6 Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, September 2, 1952 Clothiers Tie Series With Return Shut Out ables were reversed Sunday as Abel & Odowes shut out Gordon & Anderson 5-0 in the second of the best of five final series for the 1952 baseball crown. Jack Lindsay's torrid pitching DIXON'S GRILL AND COFFEE SHOP 213 Sixth Street Phone: Red 92 CHRIS DIXON, Proprietor ‘Outdoor Stuff Large Coho Should Give Added Zest To Rupert's First Salmon Derby with Marty | Californian Wins Golf Tourney | WANCOUVER Foor Ason Vij) Burnley 4 Tottenh; am . chester 3 (tig Big, brash bLarr 5 : . Bolton Wande ter i r the east side of the road;ing good success right- near [l@!ry Bouchey of California Sat- | hamptoy, W Crers aaene _ Thene ees ‘B i“ Lake and Frar Longstop” bridge, and one par- urday won the Canadian Ama- ree pindetens G " A sociation tine tinal a ke It seems to me that/| ticularly _ well-educated ei ur Golf championship with a Blackburn Rowtl htful hold of ngs and ils to get a limit that tangied the leader — smashing comeback victory over | City 2 ug putting aeross the t Prince deeper one fishes,| a sunken log failed to Ge" o~ West Virginian Bil! Campbell on c Rotherham Uniteg 3 | Rupe almon derby. Let us one gets hecause the anglers teame : UP the 37th hole. ounty 3 iy NOT fail to give this good ef- e any good lakes in| to drag out fish, log, and a ce Westham United 9 fort our strong support: Let us io _for deep fishing We have at least one rong Ha quit the short-selling and vacil- Tchesinkut is defin-| lady well qualified to enter ¢ ne ation and put Prince Rupert up yf the best Prince | Rupert Salmon Derby, I the top of the sport fish- I = I M recor Peon ee secitide ) whict is here Nr ,eorg \ urray and &s Mur- airs ig saimon ic Ou : con so also newly returned|just this side of the. Airport re FP 4 FAMOUS PLAYERS S view our. very | t same vicinity, but re- _ Dave Barclay hooked his first ing plants and best success in Nadina.| Coho on a fly rod, while pre- f questions using Dizzy Dots and /|cariously perched upon a barrel- i ng. These m to be really some- | sized rock in the little rapids question hard to trout. Stop in atj|nmear MacNicol Creek; under the answer due to the lack of actual s some time and talk to| circumstances he gets no blame data from salmon derbies and an behind the cash regis- | for his failure to land his quarry, other organized contests to quote i will get some good fish-| he did mighty well not to get fron he forthcon ning derby pe wet to the neck. : - MARGE rf ” offe excellent opportunity for re 4 response to our ap- Vie Dell launched his new and “ and cone CHAMPION / N tr and reel people to find for somebody to take over | highly seaworthy boat during the F 2 out just what sort of fishing our on fishing rods and sport- ee ss —_— will ZSA zea te MR ey f S > I j nt. We would try to|/be looking for Derby fish on almost ineiseaas, «eee oe the enterprise shown | their —, vacation TODAY and WEDNESDAY ling fraternity » gather th advertiser, whose phon -0- ; : . ome date iss! civie ity. > iber is Green 304 With the advent of another! Evening Shows 7: - 9: p.m, JEROME if added inducement “in George Rorvik tells of a Coho hunting season, comes a big in-} il derb have an by an unnamed small-| crease in the amount of shooti ig ul un of very rge caho it ler off the Cold Storage activity around the eouninaaae| this season: ev a heavy take young Dick Giske are particularly across the Harbor. | meen of fish by sport anglers willk-have 1ed to provide some op- | Since the direction of a ricochet ' ) visible effect on future runs, for other derby entrants, is highly unpredictable, it is | POWER ) it would appear that every- if their new acquisitions|the duty of every shooter to} ao" body stands gain. Get your g are any criter-| have a strong certainty of the | . fishi t organized “and j final destination of each bullet | NEAL hie W to the ilt-chuck+ Cap Wilson and crew of three that he turns loose and start