it 1 P?V4 T . s.xfl t:i yas used in ALADA Sealing Treaty Should Be Abrogated. An nrliclc written ly G 1 he jH'ospccI : TEA N City Delivery, by mail or canier, per month .......... My mail to nil parts of the British ICmpiro and tins United Slnles, in ntlvance, per year . To all oilier- countries, in nrlvatire, per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit. DAILY KDITIOK of the jtast and tieular interest jtisl now whn' Bureau of Circulations. 98 88 Hoee are sealed irx air-tiht Aluminum foil. Their fresh flavor is finer than any Japan or Gunpowder. Try SALAD A. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avcmie. II. P. I'ULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $1.(10 $0.00 $7.rn Monday, March '23, 192.' t liore is talk nf t abrogating the treaty with the Ignited Sljitejs; Prince Itiipert shinld he particularly interested hi this miit?r as with the treaty out nf the way Prince Hupert' people couJcf Ienefit by the presence "of the seals off I his coast. - There VeehisV to he no joorl reason why sealing should not he allowed on the high seas. All the benefit Camilla gets from lhj seals today is n paltry ten' per rent of the males that are butchered at the Pribyloff ls-lands. The nioiiey is paid to (treat llriliiiii and then goes into tlie ,geimral fluid nf (laniida. The people who lose? the busiixerss. as a result of the treaty are the people of the Pacific coast towns but they are in no way paid for the loss. Benefits From Open Sealing. . . Tlfe'cimfi f-jun peii .sijnfiiyj njre verycleVir. In the firs) Tit arc mVtf t feuaut irLlxiJji'e, ,ik f 1 e ri p 1 1 1 stjn i 101 1 1 1 he i t i rile when tlic hunting is good off the const runt jf the haTibul Tlsherrneii "were allowed lo do so they mig-lit -" I 1 i i 1 g- home, maiiy a pelt lo help mil with the season's work. Also boats, might he outfitted here es-jieciaJly fop, Ihe . scalinjf. Pari of the catch would he marketed here and would-" make husincss for local fur buyers, llctailers could sell Ihe; seal, pelts fo tourists find others and make money that way. " v "Another way of looking at tlie business is that aJ presenl Ihe: seals eat oiiniilitics if salrnou. If the seals' were. destroyed the salmon fishing would improve. Being Sacrificed For United States. i,; " . : At present it would s;iti that the Pacific .coast lowns of Victoria, Vancouver and Priiiee Itupcrt are. heiiigSsacrificcd for the benefit or the United Slab's. The hutcheiy at , Prihlyofr Islands is kept up at our ox'peue. To this'we'ike great exception. While we are tryintr to Imild up business, tit develop our I l'-f-S-vt;B BTHhure wholesome corn I HPiP$l B syrup, a Standard of Quality III pSiaie -'II for over 25 years ask for it! I llff SYftlB I "'rite for EDH'ARDSBVRG Rrcif Bock. I BTHE CANADA. STARCH CO-. UmTEgd MBbb)PbP lTMONTREAL mitlffWl it 1 1 !: ! Monday. and Tuesday "Women who give." Coninly: "Publicity Pay" Inleriial ioiiul News. Wednesday and Thursday "In Kvery Woman's Life.-' Comedy:" "A Hani Moiled Teilderfool." Topics (if the May. 'Friday and Saturday llcglnahl Denny in "The Fast Worker." Comedy 'Some Tom Hoy." Pal he Heview. and 'Saturday has Plenty of , Movement ROMANCE OF FISHING TOWN IS TOLD IN THE PICTURE HERE TONIGHT "Women who (live" is the lit.le nf a" picture lo lie shown lien; which tells of -a romance of a fishing village on the I'asl f'.oast. The life of the fisherman on Mr I Atlantic is clearly sjiown. Ooinsr IT. Gibbous .011 the scaling 'industry l0 set the operators encounter for the fnljiro sliouhi prove of liar-'several 'of the severest storms of that notorious storm section, hu' they "shot." Mime nT the most realistic scenes ever?c,aujJlil hy n motion picture camera. Messrs. Darker, 1'razer and llillmrn were liiken aboard a chartered fishing schooner