HIES AGREE ON FINANCES Determined, U.S. to be Paid ' f assistance to Ihe In Full KWU: Jan. 11. All Ihe U, allied financial iodnyi signed the reyarding 1 dis-' Hie Dawes anuui-.inv: lo a Hose the '.-rul inler-allied ' i' the armistice. , inenl ihpiidnlcs Ihe .put "mi, limits the ful-y ' Itliiiddainl orc-opa-I -1-in i the prnpor-lonnniiy's payments is In receive. A : s. limiting L'nileil Stale .it!i;!K' iii i.o.mio.nlMi .ii'i iled, Itiui assuring i 1 1 ioii naymcnl of her . liis n-jdcs Hie occu-v s ill Hie Cotilnnz It i n' r TO BE HANGED Chong Sam Bow After Five Trials Is to Die Tomorrow Mornlnq VWcnlYKH. .Ian. I I. -Chong ;'ii- lliiw Chinese, who shot lo 'alii .1 Clayton Jones on .Inly Hi: i. will he execuled at x- w Wesimiusler, Thursday timi-ii 'I he feilernl irovern- Imih ileclined . lo intervene lie ileal h sculrncc. How has had five Irials, (wo 'w riaU Iiciiiu urnnlctl. one al win 'lr the jury disagreed, one in winch ,.as was lakeu rrnin jury ami Ihe firili ami rinal iil resulung iii Ihe ileiilh WING WONG IS OUT OF JAIL Liberatod on Appoal by Mr. Jus-tlco Macdonald at Vancouver VA.NCOL vi lli. Jan. 11. YVing nViiik, eonvlele.l by Magislralu McHlyiiioiil. Prince Hupert, 'of vlnlaliou of Ihe Narcotic Act, Vestrriiny ,..m.M,( M(..vnK six '"iillis In prison when Mr. Jus. "cc Maclouiild iuasliei Ihivcon-vie'lim, which he declared irreg-"'"f. IhoiiKh he i.lnoil that Ihe primmer was uuilly. Julius. on Hip coast ullnougli lliey I run operate' without IhN "iharkel. Airplane Spruce Exporter.) of Hie coasl, pur-licularly the II. II. McMillan Co., are wnlching the airplane spruce situation and are expamling their tonneetlons in foreign coun-Iries. There is always a good demand for high grade spruce and good prices are offered. Once organization is completed, Ihis business should mean a l-e.tl ileal lo Prince llilicrl dis trict which Is Ihe most proline producer of spruce. Speaking generally, there hould be a good Weal of logging activity Ihis year in Prince llu-perl district. The paper mill at Ocean Falls, with MU.lKiu.ouo feel of logs now on hand, is well slocked up and will not he re-ipiiring many more this ear. Ihis will probably affecl the op- eralions of the Alilmlsroni Log ging Co. al Alice Arm, which hns been supplying Hie mill at Ocean Falls. Such mills us llioe at Prince lluperl, lluckley Hay. Ouccu Charlolle r.Hy ami rori Clenienls will, however, nave lo ronducl exleusive logging opera- lions H they resume culling as is now aulicipaleil. Increase In 1924 The annual scaling report or Ihe dislricl forester, which has just been issued, Indicates thai there was increased production in I U 2 1 as compared wilh Hie vrnr previous. The lolal pro duction ror Ihe year Jusl closed including' saw logs, lies, piling, eilar noles and oilier minor foresl producls eiiualled OOU.IIIMI biinrd feel in round figures as agninsl a lolnl or 217,-nnu.iMMi board reel in IH2:t. This lut'iease is accouuled for by Hie tad Ihal 1,1 (ti.dOn hewn lies were produced which is an increase of ahoiil IU per ccnl over H2U lie product ion. The larger lolal is rurlher explained by Ihe heavy increases in pole lyiil piling production. Saw log production bolh in Ihe interior and on Ihe coasl was lower Hum in H'2:t mi account of sawmill operations being reduced. The hdal pro-iluc.iioii of saw logs lor IH2t was m .1011. (inn hoard feel as com. pared wllh1 IHll.OOii.OOO board feel in 11)2 1. ' Reason For Confldenco What wllh reduced mill oper-atlons In 11)21 which il i ox- i,,.eif.,i will Ineiease in 11)25 and wilh the nole and pile market showing signs of Improvement ORGANIZATION! Well Known 1-awyer -.President of Smlthers Board of Trad Membership Large .S.IHIIi:ilS, Jan. II. Al the imilial meeling or the Hoard oT I'rade. Monday, ullicers for the year were eiecieii as roiiuws: Presidenl, I.. S. Mc(iill. Vice-presiilenl, .1. 