PAtSE two Youll aoree ihsi cChase &sanbornfs It I IT" IOC a.nk.. . cu Raj Ud.L. SEAL BRAND I I I I I H r Ursl ' 4-Hauhgr IJ-Notout l9-linCrnt-i U-Mrit 2J-Trd 24-Mwlci 25-Vrry pietiy 26-H.rt . 22-MWn 28-Ma's naim Tie iimJi Crutn -W.Tf J2 U brr if .Mil OiMir Jh will " " t Coffee Is more Delicious than any other The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT -'BRITISH COLU.MHIA 'Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of (he British Empire and the United States, in advance-, per year . , $t.Oo To all other countries, in advance, per year $7. fit) Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday, June I, 1925. Saskatchewan Is Solidly Liberal. Apparently Saskatchewan is more solidly Liberal than it ya at the previous election. Willi somewhere around fifty members out or a possible ((.$ Ihe people or the province have declared themselves strong for Liberal policies and a Liberal administration. The result was a surprise to people here why looked lor a close contest. No High Tariff Says Commons. , The members of the House of Oomnions are strongly against a high tariff. When the vote was laken a majority of 110 were against an increase, only ;7 in all being in favor or a high tarirf policy. That bniks as il the question was setlied but it is not. Those, who stand to make money from high tariff never give up the fight. They are on the job all Ihe. time and they hnve. many agencies at work. The tariff will be made one of the big issues at the next election andtpeople will need to make up their minds definitely how'lhey feel about this big question. Minister At Washington Will Be Appointed. A minister will be appointed . to represent Canada at Wash- iii.rl.rr. 1 II... I ...ill I... ........ t il.., f:.. I I.... i 1 I. iiiiJ! iiii'i turn in ir wiii'-iii ijf'jt -.ll1 Ulillll Willltllllilll nationality. II will lie stepping uutV'litlTe, getting awav from ji.ii- .i- t i ine leaning strings oi uie momer lanu. Ju nialters having to do witi strictly Canadian affairs, Canada will negotiate herself instead or doing it through Downing SlreeL . - As United .Slates is our big neighbor and we are constantly having questions In discuss' as such, the move to appoint a minister should be a. good one. Success Depends On Own Efforts. The other day there was an editorial article in ihe Ketchikan Alaska Chronicle which mentioned that it was Ihe live town which' succeeded. The editor urged the importance of keeping alive and up to date and looking after their own interests. The advice was excellent. Prince Rupert ran-well learn from Ihe advice given the lives! (own in Alaska. If they need the advice bow much more so do we. Today we are publishing a despatch from Smithers which tells about lb" Indians cutting n road for thenis-ehe. They have found tjiat il is useless to sit back and call to Ihe government for help. They are going to cut Hie road themselves, eighteen miles, of it, from Babine Iike to join the Cronin Mine road and this will enable them to drive to town where they can sell their furs and buy their supplies to advantage- Smithers and Telkwn people are co-operating with them by subscribing some money toward Ihe project. ; . Smithers is a live town -and Telkwn is also Active They look after their own interests carefully and lake advantage of every opportunity which offers to increase business. I i ': '.''