on their arrival al Newfoundland. They sailed oul lo Ihe (irand Hanks where len other schooners were taking in a "bi catch." Many thrillin;? events were photographed here, anion? I hem a name wun a tiuo-pounu sworu-fisli, and after many week-spent wilh this flcel Miey joined the oilier niemtiers or t lie com pany on location al ('ape Cod. ! - Anion? the scenes photograph-rd at the ''fand Itanks were a storm al sea, taken aboard ship, aclion scenes 00 the deck with. Ihe fishing fleet as a background and Ihe many exciting incideiil in Hie lives of the men who make a living hy going down to Ihe sea in ships. "I once had a great longing for the much sung 'joyous' life of a sailorman," said Hubert l-Yazer in speaking of his experiences afler his return lo' Hollywood "bul that was before I wehl swonlfishing in Ihe North Allah! ic. Life on Ihe open sea 1 may he a continuous round o' (pleasure in the eyes of soup resources, ainl to keep the wol f from the door while doing so. .wniers and peel the government by treaty wit.Ii the United Stales is dem-ivinc us of one of our lawful means of makifia living. Against this we should protest most vigorously-. The sealing should lie thrown open to everyone a ml." nil should get nil eminPchnnce. al it. Then Prince lluperl wtoilrl he able to add alilUe lo her prosperity.' ."'J " Present Situation -j ' . Is Outlined -.' " - ' : : The treaty took ef feel ; iin a I lecenilinr lo ami was lo clend for a term Of lo years or 1 1 ri 1 i I "abrocrnt ed. ProvisioiowaV ninde thul nolice of abrogation o.)uld be ive'n H yeiij-s fn'im.lhfrdate.i il coining 111(0 efrecl, wlioli -would be next December. Thai would menu Hint it could nl become ef feetive-nntil a vear from Decemlier. This a .'1 i tile 'from the iuformatinii in the article' written by Air. fiildiis. unless there has heyn some modifying circumstamje "of wliieh We have not been informed. The treaty includes Upssia aifcj .Inpnn and provides that Canada get te-ji per cent or thi? .Iaiause catch at Holihen and other islands ;tnd fifteen iiercenl o !'H ussin's catch a I ' (jonimnnder lslams. .Ve do not know wlnij.her these have hee'ii paid or not Wind we arc particularly i 11 1 e rested in are Ihe Prihvloff Islands and Ihe herd that passes our door off Queen Charlnlte Islands. bul il is lough on an ordinary cilizen. THE FAST WORKER ' WEEK END OFFERING Picture to be Shown Here Friday , In achni) as well as in name. the week'N end picture show plenly nf speed. In il Heginahl penny in (lie role of a man who a treed lo pose an the husban 1 of his friend's wife lo allow the other man In wage a financial iglil incognito. Complication-came fasl nnd furious when h; finds a '-family" wished on him. and Mien falls in love with his "siscr-in-law." There are a few bailies, a sensational auloiuobilc ('base, a mad dash In hoard a steam yacht and other thrills wilh uproarious comedy angles. The cas'l one nf special nole Including besides Ihe two principals, 1'lhel Orey Terry, Mo ran, Ihe nnlcd comedian and former partner ih comedy of Kddie Lyons; Muriel France; Dana,, Ihe child slur; llichard Tucker, noted as a lendins man and characler aclor; Margarel ('ainpbell; Helly Morrissey; j Mildred Vincenl; .Inhn Slepllng, the characler actor; T. I). Crit tenden and Clarissa Selwynne. direr led hy William A. Seller. THREE KINDS OF MEN EVERY WOMAN'S LIFE Picture at the Mid-week Illustrates this and Is Theme ti..... . i i of Drama now solium a woman enonse v husband? There, are all kinds of I i...'