~ ! —_ CLASSIFIED ADS Closure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- Pin Setter to 1 ication. Anyone under RADIO DIAL D ed word per; need not ly. Call in c| FY BLACKWOO “| ‘ a - Bowling Alley or Phon (Subject to Change) By EA v SCOT ! MclsaAREN z 7 for particulars : 2S eae a . nN ; ‘H TERE 10 T cer 709 for particulars < nee nee te enn tee ee” Mr. Abel Tripped by ¢ dne-T rack Mind CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Birth N “er peewee FEMALE PM ian ees \ oe : Ent j Jam Block 608—8rd Ave. W. of 7 Death ‘Notices, HELP WANTED, MALE-FiM/ ; . Many contracts are ted whieh should have pen’ Prince Rupert, B.C. Fine , Marriage and - *A SE ~OR YoU & att Sie iteaties : is a : 0 a8 . E nn vain tale a . ” EXTRA CASH FOR YOU Ss cr her 31 ben made, simply by th arer thinking through FRE Se | P me 347 P.O. Box 374 $2.0 a al Varietic every reasonahle So id of just one. -_ . : ee tf away| 1m today’s deal, examp . 5 ni on : Fi F} . fir. Abel should have made 1 dealer 6 FOR YOUR ROCK NNOUNCEMENTS I ( ) ( t of fo hearts in sp sides vulnerable AND CONCRETE WORK : 2 : we bad trump break. He ga Norti Presse ae os aed atic Ed Mct “* ner (Mr. Date) paid bot a calle. SAUNDERS BROS. - : — a — a . ms weedy agen the OY We Pour Cement For Less ” €a Bazaar, Oct. 8 5 S} yA are OP Phone Blue 939 Ss Q and i - PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:3¢ Classified Rates PM DAY PREVIOUS HELP WANTED—MALE - a ena ahahaha aaa” 1240 Kilocycles BLACKWOOD on Isrid, ge ‘This advertisement is not published or dixpleyed oy bSersines 53 eV, raf so }:30-12:30 s Be - sner Block Phone 442 John F eae PRACTOR & Blue . Hughes, D.C. 2:00-5:00 ippointment only HANDY May HOME SR GENPRAL, ¢ CON Building ANd Rey kinds ROOFS CH OIL, is Np PHO! P.O. Box rome FRED E. pow OPTOMET Rp Room 16 Stone p Phone Biye ga Open Friday ppl ’sSe Selatan: id or by the Governmes | Car 1 Fall Bazaar Si _— : the Liquor Control Boor a MATTSQ Nov 1 8 ust) c os may PRECISION SAW FILING urea *¥ ‘ : W a lawn Mowers Sharpened ti, . I I m- he ki 864 fs One Blue 19 PO, ber 2 : of diamonc ny’s iors r 410 Ist Ave. W, 234—3rd Ave # a I - n } r, Novem- nbs | 5 : Rhone 909 Prince Rupert, = , ner Vet Cleri L P.O. Box 721 nein ~~ | omy. | W@fOran Cleric sk esis R O 18 E SS ere oy | * 2 j EA et WW B ‘ ae Of Rugged West : Ps oe a H. G: HELGRY Nov LOST AND FOUND a \ BEAUTY SHC LIMETED ~ - er ee ; Music ~ - ‘€ Peon nt Waving ’ r “Edu o Man 0 Talents M | then led a small DINING Culture in all REAL ESTATE & 1p : TICE An : "ALGARY (P ptured Mrs. Keen's " +e ie 655 Phone 96, Evening 9 FUNERAL NOTICI 4 4 a = wi he king. He next PLEASURE 4 Phone 655 “ : i 3 d exister : . semaines . Soh ‘ wI [ ace of hearts and UNT the | stow BOATS FOR SALI ‘ Cee “ wn the bad news | PA : da Au 152 pen | = a Ee isc nes ae s point it was clear that SPARKLING NEW QUALITY REPAIRS LING THE Tal m¢ [ R. (Georgina) een, 50 ft ’ 12 nniv of t yk out st os haa SURROUNDINGS For D i" ‘ . n Heels Tailoring - A M { j would have one it tid Wort Nes 1 i Since he had only nine Box 774 Second Ave apd R } Re a i - ight (four clubs, four Commodore Cafe MAC “an ae a is G ! re ( : Can