l. Diamonds Alert, thinkinij? people who arc in touch with the trend of even Is and who do not fail to THINK, HEAR, SEE & ACT know that in buying a diamond Uiey must depend largely upon the dealer. Our values are equal to lliose of any house in Canada and cheaper than many, Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed Max Heilbroner Tho Diamond Merchant of tho North We have "been forbidden to run onr advertisement wiving away "GRATIS" a load of kindling wood, lle-i;ig instructed thai this is gambling and against the LAW. We will give our load of wood away to the person holding a ticket that lias I he UNION MA UK on it. To find this mark split your ticket open and between the compressed cardboard one ticket, has the . UNION LABEL. Hring this to us and the load or the "3EST WOOD THERE IS, IS "YOURS." The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. '"Opposite old P.O. Fnoncs: 189-112; Red 461, Red 217 KEEP SWEET Chocolate Special Here is your opportunity to stock up with (iauong's Chocolates for the picnic, at home, or party. GANONG'S ASSORTED CHOCOLATES Heg. Price Cue and 75c lit. Special Price for this week, Per lb. 40c. Mixed Candy, reg. price 50c per II)., special price for this week, per lb. .. 35c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84. Fifth Ave. East Dr.F.P. Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 Phone 20 FORMER LOCAL BOY INDUCTED AS PASTOR OF VANCOUVER CHURCH llev. Robert T. .Uad'arlane, fornfer resident o,r ;llfis ity who visited here recently in tho course of bis honeymoon trip and preached in the local Presbyterian (Hunch, was licensed and ordained as assistant minis ter of the First Presbyterian Chiuelr in Vancouver last Friday night. After the close of the service the new assistant minister ami .Mrs. Macl'arlaue were presented by the llev. J. Richmond Craig i vvilli a silver lea service ami tray, I lie gift of the Congregation. A reception followed. ONLY ONE AMERICAN BOAT IS HERE TODAY Small Sale at Fish Exchango With Prices Around Eleven j Cents Only one American boat, the High Gill, sold at the Fish Exchange this morning the oilier five being Canadians. Prices of Canadian fish were around eleven cents,. Following -were Hie sales: American ...... High Gill, 0,500 at 13.10 and 7, to lloolb Fisheries. Canadian Joe Haker 5,000 at 11 and 5 to Hoolh Fisheries. Trrnen 0,500 at 11.10 and 5 TIMBER SALE X7148. I Srak'tl Tenders will b- received CREAM FLANNEL FOR TENNIS AND WEAR SPORT 7 inch Knglisli Flannel, medium weight. Ileg. S2.00 value. Special per Yard .... $1.75 $1.75 West of England Store Phone 753 by i I lie Minulrr or Land nl later than ihkii I mi I lie Jtli day r June, UlJi. for the iiirclia.e f Licence .7Hd, to cut 8w.- imju feet hi llctnlwk, Cedar. Spruce and In Die Land Itrordiinr lilstrlct of prince. llnTl. and situate cm tho north west mal of I'raife Inland. ll.C. ai:iru( Imately three miles north Trout Hie muu.li or Winter llarbor. Take :ollce that f rizzt-ll Limited or I'rlnee llupert ll.i;.. occupation iacker. IIIU-IHI to apply ror ieao or mo roi loulnir Ji'M i iliofl lu mil : Coiniiieiiclnir at n iol planted apimn liualely three miles norlli from the inuiilh of Winler llaihor. rearw) Island; then -e tioiihuesl I wo lii chains, more or Irs, to low water mark; thence southwest along- low water mark one hundred ami sixty Klin chains: thence southeast two (it