Chaplains N GERMANY f ight: (front brilisn a@ithy chapiain ; | and Hay, Ww visiting Canadian row) Rev. D. W Archbishop Ottawa. director, Royal Canadian Chaplain Rev. J. G. Jones, Calgary, represent- t Canadian Highland Battalion; (back Capt. W. Harris, chaplain at Sennelager haplain, 1st Canadian Rifle Battalion; D. © DAG Soret Brockville, Ont British Toronto army units representing Moderator, training in Germany meet at Sennelager Presbyterian Church in Can- F’. Barfoot Edmonton, Primate, Church of England in Canada; Corps; Rt. Rev. C. M. Nicholson, Moderator, General Council, ing Baptist Federation in Canada; Capt. N. F. Sharkey, Lan- row) Maj. D. R. Anderson, Montreal, senior Protestant Chaplain, Camp; Lt.-Col]. J, Bown, British Army chaplain; Capt. W. J Capt.N. W. MacKenzie, Moncton, N.B., chaplain, 55th Trans- Fashions. Hit Compromise—Not Slim or Full; Hems Drop Lower — (CP PHOTO) |} @ Cash |@ | Sen's, readers for old gold Sonj Mrs. H. Knut- (207) a meeting Wednesday served in La year is couver where he is of the B.C turned last iday Tn und District Votes | Prince Rupert Daily News 3 Tuesday, September 2, 1952 Old mete ong war veterans Miss Jackie Brown ts spending Tai employ of the Western Wood |. The Ste wart ‘Bi anch of the in particuiar will be interested | her holidays here. She has been | proguycts left with their families| Canadian Legion held a success- to Know that Major Durnford,| teaching seventeen miles north for their home in Oregon. ful dance in the Moose Hall Sat- ; for years active as chaplain in|of Fort St. John sacs e urday ae oe Korea " now sta-! 4 ic + * The Child Care Committee of | os tioned In Vancouver. He return-| Mr. V. Schjelderup, govern- - er od aot ago from overseas.|ment land surveyor of Courtney, the Women of the Moose, Port- Mr. Robert Macleod has been iOTif ‘ se” land Cana] Chapter No. 16 held! appointed Clerk for the village |a Labor Day Dance in the Moose | of Stewart to replace the lat Hall Saturday. | Ernest Love. jaccompanied by his son Major | Roger Schjelderup DSO, MC, and | | Mrs. Schjelderup of Ottawa were guests of Mrs. Henke! during the STEWART Miss Elin Jacobson, who has been spending the summer vaca- tion with her mother Mrs. E George Evans of this city, who Korea for more than now located in Van- in the employ Sugar Refineries. | # Mr A. Evans re- | from a hol-} and Mrs. E evening STE ; trip be were guests of| Jacobson, left by plane en route thelr parents Mr. and Mrs. Ar-| to Vanderhoof where she will be . thur.-Evans of Duncans, Van-'on the teaching staff. THE KIND THAT MAKES LEARNING EASY couver Island. | ® 1 rank j Mr. Norman ’D. Ashwood of | Pencils, Seribblers, Pencil Boxes, Erasers, Rulers, Frank McLean, well-known | victoria was here on a short ae Bi ss ; - Ink, Fountain Pens, Paints, local pioneer and mining man, yisit after a 24 year absence | Apper Pinter, Fens, 1 ee ms , who left Prince Rupert about a month’ ago tawa. He expects to be back not later Macarthur have a sts WiMCh Was Spent in it +! r y ar a et y FANE WALKER twill have to turn to Christian, Trimming gimmicks are near- \e ae ne a : op : dies’ Auxiliary Canadis a fal}/Dior this season, Other design-'ly non-existent. Griffe puts aj“ . UMaEY ce sco a ho ers leave tae waist loose and| blanket vew on all buttons and) 80), SePl. 4, & p.m rr } hion ex-|low for a middy effect. belts. Balenciaga creates thei@ c arpenters Union : that Daytime necklines are mod-}™05t barren effect of all with) weenesday, 8 p.m., Fraser it’s|estly high, but they get lower|COllarless and lapel-less jackets | qj). Business Important. . (207) | { lit and lower on cocktail dinner| 224 coats. Costume jewelry is oa: SOP ee 12;and dance dresses mostly small and discreet. Hat|@ Kincergarten registration at P me : jtrimmings follow the same|Conrad United Hall, Sept, 2, Dark and sober colors lead} trend 19:30 a.m. Ages 4 and 5 years t} ie] l { vq : . ¢ he field ee = grey, In evening dresses the de-| Fees $5.00 (2051 brown and beige predominate f} } 5 igners have been influenced by r ' i some , irpl On Tuesdays Septembe th whi ae dark red purples! the coming