ws on . = Cc} \OE HOSPITAL i : : Oo get nis rick PEN ao . | e : Fes a spade suit and that, ee ' ! lg Sic in in tl ; ‘ ‘ ; ; a Om Ca : 7 volve letting the enemy ( B : BC f ) H With trumps gone, they RA THALI § Shipping and General PORTRA! } = er 1 their entire diamond W Moving, Packing, Crating Films Developed ang ; : Pp against him cb ee Cartage and Storage | PROMPT SER a hi ; sche nnn i Won't Hurt You | lif 2. Photo Finishing CTIANDLERS § BIRTH NOTICE CARS FOR SALE “ee ane Hi d ¥ Well, leading four rounds of Complete, Reliable and Effi- ||] 91¢ 4th street a ag Sete * sk ‘ ( 1008 « imps was oyt of the question e@ pe Also agents for || Phone Crees L.—Born to Mr. and FOR SALE — 1946 Chev jan, $4 d j il { § w the situation didn’t seem t ' . ae x ; i ice + an nae a . on an ¢ ne situs nm aia v5 mi VW : ‘ Liquid Air Co. Ltd | Prince Ru 7 at ene — a use 0i e dap sinks t o.serious. At trick four Mr DEVELOPING, PRINTING Oo Acetylene and all || — . . inf ‘ ed a spade and put up ENLARGING nplic ‘ Wills é : F W h g Pigs ‘nda king. Mrs. Keen won aires , RA “ Train : Wi n had } EXPOSURE METER: : eh BIRTH NOTICE eondilin Of as in roe n ae 3 cn cae a AMATEUR SUPPLIES | LINDSAY'S CARTAGE STANDARD i ‘ 1 CONGItON é aaa bleh etalk } } i b ‘which Miss Brash ruffe F sSsinain ts co } og ~ r re EB ssioned $900 cash. 9 ‘ ( NTO cP) . ‘ > ) ‘ After winning a diamond trick Phone Green 136 Box 478 })| & STORAGE LIMITED — Eas \ tell Ci E nd set ax A Br h just had to wait for ‘ | Park agpeee | Porm the ite Mi Ej 7 si ‘ . , B pade trick at the end to de se ke GO and 08 tl nally excéoh Mode it) FOR SALE - : 7 fea Og I uly nday —\FOR SALE White ake way for alth ; h proper, and by no means oi a kitchen é 1 Lr W i lummy, play was to win PL UMB 5 { Ww New cond PI E The “model: farn or | t ‘ond round of hearts with | rupera teamer A n 832 tid AMexand id y’s jack and lead a spade and I — i Tyr Ont tme board If Mrs. Keen 5 rt Ma ri ee h = O he uld win with the ace, Abel f fc rin ce u e SOs : ne rO 7 n ¥ vould e two good spades. Ii EA I NV AILS FOR Wa A third| M Brash won, then there wa & j ] Uy Bit tt baie FOR “ Rp in Ww WOU no way fot, her to ruff a chib 6 ecu | i oe ta tee tory,; Since Miss Brash had bid The Reliable and ancouver PERSONAL Blue 639 i hown up with as many Prompt Service : # (ADL Times Daylight fre _— ae ag x if four hearts and ied dia- Y Kr and Intermediate Ports VANCOUVER THOM HEET METAL LTD | POR SALE—Floa ce ae n is, surely she was the one ow Nin nd VICTOR an BON _Bon ee eaeeete mort B Wigiceece “ could sensibly be figured to Ph 174 Each Thursdoy ; “SUNDAY Pit- Grav Port Edward S = Receorgrstine ar q } one at 11:15. p.m. SUND! oe ; oa ee eee fe ss. Camosun 6p ( vm OAS arn: piano, é rein ff, on the spade lead from |] gop Repairs and Alterations For KETCHIKAN PRIDAY , vone, $300.00. Gre a ’ ne dummy, Mrs. Keen had played WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Coquitla 208 He y 4 a . : 4 E } ( Mr. Abel’s queen would Smith & Flkins ltd Comfort and Service ALIC E ARM, STEWAR NAS + atid Ante. FOR SALE Me C3 ; ee || have won. And since that repre PORT SE ee le, 1950, $25.00. PI R : ‘ 3 et ” 1 sented his 10th trick, he could P.O. Box 27 For Reservations Friday, Camosut, 2s . 