t - - , - '" 1'i.m... iirriiniiiiK: in S rn''rlMP,rt. li.C, and Mttian- an H pne mileloiiin or lliwa Island, M-u No ' Vealalton Hay, rjm'jnjb -r limit ,Tk "Notice mat niiR-fiuri. simp n. Manaver. Intend lo applvjr permi- I to leaa the rollowlna- dSnfidbeiV Hi'-'" I''1' f. Jtallon Hay: tn'iife "iitl) f.ininL" i,"",nr' 10 riinln. Knr r n-taming- It arren. more or leu KI'OF.NE IL SlMpSON, n., neeemhe. io.h X?2k.M Jl'"1"'""' NOTICl OF CANCH.LATION OF REStRVE N.F. IS ItRnFnv OIVFN, that Ihe ?,;,' vverlrifr Lota t0 nf.it, In- relied.' g" S' Cn"M '''"r""'. l-" cln . OF.O. h. NAPEJV, Denary. oV''J'',r' f L vletorl. B.C., Vi-1..nho IQIh I0 H5 UFRKX'e rnijUT OF DniTISH m ih. .. . OOLUMBIA. "r ,hn -tliiistrn Mnn Act: an-l lhtl!!"J' '' '',l'e nf Ole fllnen. 'li-ceannrt lnl,,ui,(, ii.k.Fi.f'T,rf' Unit bv nrHi-r r IIP tHul'Vi i""1' 1 W"1' """' A'ltl'f" re..n I'.' .'':. -tt- ,r file ol,P. rti atninii ihi'1 lo-vlnft, rl.ilms t" Vn ,". Tonntly teiiried. in lMan.k rr.""" 1h" ',uv "' Feh ii"'-'' iu .i,nrt "",Mr,lM IndiMed to j.lie . vonM A' VTT Ofrifiil AdmttiJjtt'-atr. Prlii'e nnnerl " r nn.i ... .i, ruled tlie rtii day of Janiiaiy, Idiii,