1. -Wheeler. Sec.-Treasurer, II. I.. Hoblnsiui Council: A. 0. flarde, Fred Walson, S. A. FbJ, I.. IU War ner, I). I. Munro,' W. H- Henry, I,. I.. lioVoin and Charles Iteid. Fie members joined, F. Xew-luiry, T. V. Ilrewer. .1. II. (iroal. Dr. C. II. Hankinson and S. F. Campbell. 'The retiring seerelary-lreas-i rer. I.. S. Mc(iill, gave a lengthy report on ihe work of Ihe year showing Dial lln- board had a membership of 55 and a credit balance ainoiiiiMiig lo $18 1.1)2. NO MORE DOLES FOR SINGLE MEN Vancouver to Provide Them With Relief Work at a Dollar a Day VANCOI VEH. Jan. I I. 'The cily council last niglil re-alllnii- ed Ihe decision lo give no fur- Iher doles to I8()(i single men uitemployed iu Ihe cily and voted agtiihsl lh( rock pile 2 a day proposal as a relief measure. Instead il was decided lo slnrt as much civic work as possible and lo uiv nloymenl al re lief wages ol' one dollar a day. PETER VEREGIN LEAVES ALL TO COMMUNITY NKI.SON, Jan. 11. The will of Hie liile I'eler Veregin. Douk bnlior leader, was ordered pi'o-baled by Judge Forin. 'The rs-I nl o valued al l5,5lt;i has been left to Die Christian Community Universal llrolherhood bid agninsl II are liabilities elderly owing lo Ihe conumiuity, ammiling lo MI,t5l. following a practical cessation of opcrnlions during recent mouths, there is good reason for confidence that the limber industry as Tar as Ihis dlslHct is ron-cerned is due ror a gnufual if not mark nl improvement .during the roilbcoinlni; year. TAXI BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for 1 ;'.?. dances, banquets and wed , Anywhere at An,. . ", ding parties. 1 Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Wa. For rats, apply to Boston PRINCE RUPERT and 6th St W Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. 1 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. YOl, XV NO, II PlUNCi: HUPEHT, B.C., YVEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1025. VMle-d.,'. .Circulation 1T29. tr..t u. . PRICE FIVE CENT9. LENDID OUTLOOK FOR LUMBER TRADE EXPORT OF MONKEYS FROM INDIA CAUSE FOR HOSTILITY NATIVE PAPERS Outlook for Timber Business in Nortkern B.C. Looks Good 1925 ihadine Exporters Expect to See Activity in Shipping and Demand Improving Already T!r op Hook fur limber business in IP2."i in prince Hupcr! It- . in. anticipated Unit production will eipial if nol exceed i n i l'".- mi. in ..laies '. rv lid ill cv i ' i' nicosicr. i'en nns : uinagiiig fi'iiltirt' is the prospect of several of Hit' if!- t of thcdilrirl siirh'ns I lnt ;il Prince MiiMrl, Ittirk- t: Port CU'im ills, (Sriinliy mill rivvunsuu Hay resuming op- Lr i k exporters of I ho cousl me cxpei-ling thai Ihe eoui- Iin4 spring will Ki' activity in the shipping df hemlock mill spruce "Isiby sipiarrs" lo 1 Ik Orient. This would greatly encourage 1 1 product hm. In1 fact, it would mcait I he difference between stagnation and healthy ucrnliii 'us far us the .smaller interior .Six animals from Ihe jmveriini nl I 1 1 f t ; i f reserve at ainwrighl Park. Allierla. were receiilly shipped lo Tonuilo for slaughter, where llieir sleaks provided a delicacy for many guslm-nomical adventurers. MCGILL HEADS ! Export of Monkeys from India Arouses Ire of Native Papers who are Campaigning AgainstAt LONDON, Jan. 1 1.