. THE DAILY NEWS Movie News Notes Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who entertain the public ts - WEEK AT THEATRE men who eniiie into everv woman's lire. I'irsl, there Is I he man she should marry. penally he niTers lillle more Mian love. He is prob- ahly young and lias not had the. experience necessary to make love after I In- fashion of a man 'of the world. Second, I here is the man she could have married. He is the iiian-of-lhe-worhl type and prob- ; ably has . much'. money in addition to having the fnscinatioir of ex perience. Third, there Is the man she married. Seldom Is he the per fect man Ihe combination of Hie, first, two. Nevertheless, she married him for one reason or another and her life will he happy mil il she meets the man she could have married ami the man she 'should have married. How this works out in every woman's life may' ly seen in the picture "In Every Woman's Life." This theme, coupled wilh dramatic and. spectacular scene, makes Ihe picture one of interest lo everyone. It shows what wil! happen when the three men coin" into " one woman's "life at tin same lime. Hie Man in the Moon . YS:- I MISK11Y raining in likes company. Vancouver. A Til HAT Y to regulate tin flow of Hie rivers -of the interior of I l.l'.. might be advantageous this year, with all this snow on the ground. JAKK says be knows wha! makes the March hair so wild. It needs culling shorter. . Jake's Predicament I'OH years I wast in hospital When-! lucre wcr.pret ly ivursc At-lasl my wife had ine removed (Hi. cu'ses jm her, -curses! PAI.N'TKIl is a person who paints and is therefore n synonym for flapper. f)NK advanlage. of laying up treasures in heaviMi is that you do not have lo enler f hem on Ihe income or properly lax form. A MAN shiny dav it- Si obi wIipii a sun-loes not tempi him oul on In the' harbor or the. ten nis courts. TIIKRE seem lo be enough cross words in any home wilhnut puzzling over f hem. I THINK I could make cross word puzzles. 1'rinslance, whal i a four- Idler word beginninir wilh "d" and ending wilh "n" Hint penpte use when they are angry. Wrong! 11 isnT what you think if is. Ten Years Ago j In Prince Rupert I March' 23, 1915. With a view to extending Ihe city's servhes circular are lo be sent mil by the ulilllies department explaining Ihe" advan-I aires of using cleelrieily lnseail ONLY THE MOTHER KNOWS ABOUT THE COUGHS AND COLDS OF THE CHILDREN It Is hard to keoj thoin from taking ruld; tlipy will rim out or doom not pro-rwily clad, or Iiiivp on loo niiicli rlotlilnir; play too liard and get over-lira led, and cool orr loo midrlPiily; get their fort wnt; kick orr the In-d rioth.4 at algid, and do a dozen things the mother ran'l pievrni. Tim prompt u of DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP will rhork Ihe rough oc cnM brroro any nerloiiH lung tronlili. ran pitKKllily di-vnlnp, Mrs. l-viritl K. koelrh, n.H. Xo. i, l-iedpi Irion. N.ll,, wrld-a: "My Utile boy, nere 1 , hi,,, . . ,, , ....... ,. WoihI's Norway I'ln 9yrp and aricr lining IIiiti) IioiiIps lie was completely rfl lleved. 1 would advise all niothnrs to iik'a this remedy for their children as Jt Is an excellent medicine." for sale at all druggists and dealers, .-.-ill li COTTON CREPES. UK) yards in 20 shades Japanese--Colored Cotton Crepes. An excellent material for I'ndcrwear and Children's Dresses. A wjse purchase enahles us lo offer at Bargain Day, per Yard, $1.00. SPUN SILKS. Over :i00 yards nf finest quality Colored Spun Silk wilh lots of While. The ideal Silk for Lingerie and Wash Carmcnls. Over shades to choo-e from. Bargain Day, per Yard, $1.00. SPONGE RATINES. , . A lovely rubric for Spring and Summer Dresses. I'ull 'M inches wide. Shades include Salmon, Jade, Mauve, Maize, Peach and New lllne. - Bargain Day, per Yard, 50c. i of coal heating, t BARGAIN TABLE AT $2.25. This includes values up to S'l.uo in (.anion Crepes, I'lat Crepes, Brocades. Printed Silks, Duchess Salines. Silk nniK Wool Crepes, elc. Stune short ends, some slightly soiled, but can be re-laundered. Bargain Day, per