14, 1925. r -day. January to T7 i This n slize ifoa am ir " : tD ? 1 IRK A li Wa J. T o -r-.Iliar v-, , What lire you going to do when you an- tx iH to work? y .1 old ieople have In ask other for support, lint you , ;n :iioftl tills if you roiiuiicm-r NOW U arquirc uu e. .mill, independent income. To enable you Itie more easily to do tills, the Canadian Gov rnment maintain (lie Annuities System. On very ., trrnts you muy buy an Annuity of any amount from : to 8.VOOO " Vr, guaranteed hy tli" IMrnlnloti f iVi. hIiUIi will coWimen.cn ut uny age you (kmso acd v 111 last long an you live.' There urc plan of pur n;"-. under Xihlch you may protect the Interests of jc.ir 'it'' r dependent for u irrm of years ce.-tuln. Ki i. --.ileal examination I required. A out Annuity cannot 1 el7.cd for debt, Is t I it 1 1 ;tnl:c, nnii it nee irm iminiii.'oi iiivumc i.if'HT particulars, fill out ttilx Couimhi and add reus direct cd. Awakens Old Memories srV6' aivj TOLD CROW BOURBON WHISKEY The same unequalled superb, rare quality' Mail this Coupon No Postage Needed Lvpariment of Labour, Annuities Branch, aio Ottawa, Ont. r;.-.-i- -rnH m th Pi!w,k f Information" ml full nurtlrnl.r. , ,. ., nl a J'nn.dlM Ooverura.at Annul! r. Mr "l U.t birluda- 'B , (SlaU- Whdt.or Mr.. Mr., or M1s) ! ,t Offl .dlre aiwa-Tgwaartwif Ml 11. lii'ii in 11 W ndy Special BROKEN SCOTCH T4UT SCOTCH HUMBUGS ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ORANGE AND LEMON SLICES 50c per lb. Call for your Calendar and Tides and Guides for 1325. ORMES LTD. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS Third and Sixth Phones S2 and 200 Prince Rupert, B.C. GET IT AT! Poitrbon in fact and Quality-backed BOTTLED IN BOND UND8R FESCIiAL COVEHNMIKT SUPCnVISIOM 36 U adveHjsement Is not published or displayed by. Hie Liquor" Control Board or by the Govenimeut of . '' nritish Columbia. 1 HIGH CISS -GROCERS PHONE 586 REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS rU J Local and Personal H.C. Uinlurl.aki;rs. Phono 41. lliiyiiors. Undertaker, Phono 351 You'll liko our sou!! era Coal Co. Phone 7. Cop.sum Mrs. Olof .Hanson is Icaving for Fihnonlon on tonight's train ami experts-tu be.' away about " a inoiilh. SI. Andrew' Society wHI'.UOld u wins! dnvQilQ ihelr room on January 10 at 8.30 p.m. AdiitiR simi TiOc. t . 12 CN.lt. steaine Prince .Ioln,Ti i .apt. i.. Malms, is'expeeipil to morrow from Vaiicouvor via the- Oueen Charlotte Islands. Muiiiiipal Chapter, UU.K. Ten uml 8alu of tfonio 'Gooki'iw-in SI. Andrt'W Rooms' January 17. Mu.iial proBittiii and raf flex. . Miliini (ioiir-alfi, Vii ha been 1. n a liusinesa frtp.'tfr Vailpotner ;:n. Yicloria, is rtuminK to.Ul i i'y' on I he Prineft Uupi ri thl afli'i'iiiiiHi. Mr. iiinl Mrs. Alonzu Haines ami family, who have been on uu extended holiday trip-to T ronln. are expected home about the eiid of the month. The polieft comm!$ion ileeided yesterday afternoon to accetvt Hie iitrer of Wwfeeaiit Bailey of riii fin' the old. Harley-Davldson iiiulon-yele which llio depart meal now pimaense. Do not forget Hie neoomt hull of Hie 1st Norlli Itiilinh ColuniUia',",? e'lniBM, a i I lie Auditorium, tt-- fwrt January 16. An pyceHrtt "otfrs- Ira lia.i heen Meeurel 4r the event. Hy iierniixHiiin l.O(C., all jix-servtee men are suoweti to wear uniform, -iw " n lihief VieJiers reorled at the nieeling of the police eirtiintissioi. velerduy afternoon that healing the women' section of ttie jail was not satisfactory" and also rttii l the roof was leaking. The mailer was left in the hands rif Ilie chief .uid Hie ci'y engineer In remedy. Wc still have a considerable ttock of the follow'nq lumbor, etc., to clear at barnaln prices before