Mar THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRRf j-jave Your Kodak Ready The Kodak Keeps The Story SALMON .lusl click Ihc shutter of (his caily worked Kodak. Send your films U us and Vlay's good limes become tomorrow's good pictures. Our ore is Ilic right place lo gel your Kodak Outfit Tripods, Films, Paper, Albums everything. And we're a- willing Id show as we are to sell. lr you waul the best prints possible from your film let us do your developing and printing. Yon will be pleaded. The only profilable customer are the satisfied ones 1 ROLLERS It: :nlhi:j it will pay you lo ni-oei-l our line of We h;ic a new line of Salmon Hooks. Swivells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of all kind-. , i uiii will IiihI everything urn rcipine anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of all kinds, Hull Copper Paints. Gailoy Stove3 mul ITousih. i i in Imi iI we have il. )i ' f year by fin- -have you got your Pyrene Fire E tinijulsher yet? Vc -ell iheur; STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. 'Near Post Office) GET IT AT! PHONE 586 ! TtVVRT ai,d ANrox . HIGH CLASS -GROCERS BULK COCOA 5 hi, for 25c 'new slock) WINTER Steamship Service ltTT?r'U"'nT rr," 'r"l Hl'l'rl FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. -imi iiMnmu (Hiiiita earn Friday V.tiu am. Wi itiicaday, 11.01) P In. ' VNC0HuirSi?- ",PRINCC JOHN" lai PMNCE RUPERT fortnightly for , iwuvi QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. r"",tr"" TRAIN! LEAVE PRINCE RUPtRT 0KO ui WmnSNE?,DAV' TURDAV, e.lMI pill ror ITUki; licorae. EDMONTON ".nirLU. all lifiliilii I-....... . u..u:i. il. ...... I ui.(na ' lCll Tltkit " b,,,,"''" - OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES, om". 628 Third A.. Print, nuo.rt. Phont ICO I anailian Rnilwnv peine C. Coast berviccs Sailings from Prince Rupert for Kctrk'L PRINCESS MARY ikan, Wranflcll, Juneau and Skagway ForVan,.. March C.1C, 27 -.., Victoria and Seattle March 10, 20, 31. for Dim. i , S,S' PR'NCESS UEATRICE Namii i.Swan80n Bay Esl Cclla Bclla Ocoan Fall8 I OUUI, Alert C.IV. Cfimnhll niunr and Zniir.nnvCP. Saturday, 11 Zm7 ' Agency for all Steamship Lines mUnn from lcfncr of atK ;.0, 0ncHARD General Agent L JStreet and 3rd Avenue, Princo Rupert, B.C. llMi.. W1"UN STF A vicli hi -inwnir (.UiVll'AIN I ur 15. U., uiu. ,- "couvtR u., ""'""k from I'rim-e liiiri, ' VNC0Uver --"touvER u uitt "R,A' 8"" 'naon ", Bay, tnd and Al.rt Alart j Day,- Tuaaaay, o r.m. I . "yox a. .' ICT0R,A. Alart Bay, and Swanion Bay, Saturday, 10 A M lb NvJ' Llct ARM. irriu... 1 8 ;: port mM.;:-"""" ""!. -". mtftlia. 0Jlt Snrt M. nl... l- FmtM A M nmr vimifrifi, r i tuj rt.m. i. Barnalay, Ag.nt Prlnc Rupart, B.O HEART WAS WEAK NERVES ALI, GONE Mr, t, II. lUll.ubmk. ll7Vi Wellanil AU'iiui', si. i'atliaiitit-ji, out., write? "I ' I" ras flwluiii It Wt nit Willi II wiak li.'j'rl, and my time Wert) all w. I mirrrreil vTjtlilnir; coiilJn't Wi. or iiiitHjjT any ?li.iiiiiitt and wjiin li-rt alone l fi-lt a ir 1 uiulii ' srrMiii. I look dlizy slli., orti-n falllnir. and bl-OlrluK iiiymlr. My mother read about yuur MIHjiiru'K Ht-arl and .ere I'llls, and ixiujiu mi' in,, urn navaiK liken no maii ilirriTi-m kind 'or iiiiullclnc It Jnitt m-rim-il tliaTl I did not liavo ariy confidence In any or Ilit-in. I took onu box or II. k N. I'M, and flit so much "jctter I con- mined Willi llii'in until I liutl ucd rite boxen, and afltr 1 bad lakli tlitin I did ikii ncm any more. I cannot praise, or riM'oiiiiiKjnd, iMilburn'a Heart and Nerve 1'IIU too liltldy after all they have done Tor inc.' I'm up only by The T. Mllburn Co., l.lnilliil, Tiirontn, Out. GRAIN COMMISSION. AND PRINCE RUPERT A reiiorl of ,. liullirie Sr. ill or t In lloyal (irain Commission speaking on Hie M'nJilciii i r marketing -ays: I. wry inflict should Jic opened wiiif lo Ihe furiuT cr. Tin less, he pay for I III' COM I Of Jtlllill his w heal in I lie world market in l.iverixml, I he more il will iii'l him on the farm. And Ihc price he lie! lor whal he exports fixes Ihc 'nice at the farm for all In raise., whether he exjmrtM it or not. For this I'fiiMoii, (hi' railways Mhniild make a specially id export wheal I'liey have tone a hmj; way lo-waril- this in adopting tliu Ci-ow'm .N'cmI lianii, of rales In Jlorl William. 