. .. Two Booklets , ' l( " . v H , ,. Just To Hand. . ,l Two very nice folders have reached this office recently. One is from Hie Smithers District Board of Trade and the other from the Bulkley Valley Auto Association, both dealing with the interior country. One appeals particularly to ihe tourist and Ihe other is designed (o forward Ihe interests of mining, agriculture, lumbering, tourists and sportsmen. They arc bolh well illuslraled and are a credit to (he people who have issued them. Tht rotmlry is wonderfully attractive and needs onlv In be known to be appreciated. I I III I MMBHI r correct solution milled to BULGER & CAMERON, Gets One Dollar In Trade. For correct solution see Fri days issue ACROSS 1 4-Tim. Teller. k it.. 1- Be.l 2- Aniclc 5-TowtrJ 4-Pnent J-Ki,l,t(.l mi,, p rTn "I I DOWN 10-T Kt II Fcbf.b.) 12-WhettUutn ' w.tchn wt lolj 6 -CkrldenUl CftUree Uh ) IVA gilt 7-Unwll Hndquuten (b.) ft-Prc6s mcuiinf down 17-iCrucni err nuted for it (I. X L) 2Mth .ml 2nd Ulet. ul t,A,.brt 22-Nil.U.h(.b.) 2J-Utlof ud 24- Lwcert Cur in Ul.h (.U.) 26-Gri.nd U.ll (.b ) 27-Old (.b.) 25- TtUuriura(tb.) JU-CDdbt,". (,b.) CATTLE STORY CRIPPLES HOME ' ! AT WEEK END IS TO BE BUILT Drama Is Based on Advance of Plans Prepared or Building to Civilization In Great : be Erected by Women's In- Southwest Calllc from a thousand hill, assembled in a great Vddoo, carry the stellar role in Hie picture "Rundown." epic of the range eon il try, which is to he .shown at I Hie weeji end. I ' i il-. "Tii r, ....... i w. "n . .1 n v ill- l.ll II (,I.IH 'America, l'lie llirlli of a Nation," it depicts a siprnificant phase of our national life .the close of I lie pastoral era. Mm down" lias historic .perspective and scope; it is a film document iff vanishing breed of men ami beasts anil I lie laniMlicy prepar ed for closer set I lenient. Human drama rides in stirrup and chuck wagon beside Hie hoofed legions;. drama springing from encioaohment of home steaders upon the cattle pro vinces at- he elder west, from stampede, prairie fire, financial crisis and hard srrails. 100,000 Animals But Hie individual actors, giv ing of their lies I, are dwarfed by Hie massed animals, 1 00,000 strong, winding from the lore- round to Hie horizon through Ho. picture in Ihe slow curving line of melancholy, the line of yearning ami regret which gives '4Sundnwn;' lis distinctive touch. The film is .from an original story by Harl Hudson, based no on recenl cattle drives from Iho Southwestern Slat in ilexieo for adequate range, and a palh- eiic exodus it is to folk along the Itio (irande. Curious now moving is Hie sight of a grwit herd on Hie march. At rest, grazing, they ire merely so nvnny beeves. Hut in massed motion, they stir emo tions of primal majesty. Their very docility adds to the effect of high drama. Creatures of man's dominnuce. his meat and milk, in" turn domi nating I heir owners, forced to go where Hie cattle may graze, even to the abandonment of home. and exile In an alien land. Terrible Catapult Tlten, in a moment. Hie ptacid mas. converted into a terrible calrtpiiIL wiping out everything in Ihe path of Hie stampede, in cluding the home of the Neslo- family whose daughter provides the hive interest an awesome cene that, with Hie pirf and her lover stranded in a sea of tossing horns. Again, poignant pathos when the cowhands, after immemorial custom, sing down the herd for the night with a plaintive chant the prairie lullaby for animals, treated like children. .- The concluding scene, where Hie vast herd crossed a railroad track .between impatient passen ger trains ami so into Mexico, is symbolic period to the words put into Hie mouth of E. J. llatelinv, an actor giving a consummate of Uoosevelt: "You could put your cowboys and cattle a mile deep from Can- ana in .Mexico, oui you . oapnoi slop the encroach of civilization." ;nd that is the historic .mean. n:.