VV.. ,. V.MMV., ..... , . . f. EIGHT KILLED Damago Estlmatod at Million Francs Causod by Storm In Belgium iia UIUSSLILS. May 20. i:ght ' ;: were killed by ligli.Jniup Ul 1 uuinnyu estinialed at a mil 1 ' in s was caused by storms !' secliiin. The prindiial Minugt. was to farm crops ul tlJuli the houses in towns and ' 1 H' uiil'n )i 1 1 I I... liimw - . Mill I l 1, 'V IIVM. 'hut broke thousands of ''. All trallio and com "'" " a1 ion was impeded and 'in I'laees stopped aiK Pliisealor of Terruco ' arrival from tseatlle on nif Georyc this niornin HEAD OF MNTIES Selkirks .00 Vt ...5 H-25 2.3(1 .50 .To,. I. IQ 15.50 .25 Vi Aieci cay j ir. Jomorm. ,,wniin?. ,, V UvI,;;v'V V t Chinamen oil Sal-',. . ... ... ..... .Acme Importers k g'ombe Inlet can-.v indes norlh of Alert liy their eating nlslols, uceordintf, . ..a reaching the sal here. All four y. slated, had gone uv-r to work al Ihe kv Ii is now being presume operations, i sc were living in a ieiiisclves. BLOCKADE OF RUM RUNNERS New York Officials Say Only One Boat Is Now Left of Big Atlantic Fleet In I 'Ii; I W H' . ilu! lur '; YollK. May 20. Halifax : ale that ihirleeii liipior -sels have docketl here. discharging cargo i jiy to re-entering more ' firighlinig business and i. t taking on provisions Ksain pulling out lo sea ' !firials here Interpret t rts as cuiiNriuatiuii of sit inns that the "Hum I'i u kade is proving effee- I s staled that only one ' Urt or the eighty odd w ! off the coast of Unileil ;rfore Ihe campaign com "it it May 5. Col. It. S. Kniuhl. coniinaiiditiu' .ffieer in UCilish Columbia oi the Itoyill Canadian .Mounirn Police, is visiting the cily in Ihe . , . . . course ol a senerui Irin. lie arrived on corse this morning from Van couver and is stopping at the JMince llupert lintel. STOCK MARKET Hid. Askrd Indian Surf Inlel Imnwell Premier - Terminus Ialy-Alaka ...... I fay view I I.C. Silver Howe Sound ... L. I Gouglas Channel irm.l.V u .00 Vi :i.7o 2.10 .70 .30 1.50 .01 QiVt .01 Any Time Today or May be Mailed Tonight , This i the last day for rc-'ceiving donalKms toward .the 'children's ward at the General Hoopilul. Subscriptions may br , sent in any time today or may be mailed tonight, as lon as they arrive in, time for the final acknowledgement t in lliee columns j tomorrow. Aiiiniiiils elude: Previously acknowledged SI 177.3" Ladies of Moosehearl . . .. rn .... il.i 1 Insr' . . ' " J . , i. lillil.lll h iniiir iiii. Ilia I the situation was watched carefully and no mi this end is Hiilii'ipated. lunts received from the interior) ludiiv were to the elTecl that! cooler weather had arrived and the walers were siibsidiiitf. in rn Innddelry'-'H!-"1' W- A'M- jSYISITING CITY Col. R. S. Knight, B C. Officer Commanding, Arrived From Vancouver This Morning 1 1 nwo I. Sunderland iJoliii Hlnw .... Ormes Lid I Gyro Club IL.'W. Wau;.'h Milililenanre Clerks I". II. ItifTou .. G. Ile.ner Kraser Valley Mrs. J. Meclon .... .. ,r,, fiuhl singed in the o f AV a y Haucher.. BASEBALL t'T.UO 5.00 ' 5.011 5.00 50.00 5.00 2.00 2.0C 50.00 50.00 1.00 10.00 2.00 EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS 10.00 10.00 .50 PRINCE RUPERT TODAY I he Atiiencau dollar is ipioted Insppclion i , (ay al par and sterling the Prince xery clo-e to it. Following are the exchange prices paid locally: .Sterling, 1.H3. Ilunir Kong 55.15. France, 5.17. United Stales, 100. American League Philadelphia 3, Chicago 1. New York 5. Hetroit 11. ' Washington i. Cleveland 3. Uoslon 2, SI. Louis H. National League PJIIsburg 5, llfooklyn V. Chiraiio H, New York 2. Cineinnalll 7. Iloslou 3. SI. Louis I. Philadelphia -H. BY LIGHTNING Two Chine Killed and Two Wounaea in DunRnouse ngiu at Shingle Mill Yesterday VWCOUYKH. May 20. Yum Lambert anil Xak Hip, !...,. i.. sii.inirle Coiunaiiy's til ill at Port Moody. both ine .viiiinx" ".....- - ..... ... v n.,.,.,,,,1, n... i,.,.. ,.i nk llil' '"e cook ai uic nun, .-inn imii i..i"i.0 ..v.... arid head ami then wounded two others before turning the gun 4,11 ''wo oilier Chinamen, who escaped from the fnsilade of bullets alletnpled lo gei away hi an inno, qui mv no nt.v. uuu both were taken into eusiouy ny ,1,,, p(l,t Mooily police. - The direct cause or the shool-ing N thought to have been Ihe oirtcomc or criminal lavv cases, street fl8l. mM 'r ol" , 1ttn'' sluggiii-s in Vancouver s China- town some time ago. The freighter. Salvor arrived hi port Ihls morning and is discharging a cargo of coal at G. T. P. wharf No. 1. protecting the main dykes which are holding. The river last night al Mission was 10 feel K inches and steadily Ilivers, Quebec, although decided upon. COLONEL RYERSON DIED AT TORONTO TOHONTO, May 20.