'I'liey should v'o further and slmuM reduce the rales to Vancouver and I'riiice lUipprt lo the Ma me mile-axe iairt as the (brow's Nest liusi.H to Fort A 4, MYSTERIES OF JAPAN REVEALED IN MOVIES THKIH. Mar. 2i. Tin mysler urns iiileiHiis of Ihe lemples of I he two mosl imwerful Ituddi seels in .t.i;ian are o Jie opened lo I lie moving cameni. I'll'. lli?asl)i lloitgnnji and Ihe Nishi lloiiitaRii seels .in Kyoto have decided lo make use oT the iiiiiv ies in their missionary work, and allow lln li'iiiiile.M unil sacred preciiirlfi to he used as local ions for filming;' the lives of (hi priests ami Ihe religious ceremonies. The srei, nnii of a religious drama hy the chief pries! f lligashi llonanji already i lieinv cast. Adverlie in Iho Dailv Ww v v f tNiVOUNCEMENTS ) Musical vveniiiB in llaplisl Church, March 2(1, lo 8 o.m. If Halfodil Dance, (Jiieen Chapter. I.O.I . I'.., Iloslou Faster Monday, April 13. 00 u NOTIC Mar j Had. (jallndio Spring Sale, . aflur-iiooii of April 20, .Mclroitolc 1KUI followed hy social evening. Tennis Chip Hall. Friday. April Weekly Cinderella bailee. Saturday tiivhl. I'Ul.s' Home. 50e. E the Wind yesterday If our store docsuT blow away, we offer Stie-cials while they last: Sel 0 (iciiuine Cut- (Mass ruinldcrs 75o Sci (i (icuoinc Cul Jtlass Shcrherl (Masses . . $1.15 2 1 here Tea Set, llinh Crude Chine, sel . . $11.90 . I. adies' ami (ifiils' Umbrellas, each . . . . $1.95 Pearl Necklace (uon-ilosl iiiot ililo ', each $1.95 hiscotinl on everylhing in the slore. Diamond Specialist Local and Personal II.C. Undertakers. I'liono U. You'll like uur Joal! Cohhuiii. va Coal Co. Phone 7. If Ladies' Spurt (.irahliuan's. Sweaters Mrs Hemstitching and PlcoUng. Prompt work guaranteed. Mrs. H. H. Hammings. Black 136. l.adyMinilli V A'clIiiiKl)ii, "I he est," alor''l'y;rlcs.M, " "smoke less." l'l-jiicuJluperl Coal Co. Annual iiii'elln? uf Piiiice Itu crl Football Associaliou, City Hall, 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 5. 71 John Moe uleadcd uilly in the city police court 'jyesterday after noon. lo a.cliart'C of assault and was ruicil IS'-'O. The city council last uihl re- ci'iveit a teller -of lliauks from the SalvnlJi.ui Ai'my for a dona- lion of $50 .made to (hem. Scottish da luic .uiirler the au-pices of SI. Aiidrcw's Societv w ill he held in I he Auditoriutr ou Friday, AiirJI ;J. at 'J o.m rickets SI. no. , Al (5.30 last nipjil. the fire de- parlmcul had a call lo (he resi dence of Mrs. HfcliarilM.on Sixlli venue Hasl where a chimney fire did in) ilaiii.Ve. J.adies of .Moosehearl I.J'io" anil Klks whist drive and dance, Klks"IIome Thinday. .Man h 2(1. I'rcsenlaliou of cu;i ami prizes. Admission 7!jc and 5oc. 7:J SI. Andrew's Society will Iml.l n social evening in Iheir rooms Second Avenue on Friday -even iiiK. March rrPMhiucnls 50c. !7, al K.:i0 Mil. Ilc-served. Admissioi .Mrs. W. lingers of Anyox aim Mrs. I. F. (iuest of F.dmonlon were arrivals in Ihe city from Anyox on Hit; lardcna today. ThPy are irislcred al Iho l'rince lltftTl llolel. Al Ihc ally council meeting last nif-'hl a leiiurl of the ulili- lies ileiniiliiieiil .showed a stir plus or $1807,311 lull there wa-no report of Ihc loss on (lo water deoarlmenl. Trevor Williams' nephew of Hurry Atkins, arrived in Ihe city from Can I ill", Wales, on yesterday's train. He has received special commercial training in Ihe Old Country and expects lo locale in l'rince Huperl. Arthur Collison. 