-jal(- .tfftindo.wiiji Into th'4 Wilderness, onto the desert, up into the mountains and down in Hie valleys, riioves civilization, irresistible. CONGRESSMAN WOULD COMBINE EXCLUSION BILLS OF AMERICA CKNTIIAIJA. June 1. Congressman .lohnson or Homiini in ;liis Memorial Day address herr. iprescnled a plan to combine milder one act by congress all exclusion laws heretofore (He contended t lint Ibis would ob-jviate the charge of discrlmina-1 1 ion and eliminate danger of (war. He expressed fear at "Hn-;kciiiiK with the laws by Hinse iwlio Hunk wc have mistreated illie Japanese." IS NOT WORRIED ABOUT AMUNDSEN ORLANDO. Fl'a., June t. Samuel . Knlriken. Arctic explorer and an oflicer of the Peary expedition to the North Pole, and Hie first man lo pilch a tent on the present site of the city of Fairbanks, is nof worried over Artiundsen's protracted absence. "I'll give him Ihree irirmlhs before worrying over his safely,' Knlriken 8a id. stltute of B.C. ; . - i YICTOIIIA, June i. Another stage has licen reached in the establishment of a solarium for the treatment of crippled child ren on Vancomcr Island, with the preparation or plans for Hie first unit of the general .scheme. The solarium. which the Women's Institutes oT British Columbia propose to establish, is all elaborate scheme which ul-Hmalcly will cost in Ihe neighborhood or $100,000. Hubert Savage, in conjunction with .Maclure. has prepared sketch plans for Ihe initial unit or the solarium, which will be built at Mill Bay, on an ideal site adja-cenl to Hie .Mill Bay ferry landing. . ! The plans, call for an angle frit me slrifclure measuring np-prorimalely 2.10 by (0 reel. In the preparation of lite plans every consideration has been given to assure the maximum of the morning sun, which will prove Ihe mpst cffVr,livc tonic to Hie children placed under treatment in Hie new institution. Tlie building will have a slassr.l-in veranda along Its entire Intnl. and a similar veranda wdl be loci td at the rear of the structure with a -southwesterly aspect. The inllial unit, of Ihe solarium will cost abonl 12,000. Two other similar buildings, conforming In the general scheme and erected on the slopes so that . cadi building will overlook t!ie oilier, together with administrative ofrices and technical workshops, will ultimately be considered, and, H the desirable ob ject is realized. Mill Bay aid Vancouver Island will have om of Hie finesl olariums in exist ence. AUK cannoi lie honorable e people vould glory in H. .it 1 TL M .1 It J i ine man in me moon SOMK peoiile are born ente:- i lainers und ofhers seem to ca n good livings. IF nobodv loves vou. don't shoot 'yourself. You'll probably be less (liveable after" yon ace shot. 1 THIS ones Miate are those wImi are hall shot. JAKH says Hint If their facs were Hieirfortiiiios ome girl are bankrupt right now. i . i . PHINCK Rupert peop'le may not he wealthy bill they can l ways give the air lo an unweli come visitor. THOUT caught this summer will be Just as large as those taken laf year, perhaps larger. Just llsieif fur Hie next fi-di yarn. PHINCi: iriuprtfi p s.lfdls noted for its liallliul, its dry dock, its linrimr and its gossij. HA1MMNKRS slnys by the person who ignores lier. IK n man has no conscience, Ihe best thing he call do is to marry one. PKOl'Ll: or Prince Rupert seem lo be generally agreed on HER NERVES SO BAD SHE COULD NOT SLEEP Mrs. Grace Kitchen, 91. Onorite, Ont., wrllo: , "Afifr luvlnic a fViTP tlurk of piifttimnnU I w4 loft Ih Mk tint run down rnnditifin. My nerve 'More r. liml I roiiht not Kleep til'DM, unit In tlifl dii time I hurt terrllile rlntln fpl(i, caimml liy my heart beinjr weak. Finally I (tot m) had I had to take to my hed for wcika ai a time, hut line day I read about TVIILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS an derided to try them. A'ler taking one box I fell a allnht Improvement. I have now taken five loe, and have Rained S.I pnnnil In weight, t am now more than able to do all my own housework at welt ai rmiKlderablo oulnlde work. I eannot rrroiwi'end Mil-loirii'a II. x. nil, u, iiiHi.iy rur Uionfl uffcrinir at I did." 