tlM May 20' 1925' Why not viit Zion National Park, the newly opened Wonderland in Southern Utah, thi Summer? Alk for booklet in natural colon, which fives complete information con-ternini thla unique land. Round Trip UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM 1405- -4th Avenua and Union Station, Seattle, Washington. Rupert Marine Products Ltd. r Summer Excursion Fares la affect dally bctweca May ZZ and Sept. 15 Dsnvtr . St 25 .50 Cleveland $166.56 Omihi . . . . 125.66 Toronto . 161.75 Kum City 126.00 Pittsburgh ... 167.76 St. Lou It . .. 129.50 Waihlnglon .. 183.56 Chlcigo 134.00 Philadelphia . 192.02 Detroit 153.62 New York ... 185.40 Cincinnati .. . 154.30 Bolton 20120 Corrmpondini im to other tmportent centert Fin! return limit October 3 1,1925. Liberal stopover privileges going and returning. A tide trip to Yellowstone at small additional coet will afford the experience of a life time. lCn us by phone and let us make all your arrange- Iments. Costs no more ana wui ave yout yuu uuk, 0RMES LIMITED The Rexall Store WATSON'S TONIC ALE AND STOUT I in make. easy In must wholc-I nourishing daily t h 75c OLD FASHIONED ENGLISH TOFFEE "us wrapped T made Iiy Gaining-. 60c 3rd Avenue and 6th St. WATERGLA3S Olio tin preserve- almtil iM dozen egg. Hi in antl preserve them while they are cheap. I'y li" 25c KODAKS, FILMS, SUPPLIES Developing himI I'rinliug fur Amateurs. Films brought in before mum will lit finished Hie same day. ORMFS LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists Sunday and Holiday Hours From Noon to 2 P.M. and from 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. I COM 15 MAKING II FINDS Double Screened N AN AIMO-WELLINGTON COAL at $14.50 Per Ton i mil .in eviieiise bill aa invest rin ill h positively ilie ln'-t domes! if -'oal ' British C1-:i nlav. GIVES MORE HEAT NO SOOT, NO ASH Dtiu't Take our Word for it Test il. We are tigcnts for Hie P.H. Spruce Mills Mil. Building Malerials ut Mill Prices Phone 564 or 116 ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED lo building next door lo l-'ristzell Butcher Shop, across from lite impress Hotel We. carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jamos Zarolll Proprietor RAW FURS If you want to !io laid highest possible CASH prices 'r yuur HAW KU11S, forwartl llieiu lo R, S. ROBINSON & SONS, LTD. "ranch Receiving Offlco: 1225-6 Standard Dank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. llc 'I Office :H.S.H. Hltlg., Ll'il Louise St., Winnipeg, i. Man. . . , . ' I 1883. Incorporated Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarlne Prlnco Rupert." TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Back 735 Night Phonos 687 539 Black 735 Gr. 601 Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41, You'll like our joall Consum ers Coal Co. l'hone 7. If Miss Kitty Knoelle sailed for Vancouver oil the Cardena last even! us. Charlie l.eiiiiin arrived from 1 1 1 south on llic Prince George this morning. Mrs. Robert A. Creech will receive tomorrow Thursday and not again until 1- all. R. 1'. McGinnis of Alice Arm, who has lii-eii on a brief trip oulh, returned on the Prince George this morning. John Gurvieh and his sister, Miss Amelia GUrvieh, returned frum the south on the Prince Georse this inornin?. Judge Young left on this morning's train for Sinilherrt where he will preside over a ses sion of the County Court. New shipment of men's py amas in plain broadcloth, suap- pily trimmed with fancy braid in all sizes at the Universal. (. Intelicail, formerly ac- ountanl in (he local Hank of Commerce and now manager of the Revelsloke branch, has bejen elected treasurer of the Y.M.C.A. in that city. R. F. MoXaughlon, C.N.R. dis- Irict passenger agent, is sallim: tonight on ilits Prince George for Anyox on ranipany business, lie expects to be back to-morrow nishl. David Denny, Indian, was fin ed $10 aud costs in Hie city police court this morning for intoxication. Fred Allen, charged with supplying, was remanded until tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morrison and family are guests at the Prince Rupert Hotel, lliey arrived in town tut the Cardena yesterday morning and will re turn lmrfh on the Prince George (onighl. ( ieofie"ilelf ;fnid ietfrtl Huar, local meinlier of the Royal Can adian Volunteer Naval Reserve, returned on Hie Prince George this morning from I'squimalt where there were taking a course of training. J. II. Meagher and his son-in-law. J. J. Mubloon, sailed, last uilit' on the Cardena for Yan- etiuver. Mr. .Muhloon's business is in connection with the adjust ment of Hie estate of his mother who died recently in Montreal. COAL, $14.50. "The Best." Double-screened Ladysmlth-Welllngton lump. Peerless Egg, $11.00. Peerless stove, 12.60. No soot, clinker, little ash and no slack. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. tf Monday next, .May -'5, there will be hi;.' doings at I lie Kx- hihilion Hall. Crowning of Hie May (Jueen at H p.iu. School children's Maypole Dance, 'fol lowed by a big Jitney dance. Road races In I lie morning. Baseball and football in the afternoon. Watch papers for full announcceinuU . A committee representing lh taxi drivers of the city is being asked lo confer with Hie police commission regarding the new Parking Bylaw. This bylaw, which was given preliiiijnary discussion by I he commission lasl week, will come up again at Hie nexl regular nieettpg to be finally drafted for submission lo the city council. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mouse Vie-nie June 2H February is Hard 'on the Skin. What with cold winds and brlcht sun the face has a hard time of it. UsitiR Paby'o Or ! Soap and washing in tepid or warm water rinsing well and drying perfectly will usually prevent rlinps or scalding and ensure tUin lienllh and beauty. It's far lictter to keep the kln Wnuti ful than to have to cover np blemishes witli powders, "$' ft you and Baty too" u., THE DAILY ITEW8 PAOB THREP KEEP COOLI Ice Cream A. Purely Home Mado Product Wo have recently installed the latest type of Ice Cream making equipment and arc now in a position to make and supply ICi: CREAM equal lo anything produced in Canada. NO SUBSTITUTES ALL PURE FRESH CREAM Try it and be convinced KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Wholesale and Retail De Luxe and Royal Ice Cream Parlors Phones 193 and 17 I. a l'arisienne' Beauty Fourth St., Phone 301. Shop, If M. S., McKay .and il. Stewart of l'orl hssinglon arrived in lown yesterday morning and are returning today. In the last Sunday Provluct appears a picture of the Terrace bridge and a descriptive article which tells of the jrrcat benefit I lie new bridge is lo lliat dis I rid. Coal $14.50. Double screened Nanalmo-Wclllng-ton positively the best domestic coal In British Columbia. Albert & Mc-CafTcry, Ltd. ..Phono 564 and 116. If II. A. Dixon, cliier engineer for the Canadian National Rail ways, accompanied by Mrs. Dixon and child, arrived from Vancouver ouHus Prince George Ibis moruiii and proceeded by train lo Win nipeg, where Mr. Dixon makes his .headquarters. W. C. SI carman,. Vancouver hardware dealer, was an arrival from Hie south (Wi the Prince George this morning.;, lie is on his way to Hums l.nke on a visit lo the I allapin mine of which h is presuiein. .nr. 7ieariiiau e. peels to spend two oY Hi ret) weeks in the interior. Passengers sailing last nigli on the Cardena for the south in eluded Miss K. KiiOelte, Mrs. J Marshall, Mrs. M. Smith, V. J. Marshall, M. Silvcrfield, .1. II. Meagher, J. J. Mubloon, I.. O. I.ycett and L." 'W."Palmore for Vancouver; J. I.ars'nn for Hule-dale, ami Mr. and. Airs. M. Robertson for'.N'aniu. -' H. D. .lackson, comptroller for Hie Premier Mine ami W. II. Rae, assistant .malinger of the B.C. Silver arrived here yesterday. Mr. Jackson is going lo New York on tomorrow's I rain and Mr. Rae will visit Prince. i.Scorgo antl spend a few days more licit' on his return before going back 16 the mine. The police commission lasl night accented the tender of A. Carlson of SOS per suit for four policemen's uniforms. The suih urdered this year are similar in quality and price to those used last year which gave good sat isfaction. George l.eek submit ted tenders ranging from $12 to 55; the Universal Trading Co. J55 lo $), aud Steve King, 55. Robert Allen of Prince Rupert, inland revenue olllcer. Was a visitor here lasl week on olli-cial duties. I'M. l'rauzeau, otic time proprietor of the Vanderlioof Club, lias taken a lease on the J.aku-view Hotel at FralicSis I.ako which ho wilt operate''. Miss Dolly Cleo 1'oTnJC and Alvin llopfe wercniarned in Prince George Inst .week. They have come here lo'Jake '.tip (heir residence. ' Father Wolff is tyibpejed back In Ihe district verysfUirlly after a lengthy nbsencjft Hit Franco. VIF.XNA, Mny 20. Denying FINAL MESSAGE BEFORE LEAVING Rev. Dr. Grant Urges More Optimism In City Prior to Taking Long Holiday Rev. II. R. Grant, D.D.. pastor of Hie Presbyterian Church here, leaves tomorrow for an extended holiday, but before going he took occasion to leve a message with his people at their m.orn-in service Sunday morning, that will not be forgotten for a long time by those who were present on that occasion. I that Vienna is dead socially, lierr DreHner, city 'councillor, declares there were 7,ii'tf enter-' laiunients in the city between j January 1 and March 20. All paid amusement taxes ileplle 1 lie ; economic through which ii-dr1u i passing. ' i Dr. Grant said he found a great deal of pessimism' in the ity. There was no need for it for everything was going well, everybody was working and the n'rosiiecls were- brighter than vcr. I