904 or call at 147 Sth We M. mp soa have cashed his remaining Write or Call FOR NORTH - 081 ert é mpioyed 45! loved h i tr. alle AAAS ET ae : ; : py TS Mi asic was pfo- Bef : Caleait anps and clubs to rack up his ' CITY OR DEPOT c HARLOTTE Gres POR SALE — 3006 Eddystone or ticeetia ctioas gam MEE EE OFFICE Aug. 2,89 rifl dit Phor ) eae ae Cee seaeals oan SS Coquitiam,s onditi i F workers said ts PRINCE RUPERT, SS au NOTICE nk act n i YOUNG IN HEART — -t NATIONAL Mz yable the} ALDINGBOURNE, Sussex CP) VACATIONISTS! CHARI ted Distrit that were bathe H. J. Osborne, 70-year-old re- Jids Aus A l on- veek with warm ws ‘ Ni tired window cleaner, has left Se 9 P ur- t soap were then rubbed n a aie his wife to ltve in | met "th ies invited nd th olive oi They liter- on on 2 here with S$ wile kve in od PI St Pringe Rupee ‘ ith olive n a ace toot soe Vangouver.4, B.C (ti) nefith ceanlinese=2#t He éaiia: : neve} Kenya. ‘$.eap still lift a gun . Oe soa a Bl Third Avenue: ; SGEIA ER EDEE =~ ——-+ -- 29 years ago, each. cow inusual offering}and am looking forward to, some | i : REAL ESTATE venad yoing-over with 1en |} good sport when I get there,’ “9A4 Miles to iiiiaciigsdi aeitbeene. | ROUPS FOR SALE—House. 4 ro a vacuum « The nearly said Osborne Al bath. near McBride sth 100 ¢ gag € ‘on hc oe argument with|———— ~ — ¢ ) a West (207) wore white clothi ses wned i hen T F LKW lj Fp CARS hi “ee i : from enamelled basins, ; +. ; a 11nese . SPECIAI . ir stalls were of polished ‘the the A Wd L Ch New four room bugalow ; coe wp Suey -U cement basen hot-air { ee x ere 1951 PREFECT SEDAN Chop suey J ART MURRAY nace y of th rh $ on 6 pan ‘ " good bedroom ful ca MAPLE PROVINCE re another of his early 1285 Open OP Box 1754 inet kitchen, large breakf Quebec produced 85 per cent) problems. The had ibit | | ee — Lot fenced Pri may ‘up and 93 per cent/of storing grain in the church Telkwo, BC 1950 MONARCH SEDAN | 4 Prince Rupert. B $7500.00, terms arr le sugar produced in Can-| organ for the winte d. ' . Ride lik $ mn on Armstr “tnd age neies Ltd. 1952 When they stat the a‘ ri ali i| King 1995 | HOLLYWO00) _ RRR ape ae al th . : GEORGE DAWES Just a Nice Day’s Drive ose 9D ore . | otis psi cei ialaheaodecehiiniane Phone 342 ck 197 evening felt out of the Was AUCTIONEER ne — , 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN For Outside Orders NEARLY everyb dy u ses 99. (GQ) toe es es FOR RENT too much i R », heater, $ | . ——|FOR SALE—Revenue home, at-) _—~ ——— | Canon Herbert recall few| Phone Black 846 and Red 127 EE” Seat Govers Onis PLUMBING, Autom: tic Ol heat- tractive, modern, 3 bedroom, FOR RENT — Sleeping TOOM.| astute farmers who to sd i ' ’ uy | ing, sheet metal work. Phone; bungalow style, on double cor- Red 860 (206p) | on ae é connor asian . : , , 3 : jantage of his lov e SPECIAL SPECIAL 543, 630 6th West. Letourneau. | ner lot, full concrete base- | _ a Monans acho ri . ; ‘ H, | (| ent, Hot water furnace. wo| FOR RENT Room ang. Heart | They, would oft For the MEAL that REFRESHES || 0: 00. JOHN ——- | furnished apartments, private or working man. ac - |Of young unbroker nd 950 . ; ‘ WE PAY cash for burnt out! entrance. 