Yard, $2.25. GINGHAMS. A big range nf Newest and 1'retliesl fiing-haius in Plain. Checks and PlaiiN. Three yards makes a dress, mid priced -al Bargain Day, 3 Yards for $1.00. BROCADED CREPES. lU'freshingly beautiful, and Ihe newest Crepes for milady's aflernoou frocks. (Ionics in six good shades, exquisitely brocaded. Beg. 2..Tr. Bargain Day, per Yard, $1.95. Setting The P in Value Giving You can always depend on getting full value for every dollar you spend in the West of England Store for domestic cooking. Ir ill i n The provi.u.ial election cam -paigu is on with William Man- i son, M.P.P., Coiise.rvaliye; and! T. D. Pallillln, Liberal, as can didales. Solicitor Peters received a cablegram ' this morning telling thai his sou I'rilz, who is in Ihe qavy, has lnen awarded Ihe !)..). Mr. Pelers other three sons, (Jerald, .lack and Noel, are all serving in the war. ASKING AID FOR NAAS RIVER SETTLERS BOTH DOCTOR AND MA1LB9AT People Cut off Half the Year and Poor Transportation In Summer AIYANfll,- March LT PoMMoim have been sent lo I be Provincial ami Dominion (inverniuenls for an improved mall ami passeugei service from Ihe niotilh of Ihe Naas Hiver, and also for a iloelor lo be slalioned here. No influx nf settlers can be expected unless conditions In these respects are Improved. For six monllis of Ihe year Ihe ills-I rid is completely cul a If from all medical aid and al Ihe best of limes the trip from Mill Bay lo Alynnsh necessitates one night in Ihe hush, Ihe gas boat slopping wherever nighl nverlakes II. Last year henry Derby put n fast boa! on Ihe river whirl, made Ihe trip from Mill Bay l.i Alynnsh in five hours, bul he claims he rannol 'operate, wilhout more finnnoial assistance I ban Ihe fares provide if he is In maintain a regular weekly ser vice during Ihe season or navigation. Advertise In the Daily News. i i BROCADED MORACAINE CREPES. Admire! by all. These are ,t Colli',,, i;,., wilh Silk Oveivhrck. Conic- i ;l nT six wanted shades. ;M mrlies w.tie Bargain Day, per Yard, $1.25 BARGAIN TABLE AT 85c. hconomy luhle for the Ihnflv rm . l.i i .. i , -: CRIBS : 1 ONLY WOOD CRIB Drop side, ivorv enamel finish ninl deror t' at head ami fool, and mallrcss, with animal $22.50 de IRON AND STEEL CRIBS Both shies drop, while enamel finish, $13.50 and $26.10 "Kin i ins ioi memoes siicji service, ihir rials as Kuglish llroaih lolh m ni i , ., .'lit and 'ill inches. Id ,h Pl;mi u,,.,",.; spuns which are Worth s ;li ; g hingerie Lawn, and niany aider uis Bargain Day, per Yard, 85c. A BARGAIN IN FRENCH. SILK VELVETS CHIFFON We have I "our Dress Lengths m , , , Silk Velvet which we ace tie uvt Bargain Day, per Yard, $3X0. BARGAIN TABLE AT $1.25. Included nre Silks up In 2.nn. siiuh as Crepe de Chines, Mc;.-lines, Taffela, Krinkle Kt.jt I'igurcil Silk and Coltou ( .rcjr I'reuch Wash Silks, elc. Bargain Day, per Yard, $1.25 PLAID AND CHECK FLANNELS. .More than a dozen designs nil choose from. These are ji . for Spring Froeks. A full :t in -Values up lo :1.25. Bargain Day, $2.50 and $2.95. 'I! 3 FRENCH RATINE.' hi hcaulioil shades and c ji ' win popularity with all. M ' In KUK and priced exceplioually tow ! Bargain Day, at $1.10, $1.15, and $15 West of England Store Third Avenue Prince Rupert, 3C Barries Home" Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phonj 123 LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED , In building next door In h'rizzell lhilcier Simp, from Ihe impress. Hotel VVe carry a full line nf miCS CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDID SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION w Jnmna TneAlll Pr0Pr Telegraphic Address: (Riicl.mai.lni. Dulne Robert." TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 001 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. phone' 0 539 X1. 3