I 25 i.i. . ins M; I'Y i i ; A laiiil S I y .t u I .01 VI li m Mar. 23. -Major arrive at Prince! I"kker seaplane t ho plan) of tin; . d out. lie will '1H 1 li n ii Major 'iietjtlelllly will pmuros., il i inu'liiuc. which' is i Km h.p. ,'upier "iiK' i- onilsTiitft'ru- (uri plains truvel-samc roulc. 0 1 PXplTlH to leave ast-ut May I. Ilii wir h lias boon lying ''i sonic lime, wns i Japan last wcijk Uliil l Murphy, Ziiiini's " 'ili i v-.i-injr u charier " f which will go liaiua u,,d dthor lo t It t W li snniiliixi iiinl r.i..l I'1 in," i also hero' in 'r,l :l lie i. lili... i r t... i' , , '" ' 'il IIIU lilllll Kill '... ait P'"u all,,. IlinnT vaul, is confident 4 Mil' Purifi,, in I ! W'Ul uiiv reasonable 'IMlHiuiis nl UIUAJ11 CAUSED FIRE I ' ayy store at Van- -V-..P aS Sl0ck nured V.VMli .11 . . i r. 1.1 AIIIIV mi. I V... "in :iv n. ... lb', u. " 11 1111 " ' ' i m 1 1 ... .... t Ml . " till W II '""M ,'i m i.i. 1 1. ,.,i . . . ....... . I 1.V,IIII II I M ilu' r . . . Muni ! , . ""rioiueii mini ii-ine TST DISCOVERER tt,s"nia,,.. ,,t. it.. ornoko and Water - was My G. II. (iibbous, 1 1 in- next ji'nr a flrrl of fifty ur more new' IJril-1)0111101"- will put Ui Mil I ii follow and lake tribute Tor seal herd of 1 1 ic 1'arific on its annual Irek. lurniug liark Ihe hands of the clock uf years, lo , - of pelagic scaling before il was worried and i cm-Iciim' In iiilcrnaliuii.il pmliihilious ami lenient lii persistent depreciation of 1 lie herd. hi llicir niiilliwiinl movement In tiic muling blood fifty: - I ire early lias- uie electrio DIES IN GERMANY -1 l il II 1 1 . . ' VII Tl r I.I " IIIIIUMM 11111 'lilllll - lllll'llll II ' ' II HMn h . m t - J ' It.. . -- " III I It I ii I . "i" III II. . - hii-iiijiI lllOill. - ' .L,,i'ily Of llerlln. i. " i nil r hp .. . . l'"l, died nine years grounds, lnalcriiily rocks and nurseries arc firsl round and luiiilcd off the California-OivKoii fcalioard, I lion off Vaucomcr Ulainl. The m'Iiooikt ship Hhmi-roalal culclic to the Iioiiic porlt from Hie nio.tt roiiM'iiiciit jafil railing place on the first leg of Hip pur-nil oyngi. ron-liituiiig on I Ii f trail of llic fur-l(i' a (Ujii In- Ir-Judtita Uia Utr- ring Sea. It wan, and should bo tincc more, a "ilcrri Canadian iii.luli willi a yearly turnover , cc rliiii: uie million ilollarir. i 1 1 alinit may expect a diiulded luriioer now. fur prices willi all oilier having more than doubled during the long supciiion oT pelagic bunting. No reason seemiuly exists why the industry should not lieneeforwanl he mi linporiaui permaneui contri butory lo lliilisli Columbia business wealth if the sealers but heed I he leons of experience ami Lccp Ibe drain upon I lie sources of supply within rational limit?. What re-slocklng the market with genuine sealskins will ilu to the synthetic substitute offerings in Hudson seal, electric seal, sealelle, elc, will be interesting lo watch. How will IIicms f.ue, both as lo prices ami demand, when lliey relurii perforce lo the class of iinilalious at which my huh of fashion turns up her dainty nose? Present Uncertainty AJ1 lhal slands in Ibe way of inimciliaU reinc-jriialion of Ibe -ealing Interest h pro ailing un-ccrlaiuly as to Iho possibilly of the .roliibilie liealy being renewed on its expiry next spring. Siii-li extension is held by lcl men closely In louch wilh all pliases and complications or th" sealers' case lo be so exceedingly improbable as not to warrant liesilalioli in urciiarallou fni business as" usual al the. oiu stands. The signatories lo Hie ttealy ,.r lull ll.nl li.iiie.l Ibe I'aci, U IniulinK field anil established a fiflccn years' internal lomil close. season for the dlniinisheil herd worn I Ilk I llill'i I Slales. (ileal ilrilaiu, Japan and llussia. Hus sia since llien has rallen upon evil davs ami is refused rocogni- liou by liolli London ami Wash- inirlou. 