chains; thence northeast one huiKlreil and sidy Mfito chains, more or lew, to point of commencement and con IJilnliiK llijrty Iwo i" a . acres, more ur less. HUZZKII.S LIMITKIt. .Naui or Applicant. Hated May I gilt, 1045. GEO. D. THE House Furnisher "Nugget" givet ihoe all the comfort of age with the appearance of new. nets. Keeps them pliable preserved polished. J. MaJttn Black, Tan, Toney Red arxfDarlr, Brown. Jlho Whit Drutlnf (cok')and White Utaner (liquid). to lloolh Fisheries. Margaret I., 17,000 at 10.70 and 5 to Allin Fisheries. .M. -M. Chrisloiiher 7,000 at 11.10 and 5 to Cold storage. Mali 3,500 at II and 5 'to Hoyal Fish Co. BURNS LAKE 1 A school fair is lo be held here this fall, the idea having keen suggested by l. Cochrane of Forestdale. It is proposed lo have exhibits of agriculture, nature study,, manual training ahd domestic science as well as straight school work, Teachers I i Jr,..r. u" K 'of the district seem very willing .1(111 VI I'lUJ IH J MIH l HUlieV WMCt - - Wslrlrl. Two years will be allowed fw removal of timber. further particulars vt the cliieT forester. Victoria. B.i;., or lil.tlrlrt ForeHer, frlnce Uiirt, NX. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntion to Apply to Leaie Lands. to co-operate. 'A daughter was born at the Uiirns Lake Hospital on .May 12, io .Mr. anil Mrs. Andrew Hunter of FudakO. Herman Hrunell, .lack Intesoi and Leonard Kerr plungnl into Hums Lake last week, being the first bathers of the season. Advertise in I lie Daily .Ve.ws THE NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. R. S. C. Chap. 115. The Canadian Kbdilnir Company Limited herehv iriveii notice that It has under Section 7 of the said Act , dcpo.lted with the MlnlHer T I'liblle Works at Ottawa and In the orrire or the Itegistrar of the Land IIP" try Coast liWrlrt al prince rtujiert, H.C., a desrrlpUoli of the sllff and plans of Us wharf, eanne'-y, cannery build-:nif and woiks appurleunt thereto built prior to June Lit, 1IC. In tracer Iteach in front or Ixit 39 . Ilanxn . Coat Pistrlct. l'rovlnee of Hrltls-h Columbia. AMi T'.KE MlTICE that afler the ex-(.li-ntkm or one rnonlti from the dale or die rit-Ht publication of this .Notice The on.nluln rishlnit Ci.tuiiHiiy Limited will under Section 7 or the said Act apply to I lie Minuter of Public Winks at bin orrire In the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plant and for leave to rontrurt the said ean'-ry and works. listed at Vancouver, ll.C, this 7 111 day of May. 19?;. THE CANADIAN PISIIINn COMPANY I.IMITKll LAND ACT, Notice of Inttntion to Apply to Lsiis Lands. In the Mnd Ilfcordinfr lil-lrlcl lt Prince IliiiM-t-t, .and slluate on the north . ,.r ll.. . t.Ut.l II,' mi-i "nsi ii I r. rr ir-itBiiii, ,..., a,', .,... Imately three miles north from the mouth or Winter ilarlior. - Take Notice that 1. Kleldlnir trainr of simu.vaiiic. ll.C occuianoii catiiieryinau, Intend to apply for a leao or the. follow inir !'i-rlled land: Coiiimenrlur at n twist tdanteil ai'iipov Im.itelv three rnlles north from the inmiUi of Winter Hart , l'earie Island; Ibeife iiortliwest two ( chains, more or less. t low water mark: thence tiorlhea! alon? low water mark one hundred and altty . tr,n, rhalti; 'theni-e soulheast two ( rhaln-i: Ihejice lumthwest one hundred and my (ir,i) chain", more or Ir. to ihiIiiI of coiiiiueiieemeut and con talniiijr thirty-two (3? acres, looie or