- Major General George Ilyerson, 71 years of age. a colonel-in-chief of the Canadian army medical corns died here Ibis morning at the hn-i'i'l. TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, with nrwly laid danoing Ambulance f'.oor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime, purlins. Royal Hotel, 3rd Av. For rat, apply la Boston stand PRINCE RUPERT and 6th St. drill, Third Ave. mi ATT VIPECK. Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. SO. 119. 1921. VttUrdif'i Circulation 1668 ItrMt !. PRICE FIVK GENTS. V0l XV., ' bun,.?- PHLNCE HI PERT, U.C., YVEIlNESUAY, MAY 20, REIGHT RATES ARE TO BE new le of ultra violet ray by means of which "smi-JifjliT' can be administered inlernally is being demonstrated in Kuf-'laiid. 1 ed m the uioiitli ami (liroal il bus proved beneficial n cases of several diseases Fraser Valley Floods Cover Thousand Acres Low dykes protecting Dewdney district failed o hold and ranches are covered with water VANCUUVKIt. May 20.- lhoiiand acres oT laud in crop has been flooded out in Ihe iiiidyked areas of Glen Yallejy Fori Langlev ami the lowlands of Nicoinen lland and -South YVesl-ininisler as a result of flood conditions in the I'raser Viflley under pressure of Ihe rising walers of the Fraser Hiver. The low dykes prolecjiug Ihe lievvdiiey district east juf Mission failed lo hold and last night gueat quantities of water poured through Ihe breaks, flooding Ihe fertile ram-hes. Kfforls lo sloii the progress of the waters were confined to Hewdney i Glen Valley and Fori .Langley district are inundated to n depth of three feel at some isiug at the rale of half an inch I places and road communication an hour. Miles of roads in the! is suspended. ENGINE WAS Everything Now In Readiness for Hop-off of Airplane to Telegraph Creek The engine of Ihe Vickers Viking flying boat, which will be flown from here to Telegraph Creek by Archibald Litlle, le- Iroit mining engineer, and his associates within the nexl, few days first . , ...t ..I1i..iw ,), ..iil.i.ttlsl V v-,,llllllpil IIS II '11. ...... ... .1 i linn imi inui-i.- .i.v .- .. - ' - hiht TURNED OVER : was turned? over for the tnme yesterday afternoon and worked very, satisfactorily Col. Williams, pilot or the machine, slated last night thai every thing was now in readiness for Ihe hop-off which will lake place just as soon as favorable reports from the north are received. In the fall Ihe plane will be flown hack to Prince Huperl and probably on to Vancouver. It may even- be flown from Vancouver to its headuarlers at UIIIUISI, ..V mi . . ., bunl .,,,,,1.. I I..I.. .....Imil.-iv lit ii. i . I...- ....I vol I. ...... .1.. rinili.lv IMIIIIV l.'-M.-' IH1V. J, - ...j ... ) 11.13 IH.M JV, Ml, II ,..,,... .y COOLER WEATHER j. CAUSES WATER IN SKEENA TO DROP tlA.KLTON. May 20.--The cool weather which has just set in following the extreme heal of Ihe wiH'k end when the Ihef-luoiueler was up lo t0 degrees in the shade is causing the river to drop a little. II was very high and much earlier than usual. ! sen? EQUALIZED LOODS IN SOUTH AND AT PRINCE GEORGE ARE DOING MUCH DAMAGE height Rate Equalization to be Subject of Legislation this ' Session; Peace River Dropped YWCOLYEH, May 20. "I am not optimistic regarding :nh(v of anything being done this year to rliie trans- fficullies for Ihe Pence Hiver, Premier Oliver staled r. urn this morning from Ottawa. g hug Hie question of freight rale equalization, the xpres"-etl confidence f Iiat the proposals lo be brought Mitienl shortly by lion, George P. (iralium, minister OUR CHINESE WERE POISONED BY TOADSTOOLS TRAIN DELAYED BY MCBRIDE WASHOUT Will Not Arrive Here Until Tomorrow Morning: No Floods Yet Six Delayed by a washout ju-d cast Lived Toqethcr In Camp at King-; f Mrllrlde. the train due from V AmK ln(l rinnfm tit A Am Hie r.asi ui .I..H) mis aiicruooii LAST DAY FOR HOSPITAL WARD will Mils' Hit problem. The Premier udmitlcd Dial Subscriptions know (leriiiilcly what I hi' proposals were Inn added : mi in this iarliciilar is dial I have confidence, the will be relieved." Will be Received Vceeived 1oday in- Prince George Partly Flooded as Result of j Rise in Fraser River Railway Grade Partly Washed Away and the Passengers had to be Transferred; Water Still Rising PHIXCK (il'OHlii:, May 20. Prince George is threatened willi con-ideiuble inconvenience wud danger as ihe result of the slagu of water. This year the Nechukn and Kraser Hivers have rcutbed the flood stage about the. same lime, the Nechaku being two or thiee week earlier Mian usual. The w-.iler is within a foot or ib high mark ot Hii'J. It is still rising and made five inches last nigliL Unless there is a change in weather conditions the I water will conliniie rising for another four or five days, uud two or three feet may be added lo the present Jiigb mark. Ihe west bouud train was not able lo reach Prince George lastj nipht. The railway j;rale acisj as a dyke asaiust the walers of Ihe .Nechako. Yeslenlay the water had risen on the river side! 1 until it vva standing six fet I il. u li...l mi llu Kiuitli side. UI'WH fc..V "V ... - - - - - There was a wale in the srade a .