'lo re-enact Ibe e.dr ing Irealy would Ibereroro iu-vohe abamloiiinenl of more im-poilaul nalional policies than Ihe iiieslionablo desirability r further protecting the seal; and Ibe Unlled .Slates aulborilies, which from Ibe outset have been the Insistent champions of conservation, now admit thai "l0 herd has regained Its original numerical slrenglb, tho otily perllneiif argument for Iho sup-presjon uf buuling thus vanWi-(oontinurd on pago fivo) 8bt public iippearaiiei: since his ie fill illness. Hi- addressed a wildly eulhiisiaolio crowd esli malcii al .3IMMK) from the balcony of his Jymse. Ileporls of Mussolini's severe illness, togelher wilh liiii'ls as lo Ibe possildlHy of his not recovering, had caused a t-'reat deal of worry lo lii followers. CHINESE BOY DISAPPEARS Police Search For Ong Sing Connected With Janet " Smith Case" " VANCOUVER, Mar. 23. Police are searching for Ong Sing, the houseboy at the home of Richard Baker, where Janet Smith was shot to dejith In July last. It Is rumored that the Chinese boy was abducted by sheet-clad persons Friday night, who wanted to question him regarding the murder of the Scottish maid. He Is believed to be on a vessel bound for China. FINE REDUCED JARVIS CASE Appeal Court Makes Change But Imprisonment Stands as Before lOllONTO. Mac 211. A re duction of .()5.0(M of Ihe fine of SOtiO.iHMi levied against Melius Jam. Sr. who was found Kiiilty along willi I'eler Smith, former provincial Measurer of Ontario of defrauding Ibe province in connection v i 1 1 1 Ihe purchase of Ontario 'Ifmvincial . duly frei bonds, is Hie decision of (lie ap pellate division of Ibe Supreme r.oiirl of Ontario handed down this morning. No alteration is made in the six mouths-jail senlence imposed on .In i i unless paymeit of Ibe .(..), nun fine is mil. made. , If Ibis fine is not paid a term oT five years is given, lo be served al (lie completion of Ibe present sentence. FOUR MONTHS MANSLAUGHTER Christian Sclonco Practitioner Convlctod Connection With Death of Child WINNII'Kn, Mar. 2!) William llliler. r.lirisllnu Science pencil Holier, was today found guilly of manslaugbler in connection with Ibe ilealh from . diphtheria of Doieen Watson, twelve years of aire in. November las, He was senlenced to four months ini. prisoiuneut. TAXI and BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance witlr newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for at Anytlrnt, dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere parties. . PRINCE RUPERT For ratis, apply In Boston Prop, Grill, Third Ave. VIPECK, MATT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457, XV., NO, IMIINCE RIPKHT, H.C., MOM) AY, MARCH 1W23. iturdty'i Olrcuiitlon 1,860. ilrHt !, 472. PRICE FIVE CENTS. viil, EAIM MAY BECOME A LOCAL INDUSTRY IKTORIA WINS HRST OF WORLD SKIES HOCKET GAMES VS. CANABK healing May be Again a Profitable Industry for Ports of Pacific fusibilities of Business with an Account cf III lrtll! ll Lb L- :!! : ll Ibr :;. Will I;" ikt lie pHiir y Tim How It is Carried On and What It Means ANNI MAY BE HERE JUNE 1 Epe:U to Leavo Toklo May For This Coast in Fokker Plane' it vi it, ltd 'll MUSSOLINI IS ABLE TO GIVE ADDRESS ROME: speak to 30,000 People From Balcony on Anniversary of Fascism KOMI"-. Mar. 23. "The birthday of Fascism wan lira t t.'d yesterday wIm-ii' hi if r jdu-oliui made hi .hi x 1 ll - PlC- firsl The Prince of