less. JAES FIEI.DINO STRANG. Name of Applleanl Dated May lilh, 1Vs!S. SIMMONS' Redding Week BED OUTFIT No. 3 Square continuous post Walnut Heil with either coil or Slumber King spring and felt mattress. $41.50 BED OUTFIT No. 1 Simmons' While linainel Hod, Coil .Spring, and Kelt Mattress. S3C00 BED OUTFIT No. 4 Continuous' :)" post with grained panel. The new Slumber King spring and Star fell mattress. $46.00 DED OUTFIT No. 2 Same as above, with Bed. $37.00 Third Avenue THE DADLY NEWS MOOSEHEART LEGION HELD WHIST DRIVE Thirteen Tables at Enjoyable AITalr Last Nlflht In Metropole Hall heart l.egioii. There were thirteen tables and prizes were won as follows: ladies' first, Mrs. ljuiiiloti; ladies second. Miss Waddea Mussallem; men's first, Mrs. M. F.. sl'.dwards; men s second, .1. I. Itoherlson. .loe Slagganl was master oT ceremonies, refreshments were served and an impromptu dance followed, music being furnished (Continued from Page One;. from the pilot's cockpit. The rudder is operated by fool ami there are dual controls of the engine, elc. Unloaded Hie inaeh i ti 0 weighs 1,000 pounds and loaded O.nou pounds. The tanks have capacity for enough gasoline for Hi hours flying while enough may be carried in cans Tin li.t limn., rlt-ilirr Mllil fflll III. ernnieitt. It was on .lames Jlay and Hudson Hay for some time with Col. J. Hcolt William, ils present pilot, also ih command of; it al that lime. Col. Williams ymmls his imi- lelliiij.' people aboard, tltal Ihey lo not handle delicate parts. 'It's all-right with government. machines," he says, "Ihey have lots of money if one does blow up lull this i Ihe only one we have and we are a long way from, home." ' i The machine, when il arrives in I be Dease Lake country, will likely be moored the most of Ihe lime on water in sheltered coves but it can be readily taxied up, to shore on sandy beaches. II is the intention to fly direct front here lo Telegraph t'-reek but a stop may be m'adc al Wraugcll. The machine having a cruising speed of DO mile per, hour, the flight from- here lo Telegraph Creek is not expected lo take more than four hours. One is lucky if be can gel from lrince H ii perl to Teletgraph, Creek in a week by the more an-1 liipie inelhod of water transportation. Aerial transportation Is Hie ideal thing Tor' lite (Ileal North nml tin; operation of this machine In Ihe C.assiar district will be walched with a great deal of Interest by the oulside world. The present expedition, it is quite poible, is only the forerunner of many inure 'to come. ALICE ARM Ed. Pickett, who returned here last week nfler an absence of five years in California, announces thai ie is to continue development wtirk this year on the Tiger properly which adjoins the Toric. Necessary money having been raised, development work on (be La Hose mine Is to commence al once. A contract for a 100 foot I lunliel lo strike Hie ore al depth j will be let lo local men.' A. D. Yorke ha, been appointed secretary of the Kitsault lliver Mining & Ieolopnieiil (Jo. Lid', Over three million feet of logfllaU AN INACTIVE LIVER IS THE CAUSE OF CONSTIPATION When ywur liver gets sluiitlsh n-I Inactive your whole health suffers. Your bowels becnine. constipated) you An enjoyable whist drive- was have sick and bilious headaches; jour held last night in the Metropole tomme coaled and furry, your breath'' ii.. n i... i i: ,r ii... u. ....... !bd; specks float before your cies, and ii.iii nv iiii i.:iiin in lilt? .i uurt-i j often you feel as If you were Koluir In faint, especially ir in I crowded place where there Is littlo or no ventilation, When In this condition there Is only one thills' to do, and thai Is lu take MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS They will stimulate the sIiikkUIi liver so that It will rerulate the flow of bile lo ltd ,-..'