1176 Ambros (206) | when the canon sits 1950 MON ARC i °:39'75 motors, any size or make. Wil-| Phone Black 186. 208) | Aon treeave aha eS nicely broken into t a or - mVeTY COXA, a ford Electrical Works, Cow stir tari ee oo sewing done harness, the farmers would sug-| BES) FINES] a dream car Bay. Phone Blue 391 (tf) | FOR SALE—Nine room OUR C ee aan ee |gest they be returned 2 ' | il ee 6 rooms upstairs, 3 room suite | a aoe Sewing Machine—)| ges oC me pi aa OF OF When shopping for a Otome! DELUXE TRANSFER. Phone 383.! downstairs. Hot water heating| free delivery—phone864. (207)| He a eo GOOD USED CAR—try ay (224p)| system. Fully modern. F hone | p = jnever like that, i “The H f ‘ : FOR RENT—Two room apart- ‘ OOD Ve ome 6 e a ee fee ed 129. ae ment for couple, one light F COOKING Friendly Service” | AG ENTS Ww ANTED © HOUSES W ANTED TO BUY | housekeeping room for quiet| SENS = tine |) | person. 221 5th East. (itp) FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 } John Bulget SEN ATIONAL m oney making WANTED * TO BUY— Two bed- - itn ie winhnenean 0 ar er 4 vent possibilities with wonderful; 2 a FOR RENT —Room and board} s |) Thir | room house. Terms desir¢ ) | AFE bona-fide tree reple acement| Phone Blue 317. (2i1p) | for two men. Phone Red 192. | Phone 93 | g , ap so I *yeart, on}... (208) | te line of men’s sox and | WANTED TO RE NT —— en | iaaeenipeennaremteeans nylon stockings. No in eee WANTED oe t required. Group >| WANTED - TO RENT Sleeping fe nm ‘ + a siti 1g rs invited. Write for | room for one man, before WANTE ath ‘TOP ae en | | IT >. NOT 1” ree sales kit. Si Si an-| September 16. Box 479, Daily| PRICES or scrap iron : TH WAY _) v6 “or ae ae Tok Et tant ewe. (206p)| steel, brass, copper, lead, ete. S.0N0E THis COFFEE I Poet DASWooD-- Ont ANTED suit Davies | Honest grading. Prompt pay-| 00 STRONG Wve Qi BEEN MARRIED _ | WANTED - ee Mag ll fur-| ment made. Atlas Iron é&| NO IT'S NoT-- ree Z\_ TO YOU LONG ENOUGH) AMAZING hosiery guarantee ee a oe Celluhne| Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St. Van-| ITS THE way =: et 7 TO KNOW HOW ¥ makes money for you. Famous} ‘*° — a Cc 1S : 5 ‘ — ag couver, B.C. Phone PAcific| YOU LIKE IT ~ ee. LIKE YOUR COFFEE Duro-Test Nylons replaced} Worker. Box 480, Daily iss. | 6857 (tf) | Nae ee free up to two months if en ‘ oven! 4 as * a — “aye = - run, snag, tear. Men’s fine|wanTEpD TO RENT—House or | or scra ras op e hosiery replaced free up to} apartment, unfurnished. Mr.| fa ree = agg vat Phone| one year! Also lingerie and) Weich, Capitol Theatre. Phone| 5¢5. Call 630 6th Avenue bel Men’s Wear. Write orders, vith | 669. (207p) y a 1 lect commissions now with} _____ ener | free sales kit. We deliver, col-| WANTED TO RENT — Kitchen- ACCOUNTANTS lect. Money, experience unnec- ette and bedroom, for two} PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income | essary. Duro-Test B7, Hamil-| girls. Immediately. Phone 582) Tax specialist. 8. G. Furk, | Foor on. me,’ between 7 and9pm. (206p)! Stone Building, Red 593. <20m) '