coronation of Brit- ro ae ~ 3 oy . ' £ > , vat JTe Oul : "I J aa re ) This | 60e Pivengieeee ain’s Queen. Ball gowns have} ooo vin , a +s aiane oe a ne , _— hill 4 Vis Wii ome to Scnooi at t ; i e tk Rough tweeds are favorites} billowing Elizabethan skirts and Firarie ‘ Ill pu it 10 00; and the; for suits and coats, often trim-| voluminous cloaks or stoles go x i eee XIII aaa a i. ; ; es Atie Aah vO 4 5S « fin-;med with beaver or other fur! with them. Often enough, they} ,, i) eee (205) aah é coHars and cuffs. Other fabrics| are made or trimmed in royal ” belts; are luxurious velvets and laces.) purple @ international Brotherhood of |Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers Union, Local 708—Spe- esuits of Labor Vay Sports cal iodine Gee tember 3, Civic Centre, 17:30 \ P n 2, Jimmy Lineham;. 3, Morri G and 13 yveat p.m also Metropole Hall, 10 , Labor, Ueseute I 1 Frat a.m. Thursday. Business: Report B 5 Nei Dox k 4 M of wage delegates and referen- het end Fred Atickla Bob Gir Ee ‘ oe oa ind Gore rs 14’ and 1 dum vote (207) iy st 11 r i Rot t i he a 2 oe > : seg - . ay i dh ies ben La tanw Char Seer SHEEP LOSSES Lows a Denk Tenor, . JOHANNESBURG (CP). About ss eats ‘ Mava years. and erick etvour ‘ ‘ Boys: 1 Pe ates rye: 7 Jin rea) a On 5,000,000 sheep are lost from h nr Ar wes se " eeu soe Waten I Langham South, African farms each yeal sly due disease ; a PHREE-LEGGED BRACES SLOW BICYCLE RACE largely due to disease and mar st ; Bot) / . years and|#@uding. jackals, President ¢ ' ¥ Line ) ur He Moolman reported to the Wool re wick, Marlene | Pec ! Growers’ Association, | 3, Bobt Frank y ) | “ae ; - a ‘ Free ¥ elf pret 3 : : ree Yourse ' ‘ } * groun ¥ ine . Dumas, § Nae ¢ from laxative slavery Lp { € rr . as ground . i . 5 ‘ 1 aa Try this delightful family breakfast ; ' i ‘ ; . eo Pate au treat! Eat a generous bowlful Gladys Grim n, Gt Grim (about % cup) of crisp toasty I pai i h Kellogg's ALL-BRAN with sugar and Kurdaie cream. Drink plenty of liquids. i a : ALL-BRAN is the natural laxative , ae Blizabet) ef cereal that may help you back to br) \ D Bileen Petersen, Valery Keehn a ad youthful regularity, lost because of rs Girls and boys, 14 and 16 ye for return o lack of bulk in your diet. It’s the ae 7 ae 7c ou CASH REGISTER only type ready-to-eat cereal that > to ae Victor . Prvat Z ; . supplies all the bulk you may need. Doug | irneau, Victor y In Good Condition Hi : : ; Open events dies and men, 16 y : igh in protein and iron ... not years and ovet Donalda Letour stolen last night from habit-forming. Why don’t you try touse te Y neau, Derick Letourneau 22, Mr J it? .Kellogg’s is so sure you'll like mmelice, ee Py oe © on LYONS ALL-BRAN that if you’re not som- . My ‘ ill es . CP).Georar FINE FOODS pletely satisfied after 10 days, send if ho, SeEr BASES HONE 250 empty carton to Kelloge’s, Lordon, mal Girl boys, 6 years —Col PHONE 25 Ont., and get DOUBLE YOUR MONBY a Speers BACK! en are Git bo 7 and 8 \ i Con Mariene Phillip 2, Elisabeth ¢ nan (ee y Boults es ee s yaCes Girls and boy 9°t eat 1.) pees eso Galya Grimolfson Ander a Waterloo- son So a Girls and boy 12 and 13 year . —— 4 ervative 1, Sally Morrisor Shirra Hall 3 — 4 een : nic Ih day; 3, Marget Strachen rr \ Jansen, Girls and boy 14 and 15 year riding for 1, Floyd Johnson Eilsabeth G ‘ [ Ter eae ers; 3, Marie Gofers : oe | Open events-—Ladies and men 16 t awa! 4 wnt er Derick Letour itis . neau Penio Peaefl; 3, Bob Desor would | meaux ere had) sack RACES ping in thy Giris and boy years and under He tad 1, Susan Wells; 2, Bobby Ogtivic holed 4 Adre Dewitt nally dis- Gu and boys, 8 and 9 years—1l bien Bobby Adams; 2, Bruce Robertson ‘ALON BIVEN 3. Garry Fahey Vile of a non- Girls and boy 10 and 11 years 1, Joe Arseneau; 2, Kenneth Docken dort ns . omplet | a DD Our loundry down, Have it 'otically Washed MILE U WAIT — - 30-MINUTE SERVICE CLE ARGS NO PICKUPS. bo 4 Ave. W. Up to 9 Ibs. Dry Weight — 42 Our Wash Faster at deleee Cast Phone Bluc 967 for information i THIS ADVER TO DELIVERIES | 5 It’s richer, robust) falfsbodied o blended to satisfy the taste of British