...J properly on .... the Imwels. minil., and .1111 I lima Inn . . by Mrs. Gawlborue at Hie piano, rirar away all tho poisonous tnaiter thai The coiniuillee in charge eon- I responsible for all jour liver troubles sisled of Mrs. Jack vener, .Mrs. George I', l.arsen and Mrs. Judge, con-Crate, Mrs. Fd. L'nger. AIRPLANE HERE IS ONLY ONE 'have OF ITS KIND ON CpNTINENT; week GUARDED CARE. WITH JEALOUS for sale at all drutKlsts and dealers; put up only by The T. Mllburti Co., Limited, Toronto, o?t. been stmt from the LAND . CASSIAR LAND during the past Attbdtsiord I ou- ging Co.'s camp. A million feel wenl lo Prince I tinier! and the balance lo Ocean Falls. A. Davidson and I'd. Giislalt-sou lefl last week ftjr the upper Kitsault country Jo resume development work on the Wildcat propci'ly, from Prince i ,v. iiiM.i llupert I 1 1 I M ' lllltl HI lllili" "Hinnu the pilot or mechanic leaving the cockpit. .The plane has seating capacity for five person and has carried nine. Lal year litis plane-saw it lot John Conway, nienl , ageht, was lasl week. Tommy I thick spent the winler. Atiynx govern BIRTH. a visitor here has relumed ACT. where he 'Ihere was born at the Prince llupert (ieueral Hospital litis or service in Ontario and Ouebec " hrw1 ("'rl'"" in foreslry service for the gov- L1.'"' of install and ileMvualed Lot ji. Iianve irKI. la camelled. (it" It ii-nl Minuter lieparlMM-ol or I am In. i Vlcto:ll. B.C.. Maj till. WJ'-t District or catat 1 1, ..... nil,, of I'sk. i ; NOTICE Or CANCELLATION Of ftCSCRVE With official designation of I mitice is iikhlhv oivk. that lb. ,, ,, . , r ii r. ! reM-rn- nvii mx ci lain land'- ner the ii.ii.ii.i), inr iiir.1? m mi- niv- juiiclioii lajse. logelber with (lie name of the owuitwr company, bear the molto "Veni-Vidi-Vici." which Iraiislaleil from Latin means. "I came, I saw, I routpiercd." It was a maciiim Kieiiiicai io nil in which Squadron Leader Sluart Maclaren last year at tempted (o fly around the world. keelU llllerr , Doasl HI .ai;. of Lauds. DISTRICT Sllkllie IiOIkIoii. TAkK 'TI(K .hat I, Waller Jlillm (lletunH'd Soldier), 'jf Trlerraih Ciek, It i: itf-eiiiijlliiii MliM-r. Intend to anhlv chine with a jealous and careful nr htiuiiou to purtiia.e tiw foiiowm ...... ... described land.: - eye ami. wiiih lie courti'oniy (u.miiiinrii. al a iiot planted ain.nl jlii.u snows a Mm uie snip uliln' In to viiliiru vinors Mini ami l i une nu'e el of .Mc).c:d nioiiatt near (e Sllk. ,.,. imJ ,t,Hl lt Mitrt ever willing lo explain the tie- ouiiiet of reiirrapti creek; them-r nortu 'iianii; i-a-i in riniui-. ineipe . .. . , ., , tails, he permits no smoking tiMM.. .,uui hu 'luiiiv iheme we-i 4 .......,.! .,t.,.., I ,.,..1 sees l. an rhallu to iHiini or c.Miiiiieii' .