- Nulive. exlreiiiisl papers in India ar. sl.'irting a raiiipiiigii against Ihe wholesale exporlalion of .monkeys, which has reached remarkable dimensions. II is though (lie propaganda will arouse auger among the Hindus, millions ol whom worship monkeys. Huge' shipments of monkeys have liceu forwarded lately It zoos in all purls of Ihe world lo meel Ihe demand for monkey glands for medical purposes. One edilorial says: "The Euro- - - pean craze for rejuvenation is denuding India of monkeys, (he sucred auinOtls being slaughtered so that Hie senile and. debauched may win back the problematical youth." MANY TOURISTS TO . VISIT THIS CITY IN COMING SEASON Prince Hupert may expect a bumper lomisl Ira flic Ihis yea declare It. E. McNaugliton C.N. It. dislricl passenger agent, who returned Ibis morning from Winnipeg where he attended' a meeting of western passenger representatives. Indications are ihal Ihere will in- more lourists than ever coiufnsr through here Ihis year and already severa. large parlies are being lined up. Among those attending the meeling at Winnipeg were i. A, Mc.Nicholl and Iteginuld lteau-moul. Mr. .McNiiiighlon report Ihal the weather on Ihe prairies lately has been cold but nol exees-sitely so. Winnipeg seems In li in a flourishing condition. S. K. Campbell, manager of the local branch ol the Canadian Hank oT Commerce, is expected hack this ariernoou on the I'riuce lluperl from a holiday I rip south. C.N. 11. sleanier Prince Huper' t'.apl. S. Donald, is due this aT-leruoou on lime al II o'roc.k fro m Vancouver and wayporls. FREE MASONS DISBANDING Do Not Await Approval of Mussolini's Secret Society Dill Before Taking Action FI.OHE.NCE. Jan. 1 1 The newspaper I. a Nacion says the Italian (irand Lodge of Free Masons met and it is reported decided upon Hie dissolution of Italian free masonry without awaiting approval of Hie bill on secret societies presented by Mussolini. Only the grand master of the order retains his pu.il iu order lo keep up contact with roreigu Tree masonry. RAILWAYMEN ARE CONFERRING TODAY WIN NIP EC, Jan. ti. Ilailway (Hirers representing every de-parlmenl oT Ihe Canadian National system in Ihe western region are iu Winnipeg today Tor llieir regular ipiarlerly regional meeling, which opens in Ihe board room al- Ihe Union Station uipler the presidency or A. E. W.arren.' general manager,. Matters pertaining lo train service ami operation are being dis cussed from all angles with a view Iu considering liuprove-incnls and any changes .which can be made iu dealing wilh transportation service to the travelling and shipping public. A PUBLIC MEETING Will ho held in Die Empress Theatre on WEDNESDAY, JAN. 14 at 3.15 p.m. He. Civic Affairs All candidates will be given a hearing. iSeals Hescrved for Ladies. TheovCollart, Candidate for Mayor Candidates for Municipal Honors Heard in Empress Theatre Last Night on Topics of Local Interest An audience which practically filled Ihe Empress Theatre o rupyjjily gave an attentive hearing lus night lo the speakers ho appeared al the meeting in support of Mayor S. M. Newton, iiudiilate for re-ekrlioii. A. W. Edge occupied the chair aud c.-idos His Worship, who gave a discourse ol about one hour's urulion, speakers were John McKeehnie, V. M. Hrown, Oscar .iirhon, Aid. (Jcoige li. Easey and (5. W. Kerr, candidates for aldermen; Hubert MiCnrlhy, Alexander Markeuzie and Jamrs I'uumbs, candidates for Ihe police eomrnisMou. and Aid. S. I). nacdonald who is retiring. Ollarl. candidate for the miyurally, was invited lo attend .mi made his appearance at Ihe ipeuing or the meeling to. thank lie ma? or tor his invitation ami explain Ihal he was not reeling well enough to give an address hi this occasion bill would invite the audience lo his meeting toiliglll. lie also extended to Mayor Newton a return oT eouri ii-sies inviting him also to participate in the meeling tonight. I lie re was applause when.on Aid. i '.oil art taking the platfunn, Mayor Newton warmly shook his hand. W. M. Brown W. M, Drown, Ihe second, speaker to be railed upon, staled . Ii.il he. was an old linii'i" having esii led here continuously since April 1!)0'J, except for four years he had spent nl Ihe Front. He-Terring lo wages for