end-of month. Dimension Lumber, planking, shlplap, Droo Siding, double dressed finish V Joint, floorlnn, doors, windows and veneer, oak and cedar boat lumber, etc. Shockley Planlna Mills. tf Tin. police coiiimissin yesler .lav rieriirtUn intrt lurl ihI ' I he city snlieilor 1 mt-operate with -the sebi.,.1 Infill wifti a viw'i ef-iiriiiiK Hi" prosecution of a pool in. ii! keeper whom it llftred I. ail allowed minors rtn his nre- ini-es. In answer to a complaint Iroin the school hoard IbaV the nifexv law was not being ob served, il wan decided to notify Hie hoard that the department hail Hie matter in hand. The chief reuorled Hint llnj ofllcers hvere continually chusinit youna slers off the streets hut it was Impossible to cover nIP parts of the city. After all. lit parents were he most effective poller in this reict. vvc WJ.VOUNCEMENTS I O.D.I':. I'.hililren s Fancy Dress Ha'l. February (i. CASH AND CARRY Stock-taking Take uilVHiitaue of these re- niarkulily low prices; MaKic Baking Powder, 2','s 85c Majsie Hakinn Powder, 6's 51.G0 Drown Deans, i lbs. . . 2Co While Dians., per lb. . . 7o flrren Peas, 1 His. ... 25c All our prices are re-ilnci'il. Cuini' in ami look around or phone Hi. E GO 01 STORE 417 Fifth Aye. West. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE IN THE MORNING HER TONGUE WAS COATED HAD BAD TASTE IN MOUTH Mi I'rarlp. I.. Zintk. ll.ii " Curiu-i-. ! X.S., wriu-s: -'-I was rj fn ll n-.iiibleri w ith my liver, aud.UM'il lju. K'. t -ncli Jii.v I W'Mll.l IlllVr til -II llwun Wllill' 1 wuii ilulnit my work. In Hie iiiuruiiiit, wIh u l ni'il In ifi t up. HO Imiirue nin ri.aicn 11..1 1 iirni a nan Imte in my imnitli im.l r 1 11 I line. tliroiiKlniul the day. I mi- In.utlcd Willi Iiih In my muniai'li. 1 ultrvil 111 thl til 1 rrleiiu ut lulw who hail iim-i yuiir MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS told nie of ImvliiK uk 11 ilwni. so I de-cldrd to try limn, mi'l I -ati Inillifiilly 'Mr Uwt tlK'y rerlilnlv did inc a lot of rannoi rreoibihend Hd-iii tmi highly to all thoMi' who niiffrr I did." . You ran prnnirc Millmrn' l.ana-l.lven UN at all drnrirlrtU m- .Irali-r; put up for the uaM 30 yi-ai'. hy The T. Mil fcurn :i Lltnliod. Tnn.nl.,. lint. Father ).. Aiiant. d.m.i., i leaving on thin afternoon's train for Vandorlioof : V. RMzeiiHlalii.- tiyder merchanl. WllO ' arriwid Iw jUie City yenler- aay fterifoon, W leaving on thi afternoon ? tram lor ?ew orK on btsiws. Tom, Cwnipbell, Indian, was brought from Stewart by the provincial aolice yesterday to tfurvo Infi'ly days in the local jail for tnett. .U. A. Barbank of the C.N.H. engineering tff arrived from Pt'lnce titiorge on thin morniii? (rain and i registered -at the Prince Houerl Hotel. Postponement ! Kllw - Roya! Purple whist wvf anil dance an nounced for Ta'day. January 13 i potlpwim fo Wednesday. January 21. liveyone eoine tlial nia-lil. Admtssidn 50r. John byblmvtt reiurned on this imriiinic's train after an abeuoe! uf one month,l'Hing .Montreal, Sew York, Ottawa. ChietMr afid oilier Kastent 'ctfles:. Al tlttawa Mr. Dybhavn a.tten.ited a rtteelino of the federal jhlfrfcajfical board r which he is a member. 'i'lie Kilsault "flWer Mkiinr & evt'l('iuieiil ' Co. of Alice Ann has tieen incorpor'tlled by Klmer Ness. The eajiflhiizaliou is l.