Columbians. Try it... you'll like Captain Morgan Black Label Rum. Captain Morgan Blak Label RUM Fully Aged in Small Oak Casks BOARD OR BY THE GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA : ee . Bulger’s|) England and é before t Crayons and anything else you need for school on September 2nd. |from the district. Mr. Ashwood is interested in mineral claims jon the Georgia River, Portland | i Canal is at present in Ot- than October **« * The Misses Donna and Margit | returned from holiday, mast of Vancuover, * % * Mr. Don Ferrier and Mr. Ev- erett Ferrier who have been in THE VARIETY STORE two-week including a visit with Miss Aud- 518 3rd A rey Hunter and Mrs. G. A. tiun- hide ter, who reside in Burnaby NOTICE From the stan dpoint of; PaM Mate ete na a a a ne en ean see a eee een eee ate ee wee weather in Prince Rupert, Sun-| Will all the firsts in the \ e day and Monday were ‘hardly|} recent swimming gala call at || * G / Flec good enough to praise. There} the pool and ask the instruc- | ‘ enera tric were occasional spells of sun-| oe ere le shine, plenty of clouds aftd dull tor: for their gift vouchers. sky and a little rain. In fact, ; } as, ers he two days could be called The Parks Board wish to spotty.” || thank the various merchants . / | in town for their generous |} The funeral service of Mrs.|| -esponse with prizes. Model M9 Standard ........... $484 Alice Louisa Gilmour, aged 84,| took place at Galiano last i Thursday. Surviving memben oe Model M 9P with Pump OT Jo aeons $194 the family are her husband, $ Capt. W. M. Gilmour, one son if Y, TIRED Model M 9PT with Pum and Timer S eo, |and three daughters. Capt. and} ou ve y 219 Mrs. Gilmour, who came from lived in Prince Rupert), in the province to Galiano. FRANCOIS LAKE ALL THE TIME | Everybody gets a bit run-down now and | then, tired-out, heavy-headed, and maybe | bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing | seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and SPECIAL TERMS ON ALL APPLIANCES elsewhere moving Mrs. Clarence Snyder has re- ves. Tete the pn take Dodd's , urned from a hurried trip to y Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, N th B C P, C Lid Spokane to meet her ete apd i. or ern oe ower 0. r in-law who had been visiting Glenwoed Springs ANNETTE’S FINAL SUMMER. . DRESSES — TISEMENT IS NOT PUBLISHED OR DISPLAYED BY THE LIQUOR CONTROL mother- | removing excess acids and wastes. Then | in| you feel better, sleep better, work better. s : Get Dodd’s Kidney Pills now. Look for | Colorado,| the blue box with the red band at all Resner Block — Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C Stewart, B.C revere" *etetetetete* oe SWAP uMah annette” oe) GROUP 1 ] Cottons and. P ints. Reg: values to $9.95, j FINAL CLEARANCE } GROUP. 2. Prints.“Orenes, Taffetas, Sheers, Wools etc. } Reg. values to $29.95. FINAL CLEARANCE ‘ } PLANNED TO SAVE YOU MONEY ON BACK - TO - SCHOOL AND PERSONAL NEEDS SHOP EARLY FOR A BETTER SELECTION $22.50 $3.00 Gabardines, Twills, Worsteds, Pic & Pic. req. values to $65.00. Sizes SUITS {525527 Fina coe eae WAISTS Reg. values to $7.95 in Nylons, Crepes, Sheers, short and long sleeves. FINAL CLEARANCE Graceful, well cut gowns in filmy nyion, NYLON R Colors pink, blue, white. Reg. values to $14.95. Sizes to 40. FINAL CLEARANCE = Pure wool. Sizes 14 to 44. Grand’mere, Dupont and Monarch. CARDIGANS er oissic%753° ter esos PULLOVER SWEATERS Piet al Ht SIKIRTS wire ond Sige nl dieilidees etn aaa SKIRTS - oe “T” SHIRT SHORTIE COAT RAYON TRICOT HALF SLIPS Fisai'cteatance * $1.00 NYLON HOSE Srcdes'%ir dork’ seams, Sizes 81 to 11. 99% ‘ SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY SEPT. 3rd.ct = Annette Mansell’s Ladies’ Wear WE LEAD—-OTHERS FOLLOW TOMORROW'S $5.95 $3.95 $1.00 $3.95 $1.95 $14.95 Pure wool in sizes from 14 to 20. Grand’mere, Dupont, Helen Harper, Plaids, Shepherd’s checks, gabardines. Alpines. 12 to 16 FINAL CLEARANCE All colors and white., short sleeves and Dolman. Reg. values to $3.95. FINAL CLEARANCE, $25.95 8 only. Rea. values to $ FINAL CLEARANCE ee New fall SPECIAL STYLES TODAY [I 1 } | | <<