POLICE OFFICER BRINGING UP FATHER APOLOGIZES FOR M ' Oon'T l,t kid or hi Ootv-r uct t'hk CHILD INCIDENT . .1. - Acknowledges He Made a Mis take Under Misapprehension of Circumstances Mr. ",itMW "0tT"W Tlio investigation held las night liy I lie police commission into tlte circumstances of Hie al legation made Ity H. It. Roches- ter, manager of Hie Prince Ru pert Hotel, that Police Sergeant Hailey on or about March 20 had assisted Carl Johnson in the kid napping of the three year old child of .Mrs. Anna Johnson re sulted in Sergeant Hailey con senting to make a puhlic apol ogy admitting that, he had erred in making without, proper authority the entry complained of There was considerahle discus sion in the course of which it was. charged hy Mr. Rochester and denied hy Sergeant Hailey dial the latter had prevented Mrs. Johnson from regaining the child at. the time in question hut the following apology was finally accepted liy both: "In reference to the inquiry held this evening in regard to the alleged abduction of the child of Carl Johnson on March 20 and my connection with the affair, I beg to say the whole af fair was due to a misapprehension on my part as to my duties in the matter. I admit. I did go into the hotel. At the same lime, I realize I made a mistake in this matter and I sincerely regret the same. "A. II. HAILHY, "Police Sergeant.' Rochester's Charge At the opening ofthe nieeliny, Mr. Rochester was asked to detail the basix of his charge to the commission. He staled that Johnson and Hailey had entered the hotel, and gained access to Mrs. Johnson's room hy telling the attendant that I bey bail come to lake Mrs. Johnson to tha i I. .1 sicaiuer on which sue was leav ing for the south. He (Roches ter) had been awakened :by the -screams of the child and, on go iug to the door of his room in the same co.rridor, Johnson was making on downstairs with the screaming child in his arms whileJtailey wa.4 still barring line entrance to Sirs. Johnson a room, allegedly to prevent her from following. Later from his -window lift had seen Johnson and .Hailey enter a car and drive off .with the child. He had no doubt at. the time that, there was authority for the seizure but he had intruded to complain to the authorities in any case, of such "crude work." Kvcrybody in I he 'hotel had been awakened. Had inol Hailey accompanied Johnson, police books. Hailey wept on tu tell of a raid be had made some four years ago on the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. Liquor had been found and Johnson had been fined :?:!00. This he thought I made it clear that he ami the Johnsons were not oil friendly terms and it was possible tha in attempt was made to injure him. ' Cross Examination Mr. Rochester proceeded Id cross-examine Sergeant Hailey ind among other quest inns ask- il wliy he had not made sure that Johnson had the papers ami why he had not come to the manager of the hotel in connec tion with the matter before seizing the child. Sergeant Hailey said that lie had assumed Johnson had I lie necessary papers. fir the incident, as far as bo was concerned, would never have occurred. Subsequently he had found out from Mr. Gonzales that Johnson did not have Hie papers. If was the nrsi misiaxe lie Hail made in bis fourteen years' service with the force. City Solicitor Jones admiifed that Sergeant Hailey had been indiscreet but in view of the fact that he fell, he was acting legally he would not say that he was greatly to blame. Mr. Rochester had good ground for complaint hut lie did not think that his request for Hie dismissal of Hailey from the force was justified. Mayor Newton did not feel lhat Sergeant Hailey should be held loo strictly In account unless it was shown there was collusion and he (the mayor; did not believe there was collusion. Entitled to Protection Commissioner Montgomery thought, that Sergeant Hailey had made a mistake and that Mr, Rochester, as proprietor of the; hotel, was entitled to protection He was not inclined, however. In condemn Sergeant Hailey for ona blunder. He fell that an apology! might meet the