labor paid by the cily, .Mr. Hrown expressed be opinion that 50c per hour was not a fair living wage ami would Aid. - not be approved if Ihe majority , for ..r Hi., vulni. lia.l thnii iiiiv lint ft... .....II..,. Id, v;w in neeiii'il I with Ihe present program of I reel grading and emphasized Ihe necessity of a belter sewer age system. v ere u noi ior me heavy precipitation that the cily had, there would undoubtedly be epidemics. lie felt that sewer extensions could readily be ef fected iu connection with the present system of street grading. lie approved the decision that iiad been laken by the present council lo reduce tight and ppwer rates, lie would make no promises as lo what would be done if fie were elected bceause that was something that would necessarily be governed by the predominating influence in Ihe council. John McKeehnie John McKeehnie spoke briefly nnd humorously. II was nol his intention at this late dale lo at lempl lo change the way anybody was going lo vole. Such a course would be ill-advised for him any way for lie. was sure Ihal every .in, t'!ii Ditititr In -vnle Tiir liim. Oscar Larson said that he hail I Mrs come to Canada as a young boy and lo Prince Hupert iu ll07 as a young man. He was now 12 years ol age. u nan neeu sain Ihal he was the Swede candidate Iml he wished In make il clear Ihal he did nol wish lo be elected nl all H il was not as a Canadian citlxcu. In view id Hie fact that 05 per cent of the ratepayers were small property owners and belonged lo I tie laboring class, he Tell Dial il was but rail' that all four Labor candidates should he elected. 'There was "nothing ror him to gain by being chosen as an alderman, but be had been asked by a large number oT private citizens to run and had then received Ihe eudorsalion or the 'Trades ami Labor Council. Ho asked ror support bul slated (bat he would have no regrets il he were not elected. Aid. Casey Aid. Casey opened by submitting reasons why he felt that Labor representatives Were as (continued on p;r?o 5) EXTRADITION ROSS WATSON NOT SECURED Robbery Sutpect at Seattle so far Resists Efforts to Bring. . ; - Hlrrvto Canada SEATTLE, Jan. 11. Insufficient evidence lias so far been presented In warrant die extradition jut Hoss Watson, former police oflicejyJi Canada, jvherej. he is wanted as a Inspect iu the Naiiniiiin bank robbery case. Judge (iilliam decided yesterday. 'More witnesses will bo brought from Hrilisli Columbia in an attempt to secure prisoner's identification. Another suspect. William Hag-ley, has been ordered committed exlrndiliou. SOUTH AFRICA TO BE NATION Bill to be Introduced Into Parliament Providing For Flag and Nationality LONDON, Jan. It. Some mis- 7 givings have been aroused by a Pretoria despatch staling that Ihe government oT the Union of South Africa intends to Introduce a hill into parirame.nl dealing wilh Ihe uueslioil of South African nationality and creating a South Africifli flag. It is be- licved Ihal if the measure is passed il will create a South AT.i riran nalionalily. FOR SENATORS Nell'o WcClung and Judge Emily Murphy Mentioned at Ottawa OTXAWA, lawn 'Citizen McCluug and phy, both of Jan. 1 1. The Ot-says Mrs. Nellie .Judge Emily Mur-Fdmonloii, are be- ing boomed for appointment (o Ihe Senate In till Ihe vacuno caused by Ihe death oT Senator Cale. The paper docs not believe either will lie appointed, however, as p. L. l.essaril seehis Ihe must likely candidate for the position. DOC SNEIL OUTPOINTS VIC FOLEY MX ROUNDS SEATTLE. Jan.' IL- -Duo Snell of 'Tuepma, l?l pounds, defeated Vie Foley, 1 2 1 pounds, the Vail, mover bantamweight champion of Canada, in a six round boul. 'The tille was not id slake. Snell scored Ivvo knock downs, one in Ihe second 'and one the third round, lie look all th rounds Iml one.