Strangers had noticed the pessimistic - spirit. One man onnecled with the elevator had sani: liars wrong wun mis town. Three fairly prominent citizens asked me only recently if it was likely a pound of grain would ever 'go Hirnuzfi the eleva tor after it was built." Why man," he said, "I know- six grain exporting companies operating in a large way who are ill going to try shipments through this port when Hie elevator is ready." An agent for a big concrn who was recently in Prince Ru pert had remarked that everybody was in the blues. "In all my district," he said, "there is not a town with the prospects Prince. IJupert has. Yet the peo ple here are pessimistic. I lie Doctor said lie found a lot of iietinle'who had faith in lod but in nothing else. Dr. Grant goes direct from here lo Jacksonville. 1 buida. where be expects lo remain ,foi iiHitith. He will IIumi return by way oj rtsiern uauaua, win visit his son Archie at l'orl Wit Ham iind then take a run into the Kootenay country lo see members of his former rongro-1 lalious at Ferule and Pincher Creek. Rev. I-:. W. McKay of Cran-briHik is coming this week to take charge of the church during Dr. Grant's absence on Hie first trip tie has made in eleven years other than attending conventions and synoil meetings. COMMITTED FOR TRIAL Arthur Stewart of Port F.. siugton was committed for trial yesterday afternoon by Slipen diary Magistrate II. F. Mcl.eod on a charge of wounding David Douglas. The latter lias been in the hospital for several weeks following an alleged attack by accused wHh an axe. Milton Gonzales defended. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert A. II. Lund, Victoria; C. W. Thorley, Toronto; II. W. Brown and (). K. Williams, Vancouver; W. II. Rae and H. D. Jackson. Premier; A. J. Brown, F.diiijui-lon; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morrison and family, Alice Arm. Central I.. F. Coles, Vancouver; It. G. Fish, Prince Rupert Cannery. C.G.M.M. steamer Canadian Prospector, Capl. Thomas, wih be taken oil the dry dock and will gel away lo Vancouver tomorrow it is now expected. 4 .i..t, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALK- -Good kitchen range. cheap. IH Dyer Apartments. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 Wednesday, May 20 lligb 12:23 11.111. 18.2 ft. I.ow fi:2l a.m. 3.G " 18: Hi p.m. 5.'J " Thursday, May 21 High 0:21 a.m. 20.0 ft. 13:t)t p.m. 18.1 " Low . .. 7.00: a.m. 2.J " 18:55 p.m. C.2 " Ground SawiiVTi.X 'n1 ihclrlatih .r.olX: V X."CrutCrnaf ' even thicknasaSl. s V LaactTMlk lhrauihoutlhnllrac' X. CnttClt. I ng-th ol lh taw, thusXs. X. maVincblndinginthtkarl ;; N. !! impo.aibl. CreicentL-nnd-" in( is an caclutiv Simonda L.eure. I1M0NDS CAN1DH SUV CO. UNITED V.NCOWI. M0NTH4AL TO"O.T tT.JOMN.M.a. What Holidan so "TP enjoajaoie ( Nowhere is so much enjoyment packed into' each twenty-four hours as aboard ship on an ocean voyaje.. Games and exercise on spacious decks, or cosy relaxation in d:ck chairs wi.h the clean sea breeze, on your cheeks; meals fit for an epicure, served in a luxurious brilliant saloon; dancing to tne strains ot a wonaenui orcnesira, wun a sirou between numbers to watch the moonbeams dance on the waters; cards and conversation with congenial companions; . and each ni;ht, restful refreshtnc s!jmber in a comfortable berth in a spaciouj airy stateroom. Why not mile t trip to Europe your holiday this year? You on cross the Athotic, visit in the Old Land lor a few dayt, and return, all in three or four weeks. And, if you to via Anchor-Donaldaon or Cunard Canadian Pout? you will see, as well, the beauties of the histoiic Sl Lawrence River. Aak your local steamship agent for information, or apply to THE CUNARD STEAM SHIP CO., LIMITED 622 HASTINGS STREET, W VANCOUVER ANCHOR-DONALDSON 5 UNA CANADIAN SERVICES FOR SALE MV Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & CoW Storage Co., W. PRINCE RUPERT, B,C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SF SALMON TROLLERS Before outfitting il will pay you to inspect our line of Trolling Gear. We have a new line of Salmon Hooks, Swivells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kinds. 4' In our slock yuu will find everything you require Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of nil kinds, Hull and Copper" Paints, Galley Stoves. ami Utensils. If it's for the liual we have it. Boats are lost every year by fire have yuu got your Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet? We sell them, . -Uu" Call and see us. '' STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Offico) Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST Hclgcrson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours U to 0. X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686. t,4 Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings I'