situation. Ho believed Hie mistake had been the latter would never hae!made unwillingly by Sergeant' gained access o Mrs. Johnson's room for she had staled that she was afraid of Johnson and fear-el that lie would attempt to lake the child. She had been assured that he would not gain access to iher room. However, the hotel staff bad been instructed never to attempt to obstruct a police oflicer.. Hailey had lent, himself to ait aipt Wliicli lio considered an "outrage" and a "dastardly piece of work." Bailey's Story In Idling his story, Sergeant (Hailey staled that, two or three vweeks prior to this incident, Uolnison bad come to him and 'staled that bis wife and child were back in town and that he was getting 'papers through Mr. (Jonzales giving him possession of I lie child. Johnson had even asked if Mrs. Hailey could give the'child a home afler be had regained it. He had not. seen .'Johnson again until the morning of the incident in question when be had come In the police, sla tion and, staling that arrange ments had been made for him to regain possession of the child, had asked him (Hailey)- to ac company him as a witness. They proceeded to the hotel and Hail ey, remained in the corridor while Johnson proceeded In Mrs. John son's room. He saw the child between Johnson and Mrs. John son and it was crying. He had warned Johnson not o make the child cry and then Johnson had; made olf with (Jic screaming baby in his arms. He denied oh-j M Hiding Mrs. Johnson at. any lime. Following Johnson down the stairs; Hailey had asked that the crying child be given lo him. iThey proceeded lo Hesner's ! house where he (Hailey) saw, tthe child safely delivered. Thlti( wa9 recorded at the time in the Hailey. Mr. Rochester fell that a mistake had been made which should not lie glossed .over lightly. The hotel had suffered for women had fell assured that they would lie safe there. He could see no reason for the mis take that had been jnaile and a The Secret of Successful Baking more babies Le Lcui raided on L . . 3 Croud titan on tit v Li- hrzzl is pcre, ori'crr-, c'i-gcc'.:'.!j,nourbh:nC. Sc:.d for Free Daby Books. Vancouver. J taMOaMO S mcp A "-r w i Ml "" J man wlio would make such d mistake, he felt, was not a fi'. man lo admhiister I he law. Alt he asked tor was protection but was ready In accept a lull public, apology. Oity Solicitor Jones insist ed that, this apology should be without prejudice lo Sergeant Hailey in ease of subsequent legal action. Mr. Rochester agreed lo this. Does Not Agree Mayor Newton was not altogether in accord with 'llie idea of a public apology being made. II" djd not believe in a man being forced to eat too much bumble pie. Commissioners Montgomery ami Coombs did not agree with! this view and fell that the apology would well meet Hie silua lion. Commissioner' Montgomery did not feel that this treatment for Sergenal -Hailey was any worse than the action warranted, He congratulated Mr. Rochester on his views anil felt that lie had done right under the circumstances. Sergeant Hailey' error had been an unwilling one. Commissioner Coombs hoped MAGIC BAKING POWDER enjoys the Iarcest sale in Canadit simply because housewives have found out that It is always reliable. It ton-tains no alum or adulterants of any kind. Made in Canada E. W. GILLETT COMPANY L1M1TI1D TORONTO Winnipeg Montreal K Jill i M.!5 y INT-L ht.TUHt tC,." : C32 I that this incident would eonstf-I title a warning to the otlieers in i future. ! Afler some further discussion, tlie apology va- drawn up to the apparent satisfiietin:i of every i iod concerned. BEERPARLORS , CAUSE DRUNKS i Police Commission Finds Condl-j tlons arc Worse Chief j Asked to Meet Sltua-! lion The chilin being made by members of the commission that I lie oni'iiing of beer jKirlors in the city was (lie cause of morn drunkenness on the streets, the chief was asked at the meeting of the commission last night to lake steps to' keep order on the streets, particularly" al Ihir lime of the closlug of Hie parlors in Hie evening and on Saturday nights, even if this 6nluil the 'ngaging of