'native, plead ed guillv in Ihe city police court this morning lo a charge ot opcralin? a motor vehicle while inloxicalcd. He was reprimanded by Ihe maVistrale and was i n-leneed lo seven days in jail. Mrs. I, W..Cassel and daiiKhler of Terrace are visllors in Ihecily slaying al tliiv l'rince . Huperl llolel. They will return lo Terrace tomorrow' nishl. .lust rc- ceully Ihey arrived lit Terrace froin Vancouver. At Ihe inec'liiifc- of '.the cilv council last uivdil a protest was received from It. .1. Ilacon ajraiitsl a charge of $3 a monlh for waler at his 'place at w l'rovincial (iovernmenl dock. This was referred lo the Utilities committee. I wish to apolon'si' to my many patrons for any poor scrvlco In the past. As I cannot net my own phone Installed under one month, should you need a taxi at reasonable charpos, phono Red 461 or 3G1. C. V. Symcs. , . If luion steamer Cardena, Capl. j.V. K. Dickson, relumed from Stewart, Anyox and Alice Arm ai noon today and will sail at 5 this eveniiiK f"i" Vancouver and wayporls. The vessel reports I here was a veritable blizzard wilh liiali wind in I'orlland (.anal last nielli. The case of alleged wrongful j sei.ure between Charles Julian-1 sen as plain! ill' and SherilT Shir-' ley el al as dcfciidanU was heard hi Ihe Counly Court this morn-1 iiiK. JuilKmenl Jieiiii,' reserved b .iiuige Muimf. . f.. HshLM' ap-peared for Hie plaintiff and Mil-Ion (lonzales for the defendants Advertise In the Daily News. A hurry-up Arthur llrooksbank left on las uihl's train for Pilman Spu: I on business in connection with Ihe Hanson Timber & Lumber Co. Constable and Mrs. H. A Heaven and wiiiiese.M in an Anv-ox case which is to be heard in hev County Court tomorrow arrived in the cily on Ihe Cardena today. John M. Morrison, Ihe Alice Arm transfer man. arrived in llo ilv on the Cardena today, lie is Ihe defendant in a CoiinU Court ease wild 0. I'. Ilic which will be heard tomorrow byJudue Vuu nar. Stephen F. Knight., director of Ihe Vancouver Mines, accompanied -by C. II. Heed, who is also lulereslcil in IIk company's holdings al Stewart, are passim; through on the Cardena today hound for Vancouver afler a visil lo Stewart. C. J. (lillingham, formerly road superintendent for this district tnd now interested in the devel opment of Ihe Independence mine al Stewart, is a passenger going through on Ihe Cardena Ibis afternoon bound south from Slewarl lo'Vieloria. BIRTHS A iliilichlei' w.'is liiirn :il Ihe l'rince ItlliiCrl (iener:il on March 21 to Mr. and Mrs. aiison, Fifth Avenue Wesl. A son was horn al the Prince IUiierl (ieneral Hospital on March" 25, lo Mr. and Mrs. (irit- len. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed tenders for repairs and alterations in Fmni'ess Theatre lowering of flnor eh, will be received hy Ihe undersigned up (ill Friday night. Match 27. 1025. I'laus and speeifiral ions may be seen al III l'KHT TAHI.F. SI I'PI.Y CO. ORMES LIMITED II To get Johnnie off to school and Daddy off to work with no kitchen worry, heat two Shred-ded Wheat Biscuits in the oven to restore their crispness, pour hot milk over them and such a warm, "comfy," satisfying meal. You can work half a day on it without et- ting hungry. Lots of "pep "in it ior ine up-ana-coming man . V who has to keep "on his toes." vv X '' V . ft' The Crjdian Shrlded Wheat Company, Ltd. jj t Nitra F!I, OnUrU rs All in the Slireds" The New Spring Coat Ibis year is adorable wilh its man tailored lines umf feminine touches. Have Them in all the Leading Colors and Designs "Demers" P.O. Box 327. Phone 27. EASTER NOVELTIES HAVE ARRIVED These goods are made of the besl chocolate mid are jusl the linns,' fur I lie "Kaster lliiuny" In give. Jelly Hggs, Humming Hird Kggs, per lb 40c Mar&hmallow Kggs, (Jhocolale Kggs, r.hocolale Cream Kggs, Chocolale Huhbits, each 5c llhocolale Flower Pols, llabbils, toolcrs. Kggs, Fish, Cream Kggs .iitil Kgg in While Cup, each . . 10c Chocolale Kggs. in Fancy Kgg Cups, each : . . 15c Chocolale Kggs, llooslers, ltabbits, Fish and lien on Nest, east 25c Last year our novellies were sold out before Kusler and a number id people were disappointed. Make your choice now and let us keep Ihcin lor m" until Kusler, then you will be sure of lliem. ORMES LIMITED Tho Pioneer Druggists Tho Rcxall Store 3rd Avenue and Sixth Street Phone 200 and 82 Another Portland Canal Opportunity The first Treasury Issue of Ihe Porter-Idaho Mining (lo., Ltd., is now offered the public id urc per share, T.liN is the. only oilier 'shipping initio besides Ihe Premier in ihe I'orlland Canal District. Ore shipped last year more than paid development work. For full infornialiori apply H. W. M. ROLSTON & CO. Stewart. Stockbrokers. Victoria. !. '1 l' S t-1 18 A n sq i