'midnight is the lime to go lo 'bed. , A VOCABULARY is easy to ac quire. Hie dllllcully is to keep it from working overtime. A VLSI'mil the other day re marked that Prince llupert fai. ones 'were to say Ihe least "easv to look at." 11 IF. best man at a wedding soioelinie the one who is mar Heil but lie dues llol feel Hie best. CABLE STATON MAY REMOVE TO VICTORIA VICTORIA. June . -J I is suggested here as likely that Hie cable station nmv located al Bainfield may be removed to tins city. At present about thirty families are located al Ihe west rinisl station and it it thought It would be much more convenient lo nave the cable come right through lo one of the cities. MS NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OT RCSERVE XOUCE 13 IIKIIKHY OIVKN that !!. reeerte covrrlnir certain land near On' junclloii of Oealall and Skii-na iliven dpftlrnalod Lot H, Itauxe :, Coani Utr Irlrt, I canrelled, OKO. n. ?IADEN. Drpnty Minuter of Land. Department or l.aiuU, i Victoria, U.C.. May 401. .15. ' LAND ACT. Nolle of Intanllon to Apply lo Liaaa - Land. In Ihe Land llerordlnr Dlotlirt nf I'rlnce liuiiert, and eituati' on the north wem roust of fearre IMand. U.i... approi-Imatt-ly three iinle north from the inouiti of Winter Harbor. Take Aotlre that Frlliell'a l.liiillfd of Prion, llupert li.: oecupatlon packer. Intend i apply for a leao of Umi follow loir dearribed laiidti r.ommenrlnx al a pot planted approi hrntely three mlie nortli from the month nf Winter llirhor, I'earoe Inland: theitrv northweit two (J( i-lialnt. more or leas, to low water mirk; tiwuee itnuthweai alonir low water mark one hundred ami ultly (100) i'tunn; theme aonlheant lvo (ii ('halne; thenee norlheant one hundred and rlily (IAO rha Ine. more or lew, to mlnt of roinioi-neemrnt ami nai-talnlnir Ihtrly-lwo iti) art, more or lee. rntzzF.Li.'s MMtTF.n, .nin of ppllcant. Iiaied May ttth. 1085. LAND ACT. Nolle of, Intanllon to Apply to Laaa Land In Skeena Land Meniri, iieenrdlnr Dla-irlrl or Prince llupert and xltuato at Poll Kdward. I.C. TAKK XOTICK that the SVerna niver Parklnir Company, Limited, of port Kdward, B.C., oerupallon Fhh Parkera. In tends to aiply for permiion to lea the followlnk derrlbi'd land": Coininenctna- at a mat planted it the aouthweit corner of Lot 4 478 ll.V. roast difirlrt; thence aoutherly alonir low water mark. oo ft.: thence aomhweMerty. parallel to the, aoutherly liounil.iry or Lot U7, tsn rt.j thence northerly parallel lo water mark, son reet; thence northeasterly alonir the aoutherly boundary of Lot 4471 produced, 150 feet to the point t commencement, contalnlnr half an -acre, more or lea. SF.F.XA TIIVFII PACKIN0 COMPAJIV, LTD. Ar,t,1,C",' Dated Mav I... t KALSOMININO 'CITY HALL. ,.,T.F:.:,,n,::',l,. for lnmlnhiir City Hall will Im received up to 5 p.m. Monday, lit June new. Work miml, be done In workmanlike manner. Specification ami particular at office of nnderMiroed. ... " D. J. MATIIKSON. urchaainj Arent. 'Medium . .1 ,. A little higher in price, but- what a wonderful difference a few cents make one tiling and thai is thai afi'T X PONT FORGET! Barrie's FURNITU RE Sale One door east of Daily News Office Phone 123 Third Ave SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTBV We arc Agent- for the Prince It'll" and Mil ip'ole ytn .ittcn live prices . n t Cedar Timbers and Shlplap. Cedar Boat Lumber. Spruce and Hemlock Finish. Spruce and Hemlock Flooring. Spruce Shlplap S10.00 and $21.00. Spruce Dimension $18.00 to $22.00. (iel Our prb'e before pla. in" ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Even ng Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST Helgcrson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Omce Hours I) to 0. X-RAY SERVICE SPECIAL SELECTED .ctrV CANADIAN RYE WHIS TIioQulily)VliisHyofCanada- 1 since 1859 ,- '"' tbe . .-.i hv lliia ndvertisement Is not published or 'SP enl of Litpior C lonlrol Hoard or ly io """"" Uritiah Coiumuia.