(MO,0n and it is proposed to develop Hie Fox-Mai ilda and Blue Hihhon nup of claims sil-ualed near the KifsauH lUver ihuli'i'. Others intcreled in the I'ompauy are Oscar Flul, John Fix a ami Arthur Smith. Hie lal-Irr of Seal lie. PROTECTION AGAINST FOREST FIRES TO BE DISCUSSED TOMORROW WI.YNII'Fti, Jan. 11 Forestry conservation ami protection against forest fires in so far as these- subjects concern Hie Canadian National Hallways will lie fitlLy discussed at a meeting of regional officers of the system to he held in Winnipeg tomorrow. In addition to railway officers (here will be in ultenilance re-presenlalives of Canadian Forestry Associations. lh f Provincial (tovemmenls. the Federal Board 'of BaUway Commissioners and Ihe National PnrksBranch, the latlcY heinsr represajjenled by (Vl. Sntaynanl llogrs. ' 'snileiinten-denl of Ihe slate of Minnesota Koresl Con.- orx at ion Service. The trteelimr will he presided oyer by . V.. Warren, enaral manaRcr Canadian -National western MOOSEHEARTJEGION Enjoyable Whist Drlvo and Dance was "eld last nlnht in Mstropole Hall Ahoul I Till iiersons attended an enjoyable whist Irivp add dance which was held lad nighl RIT1SH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 192S. Has proiluceil Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, ,$70,1)!S2,203; Lode Gold, $113,, n.'J'i, Silver, 0:,r32,r5; Lead, $58,132,001 ; Copper, $170,01(5,508.; Zinc, $27,-001,75(5; .Miscellaneous Minerals, $1,108,237; Coal and Coke, $250,008,1 13;' 'Building' Sloue, Brick, Cement, elc, $30, i 15,231; making ils Mineral Production la jlie 'end-ol 1023 show an . Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 The Mining Laws of this Province arc more liberal and the fees lower than those of any oilier Province in Hie Dominion, or any colony ;u the British Kmpire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which guaranteed hy Crown Grants. Full information together witli Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis SURPRISE PARTY Number Invated Home of Mr. and Mrs. P. McCormlck Monday ' Evening 'Last .Momlay eveiiing a number of friends invailed t lie home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McCormiek. iiiilh Ave., (Fast, remaining and spemlinp a few pleasant hours dancing and ilnyinr cards. He-frestimenls were served al mif-night. Those present xvere Mr. and .Mrs. Deri I.oim, Miss L. Long,-M Us llilehin. Mr. and .Mrs. A. Itrooksliauk, Mrs. Tupper, H. Howe,;Y. Sinilh. Misses Pulinira ami Mary Astoria, Mrs. F.. Ire- land, 1). McKeniiie, Mr. and Mrs. U Ainadio, Mr. and Mrs. P. Mc cormick, Misses C. and A. Mc- Kenzie, 11. Ueid, V. Me Lend, A. J. C.urran and II. Astoria. ENQAGEMEMTS ANNOUNCED .Mr. and Mrs. II. formerly of Port now of Vancouver, vnjraficnienl of I.. Crr-.rent '.Seirt.elh.r. ol .en Ihlokn.tt hrou bIim ill th. .nlir. tnvlh ol lh. H. thui ivikinW'inJlainthek.rf mootuM-. Crrir.nlOrinJ K i an cxtlutt. Simondi i-itur.. il-IOXDS CNllWC0, IIMITE A. Haeklyefl. Simpson and annuiini-i' Ihe I heir eldest daughter. Phyllis, lo N. 1. I'erp- stra of LanLdev Prairie and of their youngest - daughter, Dori to M. T. Fillinore of Vancouver HOtEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert li. A. Taylor, Port F.ssintrlon. Contral Vol! ltosensleiu, llydcr; A. W. Chapinan, Anyox. Harry Mann has left for Anyox In lake a no-iiiou with Hie (iranliy Co. in . Ihe Mel'riioole Mali by the i n h miiers Ladies of lli" -Mhriseheart 'Legion. First prize winners were Mis, (I. Browne an,, f.hvvrence' i.awler. second nwa.,tls's''yoiiig lo Mrs. . Bussey nml 11.1'ri-y Astoria. After Icui-ils, re fresh metifrt wrre served ianil ilaueiiig wits enjoyed to the strains of music furnished v llhe West holme Ircheslra. Jiie , Sluggard vas master of cere-Imoilies. The i-oimnillee in 'charge consisted of Mrs. Kd. l"n-Iger, Mrs. l-jnar Larsen. Mrs. H, , McOavl tiy and Mrs. Thor Johnson with Mr-. Charles Filwiicils 1 presiding ut ittu UJur. A GOOD WAY TO , INCREASE BUSINESS Many advertising messages fafl lo attract attention because they are cither unattractive or are too