Walrs. slill smiling, is sJiown .al one uf Ilu many liiuils in vvhicli he lia laken pari recently before leaving on I lis visil lo .South Africa and Ihe Argenline. Creosoted Lumber and, Piles for Elevator Due to Arrive Here Tuesday on C.P.R. Barge The first consignment of. rreosoled piles and lumber lo be Used in I lie eonsliuclioii of Ihe clevalor wharf here is due lo ar rive lomtiiTow. W. C. Orchard, (J.P.Il. general agent, has re ceived a wire lhal his company's lug (Jiml'ieum, Capl. f ill, left Ibe Vancouver Cicosoling (Jo.'s plant al Norlh Vniuoiiver on rriday Iiaving iii low Transfer Harge No. willi the cargo m board. The messagu staled lliul llie vessel was clue here ofi Tuesday. The cargo will be unloaded al I lie -lumber wharf and Hie piles will be floated lo Digby Island where I hey will be kept until they are needed on the work. Albert & .Mcl.affery, local agents of the Vancouver (Ucosot- ing I'o.. are Ihe consignees. There is a total of .IU0,0in feet of creosoted lumber, 85,000 lineal feel of creosoted piles and IO.O110, lineal feel of green piles lo be delivered here for the cle valor. This will necessitate Ibe Oualicuin and her baj-e making another voyage norlh after the presold one. THIRTEEN KILLED IN SOUTHERN TRAIN WRECK NTAV OHl.l'ANS, Mar. 23. -Thirteen persons were killed in a wreck when two fast mail liaiii on Ihe Southern Pacific collided during a fo. Tour uf Ihe dead are while men and Ihe olliers negroes. ROBBERS GOT AWAY WITH VALUABLE SILK NKW YQUK. Mar. 23. Ten rubbers loilay overpowered a vvntrhm'au al the Hudson Hiver pier and escaped in a truck wilh silk valued al $10,000. BIRTH , Al the Prince lluperl (ienei'al Hospital on March 22, a sou was horn To Mr. and Mrs, John Mc-llae, Seventh Avenue West. DAVIS RAFT FOR SAWMILL Logs Arriving This Afternoon Forecast Early Cutting of Lumber Forecasting the early reopening of tho Prince Rupert Spruco Mill at Seal Cove, recently purchased by J. A. Smith, of Vancouvor, the first Davis raft of logs to enter Prlnco Rupert harbor In several years arrivod at the plant this afternoon. The raft contained about a million feet and was brought from tho T. A. Kelly camps on the Queen Charlotte Islands by the tug Lome. The local, mill has entered Into a contract with T. A. Kelly for delivery of logs and has also bought soveral million feet from the Abbotsford Logging Co, which Is operating at Alice Arm, Tho arrival of Davis rafts In the harbor may be expectod to bo a rogular thing from now on. It Is expected that the mill will start cutting early In April. C.P.R. TREASURER DEAD NKW YOltK, Mar. 23. H. K, Sucklingf treasurer of the Canadian Pacific Hallway, tiled at Atlantic City, aged 70. Victoria Wins First of Hockey World Series Defeating Canadiens .Several Free Fights on Ice as Result of Heavy Checking: Visitors Handicapped by Rales; Expect Victory Tonight vSpeial lo Daily .cvns VICTORIA, Mar. .Never before hu scene of excitement in this city as at the there been uh Willows rink Satur day night when iToriu won Ihe opening galne- of Hie world hockey .-cries dcleuling Iho pick of Hie big Kaslern learns, tha. Mui.trcul Canadiens, five goals lo two. The iTenchmeii did not get pitiprily going until well 011 in I lie lliird period, the defence of Hie Victoria leam being effective throughout the earlier part (he game. Llierking was heavy throughout mu was so al mills thai it was lesenled by oppoucu - who did not Im.