-hurt ilislance. from ihe' western i iid or the bi, bridge. which sj.ans the Collflucure of"-' the A'cchako and Fraser and the pressure, of Ihe water became so strong that it tore through the ?ale and carried away a section of the jrrade neeessilatiiiisr a transfer of pas- ers on I lie, iiicoiiunv tram. The effect of the breach in railway grade was to raise the the level or Hie water several Meet over that portion or t'he lownsite east ot George Street. It us within two feel of some id the warehouses ami preparation are uiider way to remove merchandise stored in them. The water today is within two reel of the crown of the- load which connects Prince (jeorge witli Ihe highway to Quesnel. The prospect Is that the roail. will be put out of business within the next two days. For weeks past the railway company has kepi a gang of . . i ..... nen woi-King on a jam which nus been forming against the piers or the big bridge but the drift is coming down the Fraser in such quantities that the debris is piliiiig up faster than it can ie broken away. All authorities agree that the water will con tinue to rise for another four or five days. It will mean inconvenience at this end and pro bably serious danger and damage along Ihe lower reaches ot Ihe liver. L. W. Palmore was a passenger last night on Ihe Cardena for Vancouver on business. Airplane Here is Only One of its Kind on Continent Guarded with Jealous Care Tlie VieUers- Vikine amphibious Hying boat, which is now- all assembled at the dry dock here awaiting receipt or ravorable wenlhcr reports fnitu the north before taking off wjth Archibald Little, Detroit mining engineer, for Telegraph Creek on a pros pecting expedition into the Cassmr gotu ticius, is ine om machine of its kind on the' continent. The nurhine was bdill by Vickers in Knglnuil unu imported to Cauadu by its owners, Ihe J.aurenlide Air Service Co. Ltd. or Three Hivers, Quebec It Is powered "with a o() hbrc power Napier Lyon engine una is equipped with the latest oi ever thing in safety and efficiency devices. It has a wing SO feet. The fuselage and wing .flouts are of mahogany bronred "where they touch the water and the wings ure of h routed fabric, the truls. or course, being of the', STERLING IS HIGHEST TODAY SINCETHEWAR Quoted Very Close to Par on Both London and New York Markets LOXDON, May 20. Sterling today reached 1.80 1-8, the rise in rate being assisted by the Hank oT Kngland s purchase of nearly a million pounds or gold bars. Sterling has been piaking a gradual and apparently sure progress toward return to parity which is i.80 2-3 under the steady support of. American and ' local interest. Today's point is , I he. '.highest reached since the re- omplion of the sold standard., : NIAV YOHK,' May '20 Sterling exehaune today was Jiuoted at. the New Ymk market ' at 1.83 J 7-8, the highest priciv siuco November 101 1. CHINAMAN MAY GET LIBERTY Effort to be Made by Counsel fo. Wonn Sin? to Get Him Released VANCOUVKH, May 20. In order that Wong Sjng, commit ted Tor trial on a lOiargj' oT murdering Janet Smith, may not re main in prison for from five to six months until Hie next assiza court convenes. J. II. Senkler, counsel for the. accused, yes'er-day look,sleps to Jay; Ihe founda tion Tor an application aimed at the release from custody or the prisoner. What form the application will take has not yet been decided, said .Mr. enkier. GERMANY AT WORLD COURT Has Entered Appeal Against Ao-tlon of Poland In Upper Silesia GENEVA. May 20. It is offi- pread oflcially announced today that Ger-- - I many has appealed to the world iiiiv ell lionnl iiiiidune snruce. i court of justice to settle tier The landiiiig wheels are low-'dispute with Poand concerning ered or raised by means of a ' the expropriation by Poland in quadrant, -They are controlled Upper Silesia of German owned (continued' on page-ixi jimlusirial rural prmyry.