stereotyped. Tins is the. opinion of one o! our busiest and most successful business firms Albeit & Mc Caffery, Ltd.. They have succeeded in interesting many new customers in the story of the famous Naiiniinn - Wellington coal and since tho coal ilsell lives up lo its reputation these customers are coining back daily for more. Nanaimo-Wellington coal is the premier fuel for the fireplace, range and furnace. More heat less ash no rock or -linkers. You should try Nanaimo. Wellington as soon lis your present .supply gels low. Belter still, if you onler some now you can lest it out with I iie coal you are now using. Nanaimo - Wellington stands supreme xvlieu a comparative lest is made. To secure a suiiply phone Albert it MeCalTery Ltd.. who are soli- iigeuls here. Their phone re 1 1 (i and rii 1 . If VMS F 4? I l C ""I ya,-. ' sir :.' ' X CrciccntCr.anr' I I X CmtC.t.l 0: X nd Vl-li-r.tcr mUMKlAl 51. John, tl.S, is addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. January CLEARANCE n if SUGAR 1c A LB. SUGAR 1c A LB. ATTENTION LADIES! With every S5.00 Cash Purchase during our January Clearance Sale you are entitled to 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 1c a Lb. The limit is 5 Lbs. to every customer. Act promptly and secure 5 Lbs. of Sugar at Sc. Remember that the Sugar offer Is over and above the sale Bargain Prices THE FOLLOWING IS BUT A FEW ITEMS OF OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE SPECIAL PRICES., LOOK THEM OVER. Ladies' Bubbers. medium heel only, Tor 50c 25 Pairs or Ladies' Shoes Tor 1 52.00 25 Pairs of Ladies' Slippers, Pumps and Oxfords, assorted sizes, for S3.50 155 Discount on all Ladies' and Children's Shoes and House Slippers. Men's Rubbers. Beg. $1.83. Sale. Price $1.50 Men's Overalls. Beg. $2.73. Sale Price SI .85 Men's Flannelette Working Shirts. Beg. $3.00. Sale $1.85 Boys' Monarch Swealers. Sizes up to 30. Sale Price $1.50 Monarch Wool, floss and dove. 1 oz. balls, four for $1.00 Monarch Wool, down, 2 oz. balls, 3 balls" Tor $1.00 Infants' All Wool Black Cashmere Penman's Hosiery. 1 pairs for $1.00 Children's Heavy Bib Culloii Stockings, all sizes. 3 pairs for $1.00 t balls or Crochet Cotton, all shades, for $1.00 " yards ul Grey Collou, 30 inches wide, for $1.00 1 yards oT While Flannelette for $1.00, Kverylhing in our si ore is reduced, genome bargains in every department in the store. JABOUR BROTHERS LTD. Corner Third and Seventh. Phone 645 s8&n. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ilulT aW f da . v,oa3i oervicej Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway January 12, 2G; February 9, For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 23 27 S.I. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For B'ltedalo; Swanson Bay, East Sella Bella, Oceat Fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Llr.f- Full information from W. C. ORCHARD. General Agent Cvirri.! cf 4th S reet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. U.i UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. smiinm. from Prince nupert. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alrrt Bay, Tuaaday, ,5 For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday,- 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. For ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naat Rlar Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. 623 2nd Anui. J. Barnalay, Agant. Prlnca Rupart. B O. Helgerson Block. Phone 109. Dr. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST Del my Kslinnile on your Dental Work CROWNS, PLATES, BRIDGEWORK I'ucoiidilioiially (iuaianleed. I do all my own work. This means PERSONAL SERVICE TO EVERYONE