-Mtate to Use their fisU on oc-l rs casiou. causing great excitement! lo five thousand fans present. Expect Reversal VANUJl VKll, Mar. 23. Leo Oaiidurumf s Oanadietis are hopeful of inflicting here toniight a complete reversal on the victorious Cougars for the latter' in Ihe opening clash for the PETERSEN LINE ML NOT HURT PACIFIC PORTS Stanley Con. On Saturday the 1 Will not In fans saw play stop completely! Grain while the l-.a I enters gutzzed re feree .Mickey Ion as lo what they were allovveil to 110 unuer vv esi- ern rules. They knew how to kick Ihe puck .inywhere but ihe for ward rule perplexed them lime and time again. Tonight Eastern hockey rules will be enforced. The puck may be kicked only in the centre of the ice. Off-sides are called miywhere except in the centre. Tltere will bo no. deferred penally system and (players penalized may not be repldcd. Tber.e will be no anti-defense rule and the teams may call all six men on defense if they desjrij and there llfere will bo no penalty shot. Started Tired Saturday Ihe Canadiens start ed lived aHer Ihe long journey ami were perplexed throughout by the Western rules. Tonight under Ivnsteru rules lliey are de lerniined to go full swing from loot to lool of the whistle. despite their handicap the Canadiens on Saturday held their own al various stages of Ihe game. Moren, Coutca and (toucher tried bard for the visi tors while Fraser. Walker and I'rederickson were Ihe pick for Victoria. A crowd of len thousand pro pie will see loniighrs encounter ami manager Leo Oaudurand ha ordered the players that Ihey inust play clean . hockey. On Saturday there was heavy check ing of Ihe man leading on one occasion to a free for all fist fight in which Joliat ami Lough liu, Anderson and Foyslon, Joliat and Henderson and another Can adieu went to Hie icy mat in turn before Anderson and Joliat drew Ihe major penalties. LIFE IMPRISONMENT FOR MURDERING MAN Sydney Harrison, Formerly of New Wostmlnstor, Sentencod Today MONTUHAL, Mar. 23. Sydney Harrison, formerly oT New Westminster, charged wilh Iwo others with Ihe murder of Francois Heauvais, a shopkeeper, last summer, was sentenced to life imprisonment this morning. be be in in Competition Competition Trado but Handle Other Produce OTTAWA, Mar. 23. II is announced here thai tiie aim of Hie iovernnienl in subsidizing the Pelerson line is lo cater 'to Hie export trade in connection with fruil, vegetables and dairy pro- ilucls, particularly, and also to handle callle and beef. ' Tlios Petersen steamers are not likely r lo carry grain as the gram ships--are not in direct coinpolitiona with the other freighters mul- eome under a different class. For' 'his reason the subsidized line'; will not be ill competition vvithw Ihe wheal ships sailing through be Panama Canal from the IV.c . ifie Coast ports of Vancouver a:i'. 'rincc Hupert. A national fruit marketing igency is being formed lo handh5 Canadian fruit and put it on tlio- Kuropean market at the lovves: possible coast and a similar or ganization wilt soon be formed lo handle dairy products. These organizations will ship their pro ducts bv the Peterson and Can adian Mercantile marine ships. MINERSSEND DELEGATION Threaten to March to Edmonton If Requests Are Not Ao-coded to DIlUMIlF.I.LF.n, Mar, 23. A delegation of unemployed is leaving here by train today for Edmonton. If they return and report that the Alberta government will not grant their ry quests for work at Union wages or reasonable maintenance, then the whole body of unemployed tor gelher wilh' Ihe men now em ployed, will march (o Ihe capital, it is announced. AIRPLANE CRASHED KILLED 5 OFFICALS MOSCOW, Mar. 23.--.Il is re purled here lhal five (government officials were killed when a mill, lary aeroplane flying from Tlflls lo Suchiim caught flro and crashed I'o earlh.