-lot in auo rontainliiir Mil acres, more or less. WAI.TKH JI II W Applicant. April loth. I in:.. Blue Fox Pups For dtllstry July 20th to 30th, 182S, ONLY LUr dslivsrv, 25 par cent higher Take them loun(r. COST LESS, Lafler handled, d.iclle and bleed flri-t year. Send for new booklet-tell all: 100 INCREASE GUARANTEED 2, 3 or 4 yr. old Brttdtra. with or without 100 par cant Incrtaao, our guarantt backed by ample at-tele and 25 yrt. of butinete Integrity In thlt atate. deference iurnUlied you -llrad'trecta: and I'realdenta. SU Hanks. Member of Seattle, (ham ber of Coinmrrre CLEARY BROS. FOX FARMS t,ii Empire lUdir .. SEATTLE. tl.S.A onv of the World'a Larieal toi Karnii) DRY BIRCHWOOD and Cedar $6.50 Por Load Cut (u any leiigtb- HydeTransfer 130 Second Avenuo Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST I '--!" -4 r--4!i9 Week-end Special in "Never Say Die" A rib-lickliiig comedy containing 'l! finiiiy Ibing Dial happen to rough Ihe i Ihe fa-le.-l-vvorking I f Hrcezy Douglas u ...... .'i:. ...... i .. Iifiitu1. finite I. l''!!'' s T r, 1 1 f V Evert pdirfull of veer w with .mock. tomatch.inpU bIuc or trip-ll,i, special, per garmenl -at 1 oc? MEN'S WHITE DRILL OUTING PANTS i Sizes : In Sei i.il ror :: d... 50 PAIRS MEN'S OXFORDS Ileg. ;..-,. S( W'e have loo iuji.iv hi otock. thereru,, Illis a special v'''1'"' iiiiliu enicitl at Hi. - ;i-litem iinit. ;i das only,. 1,000 YARDS 27' ENGLISH GINGHAMS , tJheik. More tb.ni tin dillirmi ,p.., f rum. Sjiet ial. ." vanf- for 51.95 $5.45 95c Cash and Carry Grocery Specials For Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 0 a.m. unlit 12 noon only Creamery Butter, in bulk, :t lb-, for Broken Shelled Walnuts, J Hi, for . . . Orange IVSarmaladc, lb. pail Re-cleaned Currants' in Bulk, ? lb- Toilet Paper, 7 i oil lor . Cohoe Red Salmon, lb. tin, sjieeiu . . Alberta Fresh Eggs, :t do., for loco Floor Oil, quart Special .... Brown Sugar, 7 ll. for Liiml I His. lo each mlomer. Glacier Sardines, vvilh ke opener. pm-k" nl, ;t ni- fur Roger's Golden Syrup, . Il. pail Evaporated Apricots, uupilted. per lb. . Del Monte Prunes, -ic :p-'.o. tl f-r Pan Yan Sauce, rxir.i (iei i.il, per t)-Blue Ribbon Pure Mustard. '. i! u. 51.00 75 60c 35c 25c 10: 15: EOc 50c 35c 40c 15c 35c 20c 40c UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. WESTHOLME THEATRE 'Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p-m. DOUGLAS MACLEAN if CHI .'iipjh:ii u lliipi 'ii " .-c at Ihe riiuuicsl frame-up ever arranged i"i liow it failed Ihe groom who rouhln't ki r liiot fasciiialing Parisian vamp who ever if; maitee ami the futurist pairing wIim Ii hi ;4 ' ' . . .. :..i i.'....-..i.. -i.Mii ih riiii: " 1 1 " r a nurse or a nowiw nm. rum - o be suffering fnnn arleriosi eroi ': ' but ill it it vvii was mi! ontv a a bee bee in in Ihe Ihe stcthoM stethoscope i.e . :ut:i j-i Eric ...ii wane ttoicici) ful:Liiuan Mien, nanan. i.,, , lher8. Mayne, William Conklin, Helen rergu,. .--- Rt PT COMEDY "JUST A GOOD GUY." Admission 35c and iuc MAYDAY SHOE SALE MAT 1WI r-mnflY. ! OUR MAY DAY SHOE SALE STARTS JDJj 23rd itiun mMTiNiirR TILL SATURDAY, . , rtllkf WWII I IIVW I lk ., "lit! V The from 10 Per per iliscoiint- we arc .oh.ht. - i,ne cent lo 27 per tnl ' M 'f,iill, from ." per cent l( :.l per cent ' WS FOLLOW THE DISCOUNTS ARE AS 20 por cent on all our stock of Men's Shoes-16 per cent on all our stock of and Can- 10 por cent on all our stock of Children ,0 Per C.n. of U;. Enjlr. """gfiT sa o on oaiuiua7 ..... -- . ii j I- AJarri FunO REMEMBER THAT EVERY PAIR OF SM c '. V COME SO STORE IS REDUCED, umm uunnF OF THE BAMumi lu" ' Tl R Ltd. Phone 645. I