to work s t Sunday at Lost Lake and Choose an earthern backstop | td 0- back Cutthroats, a for your target work, don’t drop| McNALLY 4 Martin Saunders and. party ood Dolly Varden and| bullets on water, which is pe r- | A F quite evidentiy had a real fish- y scrappy Coho. The ship’s| haps the most productive of ric-| Pe iy I rip on recent, interior I f the Alma may have/|ochets of anything Remember | vacation. They took + Rain- velled further than was nec-| that the .22 is the worst offender a. at bows, severa t bettered three | essary n that they failed to| because there are more of them | pounds "but r Roi pets bie g i ny Coho from beyond|in use, and because its bullet | Also Today and Wed congratulations for taking «the|the Tugwell Island bar on a day| travels at a lower velocity than| top fish that weighed five pounds! when other vessels picked up a the bigger missles, and is cons | Cartoon News . i P| two unces. He ing @ new in the harbor sequently less prone to disin-| lure from the d States.. The Baeon-Blain combination|tegrate upon impact. So think Shows 7: - 9:06 A FAMOUS PLAYERS? said lure not ye tainable here, deadly one on the Dollies in| about these things, and may all but I will try nd out more: the Skeena, and clouds of black| your targets be possibilities! 4 about this for you, Al} of this *s prove to be no deterrent to See you at the Salmon Derby mood sport was had:in Tchesin- ngling ardour. These gen-| LET’S GO FISHING! cut Lake, which is close up of the long rod were hav- : mot oyve arriv a eniglndieainti cenit RAREST | aah lehiahac heel lah ileal lea healesleae he teelesiaealhehebalettalehete | held G & A batters down to two ® g | hits and no runs to reverse th # m score Of a week ago in the first w M@)game of the finals when the @ z Clothiers were shut out of the cd game : ’ : Christenson, on the mound * Wallace's of Course § ‘0: the pennant-winning G & A # m troop, gave up s six hi ts, three each R @jin the sixth and seventh inn- ® @ ings = . ae 4 Meanwhile, an Pi " A Dignified Budget Payment § Ripert team shut out ter ot ly t nte rior village 11-0 i 5 Pian he fir st_ and won the sec SS : ; migame of a doubleheader gm Wallace's feature a handy monthly Budget Payment Plan to @/ 9 Labor Day twin bill Mor a fit the convenience of their customers who desire this form 4 Don Scherk pitched the shut- . of buyin Your inquiry is earnestly invited. g oul while Let tourneau and Chris- ra W ’ D S ae ue V1 CVAlivas ied thei PF eii0ius vw x aliace’s Department Store =a win the second game & S Only G & A batters to gain a PeR BRE SSOP CRSP OR ERE SSR RRR RR hit inday’s game were play- i an r Stan Cornwall and der Ralph Enridg mrs HERES THE EQUIPMENT A hit balls the game was a double by shortstop Gio dano. Hodgson, Lindsay, Abe Wi i Hawry each pick- ed les Highlight of the Terrace § We have a full line came in the eighth inning of the of Rifles, Shotguns, second event wi rince R + wenky- Ty s ... Be pert’s catcher Dave Abel hit a sure of happy hunting ong ball which cleared the fence this fall by going well at more than 400 feet from the J prepared, Make this plate ple i , your hunting But Abel only got a three- Heudeuheters bagger, Because no one ever hit it : a ball that far in the Terrace park, umpires said they had no home-run ruling for ‘ or-the- f fence’ balls. A fast il - oraon nderson zeke eb home to cut off ] Phone 46 I jogging easily around j Third game of the fin | scheduled for tonight Remember When Tommy Farr, the “Welshn who wasn’t supposed to have hance stunned experts with is plucl 15-round showing ¥ + gainst Joe Louis, heavywe $4 259 thampion, at New York.15 years € iago tonight. The ¢hampion had SHE co ttittle difficr oe wianing.the de- ee , vision, but ‘he Couldn’t'kifock out ihe rugge dr Marr o 5656 4 Ff j 1650 BASEBALL ae We Gordon & hed toes vs Abel & Odowes 7:00 p.m. Permitting uner * famous since L750 e010 MEOAL - PARIS 1878 Dattedsecording te the Oni yinat Recipe the Old Established & = Joseru & JOHN VICKERS aCabe >: The Distiliery , Fulham LONDON i Chis advertisement j is noi tme Liquor C nie Board or i Hoard og Ovumb: Indians Lose Heartbreaker \ Cope 38a Nav cawrde Fescures SHOULD GET MARRIED / Denese ar All those wishing to enter a To Si. Louis Showing superior strength all|jte@m in: the Mixed League the way, Heavy Battery defeated contact either the Bowling —wi wekaad ht in th ro. | Alley (Red 709), J. Comadina NEW YORK eland’s CYO Friday night in pr ne ‘ vai wit tidinia mittotd, iiminne ahhor Day foosball (171), or B. Dunbar (Blue pennal ng Indians | \ a x inary Labor ) 869). ed a, he ik a i in match the seco ne of a Labor Day ‘The Battery, with their ol hea St Louis ALLER time team yu pla j perio | I W Ose eA SPO & ball and were the b halanc 9 n in the frst! genie ed team. Apart from one mi Indian re three wins: fi take, Krause k fine goal sixth inni of he. SegoAd Dunbar was y unbeat- to assume a 4QJeach ht able while To edpl gnd f e Browns Could Com equal to all Th Pali heir ha f the sitts ig back line of Darrow Gomez ing the game-was called bec “au Georgeson and Mazz were of jgradat! The scoré. reverted: to resourceftti, and uceressiva, ¢ Phey tie end of five innings, gave St. forwards all glid well with fine? Louis a 2-1 triumph combination and good shooting By splitting, the Indians ten It was the best game that Pavi- porarity remained 24, games be likis has played for weeks. He | hind leagwe-leading New York W4S fast and dangerous | Yankees. Ya defeated Bost« Armstrong was th schemer 5-1 after the girst game was and gave Ford many opportuni- rained out, ties that the outside man did not i A twin bill between Brooklyn’s Waste. Parkhouse was also it | National League pace setting 800d form and Cameron was| Dodgers and Philatielphia Phil- Very good. Daniels came on in | g lies also rained o but Brooks the second half and did well | retained their nir mame edge For the CYO Marron kept an | a over Ne York Giants, held to outstanding goal. Giovanni did 4 und-off by Bost Brave well and was unfortunate to get : Giants took the opener 3-1 b hurt and had to go off. Meyer | lost the second 5-1 was sound. Carolei played hard | ] and was a fine tackler as well ath : i [ as aggressive. He got a na LET US HELP ) SWEET STUFF crack but recovered and went WITH oe ae Con wig os into goal where he did a good TRAVEL PROBLEMS 10,000 gallons of maple prod- j¢ urley was reliable. The | a 50 per cent more than Se oone sgl ” co IT COSTS NO MORE : : ‘ NOW atl he 1951 output. as usual and it was the Battery —The finest Pears you can buy, are 1 that played the neater football. | Wnt, | height of thus ‘naturel goodness—just walll Mohan was aggressive and. de- | I to be enjoyed by the whole family .-> in cool served to get a goal, Silversmith ese AGENCIES 0:0 SEOs By eee oe ia was clever and very dangerous ; | salads . . . baked or stewed for taste-temp } S ore gna Ponte. a arr : desserts . . . and simply eaten out-of-hant Act MOSSE eS Se phillips got a lucky voal bu " , ' alae ’ ced hard and well Lideslhihataeeeliah iia Right now, OKANAGAN BARTLETT? Nick Pavlikis scored me -O- BOX 1278 PHONE BLACK 637 are at their fine-flavored best for preserving IF A MAN IS TOO LAZX TO ettieas Breed gr: THINK FOR HIMSELF, HE goals, Parkhouse and Ecrd one PRINCE RUPERT. B.C Be sure to preserve plenty for delightfu 56. lo talk We're never too luz trade-in on new Dominion Royals in and pop the DAN’S SERVICE STATION Phone Green 605 ' {mor jvestion © oT A ES aR dln Artillery Fires Win Over CYO ATTENTION MIXED LEAGUE BOWLERS each. and salads all winter long. HERE’S GOOD NeEWwshii OKANAGAN BARTLETT pe » the po are now available i “JUNIOR” box, containing : 96 s. If * proximately 22 pound | for | standard box is too large “yl NOR” family, ask for the You'll get the same pox-lot Children’s Crepe Sole Shoes _. $2 95 ° $2.95 - $3.95 ond $4.95 Men’s Rubber Sole Shoes $4 95 high quality with economy, Ladies’ Shoes yi pay C a Y = Ve ‘ $ CUTTS ae em me RRS