special otlieers. The subject was brought up hy Mayor Newton who staled that such disorder' -had arisen on Monday Jfiglitlhal it had bei-n necessary fowjiiiiiself personally to warn srtHle persons as In their conduct. He felt that," if an ollier could be detailed lo he on hand al such limes, if would have a lH'l)Jej- to bring about more order. ()inmissioner Montgomery referred to Ihe-tendeney of tm) In loaf around Ibe corner of Sixth SI rent and Third Avenile am) staled that girls bad even been accosted. Te chief said liewa aware of this condition which the otlieers were continually endeavoring lo cope with. KEEN BIDDING FOR TOURISTS American Boats Will Mako Ef fort to Retain Hold on Business VICTORIA, May 20.-There is going lo be keen competition Ihlsf season for tourist business In Alaska. Ill addition to Ibe Canadian National steamships Prince (teorgo aid, rrltico . Ru pert in iinj 'enseiss already; ruu- nitig to Skagway and the possibility of the National pulling a Hind boat on Ibe run if il proves a success this season is lending in impetus to the companies al ready in the field. It is announced here thai the American cnnijmnles, although operating boats that are not as well equipped .or as fast a." tlx Canadian, will be active compell tors. They will have ten vessels operating out of Seattle and will use every endeavor lo slop the business going lo Canadian boats. .Many lotirils will lake the outside route and penetrate Alaska by way of IhA Alask railroad. The C.P.R. will have the Prin cess Charlolle on the run in addition to lhoe operated last year. This vessel is new lo I lie route except for an occasional trip with an excursion parly, but is particularly .well filled for II, having been bulll particularly for long ilislance steaming although diverted for many years Hi Ibe triangular run connecting Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. All the Canadian vessels will make long slops al Prince Rupert but the American boats will go direct lo Alaska. Ifncnt. lo such-an exlenl Ihal today it Is one. of the sea trip that everyone expects lo mako. Wanted For Sale For Rent BOARD 122 FOR SALH. Commereial Hotel, Prince Rupert, furnished. A bargain. M. M. Stephens tV Co., Ltd. tl FOR SALH. New fl hole range, polished steel top. A snap. Apply 5on!on' fJrocory. Phone 447. Mi FOR SALH and Removal. House ...on Knglish Hill. (live pnct to P. (iarnula. Phone 208. tf OR SALH. -Piano, 3oi). 8ingr sewing machine $80.00. 414 Hig h t h Ami ue font. 1 23 'OR HAIiK. Water power wasli-itiK machine, nearly new. Phone Hlack 211). 120 FOR SALH. Pleasure boaP'Hcho' C. L. Ileindel. Cold Storage Phone 221. .', . It TO RENT FOR IIHNT. Three large house. i keeping rooms, furnished com plele. 21b Second Avenue. 1 10 FOR HUNT. Clapp apartment Weslenhaver Hros. tf HOARD and Room, or board only 443 Fifth Avenue Hast. Phone, Red 707. HOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. LOST LOST. Child's grey Jersey, be Ivveen Section Two and Mc- Hride SI reel. Finder ;pkvise phone Mrs. Crewe, 541.' LOST. Letter addressed, lo Fred Clark. Finder please . return to Post. Ollice. 1 19 COLUMBIA RECORDS NHW Process Columbia Records no scratching. Finest reproductions of latest. Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music by world famed arlisl. Call in and bear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue TOM CALCHEFF Die fame of the long inside Experienced Tailor passage has spread over Ihe con- Suits made In order. Cleaning Pressing and Alterations Work Guaranteed, Fulton Slroel Phone 27lf Plume :t8l. SNEDDON TAXI 134 By George Anywhere at Anytime. Five pas enger Dodge Sedan Comfort and Courtesy. Rales: 50c for I or 2 passengers. 25c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "(Hi Haby" at your ser vice day or night. Comfort Safely- Courtesy. If It's a water trip call Iiurier Ijinihly Phonos 570 or !3l. TAXI 592 I'll!. DHPHNDAHLH TAXI. Daj and Night service. Comfort and Courtesy is my motto PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: Richmond Rooms. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Cull George, Paul or (Inst) Prompt Service ami Comfort Day or Night Stand: ROSS DROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Hmpress Hotel. BEDDINQ OUT PLANTS. Plants that grow and repay you for your labor. McCarthy's bedding out plants are speci ally acclimatised and can be relied upon to produce the ' goods. Sloro Phone - , Red 1 83 (ireenhotise Phone Hlack lrt MCCARTHY'S. FURNITURE HOSPITAL Am) (leneral Repair Shop. Re pairs of alt kinds promptly attended to. Window draperies made lo order. Carpet- laying. Furniture crating. TOM BALLINQER Phone 81 Rear Sherman's Market, Fulton Street CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Bannano, Furniture Moving If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. Hox rtlH). KEITH'S CAFE. When in Stewart visit Keith's Cafe in King Hdward HM now re-modelled. Up-lo-dale Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH Manager. KNITTED GOODS SWKATHRS and all kinds of knllced goods made In order. Phone Hlack 395. U BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY -jr j . , lUt- THROW "r TTS. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertitement taken for leu than 50c WANTKB WANTHD. Producer, woman or man, for Prince Rupert, lo sell made in H.C. housedresseii etc. direct lo consumer. Cash commission. Stale references ami experience in first letter. Samples arranged for. irst West Sales Co., Lid., 3 lit Pender V., Vancouver. YOUNIS Lady wanted 10 represent Hrilisli Columbia publication in Prince Rupert and district. Permanent situation, (iood remuneration and expenses paid, lvxperjcnee not WANTHD. (5irl or woman for general work. Must have some dining room experience. Apply Hox '.'ft I Daily News ollice. tf BOATS AND LAUNCHES Article, Lo.t and FouuJ,4e FURNITURE. . ...v.. ... .,r,,,, new ana Seondti.na hn Marine Lngines - t-II.P. without clutch 1185.00 1-11. P. I cylinder Ml) 200.00 o-ll.l'. I cylinder III) 150.00 H-II.P. I cylinder HD 750.00 H-H.P. 2 cylinder Ml) tCO.OO 10-11. 1'. t cylinder LI) 475.00 All the above except Hie first include the I anions .lues Reverse (ear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. The best that money can buy. hast hope Urns., 17 47 Georgia St. W. Vancouver, IkC. AlwiiVH at vour service. absolutely necessary. AppMPrnce Rupert Boathouse, Ajjents Hox 250, Daily News ollice. WANTHD. Young girl waul work in hotel or family. Phone Hlne :itr. FOR SALE 110 FOR SALH. Pleasure .boat, art feel, perfect condition, rwfldy to step in lo. MuV be mini this week for Hie heal olfer. Anpl Hox IW, Daily News ufli ore oiore. We ,, S(!: quango nrw and Se Hoods. QtO. PARADOPUIIJ J 'J1 I - A . ' FIREWOOD. He Coinim Dry lliH-n ', ., Fres, ,, I'ii.. ., i A. IS.i:stiN NORTHERN TRANSFER Call bo bij. Northern 'I'm MAIL SCHEDULE For the Eiit Monday V : ,f r unlay. From Ihb Eail Monday'.. V Friday. ! To Vancoimr Tuesdays Mail -'ur- tl r' Saturday -Thursday -Sunday-dl'X M o 1 . From Vtncouitr Sunday; Wlne.ita Fridays M.. '-' ' ! To Anrox, Alice Arm Weilnesiho Sunday From Anvox, Alice Ann- Tuesdays Thursday . . , DrumlCr 1 "i Weil .I I N - q W. H. MONTGOMERY, Jit 3 PI l "1 J.I 1 1. I '1 Jl II .1 TO siewari " , j Uul uril:i ... Qiimlitv r- .!irt and PrtmlM- To Port Simpson md Points i lurwoij- ... tui cimnion " " prom run .r- Rlver poinw Salurday- To Alaika PolnU- U.iv K. 18 1' 1 From Alaska Pol"t- To Queen cnan From Queen Points-May 7 an'1 "J. . .Tlfli BOX COLLW"", 1 Ol nrihxm A""" Avl 811. AV. ' ' x nth a stM-rt 1 1 111 .Wf. . ll Af. '""'' "'H"'" (Ill Ave. Pro. 0rtl. PI''" i.,o. omt. Wiwrf . n.T.I'. Wliarr , o. t, r. ,. fllt W "' , ,, I 31,1 AVP. J' ' LAND ACT. uon t. PP' W Nolle o' in fYrM I ;,. .n TAKE 1 , ' unit" pwminr V"" ." , ' i f '!'!,,, t ixi t " "l .1,.. . i in-1 "" " conn """', ',! '' ' (Miulliwrot ' ilf1' ri'1 10 to Wlli-r Wild' ""'"'.i.,. ".r"'.l, .ri'lll" ,.1'lltH." ' tin Ml : ti 'it i : i ' t ti II ... n .:! 1 Id " i .1 u"-. 1 1 I , l. i-J , FOR SALH as a going concern . ',$Siu.v.i. Ml 1 new and second hand Furnt lure business. HI health CJiuse of sale. II. H. Ilemmings. 123 r niiiiliH'l" r". D,ifj M.y '.